w , THE DAILY B din T RITISH WHIG Tuesday, October 12, 1926. 'LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Page Editor Phone 261% [Mre. BE. Wanteisky, Montreal strest. :Pravate Phone 857w. Mr. Stenzler is a former Kingstonian. - La Mrs. J, G. McKian, Toron-| Miss McGuire, Toronto, who is fo epent the pawt week in New- (own for the convention of the King's Daughters, is with Mrs, Stew- .. 9» {art Robertson, William street. . Mangan, Bari eiveet, is in| .- aie attending the meeting of | ® 8» i Toronto, is tie guest | Mrs. Luther Breck, A . | The Rotary Club have arranged a drive around the city on Wednesday \ Doolan, 'Sydenham {between ome and wo o'clock for the Seft for Kemptiille 10 at- officers and delegates of the King's 'meeting of the CW L. | Dang ters. : . 0» | - * . Halloway Waddell, Lower Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McKay and simeet, $s the hostess of the Mrs. Charles McKay, Wellington Mah Jopigg Club to-day. street, motored to Ottawa for the : ».e. 9 | week-pod, returning home on Mon- , (W. H. Underwood, Kings- day. a mopth with Mr. | a . 3 § Miss Mildred Lake and Miss Myrtle Dixon, laverary, have returned home .- . latter spending the past week-end Jack Higgins, Windsor, arriv-f¥hith Mr. and Mrs. Bimer Lake, Mur- 'Yown to-day to visit his moth- vale. James Higgins, Wellington | . . { Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Nelson . lutroet, was the hostess of the 500 'and Mrs: Rupert Millan, Wil-'Club on Monday evening. As well re motored to Ottawa 10 as the games dhe guests enjoyed a the famous singer, Mrs. Jack Tomkins, Hawksbury, Que., arrived 'in town to-day to pay : a ghort visit to her parents, Mr. sad 14 Mrs. John Nicholle, Barrie sineet. olster, . : 5 - . John Mec- fine radio concert. Ld * "8. 3 Mrs. Asa Gordon, Ottawa, Domin- Leslie Strachan, Miss Moyrle jon president of the kiternational amd Miss Bthel Best, Kingston, Onder of the King's Daughters and Sunday last with Mr, Edward Sons, is the guest of Mrs. W. H Roblin. { Macnee; Union street. . » } » = j J. T. Hawkey, Count Place,! Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, Stratford, peturned home after spending who are visiting thelr daughter, Mrs. I weeks in Ohicago, Kalamazoo Russell Stewart, Bagot street, will Detroit. £8 a. 8 {ber to spend the M. 8. Savage, Toronto, Pro-| . ~ . « 2 winter. - lieave for California early in _ Work in the King's Daughters and | !Sons, who is one of the speakers at { togiight's session, is 'the guest of { Mrs, H. F. Richardson, Scuant street. - LI small & ughter, who have been Mrs. Gus Camsby, King girest west. loft om Seturday, for Bloomfleld to visit: Dr. end Mrs. T. C. D. Bedell for a week, . . . Mrs. Mary MacLeod Moore, the Canadian journalist who has made such a, succews in England, bas re- cently been fu Ottawa, where she gave sn address on "Some Aspects oi vl? English Life" before the Women's | Canadian Chub. = Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McGowan will be in town om Tuesday, the guest nell street. "Mrs. McGowan is a re- cent bride being formerly Miss Bessie Thomas. Mrs. McGowan is a graduate of 1923 class of the King- ston General Hospital. » - ». - After the regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Sydenham Street United Church, held on Monday afternoom, Prof. A. E. Prince of' Queen's Umi- verwity gave an address of Palesiime. Prof. Prince was in Palestine with the British army during the reat war and his account of conditions in | the east was fost interesting. - Mr. F. Hood and his son, Findly, | of Ottawa, nfotored to Kingston on | Saturday to visit the Misses Jeanm ! and Mary Hood, who are attending | Queen's. They were accompanied by | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prue and Mrs. | | Wellington Metcalfe of North Au- gusta. While in the city they were tive guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vivian | Simmons, Livingston avenue, . . i" Mrs. F. E. Dench, "The Wolling- ton," was the hostess of a bright lit/] tie tea on Monday afternoon for herr guest, Mrs. Robent -Maesie, Cobourg. | The tea gable in the tea room, with | and ALL CLEANING "She comes as a boon to the house-keeping sex - cl This bright lite mad of Mrs. Harold B. Bargent, Maedon-4 that we call Jane Gill Your Grocer Sellsit! € W GILLETT CO LTD TORONTO CANADA name of the Venetian Garden Hall, will provide a long felt want. A small hall for dances is often need- ed by private parties. That some of the Women's Insti- tutes know the Woman's Page of The British Whig thoroughly for we { read now and them in the account of their reports that "Aunt Het" is a household friend and her savings are used fo answer the roll call at their meetings. Moscow's Institute report, published on the page to-day, tells us of ome,occasion on which "Aunt Het" was quoted. That the Y.W.C.A, is. getting a fine response to their appeal for aid. Everyone who helps the "Y' helps o girls of Kingston and our oid citythat at heart is always on the side of right is waking up to the fact that the Y.W.C.A. is doirg a good work. President of the King's| Mrs. F. L. MacGachen, Montreal. |its centre of marigolds, was prosid is tn town for the provin- is entertaining at a tea on Tuesday, | A {Oot. 26th, for her daughter, Miss . | Freda MacGachen, who is one of the and Mrs. W. P. Blkins, King season's debutantes. 'hve returned from Quebec, | - they spent @ week at the | . Miss Alice Hague is v Mrs. Frontenac Herbert Saundets, Alice sbreet, until . 8 ithe return of Ms and Mms. George Julda Lyman, who is with Hegue and Miss Winifred and Miss Abd Ave Biizabeth Lyman and Mr. Percy Hilda Hague from England. - Parl street, will return to} this week. i 0 0? | w= W. N. Linton was the hostess [of the banguet to be given to the 'small luncheon #t the Cataraqui members of the King's Daughters, in and Country Club on Monday, session in Sydenham Street Church bridge to follow. yall this evening. . * . . + - Mast) Mrs. J. N, Lewis, Detroit, Mich. with International Secretary of Junior 'and Mrs, E. Stensler, are spending a fow days od over by Mrs, D. E. Mundell, who { was assisted by Mrs. A. H. Fair, Mrs. {F. M. Harvey, Mrs. J. dePencier | Wright and Miss Brown (Toronto). | | The Editor Hears | That the question of the advisabdi- | lity of turning classical music info i cles. Recently we have heard a good deal of this kind of thing and | people who know the works of the | good composers cannot but feel re- i gret and disappointment when they { hear them played in a rythmn that | jazz is a burning one in musical cir+ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS FTh-Otober-mesting -o-fhe- Wei Jf i | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 3 . Only vacuum packed s 7_coffee can retain the delightful aroma which you enjoy when using = RideduHall COFFEE MOSCOW. . men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wilmot 'Shangray. Colebroof, twenty-five members and visitors being present. The "méet- ing was opened by binging the Ode followed by repeating "The Lord's Prayer." The Roll Call was answer ed by "Aunt Het's" sayings which caused much merriment. The usual routine of business was conducted and. plans laid for the annual Hal- lowe'en party which will be held at Mrs. A. A. Asselstine's on Oct. 28th. Everybody to come in costume. Mrs. J. D. Shibley of Harrowsmith Insti- tute was present, and gave & splen- did address, also twe beautiful solos, which were very much appre- ciated and a hearty vote of thanks was given for her kindness in com- ing. The current events paper was very ably riepared and read by Mrs. Lyall Milsap. Miss Doris Assel- stine favored with a well rendered piano solo, also Mrs. Shangraw and her little neice, Aileen Patterson, gave a piano duet. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lyall Milsaps. One feature of the meeting will be apron exhibit, a prize to be given for the best fancy apron and one for the best work apron made by Institute members. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King. The hostess and committee served delicious refresh-| ments which all enjoyed, sitting around the open fire place which made the rooms so cosy and com- fortable. Harold S. Packer A.T.CM. Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations. STUDIO: 340 Johnson Street. 1 'Phone 2050-m. Cs tl When you feel weary gou need a cup of i i | That we are receiving news fram | would have sent their authors mad | the Women's Institutes 'and are | ston Industrial Exhibition. Every { Institute got prizes and we are {awaiting with {nférests the reports { of all the Frontenac Institutes. . _ That the new hall for dancing, opened on Princess street under the Children There are maxy irregularity digre "> Ei dene. omnes JAE A Mh pRCRME Cry For é RRR or a iness. A short sharp ery, a prolonged irri constant turning of the head or of always look for the signature of ¢ + moon to different | | with horror. Why not do something Mrs. M. 8. Richmond amd Mrs. | hearing of the success made of the! original if we must have jazz? Campbell Strange are the convemers | horticultural exhibit at the King-| Prohibition Meetings. ! Prohibition meetings will be held in Sydenham street Church Hall on Monday, Oct. 18th, at 3.30 p.m. and $ p.m. Special speaker, Miss McCor- vell will preside at Women will preside st-the evening meeting. Public meetings. All wel- clas WEDDINGS. Robinson-Christmas. An interesting and pretty wed- ding took place on Saturday, Octo- ber 9th in St. George's Cathedral at | 10 o'clock when Mary Christmas, { daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Christmas of Kingston was united in marriage to Russel] Robinson of Detroit. The bride was given away { by Mr. 8. Sewell and the attendants were Mrs. S. Sharman and Mrs. E. Sewell. The groom was attended by Mr. E. Sewell. With his usual skill Mr. R. R. F. Harvey presided at the organ. During the signing of the re- gister, Master Arthur Sewell played a violin/solo accompanied by the organ after the cgrempny a recep: tion was held at fhe home of Mr. and Mrs, §. Sewell, 20 Nelson street, where twenty guests sat down to breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left by the 1.15 boat for their honey- points in the United States. They will reside in Detroit. the attendants pretty vanity bags, to the best man a silver cigarette case. Many beautiful and useful pre- sents were received by the bride from the host of friends in King- ston, the bride being so well known and respected wishing the happy couple "gdod luck." The out-of-town guests were the grooms mother and sister from Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sewell of New York, Mrs. 8. Shar- man of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith, Peterboro. a ization of Ladies' Aid. 'The ladies of the United Church, Clyde Forks, have organized a new society in connection with their church, known as the Ladies' Ald. In July the first organization began with six members and after only tires months in operation the Aid has a mem ip roll of twenty two. Glenburnie W. M. S. The October meeting of Glenbur- nie WMS. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs E Moore "with a good attendance of members. Several orders were given for the Missionary Monthly and also for the study book for the use of members of the society. It was heard with pleasure that Prof. McFadyen has consented to give his address on India some evening in October Charch. kindale of Australia. Mrs. H. A. La-| | | i | i i the afternoon ! meeting. Miss Hilda Laird, Dean of] The groom's gifts to the || pride was a beautiful] beaded bag, to! MISS EDITH CRAIG Formerly of Vancouver, B.C. Teacher of Violin, Harmony, etc. Residence Studio: 65 West Street. Telephone 1412. Sample Dresses 20 only, Satin Face Canton, Crepe de Chene and Tricotine -- all new styles. Colors: Flame, Italian Blue, Sage, Tango, Wine, Raisin and Black. VERY SPECIAL PRICE - 39 - W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE - A The Frank. Robbs BEAUTY PARLOR Marceling, Waving, Shampoo- ing, Hair Tinting, the new Nestle Circuline Lanoll Perma. nent Hair Waving. 185 WELLINGTON ST. 'Phone 5378-J. and fla: sauce, Clark's fect type of SrA sen pest eR a W. CLARK Livres. MonTAGM. AT ACM PQ. ane NARROW. ONT coil SALT GALLAGHER' TAXI SERVICE S 960 Lindsay Piano f "The Lindsay Piano you buy to-day will still be giving the same satisfaction twenty, thirty or forty years hence. The Style "L" Is ome of the many models on display im our ware rooms, the price of which is $395 Easy terms arranged. PRINCESS STREET, 121 ] KINGSTON wv are usually relieved over night. Try A Fly. { minutes," sald the walter. : CS whe diner had waited ten minutes! "Tell me, waiter," said the diner, Vi 0 wv : 21 Muon dues Use Vary | Finally be called the walter. "what bait are you using? Tit "your fish will be here id five] Bits, London, ; a