' » in leon 2 OREN EVENINGS BY = pi Relies ¢ in an 'ness ing the. el Eeaely RC BAUMNE . BENGUE. 1ts ating warmth will stimulate the circulation and quickly help to relieve the congestion, Wonderful for every ache and pain, Fire, Lite, Accident, Automo- bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep- resented, R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET PHONES 826-896. ! The KINGSTON OLEANERS | AND DYERS : be, C. COE & P. BARRETT Oftice: ¥4 Arch Street. "Phone 1238w Call and deliver, . | seit studying her with renewed in- ~ | soothed him, The swift rush of air 1 even though the goddess was with- Clean anything that ean be weaned } (The Story Continued) The girl in white flannels was | talking now, and Trask found him- i terest. She had awakened as if from a trance Ther Bands eloquent, her lips wera i moving swiftly. It was evident that somelging bad aroused her, for even | the dragon had paused and was { listening, 'while the mild-faced wo- | man was utterly absorbed. i Deeper and oftener the bow of the | Gulf Stream wallowed in the green | seas. rask; amazed at his own forti- { tude, found the motion exhibarat- J ing. his body, even in the confines of { his wheel chajr, swayed rhythmicai- {ly to the swing of the ship. The corkserew method of progression | made him sleepy. He closed his eyes contentedly, {In direct rapge of their vision. He | dozed, i A newly imparted motion brought { Trask from his holf slumber with | abrupiness. The deck seemed to be { sliding from underneath him. The | corkscrew motion was still manifest, | but added tp it he seemed to have | acquired a forward impulse. He } opened his eyes widely and looked | | about. : His chalr was longer backed ; | asuist the rall ere Keeler had { carefully placed It. It was nearly] { halfway across the deck. More than | | that, It was in rapid motion. point-| Led resolutely for the opposite rail | with a olear track ahead. i i Trask's first impulse was to leap! | out. Then he remembered, for the | memory of his self-imposed dur- DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 079. Evenings by appointment. wo ance was still strong within him He could not walk! : Mechanically he jammed his right foot hard against the floor of his | fort roadster, It produced no er: fect. There was no foot-brake. He { reached forward swiftly and gradb- {bed at emply air. There was nj George Clark Wright Civil Engineer and Contractor. Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington and Brock Street. 'Phone 826. emergency brake. Neither was thers Relieves Promptly: Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ----- Jobbing Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllquham CONTRACTORS 400 ALBERT STREET 'Phones 2207F --028W Pa Grippe, Whooping -Cough, &c. Colds when neglected or wrongly treated give rise to conse- quences of such a grave character that you should not risk . using inferior prepar- ations. '2-922 Insist on "Mathics's" Syrup ¥ Syrup oF Tar & DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST £1 Princesa Street, 'Thone 1850 LRringes Extraction Eddi bah EACLE RIL) THENT ETT | i COKE HEAT YOUR HOME WITH COKE Cheaply, efficiently comfortably "STELCO" COKE The best Canada can produce $13.00 per ton Sold only by hn 1G ONTARIO STRE LN | BERCHEAPEE BN DED Cir | [OSMAN [SITIAID! TUM EAIS[E] 0] i ey = B LI! KEIN] mk ; Sa [DIOINIRRIEVIE LTE [D] EITISML! I EJNSIE] [SIAlY] ERR) Dl | GIEM ES) Crossword Puzzle Awe, ---- | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | hey face .SRCTT rolrnuted.t - through thé rail that | gernaut and clenched his teeth. By E. J. RATH Copyright, 1526, by G. Howard Watt. & spark: to shut off, nor a clutch to that her wits were still in her heal. throw out. The one-time chauffeur| She could not have figu was far adrift. He snatched st the wheels on either side, but they spui through his fingers and the fric- tion burned his skin... . ... His wheel chair had set ite teeth on the Bit and was running wild! task braced himself for the col- lision that seemed inevitable. He wondered if he would plunge clear approached with such ominious rapidity, and ou. into the ocean below. Or, if the rill withstood the shock, - he swiftly speculated as to which and how many bones would be fractured when the impact arrived. ~ It was even too late to Jump. The rug folded firmly about his tee: Keeler had swathed him as securely as an Indian mother binds heér pa- poose. He heard a sharp cry behind him a rushing of feet. The rail was nearer now. He set himself for the shock. Bus no shock ¢ame. The short space of deck that lay in freat of him rose up until it was tilted at an angle that made ascent impossible He was no longer coasting; he was climbing, and the grade was beyond the power of his momentum. Tha chair slacked its pace, creaked in the bearings and halted. The halt was merely /momen- tary. He began to roll backward to- ward the rail from which he had come, and his progress in the re- verse direction was even more rapid than in his initial dash. He did not dare look bedind, for he knew not what lurked there. All that he glimp- ed was yard after yard of white deck, rapidly receding from~ him. It seemed to Trask that he sat on the rear platform of the Twentieth Century Limited, watching tne miles unroll themselves at his feet. He gripped the arms of his jug- There was a soft shock, 8 momen- tary pause, and then a resumption of his flight. The chair nonchalant. iy passed a prostrate form. Trask recoguized it instantly; it was that of the dragon. He had not seen, but be knew what had happenea. wuere the orbit of the chair had inter. sected that of the dragon two solid bodies had met. He grinned because he could not! help it. ~ She lay on the deck, clawing at the swaying surface as though to prevent herself from falling fur. thet, Her book was sliding rapidly to the 'point where it would dis appear under the rat; Her umbrella was nowhere in sight. Trask had a glimpse of baleful eyes turned ia hig direction. A Crash, Then (here was a real crash. felt it to the very roots of He h's teeth and he knew that this time he | Had met with a portion of the ship herself, ratkigr than ome of her com- pany, Theré was a pause in his career. His fingers groped Behind him for the rail, but before they reached it he was off again. Full tilt he head ed for the still recumbent form of the dragpn with the horn-rimmed eyes. ] She saw him coming and yelled, loudiy and ably. The grin was sti! on his face. Trask felt himself n| be it! the hands of Providence. Fi from him-- The dragon executed a swift move- ment. She rolled sidewise, after th» fashion of a lady intent upon reduc- ing flesh. She did It =:t« a certainty and swiftness that astonished thes ocenpant af the juggernaut, fdrnish. ing a clear demonstration of the far i Se tn ny .| crablike "escaps. j deo Ban S| Se 40 as : i However, it's emsy, pas Horizontal. 1. Place of busipess and dts fixtures. 12. To imitate. 13. To warble. 114. Bees of fishes. 15. To kame. 11. Plaything. = 18. To act as a model. "25. 36. 38. 39. To pes. Guided. 40. 142. To call To glide iy. To fesl LF 43, - Coal box. To supply with wourishmen*. 44. To marvel QO=1 There are thirteen laiters im he 10p wand of his ercroword puzzle. 3 « Saiffed: XM. Tiny golf mound. aT 18. Helpmd (used with out, 2 ray amical- 2 contrition. it more nicely il she had known "ou 12e fraction of a second when the in- cline of the deck would fasar her "The Cull SFokm took the sen at a new angle, and the cragon, there by assisted in her project of escape, rolled rapidly across the gecx and fetched up with a resilient impact against a middle-aged gentleman who was sitting transfixed ia his steamer chair: They crashed into the rail to- gether and remained there until the Gull Stream up-ended again. What happened to them after that there is no time to say. It is more import- ant to follow the whee! cna Trask was headed now directly for the prow of the ship. No longer did he contémplate escape by leaping His blood was up: his eyes were fiashing with excitement. He was| ready to stay for the finish, even | though it might send him to the | ship's hospits? A settlement of deck ¢bairs lay in his path half of them occupied by wide-eyed cabin folk. He charged magnificently, gathering headway each second. A deckhand sprang from somewhere and made a flying tackle. Trask, with four year -at|t Harvard behind him, met him! grimly and Instinctively with &| "straight arm" and proteeded on his! rush toward the goal. The deckhand sprawled, shouted and staggered to his feet. An empty deck chair went clat- tering as Trask's runaway struck {it a glancing blow. Then he came up- ! on more solid resistance, in the! 'THE DAILY BETisH WHIC "THE GIRL IN THE SECOND CABIN" cs Pile Suflerers Can You Answer These Questions ? De you know why ointments do not || give you quick and lasting relief ? Why cutting and operations fail * |{ Do you knoW the cause ot Piles is internal * 4 That there a stagnation of hlood 1} in the lower bowel 7? Do you know that thefe is a harm- less: internal remedy Siscovtred Leonkardt-gnd known a¥ H 3 OID, now sold by Jas. B. Mcleod, of Kingston, and Wallace's Drug Store |} of Napanée, and druggists every. |} where, that is guaranteed ? HEM-ROID banishes piles by re- moving the causa, by freeing blood |i circulation in the lower bowel. This |i simple home treatment has an almost Al unbelievable record for sure, safe and lasting relief to thousands of pile ll sick sufferers, and saves the needless pain and expense of an operation Don't delay. Try HEM-ROID to-day. It will Ao the same for you. We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring. Only the best brands carried. '8: ANGLIN CO. TED COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, shape of a 'ady who was so much absorbed in a povel that she was unaware of the world about her. Yet she became aware of it, with singular emphasis. When she stop- ped moving she lay gasping in the arms of her neighbor, a sinut young man who clutched her spasmodicai- ly apd called loudly, Help! The wheal air went onward, scarcely diverted from the directness of its flight. Two girls had risen to their feet in front of it, and as they A gazed upom it with terror-stricken | eyes Trask shot deftly between | outmatching In craft the feat of any them, upsetting both and making general Thtely sprang into foreign swift note of the fact that the vogue | fame. It was corkserewing now, like in hosiery no longer confined itself the Gulf Stream herself, wriggling| ing, mingled with shrill cries. to black. ,in and out like a fullback" plowing (To Be Continued) "Some Invalid!" he muttered, as f his way through a broken field.: ---- % he gripped the arms tightly { If it bowled over the deckhand for Edward Miter, ons of the The deck was still friendly. It] a second time, it was only the fawii [charged with manslaughter and tilted again, thereby averting an| of that blue-shirted person, who po; lation of Customs laws in imminent collision with a stanch- | the temerity to return to the ~{tion with the poison fon. Once more the chair began to] tack was committed for trial st régreat, bewildering in swiftness and| Then came a clear and unbroken ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC 0. Corner King and Princess Streets « stretch of planking, and Trek n record time. As he shot sere he was aware of a confused Jell-O is always the same High quality, Dampness climatic conditions never affect Jell-O. The seamless, waterproof, air- tight inner carton protects the flavor indefinitely. a Four other cases are to be heard, nr ------ s ils Quality! | Wh ks It Spea ~ Just open a package - Ye before you taste Jell-O you will know its quality. of Jell'O. Note your first impressions. Both ends of the carton tightly sealed! Then the water-proof, air-tight, one-piece Jell-O bag--an exclusive YellO feature! Then the aroma of fruit flavor! . And when you open the bag, the even, clear crystals of Jell-O. It speaks its quality! And quality there surely is in Jel-O---always has been for thirty years. Quality never equalled by any other dessert. The quality of pure, fruit flavors! The qual ity of finest ingfedients. The quality of absolutely spotless preparation. And the quality of health! For remember, Jell-O is very easily digested--a truly remarkable food in that respect. More, it contributes valuable energizing and body-building nourishment. Decide now to make Jell-O the favorite dessert in your home. Bi uy several packages from your grocer. You are sure of Jell-O results--need hever have a disappointment and waste a jelly. The famous Jell-O flavors are: Lémon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Vanilla, Pineapple, and Chocolate Jell-O which makes wonderful chocolate puddings. We are really proud of the beautiful Jell-O kitchens at Bridgeburg, Ont. "near Bridgeburg, compe and see JelhO made. You will be very welcome. or If ever you dre You Will Be Proud of Je HO Made in ese Molds. We have had specially made for us a set of six individual Jelly molds of new design approved by home sdélence ex- perts who know the latest and most practical ideas in table decorations and appointments. , Ssud six fronts from Jell-O packages and 25c. for this set of "molds. We will send you with them a free copy of the beautiful Jell-O recipe book,