Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1926, p. 3

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Monday, October 11, 1926. BIBLE BEST SELLER . owtiiaed IN THE WORLD T0:0AY "It Is the Ammunition Factory | for the Churches," Says * Rev. E. @iliman, Rev. BE. Gillman, of the Bible So- clely lotion én the uy, on Sune Mwy preached at ffs mogang service St. Panl's' Anglican Church, He! the work of the Bible So clay, as' well as speaking of the | ®00d of the Book self. He took for his text Pealm 119, ev.: "Phy word #2 a lamp ante my food and a Might my path." Phe preachor sad that the Book wis a help end a guide. He gave! some interesting fats of the Bible end 1be work of the Bible Socialy He sald vhat thers age 578 differ Banguages Wm which the Bille prinded by dhe Brilish and Foreign Bible Sockty. The first transfation of the Bible fn Canada was made by Chlef Joseph Brant and Rev. Dr. Stuart in 1804. The body of Rev. Dr. Stuart is at prevent burked in St. Paul's Church, Whe Book was translated the preaci- sald, futo the Mohawk langlage. tin the years of 1925 and 1926 there were ten and a half milion copies of the somipture sold The Bible, he maid, 4s the best seller of any book in the world He spoke pf the Bible Society as being the am- munition factory for the churches. A Vital Force. "The object of the British and I: China and the -- oppor tunity of the soclety whi ich can send | message of bopd to the land where | j there are more heallien than there ire Christians in all the worlds Princess Street Church. A quickened interest in the cause | ot the Bible Socfety will surely fol-! low the fine appeal of its representa- i tive, Rev. Mr. Haseard, at Princess | Street Church Sunday morning. | There was a good attendance, and 'Wncere appreciation of the message. A larger attendance in the even- fing heard the pastor, Rey. J. K. Cus- : | tis give a report of the Dominion and { World Conference held in Toronto | {last week. As the canvassers for the mainten- | ance and extemafon fund 'in this | church are already at work with most {promising results, the report of the | | pastor will yet further assist the col- lectors and ecbniributors to do heir | very best to reach the amount al-| | located to the church. At Cooke's Church. At Cooke's United Church Supn- day morning, Rev. P. J. McLaren, of the British and Foreign Bible So- Soclety. He pointed out that tha British and Foreign Bible Socle'y is "working hand in hand with @ Christian churches of to- b He gave as_his proof that the Bible Society has for a numer of years, been translating the Bible !n- to other languages and that now | there are several hundred transia- tions. ? He sald that the Society is pro-! viding the missionaries with transia- tions of the Scriptures in order that er ---------- -- I i | The Gossips and "the Cracker Barrel. Mister Bags' store in the woods | me in the last storm?" --- er oa Fo a wnt sgn BY CLOSURE: A pater EY oy Olive AS PI Barto "Did 1 tell you what happened to! asked Daddy was a 'great place for all the neigh- | Cracknuts, who had already toid the | borhood folk to meet and gossip. ! One day Olid Daddy Cracknuts | story at least two dozen times "What was that?" aecked Mister came in and asked the price of 4 | Bunny taking a cracker out of the new kind of smoking tobaceo, and | cracker barrel. | Mister BeGHY- cae" TH 16 use "REF We | telephone, and old Ringtail Coon was | way, pr iy might pass me part Ben, you ; passing and looked ih to wish Mister | of your cracker, I had an early lunch i * and--- Bags the time of day. And so ii wept until there was quite a party. ! { Mister Bunny took a whole new cracker out of the cracker barrel "It looks like rain," said Mister| and passed ft over. | Bunny wisely, when he had finished | talking on the telephone and said | Daddy. i as "1 said new "Well, I was saying." bought a brand "Much obliged." to Mister Bags, the | bumbershoot fom Mister Bags here, | falryman storekeeper. ment | ."What do you think, | Grounibppr asked Ringtail Coon. | "You're 'our oldest inhabitant," And | of course, being the oldest inhabi- { tant, he was expected to know every- | | thing. It was suspected that Mosey ciety, spoke on the work of the Bibi Mud Turtle senior, was the very old est inhabitant, but as Mosey wasn't! i {sure and no one else could remem-! ber, it couldn't be proved on him. Besides Ringtall rather liked the honor. Ringtail absent mindedly took a and >also a pair of go-loshes, and Everybody considered this a mo- | started for Stoney Creek where I had i to do an errand for Ma, when an aw- Mister | ful wind came up and--"" "Is that the Day Reddy Fox got | after you?' spoke up Mister Ground- | hog. He'd heard the story so many | times, his ears were almosd worn. out, as he told his wife afterwards. Whether it was that or not. I don't know, but his ears didn't affect his appetite any, and he reached for a | eracker out of the cracker barrel. { hand voice | eracker*out of the cracker barrel be- | | fore he answered. "Well," said he' {"T don't know. It might be going! | to rain, and then again it might not | But T would say that if it | started by midnight, it won't rain to-day.' | explaimed, hadn't | "Yes!" said Daddy in an off- He didn't say another word, though, about his adventures. He crunched sulkily at another cracker. . When they had all gone. Nancy "Why, Mister Bags, the cracker barrel is empty! There isn't a single one left." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - PROBS: Tuesday; cloudy, probably followed by showers. { i " Pattern Demonstration Tuesday 'By fashion experts from New York, representing . the * new McCall and Vogue Patterns. We invite your attend- ance.' . : ': Settling the Big Questiog Do it in the easy and effective way--see the superb selection of "I know." said 1 And Savica delivered himself of | "It's often that They provide these Bibles ata price | this wise speech. he took another! help it." well below cost. The Society has|eracker out of the cracker barrel and "1 have a about one thousand calporteurs, | started to munch at it reflectively, | they sixty of whom are in Canada. They | adem= - § i i . the are engaged in distributing - t WOMAN KILLED BY AUTO | hm - . i Ho around to the Christian church- | . ' taste and every figure--with spe- ie { Struck by Montreal Car on Highway | " cial attention to larger than regu- *he storekeeper Foreign Bible Society, of whieh | way! But I can't the Upper Canada Bible Society is » subsidiary is to place a copy of the Bible in the hands of every man, woman and child in the world. 'printed in their own language, ana | al their own price." sald Rev. T. H Rhodes, a representative of the Upper Canada Bible Society, speak ing in St. Andrew's church on Sun- day evening. The speaker declared that the Bible was the word of God and as such it was a living and vital force in the world to-day and wouldscon- tinue till the end of time jo' éxer- clsé a tremendous Influence on the Ives of men. From his twenty-five years experience as a missionary in China, Mr. Rhodes recounted many storjes to bear oug his convietion. they may carry on their enterprise | model: now on vie w In our rea dy- plan." said Nick all got their heads together. So to-wear section. Styles for every S---- Near Lancaster, Cornwall, Oct, 11.--An automo-| bile fatality occurred on the provin-! | eial highway just east of Lancaster | village at nodn yesterday, the victim ton, who spoke in the First Baptist Yeing Mrs. P Fitzpatries, of Lan- Church, Queen Street United Churoh, | Sastef, aged. 43 Miss Gertruda OChiadmers: Church. Cooke's Church, | Labotellier and Mrs Fitzpatrick | St. George's Cathedral, St. Luke's | Nad JeurBM tram Mass and ware Church and St. James' Church. walking #®st on the highway, when they met an auto party, aim p---------- tne car he-| {ing owned by D. A MABERLY INFANT [i san huirtti Other Speakers. } Other mén'siers in the Bible So-| obety deputaiion were Rev. 8, G. Pin- nock, 'Rev. W, E. Hassarfl,, Rev. P. J. McLaren and Rev. J. R. Harrirz- lar sizes, Our stock is now at the peak of variety and attractiveness. Coats that express the season's mode in scores of ways, colors and materials. Bloused Coats, Straightline Coats, Coats with set-in and dolman sleeves--Coats luxuriously trimmed with fur, , or mannishly plainly tailored. All are here and we feel sure ? you "ll be delighted with our selections. ANNIE with Hall FLOOK LRAM Royal Welsh Ladies October 15th At St. George's Cathedral. Al evensong in St. George's Ca ,1edral, Rev. J, 8. Harrington, of the Upper Canada Bible Society, reached a most interesting sermon 1 the splendid work of that sociefy | "Shieh for one hundred: and "nty years has sent the gospel of frat to the ends of the earth in vi rox five hundred langhages. Tha t "arch of England uses its trans'a- tons of the bible more than any ther communion sirée she has he largest foreign field. Of special interest to Kingstonians and fipecially © to members of St fisorge's parsh, was the fact that the first output from the Bible So- ---------- A Brick Kiln swerved his own car and it rolled The fanmers around here are busy | Shore leaving the car to settle in ten in old St. George's, now St. Paul's [down the den-foot canal embank- (filling their silos The Houvon | feet of water. It was pulled out this churchyard, and sald it should be a Mem irdo the water, coming to a Company is buming a large kiln of | morning by twq trucks and brought shrine for those who realized what |Dedt upside down. He managed 10 bpiek this week, which will complete | to Fetterley's garage here. the translation 'of the gospels ints oXiricece Limeclf and free the oth- ithe work for this year. ! languages of those who know not|°™ bul. in aiding Mis wife ot of | The annual convention of the Cen- . God mean. He spoke of the interen |The oar, he loosened ber grip on the tre Hastings Teachers' Asociat! on | Bishop Seager, who has been chaiv. baby. [It was. rome minutes later {was held in Tweed on Thursday 'and | Oet. man of the Anglican sub-committee | * fore the ohild's body was recov. | Priday last. John Puna Le OF the society, takes in the work of | ered, jvieiting his friend, C. J Cpanteyman. : jMr. and Mrs. A. Rupont, achburg, | the villagers dragged his car two . the Bible Society, and his desire to Rn ---- "forward its work. The preacher] Shorter Hours, {spent the week-end with Mr. and miles, had a melodramatic climax Detroit, Oct. 11.--The . American (Mrs. James Murray. Mrs. (Dr.) Burglars visited his residence, losed with a reference to hi § ° s work | Federation of - Labor approved a giocombe, Selkirk, is visiting her Thorpe Hall, and made away with a { shorter work week for industrial | grandmother, Mrs. Maines. | quantity of jewellery and other val- laborers and pledged itself to push| Ms. (Df) Nickle and daughter, uables. PARKER | the movement as "'energeticaily as it | | Margaret, deft tv's weak for their) It is understood that the value of | did the eight-hour day." (homo. in Ooldweter, Florida, after | the articles stolen does not exceed The resolution embodying the | jspending the summer with Mrs. | £50 .(§242.50). The stolen stuff con- move Was nndnimously deco by | Nickle's faiher, James Holdoroft. | sisted of articles of everyday use, in- tthe convention after its intr8uct®in | Mrs. Bert Rutherford, Napanse, is cluding cuff links and a fur coat. A . From the Black Standard at | $2.75 to the oversize Duofold at | | $7.00. The Pens in the new pastel shades are $8.50. Pencils to match, having stopped for | { Juneh, Mr. Renaud asked the dis- | MISS tance to Montreal, and Mrs. Fits-| Scprano, DROWNED IN CANAL: | patrick crossed over to give the ia-| heir, Gram { formation. She had her back to the | east, and did not notive a car ap- A BROCKVILLE MAN ' . Z Car of L. Badore Went Into the | srevchme The war was drives 'to HAD VERY CLOSE CALL Priced from \ Tay--QGlaring Headlights Gustave Jathey ot) Montreal, ani | & { was owned by Christie Courvellas, | : H Blamed. 37 Craig street west. Montreal Mre CBF Driven by R. W. Craigie : Ot i he HeinoBth | Fitzpatrick, in an effort to escaps | Ran Over Embankment Into * . Pert . wid six-month- . Th ' iF being run over, threw herself on the | River Near Iroquols. . J oid daughter of Mr and Mus. L Be | 0 and struck the windshield, with | dora, - Maberty, nd Grows oe the result she received a fractured | Iroquois, Oct. 11.--A&t 4 pm. Pri. B the Badass at Samba: 2 hreeved che | Xa and a broken arm, and was! day Robert W. Craigfe, of Brock. N | 0 she hig nay ig in. th | killed. Her husband is engaged in ville, traveller Mor: (he Ontario: 0:1 § BY Sm DEM UR: a to. | the lumbering business at. Seeley's | Company, while driving "an Basex anid " mn _ her Ooo of | Bay, and arrived home to-day. Afte#| coach eastward om the provincial ja ee Er pris escapo | [°8TRIDE the circumstances su™-| pighway, two miles west of = hare, |, Tiga sh py wp rounding the accident, Dr. C.J s y fety had come from England to{fvom a s'milar fale to the fact that Hamilton, Cornwall, considered -l ps Slose sal om Srowaing is IOESTON and was the gospel of Si. [the camel was recectly driimed: only | mquest unnecessary. rerved ada down th { 'John translated into the Mohawk [three fect of weer bet ng left in Ht. catenin } swerved ran down the canai dialect by Rev. John Stuart D.D,| Mr. Badore wos drivieg his fom- | { embankment in front of thé * res:- 1 er and first rector of 8; [fly and friends Pome from this town, | TO FINISH YEAR'S WORK. | dence of George Binion, Mr. Craigie rge's who had heen assisted by |Whem ¢a a particularly dark sootion ! { Bad the presence of mind to get the lot Joseph Brant, his friend and |Of the ncad a car with glaring hesd- Is Making Its Last | 87 door opened, allowing himself companion. The gospel was used lights approaching from the opposite | Burning. | and companion - to escape Mr. #mong the Indians in this part of [recon completely Ihmded him. Tweed, Oct. 9. BE. Jones is very | Binion was an eye-witness and as- the dountty-by Dr. Stuart. Mr, Har. |Unfamiior wiih the highway, he busy this week ineta'ling radios. | Sisted in bringing the two people fo . A rington spoke of Dr. Stuart's grave » The € Cloth Frock is developed in W. in Wool . Jersey, very fine Twills and Repps. In a Visit from Burglars. wonder ful variety of styles and colors. They Thorpe-Le-Scken, Ess 3 : rpe-Le-Seken. Essen; feature new, high and low necklines, pleats, novelty pocket effects and many new blous- ed effects. . In styles suitable for Misses and Matrons. Ottawa, is] home Thursday after five years as Governor-General of Canada, when Eng.. welcome Priced from : f i? '3 5% Charming New Hats FOR MISSES AND WOMEN 35, 335, 19% ; 500 besiiflinew Hats-many of which have just boon unpacked --included are the smartest shapes and most lovely colorings-- developed in Felt, Velvet and Velvet and Felt com- binations. For style and value, they deserve the consideration of every woman who anticipates purchasing new Millinery. iby the committee on wage and with her aunt, Mrs. James Me- | plece of silverware also was taken. hours and several speeches favoring Gowan. : | -------------- . | When her dress caught fire from Ten German industrialists are in| the stove, Miss Hattie "Henderson, London for the purpose of increas-; 45, 'of Niagara Falls, was probably ing commercial 'co-operation be-| fatally burned. tween England and Germany, Canadian - company has bean Fascist party in Italy proposes t(o| awarded the contrac' for the eree- make Premier Mussolini tne Su<jtion of a new 1.000000 hotel in prema Chief. London, Onft French liner Paris collided with a tug near Havre, and the latter was sunk with a loss of 10 lives. Communists displayed hostility against Dr. Relander, President of | Finland, in a Copenhagen theatre. still the lined or stencilled en- velope In unique patterns. L. T. BEST PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST » Here is Princess Astrid of Sweden, "most beaytiful princess of Europe," ~Leopold of Belgium on their way to the Royal Castle in Shean. where, their engage- ment was announced. Behind them are ihe princess' parents, Prince Carl and Princess Jogehaty: ; | : | and Prince { }

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