Something That One Cannot Be Too Cereful About DETERMINING THE DEPTH OF OIL in the crankeass, one o following devices is provided: (1) A cork float, which he surface of the ofl and which carries an mdex on its stem, with "full" and "low" marks. (2) A strip of , in 8 hole In the crankease with its ead ated on the right hand side and ge indication makes the level error in the safe direction), other wiy. a fetitiously high level is troubls, if the inclination of the ear is the rear of the center of the is pointed up\hill, the gage gives somewdat too el and vice . To obtain an accurate idea crankcase ofl sypply, the car must be standing Jretacabiy an id floor or a balling. as finding a in the road, which is Jevel in all rhspects, is very difficult. Engine Level Down ofl level, taken To on with the engiue running, are insc- able ofl is then, distributed over the parts, which in the pan, bit fortunately readings thus taken Precautions Against Errors ith the bayonet or measuring rod. it should d wiped off before being inserted to receive the wetting as the indication of the actual level. If this misleading results may be obtained. When cold, thick ofl Goat gage does not instantly rise to its correct position. A occasiopally be run through an ofl-petcock te make sure it obstructed. : TRANSMISSION-CASE LM. HB. writes: Ofi leaks out from the transmission of my Ford, apparently between the housing and the left side supporting arm, running down the side of the case and dripping off at the drain cock. The starter in sket and [that between the sections of the housing have heen replaced and the bolts tightened. but ofl still sscapes. Where does it come from? Answer: We cannot tell you, but the best way to find out Is thoroughly to clean the whole out- side of the transmission case of escaped oil, then run the ear for a short distance and look for ofl which has run out, the source of which should be at once apparent. Possibly it gscapes atpund the clutch shaft or one of the pedal , Shafts or it may be that there is a = defect where the supporting arm is attached to the housing. You ma find that some of the gaskets still leak or that there is some loss of oll at the flange of the universal joint housing. No matter where the ofl escapes, it usually drips off the drain fitting, as this is the low. est point of the housing, 4 ONESELF FOR AUTOMOBILE POSITION - A. T. E writes: I want to enter the automobile business. What Step should .I take to fit myself for this work? Answer: We believe that the combination of a course of study in automobile subjects and of prac- tical experience as an employee in a Rarage, repair shop and sales room added to a fairly good education in general subjects makes an excellent preparation. There are some auto bile = Is that combine in their courses the required instruc- tion from books and by lectures apd laboratory work of a practical nature, but if one is not able to take such g course, thers are corre. spondence courses which are of distinct value to the earnest stu- dent and indeed, by home reading of motor books, of the trade jour- nals and even of manufacturers catalogues a very good idea of the technical side of the business may be obtained which. If supplemented by & course of actual work In a service station or factory will give one a prefty good fit. A business course and instruction in sales manship are both advisable if the student Is alming at a connection with the commercial rather than the technical side of the Industry. ¥ 2 "Accepted For . T'wenty-One Years EORD PRODUCTS for Saielll twenty-one years have NL ne ¢ | { Jr ---- GR 3 * EE ad DAS Inmotor car construction. \ 8 Public appreciation has made pos- sible the quantity production needed to keep improving Ford cars without increasing their price to the buyer. Today, half the cars in use are Ford cars. Their reputation is daily en hanced by the performance of new Ford cars of that same high stand- ) stood for highest quality | * ard of quality which has stood the tests of universal use for over two decades. : . 'Tightening Up" Around The Engine \ Without It, Leaks And Annoying Noises Develop 64 NUTS TEND TO LOOSEN by vibration and the contraction and expansion of the parts which they hold and packings compress under ; constant pressure, causing imperfect joints. These effects continue to some extent throughout the lite of an engine, but they are especially : Jichodnced for a time after it las heen disassembled. Testing of ail © ing devices and tightening such as require it is necessary at, h Sort netvals succeeding an overhauling and at longer intervals at es, The Engine Itself : All cylinder-hiead stud nuts must be kept tight, if water leaks Into 4 the cylinders and gas leaks into the jackets and the outside alr are to be . There must be no looseness of front or rear engine supports or Beavy pounding will result. - To prevent loss of oil, all nuts which secure the oil-pan, the timing gearcase cover and the valve-compart ment cover must be secure. . Exhaust manifold branches must be Securely clamped to the block Rid the exhaust pipe to the exhaust man. ifold or blown gaskets and noisy operation will follow. If the block and upper crank case are separate parts, the holding nuts may be found loose. The Cooling 'Every hose connection will' need to have its clamps tightened. The nuts holding the water outflow manifold to the block may have te be set up to forestall leaks. The fan belt may be found too loose and require taking up. If there are signs of leakage at the waterpump, the shaft packing nuts require screwing tn a little. : : Oarburation And Fuel System The gasket at the carburetor ange connection may Bhve squeezed loose, in which case air leakage will develop there, unless the bolts are tightened and the same likelihood of stray air and imperfect car. buration is involved if-intake branch connections are otherwise than tightly secured to their ports in the block. The vacuum tank will not 4 funotion, if any of the joints or connections in its suction line to the . inlet manifold or fts draft line to the malin tank are loose and leaky. Gasoline leaks will occur between the vacunm tank and the carburetor, Ha : i : < el OL <4 Ui OO } i} System out or oll will escape and Not only must unions and cks and breaks should be watched for, SPECIAL!! SPECIAL!! 25, 40 and 00 watt Tungsten Lamps five for $1.00 Decorated and Colored Lamps 3c. and up Come early as we have only a few of both of these lines left. Don't be disappointed. LADIES! Just arrived the new NATURAL MARCEL WAVERS, $8.50 The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS TELEPHONE 441, a -- BUY ADVERTISED GOOD The Sure Way To A Square Deal Flat Tires Repaired Bring your Tires and Tubes here to be Repaired. : All Kinds of Vuloanizing. : i GOODRICH SILVERTOWN TIRES AND TUBES. * Second Hand Tires--All Sizes. C.L ne seat | i 1 gf ried 2 il i 5 i igi ei bo iE | | | ik 3 i Fi