Saturday. October 30, 1926. pm "The Whig s Classified Page eo a Public Forum od a True Market Place ouT OUR WAY, --In Pleton, Oct, 10th, to Mr and Mrs. Robert A Jones a daughter. INRIG--AL Prince Edward County Hos- James Inriz. a daughter. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY McKENNA~--At Black Creek on to earn 3150 to Selling Personal 14th, to Mr. and Mre. Arthur Oreeting Cards, season now Renna, & son on. Samples free, 'Sel experience WANNAMAKER At Pioton, Oct 1368. s Weite to-day. Master enh. Mee). Minn, Wanamaker. Ap SRA gRSeLDS Gagd Co, Toromte, LE | Ena PD. SLITER--Ins all branches of Lneurance companies of bh mg. in sing 1 Ra -~W, Oet. Me- FARB--Automobile and C Ba, Tadeo = ATR EARN UPWARDS OF $35 ANSURA iy the foplesented. 2 i a aned I in waste cellar A eg, seohreiRy Shecet EA a = E : : ST ona Reaitlet apd ¢ v " yr t= wn : : Bomiod what Mushroom Come : = = : =? : Puecoraters a - "ge A ag * FOREIGN WORK--Youns men imierest: oe h po a ed in work in South Americe, the land Tour FAINTING of romance. Write us. Foreign Buz- eau, Fairview Office, Box A, olrolt, AINTLN, , 'saié. Horton, 1 "Phgne 198 Mich. wa vrans vesaARAS & MARRIAGES. DILWORTH--OLIVER -- In Kingston, on turday, Oct. 30th, 1336, Amey duogher of Mr. and Mrs RK iver, 32 Aberdeen Street, to Edwin Leslie Dijworth, B.Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dilworth, Medi~ cine Hat, Alta. DEATHS, ¢ CASEY At Napanee oo Oct. 25¢h, Mea DAVIDSON -- At Portsmouth, Friday, October 29th, 1826, Harriet Lucinda Gonge, beloved wife of John David- son. Hpneral (private) from ex late l- lot, at 230 p.m. : Please omit Piro Bees WEEKLY w- Advertising ordered insert talkies the one-time inser ag nad danen for es 1425 Count sia Syerage words to the line. Cass god ad. wi i ax 3m Brit: y asa thin ¢ days - a whines cash rats -- wore thas 70 sal no stappul ai for Lhe wr Yo he ad. BATES 208 od sod hy made at the rate earned. > per line for wits Spuse shine As A line © Special rate for yearly adverusing LEARN A TRADE--ADd be successful, Earn as you isan, Barbering, a motive wor icklaying. r Shean - ree book, oad 1 Hempnills Dominion Charter Co. King West, Toronto. MEN---Age 15-40, wanting Ry. Station~ Office positions, $115-5260 month. Free transportation. Experience unneces- sary. Write Baker, Supt (1134) Stax Bidg., St. Louis. bv er er LOAN AND MENT SOVIETY -- Ine 1861. President, A. Dv vice-president J. M. Farrell loan on sy and farm p vestment oudg any posits received and ial minimum monthiy Wright, manager, ors. FIELDS --At Napanee on Oct. 24th, Per- melia Flelds, aged 70 years. MARTIN at The, Fesidesios at Mz. and re. m. G chmond, Tamworth, 3 Thomas A. Martin, in his 76th year, | MAKE MONEY AT HOME---You carn $1.00 to #0 an hour in your SHANNON In Picton on Oct. 24th. | spare writ! showcards. No can David Bhaunoo, in his $6th year vassing or aeleiting; we Instruct you WANNAMAKER-In Hallowell on Qct.| and ly you with work. . Write to. 24th, Isabelle Cameron Waanamak-| day. ° Manhahist Com, y, Lignit- on aged §3 years. od, 23% Dominloy iiding. Toronto, CAR" OF THANKS Female Help Wanted Mrs Helen Grant gratefully acknowl. édge the kindness of her friends and | CAPABLE COOK--- General Must be ------------ relatives in her recent sad Bereavement | Sood cook. Apply to Mrs. W, F. Nigkle, | COMPANIES OR PANTY and for the many floral offerings. 128 Ewrl Street. | | A ] | gavized, Ananocied, W. KENT. MACNEE ] EARN 328 WEEKLY--Spare time, writ. RE gens through sale MJ wise & Co, 138 Brock 'and Weilington Sts, phone 343; ask for & wast ad. Rn ---------------------- INVESTwIn Of the safe Way. tary Jdown and Ten Dollars weil Write C. C. Outhier, O USA 3 Classified Display ------ Chic ago mn a Storage GRFor alry rooms and | k, | ! | a | | on 18 (nay | n | reas Syndicate, 625 a. Louis, Mo, EXPERIENCED GIRL-To help in con. fnctionery state. References required Apply Allan Masoud, 348 Princess St. STORA furaity WE KNEW IT WAS WRONG: AND OAV WITH LESS Dour, Riles Sur WE'RE GLAD THAT WE LIVED 'FORE. "TH' FASHION WENT QUT. GENERAL WANTED---Apply Mrs. Jack~ son, 11% Johnson Street. LADIES .. Earn $7 hundred siding Greeting Cards. Easy work. Fischer Lard Co, 140 W. 42nd pa New York. BOYD'S STORAGE W. urniture or aay merc pout building. 'Phone ) Miscetmacons | ASMES~Cleansd out of yards, ciean job done. A. Mas | 34 Russell Sireet, 'Phone 338 SHES--Removed from yard general carting; firet wood fop sale th Buckley Transfer, 1 'Phone 3191 and 3516~ CAPABLE WOMAN---To work og a farm; one able and willing to take full charge If necessary; no outside work requir ons them. State wages wanted ¥ place for right person, Apply | Box X-29, Whig Office. Male and Female Help Wanted 3b ERA Be TT Articles For gale == Ponders, fire oR for Bre laces. ar ® | tre and Wo a in = var, nickel, eto, King 8 Pome 330 BABY CARRIAGE~White wicker, $9; | one stroller, natural wicker with artil-| lary wheels, §10. One band sleigh with | raliing; one gh chair, natur wick- on. 434 Frontenac Street. Articles For sale. 15 real Estate For Rent. - Poa Rope. 10 A loeality, Iuaning mise. in each rows, well heated Lerma. 433 Jobason yey Haagen Frontenas, 'Phone MW7-} ROOM WITH STUD Y-Comfertable, 203 Albert Street, near Union St Kigotric, ga, heated, use of 'phone. Phone 1813-w. Fuel and Peed PARKER'S W WOUODVARD . Street, 'phone 1438-J. For ood wood | tay Parker's Best dry hardwood $3.76 par vad; mixed hardwood, $3.60; siaba | $2.75 W, H. NORMAN-- Wishes to announce ! the opening of a new Coal asd Woost | Yard, 700 Momireal Street. Reason: | CG, W. LINDSAY, able prices. Hardwood, per 108d], | ers - 3.75; hardwood slabs, per load, 33.500 | RADIO SERVIC ENO need ixéd Wood, per load, $4.00; Softwood | er We have We radio to sult) Slabs, $3.7 Delivered. "Phone 1849-L| your purse. Come and sou Wk = Re 1 day and pnt, Canada 'Business Services | liowe A Ry | CPHL TRING 0d Frofesstonal nl lag. Leave onder at s | W. Bareld, 104 Pocus | 1600-J ANDIRONS everythin STEAMSHIP POSITIONS -. Eurdne, Ortent, Pod pay, experience unnec. sary, men amd women. Se seoif-adi~ forHst. x 3-4, Exper. Plage Tuning, Player-PMno AQJusting, Phone 1544 @ Mount Vane. Y. Agents Wanted 4. AGENTS gallons Gasoline $1.00. Wonderful | uct. §1 can equal 3% gallons Sasoline, Hatibless; guazai. teed; elves carbon roblem. 00 ped basement hever-iaiiing cent. predit, Agents name on ans 4 " Write quick for lars and proof. weil Apply Box C-30, or 'phone 19 1938-4. J 3 le P. A. Letebvre & Co, Alexandria, Qut., , Real Estaie For c Salo Farms and Land CALIFORNIA FROFITS Walnut Groves pay big annual pro- Ph You can own one aear Los An. live where you are; we care for ings guaranteed for regular Work|it i ofits. Build a future Liberal pay for spare time. Position or rt tart now. Booklets Church or Sunday school] FREE. Bl NMe Laad Corp. I. W. 1 Service or Mission Warker | men Bldg. Los Angeles. Profeneed Must have geod church oonis neetions and thoroughly believe that| FARM TO RENTw-Or all, 154 acpes, 2 mothers should play a larger part in miles north of Seeley's Bay: close to the religious education of their ehils , how steel Darn, abun- dren For personal interview write snd water. A bar dance of Mr. Oonrad, Spadina BMg., Toronto, Apply ta Curl Sweet, Peoptsmouth. who will soon come to Kingston to see you and others who answer Chis ad.|188 ACRESCod land, % mile Syden Lots of wood, vertisement. State e and chure connection. ag h ings, wall watered. Apply of James Scott, Sydenham. HAN OB WOMAN--To travel and ap-| point Yearly Suaianies 082] 50 ACRE FARM-On terms, near (being ¥21 weekiy average), and ex-| Inverary, with feed, mmplements, farm | And Di og in Somvession. duint condition. penses. Ce unnecessary. Foe Appl Re Ve -- ma, PK mgston py CUT FLOWERS WEDDING Jouquins MIT For Sale or To Let 100 ACRE FARM -- wiles from Kingston, baen, ita Near Odessa, 10 stone In pressed. Rug Rusti, Wing cut, b ng tile and drain tile | A. Neal, 834 Johason St 'Phone 3041 COCKER SPANIRL ~= FPupplies Jax ound puppies. alse pomeranian and X terriers. Apply sufler's 311-373 King Street. 'Phone 1961-w. ART AND FLOWER STORB 'Phones 452 and 1318-3. PRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A | Marcellin, corney of Barrie and Prin. | cess Streets. Chiropragtie 2 Mua | Automoviies EEE ments, eleetrie treatments and Consulta Auto * Accessories oo Hassnge. X-ray Service free, Hougs 5-13 am, 14 PAS [KINGSTON AUTO yor AND ~Makers of Auto, Buggy, A by a atm re he origina). ge Foun AR A lay a i: Sard _-- and Jeunie A. --| and Cushions. Commerd 3 . phone 832- sidence 'phone $57-, Art Stove, 137 Princess 8 LUOY--Geo. F. actors PRANO- Morris ape walnut oase, Ih Pasinared Fog LL Bagot | RR en, i T 1~ 3 aa ys; in S3ontiant hug Ba re 4 a TV a SEE 7 per month. C. i BLEMISR pS = Hair, k My, Tad, 13 Princess Braet arts. irthmarks, Skin i | Boy Pits, ete, rem - TWO TRACTOR --hgwyt Satisfactory a "Atted abd | one almost new; tty Sta Stanch- Sunished after others have fail po beg Likror beasts De val sep-| CGolire cured without eperation 8 Engines. A ow used Xn ears' Sahenence Dr. Elmer J. la ency, 31 Brook 5 o eet fo Rs " Rod Age 3 ¥ 5 = % hone 30iw. House 118 RE 'Barristers ana Soficltors fictiors ath | W. HB Ho NGTON I Fd . - arrister Sai te . § tart Lublie. 5 i rllng: | farsiturs sold and a ton Street. one : Street, Antiaue Soop, and Sollol 79_ Clarence Street, ngaton. a >. Cunnolagbam, 0 hn) L G& PAV lot BAW Op Pee Eta Sh Sings Shisia Bees th 4 deards, rand Separdtors. Eye, Nose, Throat, Skin. FURNITURE Antigue for and ov NVINGHAM . & SMITH wo Barcisters Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. BAY AND Naubico FULL DRESS SUIT-<n Good condition 13 Size 35 Apply 361 Johnson Street. 'Phone 1528 ANG, ERR 8) lightly used. Phice erme arvenged, Gerhard Hoibtn and' Lost and Young 1 ox BICYCLE PARTS -- Found in Ports- mouth, Owner can have same by call- ing at Mrs. Weller's, Pogtamenth. 4 BLACK ROSARY---Found on Brock St Owner may hive same at Whig Oftice. CAR JACK-~Found, near Centreville Catholic church, Sunday, Oct. 34th. JOwWner may have same from G. W. Or- ser, Elginburg, or 'phone 17 r 15, Syd- enham. INTELLIGENT CHRISTIAN WO. .MAN to interview mothers in p tion of religious education in the home, and to distribute religious litera- ture yl By all Protestant des nominathons. $24 weekly average eins y hy "None "of our family ever got famous, but Edgar won a speilin' match once an' three of us has sung in the choir." el 1-5 6-71.30 ay tation free. ' FOUNTAIN PEN-~Found in lobby of the post office. ~ Apply Postmaster Stewart. GOLD WRIST WATOH-Leather strap; initials J ES on back. Loat Thursday afternoon in Laldlaw's store be tween Laldlaw"s and Milly store. - er pletse leave at Whig Office. HEAVY, DARK RIMMED GLASSES Lest ou ge He Street bet Rome) amd Union oun Juatday might. please _---- to Whig O SPARE RIM---And tive found en Righ~ WAY near Tiger Hill oar to Still 'Balas RR RY 0 man ingston, PURSE--Found on Welllngtuy Street. Owner please 'phone 21 or call at 75 Princess Street. the premises of W. J. gy bulls. Owner may have same by rr RA damages. PAIR DARK I Found. a ay have o's Grocer: ore, copner Pine Div! Streets. A DECIDED SUCCESS. Auto Wrecking Ome ton bord Trusk. de. Automobile Furrows, from butlde Was the Chicken Supper By the Cat- 74 butte aqui Ladies. Cataraqui, Oct. 30.--On Oct. 21st, the Ladies' Aid of the Unfted church bere held their annual chicken pie supper, which was a decided success. Miss Ramsay, Newburgh, was present [* and delighted the audience with her musical pumbers. Cooke's - church male quartétte, always a favorite Bere, ably sustained their reputation os entertainers and Mrs. E. H. Riley snd J. Saunders, Cataraqui, also as- sisted in the programme. Two min- faters were present, Rev. F. Sanders, Kingston, and Rev. Mr. Mackensle, Blgiaburg, and gave short addresses. Dr. Cooper acted as chairman. All . woted the supper and programme a Buge success. The proceeds were $125 Mrs. W. Day entertained the Ladies' Aid on Thursday. + 5 "ROSEN & POL 'Phone ATO-w, 140 M, Cram- or, sSucQesaors to FORD TOL Apply King. 1 21883 VEL fristery and Clareios Street, King- Adr L Revelie 'Fhoge 2 08. QEYNOLDS, J. O~Barrister and Sool. | OVE dor. 81 Brook Btreet. Mortgages tal nged ob olity aad farm Piene 280y. propagly. Solicitors, | FORD TON TRUCK --- With 3 Apply King Street in White you $84 Sgine for run. Tuck tArpsu- ne, finde 40 to Srger. a Feel aan Seed is ANTHRACITE COAL~Stove, Chestnut 334 Red cou, coal The nut and stove a: mn, 25 from oar, delivered. Car of conl arrived OFF he Xn $11.50 = ders taken, poly C. . Neville, 158 Collingwood Stioet, Fairy Weim, 0034.00 load Dry slabs, $3.00. Hard co he 4080 19 ene ard A pea So €, Viol & Brutoa, a ellingion Bos. rr LUMBER-<R ough and dressed, also shin of ho abd lath, in finish hard- Bean ianing. 3 py nr n, . < an Streets. "Phone 889. GO TO TALBOTS LUM nosssion particulars . rite Winston Co., Torento. HOSIERY Guaranteed, wil il and woel, pure wool Direct Ie, : ix 200 ACRE FARM... About 3 miles from sumer. les supplied. Agents] YUlnge, ness cheese factory. A le selling outfit. Catalogue free. Sterling gain. "ApBly. to Box 186. Sd Hoslery Mills, Dept. 5, Toronto. Houses " RELIAR LE SALES AGENTS... i a ow for every unrepresente istrict] | RESMDENOE=-Brick anes largest and complete stock.eix hundred| hot water heating. ipolFis' gat and HBr Tray Te og ay Rg Ren quic 0Q. ) 4 aly of Toronto sath. D SRD A iE 93,000, FRAMEwT ro: 8 plece bath ™ electric Nght, s able and garage. Uns and a Princess Street, BABY GRAND painted, $176 oittion™ Taw B.A, Barrister and! age 'Phone itor. Law Oftice, ourner of King ONE SEDAN -- Af 3350 d Brock, over Royal Bank. Money 995. Btreet Garage. 'Phome § - 4 loan. 'Phones 19 FORD TOURING Al naw ¥ Ladies Haz varior Paint and top. $146 sr Garage Phone Es FORD SEDAN At 921 5. PERMANENT WATING VORD, SEAN ""Piyone La 3 swcanynr. Another Allotmy NO EXTRAS 9 Pr AS. KINGEBYRY 2015-3. SiRst class Wain Womk | ) Ford Light Delive ation, b ane A our . | Ford Touring. | Gray Touring. | Ford Coupe. 3 Ford Sedans. Chevrol Apply King 8 2883. Nie at thme- and % SEVEN ROOMED----Cement Block House =furnsce, all improvements, on Sixth Street. Newly decorated. $235.00 month. Apply H. F, Norman, 6% rick Street NO. A Adam streets, § roomed provements, 5 reomed house, ceaslon St. Apply 185 Queen J, L. ¥F. SPROULE IMPROVED His Friends Are Glad to See Him About Westbrook, Oet. 29%--Farmers have completed threshing in this vi- cinity. The snow and rain storms have put them back with potato digging. W. Forrest, Kingston, spent 8 few days last week: with Mrs. M. Kenny. Henry Fisher has improved his residence by the addition of a new metal roof, The many friends of J. L. F. Sproule, are pleaged to see him around again. Miss Carrie Morley is slowly regaining her former health snd bas returned to her school at rage. ange "rm. Bari wi =r cash. 1190 feet tron Prineess. to Fred Thomeon, Jray ton Ay ry borne and Syden- louse, all sm 45 8 Solis Street. CHOSEN DEAN OF QUEBEC Toronto Archdeacon Crowfoot, However, Has Yet to Accept. Quebec, Oet. 30--- The Venerable Archdeacon A. H. Crowfoot, rector of the Church of St. Paul's, St. John, N.B., was unanimously chosen as rector of Quebec and dean of the cathedral chapter, by a board of Fog rr sham. ing. 8 surling. dies aud & fidren's Ie, cutting: Shsham. & Mrs Cun #4 Bay Street, Kingston 'elephone 2904. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round aad Bobbed criing, Hair Bobling T ing ial A t ia a ol FARD #35 per th shingles lowest bie: ade SF rh sishy HOUSES FOR SALE--And to let in all parts of ity. f( would exchange. list at office. Insurance. overcoat values $30.00 $25.00 $28.00, $30.00 and $35.00 e. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shibley and daughter, Aileen, Harrowamith, were rodent visitors in this vieinity. Mrs. Jessie Morley have moved to the city to 249 Queen street. fry Tweddal's fof an overcoat, all shades, $20.00 to $35.00. concurrence which met in the par- ish house of the cathedral of the Holy Trinity yesterday afternoon to appoint a successor to the Very Reverend Louis Ralph Sherman, who has been elected bishop of the diocese of . Calgary, 'Archdeagon Crowfoot is one of the outstanding 'glergy in the diocese of Frederic'on. day, in BRINGING UP FATHER 22 3 LH 3 Money w Iona. Pnose 1188-0. 31 Prinosss Street William - Qualt, Pembroke, aged, A ninetean years, had his foot amput- ated at the ankle, as a resnlt of an accident; on Saturday. when ore L ointment 'phone ueen i or ap Auctioneers OTIONEERS=Bxpert sarvice, oan * ma el charges. 's SY ame. oni Frat 2 Austen ing in the mill yards of the Bdwards Lumber and Pulp Company. Hn # "You are missing tne Dest 0 m-- if you miss reading the Whig ified Joye We invite you to inspect values. All cars equipped with siarter ! tense. You may purchase { ) on the easy payment Bj 23 LUVEN 34 PRINCESS § 4 i 1 BY GEORGE M aS Tor IT sELoN WELL: | SOTRID OF | F : roe) 1 CERTAREE Winte. Som Hi HIS HEAD t Ce 'T SARE a THERE'S A