; Tuesday, October 12, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Maybell Beauty | Parlor Vregnenh Maree! Waving, Hair Bob. blag and 'Trimming, Shampooing, Facisi nnd Seslp Trentments, 232 King St. East. Phone 3011.J, PAT LYSTER | 'TEACHER OF PIANO Juniors' Class starting October Diller and Quaile Method BTW 1n CAB Phone 400-- 26¢ =" PAPER HANGING, PAINT- «NG AND GRAINING Speainity. First ciass worn Prices reasonnble, 08 RED YOUNG, ET Godkins' Livery LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI . 8 Horses. Bus to CUamragel Conan dally except Monday and Sate urday at 2 p.m, Special rates for motor parties fo he country, 138%; QUEEN STREET "PHONE 318 PIANO TUNING Plano Tening. Repairing asd Player Piano Adjusting. Normans H. Butcher, Pine Street. 'FHONE 134. Farmers and Builders, ATTENTION! Brick, Lumber, Roofing FOR SALE at Attractive Prices. I. Cohen & Co. MONTREAL STREET 'Phone 3000. »v Taxicabs Phote 800 Any pinee in city 25c DAY OR NIGHT The eab that Jareeq the prices dow All mew © dnd 7 Pansinger Sedany Special rates for Dances, - te i 5 & § # . . n § £ be Travel the Motorway Between SR and Belleville Leaving Randolph Hotel daily (Sunday included) 8 am. and 8.80 pam. Leaving Belleville same time. : . Afternoon Bus connecting with Picton Bus at 6 p.m. Buses for charter off sche dule. JANGLIN BROS. + Ee ------------ MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop 856 Prince Street. "Phone 821-w 2 Firat elnas, Sanitary, Haly Dressing Parvior Maree! Waving, Curl. ing and Shampooing. (Hi J.R.C. DOBBS& CO 1m ------ St. 'Phone 819, 78 Gore Street: + "Photie 1687 {" gz LAST TIME TO-NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT OF INTENSE APPEAL DOROTHY, GISH | "NELL GWYN TOGETHER WAH - ---- The Fight of the Century , JACK DELANEY AND : PAUL BERLENBACH Starting To-morrow DOROTHY MACKAILL CONWAY TEARLE "THE DANCER OF PARIS" There's something about this Arlen Story You'll Never Forget MEMORIAL HALL TOMORROW NIGHT, 8.30 also THURSDAY NIGHT Two Pregrammes of Infinite and Amazing Variety EUGHA The Globe, Toronto, says: "This ~man is unquestionably a genus." From great successes in every City in the World. Associate Artiste GLADYS SAYER World Famous Planist PRICES The, $1.00, $1.50, plus tax Concessions to Students. Sales nf C. W, Lindsay's, Ltd. The house with the un- rivalled reputation for quality hair goods. Free Demonstration and Display | HOTEL RANDOLPH Kingston" on Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. 12th & 13th See Dorenwend's Patent Structure with the new sight-proof parting. Telephone Mr. Knight at the hotel for appointment. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 129 Yonge a. Toronto. Watler Cannem Timsmith, Roofing and Furnace Work Jobbing a Specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired and Tecored. {69 BAGOT 8ST. "6 Out of 6 6" WITH Ansco Seve FILM Fresh supply. All sizes. fl Developing, Printing, Enlarging ' Vessel Movements, Port Dalhousie, Oet. 12 Down Saskatoon, 12.30 pm. Monday; Hartt 2.30; Daniels 4; Back 4.30; Kenetick 6; Pillsbury 7.30; Rigno- gan 8.30; Kamloops.11. 30; Ashbay 1 am. Tana} Steel Chemist 4; Morrow 5; Kgybell 7.30. In canal, bound, Redding- ton, Sarnolite, Langwell, J. Stewart, Rammacher, Ili 105, Northton, Ce darton, Glenarm. Kéynor. Pick upa Good Used Cor Chess We have se several to choose from. . | rooms, i eéreign Grand Lodge. | OTHER FATAL [amUSEMENTS 1 cm ------------------ {| What the Press Agents Say About i Coming Attractions PRA rat Pictures Thrill. | ed Large Crowd. Last Night. The splendid fight pictures at the 'Capitol Theatre depicting the cham- plonship. lHght heavy-weight battle between Paul Berlenbdch and Jack Delaney, in which the Swe the | French Canadian fighter won his | spurs, thrilled a very large audience | at the Capitol Theatre on Monday night. The pictures of the fight. are { far dhead of the ones of the Demp- | sey-Tunney fight and are thrilling {from the first to the last round. | They will be shown for the last time | tonight. "Nell Gwynn" the feature attrae- | tion, Is a picture that is pleasing in | every detail, containing an inferest- { ing history' and love story of the | time of King Charles, the Merry Monach. The entire programme at | the Capita) 1s splendid in every de- ARD YN THE STREET Looe! Beets Gathéred by Re- port Fae Wihat the Maoh ants Are Offering. Lackie's Crewm Puffs, Charlotte [Russe and Brandy Snaps { Hear the Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, Grant Hall, Friday at 8.15. | The civie fire and light committee i | | was called to meet this afternoon. Willlam Swaine. piano tuner. [orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. t For the second day this week, | there was no session 0f the Police Court on Tuesday morning The motorboat Miss Clayton brought over eighty passengers to Kingston to-day from Clayton, N.Y. Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P., is to address {the members of Cataraquni lodge, L.O.OF. to-night, in their lodge on his recent visit to Sov- Central School Club Committees. The Central Home and Sehool Club have now completed their list of officers, the following Naving kindly consented to act on the exe- cutlve and social committees: Executive--- Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Davy, Mrs. Main, Mrs, 'Mantrop, Mrs. Fuller, Mrsi McVittle, principal: Miss Volume; Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Hounslow | Social---Mrs Mrs. Bilerton Mrs. Warwick. (Claims Bank Clerks Are Not lot Underpaid Toronto, Oct. 1 N. L. McLeod, general manager of the Standard Bank of Canada, commenting today on tHe criticism of Judge Hearn at Kitchener regarding the low salar- ties of bank clerks, said that there may be an odd case, but in general he did not believe that bank clerks were underpaid. It was not true that a bank expected their clerks to keep { up a sofial position. { "The trouble is," said Mr. Me- Leod, "that young men think that as bank clerks they have a special { position, gnd so they make acquain- { tances and go to functions and worm | themselves into social position which they are unable to maintain." Fuller, Mrs. Mrs. Clark, Clelland and Suffering from a thromt infection, the Earl of Bigin, Lord High Com: missioner of the Church of Scotland, was rushed Uo the Winnipeg General Hospital. Edward Miller, Hamilton, commit- ted for trisl on Saturday on 4 man- slaughter charge anising out of the it is important that she locate her | THE KING'S DAUGHTERS AKD SONS IN SESSION Firs. J. N. Lewis, Detroit, Mich., Welcomed by Kingston Union President. © Fine weéather welcomed the officers and delegates of the International Order of the King's Daughters and Bons of the Pro 5, 'why met on Tuesday merning in Syden- ham stréet hall. The opening deve- tions were taken by Mrs. Asa Gorden, Dominion president, in the absence of the provincial president, Mrs. M. 8. Savage, Toronto. Miss Gertrude Strange, the president of the city un- ion of the King's Daughters, welcom- ed Mrs. J. N. Lewis, Detroit, Mich., International Junior secretary and international guest. The reports were read, the treas- urer's report showing $1,005.85 re- ceived and $746.48 expended. There are 1,001 members in Ontario. Greet- ings were received from Cobourg, Woodstock, Toronto and Gananoque. The information that the Kingston Rotary Club would drive the deles afternoon was received with plea- sure. The provincial officérs and "execus tive board of the provincial organi- zation are: President and Central Council member, Mrs. M. 8. Savage, Toronto; Vice-President, Miss G. E. Strange, Kingston; Treasurer, Mrz. J. T. Field, Cobourg; Secretary, Mrs. W. Burnet, Cobourg; Executive, Mrs. Austin, Miss Martin, Mrs. Ma- son, Toronto; Mrs. Asa Gordon, Mrs. | M, Strachan, Ottawa; Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. H. Robinson, King- ston; Mrs. Butebart, Owen Sound; Mrs. C. Smith, Miss E. Davis, Lon-| don; Mrs. Perey Smith, Ingersoll; Mrs. Trouse, Woodstock; Nrs. F. Field, Cobourg; Miss English, Peter | boro; Mrs. Spencer, Gananoque; Mrs. | Caughell, Aylmer, Hubby Is Missing, | Police Notified * Where is. John un Basha, who was a resident of Kingetod # 1918? The Kingeion police have been | eskad to locate Mr, Barton, but so! far they have not been able $0 40 so. | The police received a lotiter from the | missing man's © wife, Mrs. Barton, | who dives at 885 Waller treet, in| Francisco. Mra. Baron stele: tha | in 1918 her husband was Mviog in| Kingston, but says that this was. the last she heand of him and adds that | husband as soon as possible. i FRIENDS CALL ON FRIENDS. | Shannonville Has | Had a Great Many Visitors. Shannonville, Oct. 11.-- Mr. and | Mrs. Herman, Frankford, were Sun. ! day guests of Mr. and Mre. J. A. Mac- | Donald. Mr. and Mrs, Evertt Liddle, Belleville, spent the tea hour Sunday | at the home of R, H. Liddle. « B.] Mills, Toronto, spent the week- _ at him home here. | Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stewart, of | Point Anne, called on Mr. and Mrs. | Carman Spencer, Sunday afternoon. | Mrs. Elmer Coyle, Toronto, was the | week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allan | MacDonald. Rev. E. L. and Mrs. Swayne and | Miss Marjorie, spent Sunday with Mr. | and Mrs. T. F. Morden and returned to their home in Myrtie on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roluf, Point Anne, called on Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cook, Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Lewis Reid are sorry to hear of | her sudden illness and all hope for| a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney Fitzgerald were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Reid, Point Anne, | | : \ ---- rn poison Mquor deaths, will not come up for rial until January. Crumpets and Muffins at Lackie's, Saturday, Oct. 16th. ADDITIONAL SPORT NEWS| RUGBY CASES! "Qlad" Murphy, Allen Arliss and Maritime Player Vic | tims of Football. . In connection with the death of Thomas Smart, RM.C. cadét and tootball player, it' {5 recalled that this is the fourth aceident, that can be recalled, of its kind to occur in Canadian football since rugby was tirst played in Canada some forty or fifty years ago. = : The first case was that of a young man who was killed in the Maritimes while playing Baglish rugger ten or twelve years ago. The case of "Glad" Murphy, a Kingston boy, who was fatally injured at Toronto, is" another that many will recall. Murphy was iajuregd while making a' tackle in Toronto. His case was similar to that of Smart's, except | that Murphy was operated upon and {his life was = prolonged for six i months but he died at the ead of that time from bis injuries. The Glad Murphy benefit games will be remembered by many Allen Arliss of the Montreal AA. A. was killed at Montreal In 1931 in a game against Argonauts. W. P, Hughes, the present director of ath- leticy wt Queen's University was ther coseh of the Montreal team. nen was sitting on od whe Bi the fi wt Tin was pen- 3 & alized, Arliss was sent into the game by Ceach W. P. Hughes, Argos start- | } ed the play and Arliss was not quite] ready. He was still trying to adjust his hesd-gear when the play came to him. He was not properly set in the scrimmage, and was struck dur- ing the Argo attack. It 'was not more than thirty seconds from the time that Arliss was seat into the game until he was fatally injured. This case of Thomas Smart's | makes™Qhe fourth that can be re- called, truly a remarkably low cas: ualty list considering the many | thousands of players who have taken | played. Such am accident is apt to | bappen at any time. -It does not! mean unduéd roughness, but such an | acrident can happen very simply. CADETS CANCEL GAME. ¥t is understood thet the game | scheduled in Montreal between the | if Royal Military College and MeGHl, for Saturday, hes been cafoelled, ow- | [i 'Wilitieam | i} Ing to the death of Thomas Smut. the cadet who was fatally in- | || jured in rugby practice yesterday, -------- Rath to Play. New York, Oct. 13---Christy! Waish, mapsger of Babe Ruth, an- fil Ruth will take the [i nounced road imniédiately after the world | seriés and play exhibition baseball games. Permission from Colonel Ruppert was obtained for the tour. Among the dates announced are: Montreal, Kingston, N.Y, Buffalo | and Brooklyn, N.Y. Requests for} dates Have Deen FerElved from other | cities, including Utica. YOUNG LADY STRUCK BY AN AUTONOBILE gates around the city on Wednesday | M | Rebeckah initiation programme pu! | Is progressing rapidly ig il = Miss Marjory Cleggett, Ports- . mouth, Was Victim of Ac- cident in the Village. -------- Miss Marjory Cleggett, living on Main street, Portsmouth, was struck by a spe = at the cornet of "and Main streets st about 10 o'clock Monday night. The auto was coming from Kingston and it is allegéd was travelling at about sixty miles an hour, according to eye-witnesses.' The young lady was knocked against the curd but forty- ! nately escaped with bruises and afl few Suts, The cornér of Main ana King streets is a bad place for accidents. The cars speed through the village and especially near that corner at a high rate of speed. The driver of the car, so that it is stated, did not stop, and is not known, -------- NOTES FROM DELTA, rs; Harry Morris Pescnied With a Silver Sandwich Tray. Delta, Oct. 12.--The shower held for Mrs. Harry Morris, formerly Miss UPTOWN OFFICE: -------- er ANNOUNCEMENT. We Wish to Announce to the Public that the Venetian Gardens Borvling Acad ademy Five First Class Alleys--All New Improvoments. * lieu rail matin a iis ~ Book Alidys. Phones 200 and 2820. BUCKWHEAT NO. For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton deliv Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered, All Sales for Cash. Sr ---- 10R SPLIT P ' TELEPHONE 155 Mc¢GALL'S CIGAR STORE. day they are picked for table use. A baby boy has arrived at the home of Stanley Morris. The plough ing match held on the farms of Gordon White and William Cartis Nettie Block, was largely attended The Junior Girls' Institute. of which she was president, presented her with a silver sandwich tray. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell spent Sunday in Kingston. A wee girl har arrived at the home of Zidba McMa chen. Mrs. Tutrland and family have left to reside in Brockville, Mr and Mrs. H. M. Kilbourn spent the week-end in Brockville Mr. and Mrs. William Breesee and Brayton Breesee were in Kingston fon Monday last, and attended the on by the Kingston Lodge Harry M¢Elroy's mew brick house, toward codh- | pleteness It will be a fine up-to date residence and will greatly add to the appearance of Main street. A load of Rabekahs went to King- ston and were royaily entertained by the Rebekah Lodge of the Lime- stone City. - Lansdowne Rebekahs were also invited and a good even- {ing was thoroughly enjoyed by all present, church on Thursday afternoon on the Chantry Road will likely draw large crowds. This is to be held on Oect. 21st Lunch will be served on the grounds. SUCCESSFUL EVENTS. SH ---------- Were Carried Out at Findley Station Last Week Findley, Oct. 11.--Rev. Mr. Hol- lingsworth, Sydenham, preached in Woodburn church, on Sunday morn. ing. He was listened to with a great deal of interest. The Ladies' Ald and Mission Band held a sale in the Orange hall and a concert night en by home talent dred dollars was realized. Stuart Patterson and family, Kingston, were recent visitors at William Wilson's, Harry Witchell, Montreal, spent a few days at Fred Wilson's. Mrs. C Bedore, Kingston, and M. W' Kiell, Montréal, visited at W. W. Kiell's Miss Bresee, Lynhurst, spent a few Raspberrieg are plentiful in H. M Kilbourn's garden and every other days at Willlam Eva Campbell accompanied her home Campbell's. in the | | and | A good programme was giv- | Over one hun- | Miss {¢ for a visit. Mrs. Reid has red to Eiginburg after spending & with her daughter, Mrs. H. L. } Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dempster Anna spent Sunday st Mra Wilson's. Miss Loucks at teachers' convention in Kin and Mrs. James Kenney and ter, Kingston, spent Sunday Donaldson's. Mfss Sadie Tho 11 home from Kingston hospital, improved in health. Brute Husband. "Darling, to-day is anr fifth versary, 80 I have baked anoth: niversary cake." "So thoughtful of you, dear. 1} back upon the other cakes an stones." --Tit-Bits, London. A quiet Sept. 23nd, of Mrs. M married to Geo ines, son of Mrs terboro. nd E In Canpifton, oa Oct Tth, Jol na Kellar, widow of the ate D Kellar passed away in her 83rd Premicer Bruce of Austratia ply agaioet any drastic change the Empire policy wedding took plage | when Mintha, daugl Lowery, Elzevir, L. Reid, St. Cathe William Reid, § ay. PE BACK FROM AUSTRALIA, 25,000 miLES Alan Cobham, famous British aviator, lands on the Thames River ¢ Parliament,. London, completing his 25,000- mile flight to Australia and back knighted by King George because of the feat. around the world. over the desert. wposite the Houses a He has b Cobham flew slightly more than the dist He was stopped last summer when an Arab took a pol shol as he Cabham's mechanic was killed, but he himself resumed the attempt. SNA mAs El At i. SH, | Mackey Raisin Loaf part in the game sinée It was test | | Hl i 1 telephon from your grocer or e 834 for wagon to your door