_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- Founded 1647, : : ; - IE F-- SWEATERS| Queen's University SWEATERS Students Headquarters | ©ORRECT | | Kingston Bank Clearings. | Church of Canada, will be the chief | v COLORS The local bank clearings for the speaker the induction of Prin-! | week ending Oct. 25th were: §702,-| cipal Kent into his new position as | ) ; 305.80; corresponding week Jast| head of Queen's Theological Col! " : : ng ' year, $684,886.36. lege, which is to take place on the . : -- afternoon of November 10th. Prin-! Pheasants Are Introduced. tipal Kent's reply will be the other | « Pheasants owned by the Ontario| high light in a very impressive pro-| S oe Government, and for killing which | gramme which has been prepared. | there is a fine of $50, ere being in- : ! deversdd.. om: aged iu Woe cowl township of Bathrust, : -- One of the most prominent and progressive sheepmen of the district To Inspect the Guards. is W. 8. Kelusky, Maynooth Station, -- Major-General Elmsley is in O:- la young man who has been farming | tawa Inspecting the Governor-Gen-|"on bis own" only since his return | ; eral's Foot Guards. The parade from overseas military service in 2 takes place in the Armouries ghis {the great war, He has a flock of y evening. fiftythres breeding ewes at present] and hopes to increase the number Attended Belleville Meeting. as he becomes financially able. Mr, Mr. John F. Sowands and Mr. An- |Kelusky is. very enthusiastic over om Q) ; ers thony Rankin, ex-M.P.P., occupied [the sheép raising possibilities of . iplaces on she platform at Premier [North Hastings. { Ferguson's meeting at Belleville on -- Thursday night. Last Letter to His Mother. TO BE PUT ON SALE AT 9.30. An interesting letter is being Received an Appointment, shown which was written by Guard Miss Marion Ruddick, R.R.C., has |M. Parle Jenkins, killed on duty, to received an appointment from the [his mother, Mrs. B. 8. Jenkins, who % a Canadian Red Cross, and is now at was recovering from a severe Hiness | : 4 the outpost hospital at Dryden In |at the home of her daughter, Mrs, A. | a - New Ontario. Miss Ruddick is a|B. Brewer, Montreal. The letter | former Kingstonlian, was received the moming of Guard | You can depend upon these burly, well- te a Rukus goth. Je rus lotr 3 * tion A ve . of | tailored Overcoats to protect you from win- Mr. Harry Gildersieeve has been [fond hopes for her recovery and urg- | ter s wintriest blasts. They combine plenty quite ill in Toronto for some time. |ng her to visit at his home when | eac . . . | His many friends in Kingston will she was able to travel. His parents | of swagger with style at its best and fabrics | be glad to learn that a message re- |Prize the letter of dee; affection be-| at their finest. | ceived from Toronto on -d&riday (yond riches, | morning stated that his condition | showed improvement. \ P-- Many people were unable to secure one of these won- A Fish's Dinner Fatal. x 1 On Wednesday afternoon in pass- | derful Comforters at the last sale, and your opportunity is Jail In Good Condition. ing Horseblock Point. Mr. Thomas here again for super-value purchasing. i 2 : Mr. H. M. Robins, deputy pro- Slovet, konper of Jack awe and | vincial secretary and inspector of |'*3nanoque Narrows Light saw lying | , * . . $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 | prisons, has written to Sheriff Vair | on the shore a large fish apparently | - . Every one of them 18 made from best quality filling, |to say that the Inspection of the |DOt Jong dead. He thought the cir- | with pretty, floral coverings, finished with wide panels of | County Jail made about two weeks | cumstances a0 strange that he invest! | R Bi h Vv 1 ed f ] 3 75 bh Others $18.00 to $45.00. | ago showed that everything was in [Seted and found the fish to be a | ose or Dlue to match. Valu ormerly at $3.75 each. . | tirst-class condition. maskinonge, weighing between fif-| ' ; . town aod twenty pounds. Further Large size, 66 x 72 inches. A SMALL DEPOSIT OVERCOAT Meetings at Queen's. xaminalion revealed that the fish WILL HOLD ANY DEPARTMENT | The latter part of Thursday at-|bad been choked to death by a bull-| OVERCOAT SECOND | ternogn was given over at Queen's yaad ih uaa Sadcanoiel) 2 UNTIL REQUIRED FLOOR { University to Society meefltigs, the SWal ow, * "horns" of the =| a { Dramatic Society, Laurier Club, |2ead had lodged in either side of the | Levana Society and Queen's Uni- larger fish's throat so that it could | versity Missionary Assbciation all |deither swallow nor dislodge what UNDERWEAR | holding sessions at practically the |¥as intended as a satisfying meal. | | same time. The bullhead was eiglit or ten inches Stanfield's Unshrinkable | ee loag. A great selection offered every man at Turnbull's Ceetee Bid Up the Bonds. 3 Might Be Secured. > Sy the Tamar. un bom Mr. G. W. Storms of Hartington | i) } kL) That Reflect the Style Trend the two lots of bonds which the | "rites The Whig that: he has seen | i 1 Eh th .|ia the newspapers where some! : CN 9 oy ha tu 2 Sa ho trouble is being experienced in| 0 e asSon : system. One lot was for $16,000 end making Thomas McCoskey, who fis! the other for $60,000. Mr. Farmer| #WaitIng execution, understand his | : i position and he suggests that there : 8 J 75-79 BROCK STREET Sys Siam: ou bond deniers, bis is a Free Methodist minister in the Vd FOR: WOMEN AND MISSES "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" || ee RoTch part of the county pear Flin. | ton working under the ection of | . . . . 4 Lf proce Matctmtor Coming... 1126 toTEinE nies the d \Cotbora | There is satisfaction in knowing - T - ) Tnited | Street, Kingston, who understands | : . . - m---- -- former Moderator of the United |SiT2el. Kinasics, who. vu IStstands that every Coat in the display is the good English. If it was thought dee " 3 sirable to secure his services he very newest that designers have pro- : could be reached through Mr. Fair- ; duced. The range of styles is large, burn, he says. 4 . . . : | ; \ the materials and workmanship is of TEN DAYS' SALE OF : high order. # ® SIMMONS' BEDDING / LARGER MA RK : At James Reid's, the Home of Pure WOMEN'S MISSES' EL We have received a large consign COATS COATS ment of Beds, Springs, and Mat- y . . HALLOWEEN |==i55 may |i and 'are ving a ng ¢ s . a , sale for ten days, beginning Nov. from prices from : ist. and concluding on Nov. 10th. 3 Bver since handling the Simmons' | Products we have had great success, | : to to and satisfied customers are the best / . » advertisement. Ask to see our $25! 500 pounds Old Fashioned Mixed Candy, |]|5eii ouisiont sed. xin call $65 00 spring and "Sanitary" Mattress. | perpounds........ .... ci... 19 Our $30 outfit includes an oll steel bed with cane panel, Spring and | Special Lard Glazed Mixed, regular 35c. per Mattress. This is a good apportun- | ity to get a real outfit at greatly re- | pound, for. ....... .. Li 0 2, anced prices az James Reid's. 9py. > Sydenham St. Phone 147 for service. : 4 Special boxed Assorted Chocolates, Jellys, at WINTER (0 ATS Pouch . Creams, regular $1.75, for .........99¢. Saturday sale price 75c for big | : baskets less after six o'clock at Car- : novsky's. . . i APPLES : 4 For Children and Girls ; Faney Mcliitosh Reds, pk. ..........:... 70c. False face fies with svery pur- " oe : : a S Fancy Snow Apples, pk. ................ 60c. chase Saturday.at Lockett's. ¥ : Re ow Apples, pk. 45¢. 60c.. B0c. Try Tweddel's for an overcoat, all a 35.00 Fancy Grape Fruit : - shades, $20.00 to $35.00. Fancy Empire Grapes, per Ib. : 3 SPECIAL ! two pounds for 33¢. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Re ~ Five hundred baskets of Niagara Blue Grapes, Masquerade danve, Catholic Hall, fresh, firm stock, at « 49c. per basket Portsmouth, Friday, Oct. 29th, § pm. Make your Hallowe'en Parties bright with Tom Admission 3%e. Pratt iris el a Your chwiss uf Hats, Cape "11 1 = Vil %] ? 5 BUTTER &aini 38¢ ||| PRIDE Rd TE 19 --. : ni : sister and for the older one too, fashionable Hand Bag of FOUR POPULAR CUTS OF ROAST > Be Proud of Kingston I -- a X-- | LEG OF PORK' TRIMMED LOIN ROAST PORK 'When you seid a box of a aiies ang \ #ood lether at. duch # re- . OP PORK: "1m SUT ROAST OF PORK Apples to feicnds tn. the 3 styles that mothers will like and duced price, it is doubly ; --rr ssc. | Pound % 0A Old Country insist that they "appreciate from the quality attractive. This special meant vrei, | Pe PORK were grown and packed by C. soma wen, : purchase of ne, sot. en co ee TH Tea Pound .......... 00.0. BO | § C. Abbott within a mile of the Pied rh ther Pouch Bags, smarily city. The quality is the" best Velour, finished with monogram and Fowl Specially priced for 3 03 I het lovee A Hats Anat Gout decoration and nicely line 1,000 Ibs. Special, Fancy, Mixed, per 1b... .25¢ i British Columbia Apples will ings, Check Backed Cloths, Saturday Bat the long wip. . Suet In oll the Pall f od, with mirror and swing See our windows and you will including Jungle Green and : change purse. . Special at be convinced that Kingston many Wood Browns. . 1. Dl Macintosh Apples are the best. I-- : : For Hallowe'en Tender, juicy, Round Steaks, pound ......i0..iiues 1T00 Siiiennas canes DOG Me Prime Bib ee ar fiw, Oven Roasts, Ib. ......... 15. | ' pound ..... Ce dad . : THE CITY pound .......iiii... BB Shoulder Stews, Ib. ........100. | Beet Hearts, 1b. ........ os ' ; | MINCE MEAT _ [{} Ceawford's ------ MITED ---- ve nravwans BG Old English recipe--rich in Fruits and Spices. . RR Pound ...... 18c., 2 pounds for ..... .85c. ° "Qood Things to Eat" meres iE