BESSERED ES FROM CHINA -- T. Reid, 252 Victoria street, bas received a letter from bier, Miss Bessie Reid, who Fi ~a-aissionary ety of the Free Methodist church ly, 1925. She was first in the at Pekin, but is now In the Her letter follows: ad #Kikungshan, Honan, China, | "Sept. 17th, 1926. Mother: In case you may read some newspaper reports war in this vicinity, first of me say that I em safe and | We have been preserved for which we praise and [im who has promised to be and Rock of Defence. thern army is rapidly its advance northward. The forces withdrew from here a.m. about 4 o'clock. The soldiers have taken pos of the palace of the deleat- This is only a few rods from the cottage in which the ( are staying. Miss Jones are farther away. We bave a Chinese girl (13 Rare of age) staying with us. Last ! y she with ning other ris in charge of Dr.,Chap- ked 30 miles (from. Sin- w here) so as to escape the which it is thought will take there in the course of a few We do not anticipate any trouble here. During the fusion and turmoil, Jesus was near. How sweet it is to feel you are absolutely and com- fn His will and in His keep- He has given peace, - perfect while we foreigners are all Bow our hearts do go out to the Chinese who are at the mercy these ruthless soldiers who loot joir homes, robbing them in many of all their earthly posses- Quite a number are taking in the church here in our munity. One little baby about uth old was picked up on the I suppose some distracted dropped it there thinking it 2 be picked np and cared for. am staying up here at the puntain with Miss Jones, one of . YOUNG STILLMAN AND HIS BRIDE-TO-BE "Bud" Stillman--that is, James A. Stillman, 'Jr.--and his bride-to-be, Lena Wilson, girl of the Canadian wilderness. our missionaries who has been ill, and whom the doctor has ordered to stay here to rest for a couple of months. I have a teacher two hours a day and study two or three hours a day by myself. I expect to go down to the plains about October 1st. Remember my address is chang- ed. It will be Jungtseh, Honan, China. "I am anxious to hear the confer- ence news. Trust you are well and happy. Do not worry about me, just pray. The safest place for any of us is in the will of God and that's where I am. Bye-bye. Lots of love. "Yours and His, Tir "Bessie." i -- Swallowed a Thumb Tack. Allan Mulligan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mulligan, Pembroke, who accidentally swallowed a thumb tack, while at school, was taken to Ottawa where he will undergo an operation. Mulligan had been carry- ing some extra size drawing pins in his pocket, taking one out he put it in his mouth and was about to remove it, when it slipped down his throat. Dr. ¥. C. Delahey was called and removed the boy to the hospital where an X-ray showed the tack lodged inthe side of his neck. First Mortgage 514% Twenty-Five Year Sinking Fund Gold Bonds To mature November 1, 1931 be City, or in bolder. The following information has been surnmarized by Sir Charles B. Gordon, G.B.E., President To be dated November 1, --_-- TO WET FOR PLOWING. There Are Lots of Hoed Crops in the Ground. Rockfield, Oct. 26.--The continu- ¢d rainy weather has greatly incon- venienced the farmers with their fall work and some have potatoes, roots, corn and garden stuff still to be cared for, as well as lots of plowing to do yet. The land in many places is too wet for plowing. Mr. and Mrs, E. Herbison were Sunday guests at J. H. Earle's. Miss Lizzie Warren visited her sisters In Lansdowne recently. Owing to the great decrease in the milk supply the cheese factory is only running every other day this week. L. O. Warren was in Ogdenspurg, N.Y., last week, supervising the trans-shipping sof two car loads of pure bred Holsteins recently pur- chased in this vicinity and near Gananoque by R. C. Melvin, Liver- pool, N.Y. Mrs. Moulton is spend- ing a few days the guest of Mrs. Wesley Warren. Mrs. Rebecca Warren, Lansdowne, is spending this week with Miss Eleanor Warren. Herbert Warren returned home from the West on Saturday last, after spending the past two months in the harvest fields there. | $2,000,000 Penmans Limited 1926 . ) parehis in Canadian nited Pounds Sterling at Redeem notice at AN edonorb oy Authorized pnd Issued $2,000,000 Coupon Bonds in denominations of $1,000 and $500, re interest (May | and November | in Montreal or Toronto, or in gisterable as gold coin at States gold coin st the Agency o $4.86 2/3 at the Bank able aa a whole or in part at the on thirty dais prior to principal only. the principal office of the of Montreal in option of the Company TRUSTEE: THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, MONTREAL 7) of the Company from his accompanying letter: 1, 1951 (this iswve). (less depreciation) amount A NEEDED BY CITY The Utilities Commission Like=- ly to Buy the Present Property. That the time bas arrived for the city to invest in a new incinerator, clvi health ccommittee. The mem- Phere TT THY Committe wie vonvinded | that the present plant has outlived its usefulness, and that steps should be taken to secure a mew plant and also a new site, as the present site on King street is not regarded as at all suitable. The matter was under discussion on Thursday afternoon, at a meeting of the committee, and the members present, Ald. Driscoll. the chairman, Mayor Angrove and Ald. Bennett ex- pressed themselves as being in favor of disposing of the present pro- perty and securing new property on which to construct an incinerator. The Public Utilities Commission is {s the opiijon of the members of the |. er Friday, October 29, 1926.) RADIATOR PRO - METER ERYVIC Car Tested > veiy anxious to secure the property now occupied . by the incinerator] plant, which adjoins the property of | the Utilities Commission, and it is} believed that the Utilitles Commis-| sion apfl the 'health committee will] be able to come to terms for the | sale of the property. The matter came up for discussion at a special meeting of the Utilities Commission | held on Tuesday, and it is under.) stood that the Commission is ready | property. The members of the health com- mittee will wait on the Utilities Commission in regard to the sale of the property, and if satisfactory terms can be made the committee] will then récommend to the City] Counei] that the present plant be! disposed of and a new plant be established. : Garbage System Good. Ald. Driscoll again mad the statement that the system of garb- age collection in Kingston was the best in Ontario, but admitted that the system of disposal of the garb- age was not such as it should be The present plant is not adequate to meet the demands made upon it, in that there is not accommodation for the dumping of the carts with- out delay, with the result that it has been found absolutely necessary Principal Bank of Montreal f the Bank of Montreal in New all at the option of the on any interest date redeemed..on or before November 1, 1941, 1, 1950, and at 100 thereafter until maturity. at 105 to $7,352,382, or equal to $3,676 per tor garbage carts to stand out on the - we -- «| this there has been a general com- and semi-annual York {Thursday evening. While here Mrs. to make an offer to the city for the | . -- The Harvesters From Jumetown Are ling at Brockville General Hospital, class. SERVICE All Maple Leaf give Alco- junknown ingred or won't tell you Dealer: * She'll stand eight degrees below now Sir." Motorist: * Better give me protection to twenty below.™ Dealer: * Then you need exactly three pints of Maple Leaf." APLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE with ALCO, ; METER service gives you -- absolutely accurate, safe, sure, economical and SCIENTIFIC] RADIATOR PROTECTION against freezing. Don't experiment with Anti-freeze* mixtures" of] jents. If your Service man can't what the mixture contains he is not taking the interest he should in the care of Don't wait until you've had big repair bills, start early with MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE and ALCO - METER service and_be sure. of safe scientific Radiator Protection. | Sold at all leading Garages and Service Stations, CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED 'Winnipeg Montreal Toronto Corbyville TECTION LER atel LelN i Vancouver ~ street for a time before being un- loaded. And of course this is most disagreeable to the people living in the neighborhood. But outside of wy RADIO plaint about the location of the plant in the heart of the city and even the members of the City Council agree now that the plant should never have been put in its present location. And it is almost certain that when the new location is decided upon, it will be at some spot on the out- skirts of the city, and perhaps out: gide the -city. However, the site Jor a new incinerator has not yet been discussed. This matter will be taken up after arrangements have been made for the sale of present plant. ATTENDED STOCO DANCE. It Was Very Enjoyable for a Good Company. MarTbapk, Oct. 25.--Quite a num- ber from here attended the dance in the parish hall, at Stoco, on Friday night, and report a good time. The Normile orchestra from Napanee furnished music for the occasion. Miss Kathleen Rush, Stoco, spent last week at Larkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Larkin also Mr. and Mrs. J. Larkin spent Sunday at P. Gart- land's, Read. Messrs. L. D. Healey and Matt. Cas- eldy were Harry Badgley has been at Lime! Lake for the past few days sssisting | his uncle, M. Purvis, to thresh and fill his silo. Gordon Simpson spent Sunday Marlbank. Edward Hopkins visited his sister, Mrs. W. P. Larkin, on Suaday. Mr. and Mrs. Wannamak- er, Madoc, are spending this week with their daughter, Mrs. William Keller. Our cheese factory will close on Oct. 20th this year. The rain was interspersed with flurries of snow on Monday. HOME FROM THE WEST. + Pack Home . Jugetown, Oct. 27.--Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Dickey, Rockport, on Sun- day last. Mrs. ( Prof.) McFadyen, Kingston, will address the WALES, at Caintown United Church on McFadyen will be a guest at W. J. Hall's. - Miss Belva Purvis, nurse-In-train- spent Friday st Ross Purvis'. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hall were guests on Sunday at J. MecAvoy's, Mallory- . Farmers are busy harvesting thelr corn, apples and potatoes. A few have commenced thelr fall ploughing. : Ivert Turner arrived home from the western harvest field on Satar- day last, Miss Alleen Avery, Lans- downe, spent the week-end with her parents here. Mrs Bordes Kahut, Catntown, spent a day this week with Ber parents, Mr. and Mrs George Green. "Afr passenger lines fa Europe are the establishment of a Band. Chat by James W. H. Weir Westinghouse Band, and the Rus- sian Orthodox Choir. orchestra. orchestra; Waldorf-Astoria music; Jansen's orchestra; the Moon" edy hits. Miss Bernadette Craigen spent the In week-end with Miss Verona Cassidy. | 4p in Tweed on 'Saturday.| wapG (316) Richmond Hill, N.Y. tra. va. Michigan. from Shea's, Buffalo. by studio staff. W. J. Hall attended the fasersl of | E glad to le | she SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 KDEA (809.1) Pittsburgh. 6.15 pm.--The Westinghouse 7---Foothall reports. 7.15--Pittsburgh Post Radio 8--Concert presented by the -~t 9.55--Football reports. WEAF (492) New York, N.Y. 12.45-1.45 p.m.--Waldor{-Astoria 1.45---Army-Yale football game. 4-8--Tea music; Frank Farrell's "The Rising of pianist; musical com] 9-- Walter Damrosch. 10--WEAF Revue, 11-}2-- Vincent Lopez orchestra. WJZ (455) New York. 8 p.m.--Don Voorhees Orchesira, 8.25--8tudent Concert. 10.20--Elsa Mae Clement, sopra- 0. 10.30--Denny's Frivolity Orches- 12.15 p.m.--Musical 'programme. 12--Weinzoif's Concert Orches- WGY (870.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 2.15 p.m.---Football game, Navy 7.30--Musical programme direct 8.30 -- Instrumental programme 10.30--Dance programms. ---- nt Is Your Child Thin and Weak? Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds Them Up ---- In just a few diys--quicker than vou ever dreamed of--these wonderful health building, flesh creating tab- lets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and where rickets are suspected they are especially val- uable. Most people know that from the livers of the lowly codfish vitamines | of the first class are extracted--the kind that help all feeble under- weight men, women and children. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, puny child don't greatly benefit -- get your money back. A very sickly child, age 9, gained 12-pounds in 7 months Ask Jas. B. McLeod, Mahood's Drug Store, Branigang Drug Store, or any druggists for MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets---as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 69 cents. ---- WBZ (823.1) Springfield, Mass. 2 p.m.--Yale-Army football. game. 6.15--Organ recital, ¢-30--Dinner music. 7.05--8Studio programme. 7.30--Musical programme, 8.10-~Boston symphony orch 10.15--Braaswick orchestra. % » WLW (422.38) Cinclonati, 0. 7 p.m.---Organ concert by Johan~ oa Grosse. 8---8Seckatary Hawkins Club. § 30--The Week End Secrenaders. 9-Dance music from Castle Farm. Complete radlo programmes oll ' at Canada Radio Stores. a goes ed - works in Miami. ad het strength to the restoration, about setfing palm pees back into ~~ "Even Rosie from the 2004 y With ber keepet§ normal position.