THE. DAILY BRLE CIRL IN THE SECOND CABIN " REEUNATIC PAN | By E. J. RATH AND THIN BLOOD 3. Howard Watt. ; ; Dagyright. 1326/03 0 Liniments of No Avall -- The Troublé | Must Be Treated Through The Blood. The most a rheumatic sufferer can { hope for in rubbing something on the | "And you know him #&§ Trum-|swollen, aching joints is a little relief} bull?" ; and all the while the trouble is be- tBhe Rodded THUt With pParant roming more firmly rected oj ds RoW... reluctance. For an instant her sor-|known that rheumatism is rooted in rowful eyes met those of Trask in |the blood, and that as the trouble a passing glance. ? | goes on the blood becomes still furth- "Did he tell you anything abou: er thin and watery. 4 To get rid of himself?" rheumatism, therefore, you must go "He sald---he had been shot--in [to the root of the trouble in the blood. the limbs." she murmured. "I was That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills very sorry for him. I wanted to do have proved so beneficial when taken all 1 could to make his voyage for this trouble. They make new, pleasant. You see, he was an ia-|rich blood which expels the poisonous valid." acid and the rheumatism disappears. | The little person from the second | There are thousands of former rheu-| cabin was leaning forward, her | matic sufferers in Canada, now well; glance fixed steadily upon the god-|and strong, who thank Dr. Williams | dess. She seemed to be weighing pink Pills that they are now tree something in her mind, and SWIftY | trom the aches and pains of this Ssleulting. From the goddess she |jreaded trouble. One of these is Mr. | urned her scrutiny to Trask. i s | "Were you 8 'ot in the legs?" de- Rol 4 SU a wat OFFICER. manded Captain Blodgett, sudder-|.ii.cked with rheumatism, which | y turning to the patient. grew so bad that 1 could not walk | juming to the patiest, | ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF ADDINGTON and had to go to bed under the doc-| i po . a, Dr. Yau Norden: (hunder!" | 1078 care. It is needless to say that| - od * |] underwent a great deal of suffering ; - Ss boomed the captain, "if my wireless The doctor's medicine did not seem | TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Reviging Officer for the purpose of , { , | : ' wast Sut Ai] SOmmIen to reach the trouble, so - when I was | hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters Lists of the seve am hk. or what je advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink | eral municipalities hereinafter set out to be used in the pending general ' ' { Pills I did so, and after taking them | election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for the Electoral District are!" He turned and bestowed a fero- tor some weeks I was able to get out | of Addington, will be held at the following places and times: of bed. 1 continued using the pills! clous look upon Mrs. Kent, who sat and was soon able to work, and 1] quiet and rather fearful, her hands | . folded In her lap. {have not been troubled with rheuma-| Community Hall, Sharbot Lake, "What do you know about thug | tism since. In other respects also 1| Oct. 28th, at 1 p.m. {derived a great deal of benefit from | poWNSHIPS OF PALMERSTON sl man, madam?" "Only--only what has already | these pills and I think tiem a won-| ° NORTH AND SOUTH CANONTO derful remedy." | been sald," faltered Mrs. Kent. Captain Blodgett made a gesturo Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are soid by | of impatience and paid no further all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' | : October 30,1986. =. ews on " THE em BE AT LAST OF KIDNEY TROUBLE s ENDED BY "FAUIT-A-TIVES" og an ols Straight, round, Spruce and Tamarack Poles from 35° to 40° long. Excellent for Radio or Flag Poles and moderately priced. © CH NN Kent. "Have you walk?" | The goddess hesitated. "Not walk," she said. "I saw him stand." pain and perplexity. Mrs. Kent was seen this man also present, but she was wholly a negative addition to the company. Tha fifth person that Trask ob- served was qne whose presence was a surprise and a shock. It was none | other-shan Sidney Sands. She pod- ded snd smiled, yet thers was plain amazement in her eyes she stud- fed the wheel chair and the somber form of Keeler standing behind it. Captain Blodgett. was seated be- hind his table, against which his thick body was tightly aggressively, his attitude was suggestive of a hu- man Gibraltar. . "Well, what about it, sir?" His stare signitied that he ex- pected an answ r from the man in the wheel chair. "What about what?" ed Trakk cautiously. "All this devilment that's reported, sir! It concerns you, seems." "You'll have to tell me some- thing about it first, I'm afraid." Captain Blodgett snorted and turned to Aunt Mehetabel. "Repeat what you told me, mad- am," he commanded. Aunt Mehetabel eyed her victim balefully and proceeded orally with the indictment. "This man," she said, pointing, "who says his name . is Trumbull and who is a passenger in this cabin, is supposed to be an invalid. He gays he cannot walk. On one oc- casion my niece saw him jump out of his chair. On another occasion you stopped your ship for an hour, because they found his deck chair empty. This very afternoon 1 saw this man, who says he has been shot in the legs, jumping over a bar as high as his head down in the second cabin. I asked some questions and was told by somebody his name is Trask. : "hire for this person with - him," she added, her accusing finger now pointed at Keeler, "1 don't know who he is, or what, but one look ought to be sufficient for anybody." The captain again surveyed = the accused. "Did you hear that?" he demand- VEAL) aol rem ow" x vo S. ANGLIN CO. COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO: Private. Branch Exchange 'Phone 1571. The Ontario Voters Lists Act NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING Ee girl with a mania for m who takes at once to esting invalid despite dragon of an aunt, Miss Meanwhile, Keeler self a hero to Sidney Sands, girl in the second 'cabin, cealing his identity. breaks bounds and meets Sid- ney, who fascinates him. counter- been it "There's the devil to pay, sir," he announced abruptly. "What now?" "It's on account of miss Grimm --the one you call the dragon." "*What's she been doing?" "She managed to visit the second cabin this afternoon, sir." "well?" "And she saw you jump six feet over a bar, sir." Trask whistled softly. "What then?" hf managed ask. "Well, she's told Miss Kent, sir. And she's told Mrs. Kent. And the worst is, sir, she's told the cap- tain!" "Go ahead. What's the rest ol the cheerful news?" "Well, the captain thinks there's some queer business going on sir, and he's started an investigation. He's sent for me and you, Mr. Trask." "Tell him I'm sick" "I'm afraid it won't do, sir. to be suspicious. He hasa't forgotten about the 'man over- board' business. There's nothing for it, sir, but to go up to his office." Trask chewed his lip and tried to reflect, but no solutluu of the dilemma suggested itself.' "Well, how am I to go, Keeler? Afoot or awheel?" "Take my advics, str, and stick to the chair as long as you can." "All right. Wheel me up to the judgment seat. But listen, Keeler. We stifk together, now. Under stand? We'll play the string out like pals!" "Right, sir. I'll do my best by you, Mr. Trask, and I kdow you'll do as much for me. We'll fix it sbmehow. Shall we shake bands on it, sir?" They shook hands. "And my name's still Trumbuli, you know," warned Trask. "Leave that fo me, sir," said the Tennessee Tornado. gnd. banged a fist upon the table. ------ | "What's your name?" he de- s demanded. Keeler Does Some Thinking. "I'm on your passenger list asx Captain Blodgett was a. short | Trumbull Isn't that sufficient?" man of incredible girth and width "Can you walk?" dimensions resulting in & coamtour "I could once." that was accentuated, rather than Ont. medicine, "Fruit-a- » made from intensified fruit 5, has more than 20 mend it. TOWNSHIP OF KENNEBEO TOWNSHIP OF 080 | Town Hall, Nov, 3rd, at 2 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF OLDEN Town Hall, Nov, 3rd, at 4.30 pm, to Town Hall, Oct. 28th, at 4.30 p.m, TOWNSHIPS OF CLARENDON & MILLER Town Hall, Oct. 20th, at ° am. TOWNSHIP OF BEDFORD Town Hall, Nov. 2nd, at 2 pm. | | rowNsHIP OF HINCHINBROOKE | TOWNSHIP OF BARRIE Town Hall, Nov. 4th, at 2 pan. attention to the goddess' mother. "And now you, young lady." Tha Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. captain scanned a list that lay on the table before him. "You're Miss Sands from the second cabin." "Yes." "I understand you talking to this man." "Yes." "Did he give you his name?" "Yes." » "What was it?" Sidney Sands had answered three questions very readily and quietly. KUKA (809.1) Pittsburgh. She was wholly unterrified by the 8 p.m.--Special Feature, red ferocity of the Gulf Stream = | commander. Now she paused before WEA¥ (492) New York, N.Y. replying, turned her glance ds-| § pm. --Dinver Music. : i liberately toward the ceiling and 7 p.m.--Music. { studied a cluster of electric bulbs. ---- {| BEDFORD: J. "1 think," she said, finally, "that WHN (861) New York. i borne. his name began with a T." 6.30 p.m.--Moore Club, | la eo Captain Blodgett shook his head}! 7.30--Joe Ward's orchestra. | HINCHINBROOKE: . A. angrily. 9--Feature. i Godfrey. "Was it 'Trask'?" 11.30--Orchestra. She glanced evenly at her quisitor for, several seconds, answered: : "On reflection, I am sure that it began with a T." "You'll have to do better than that, madam," blurted Captain Blodgett. "You will please not address m» in that manner again," observed Miss Sands placidly. "I do not have to do anything, or say anything, simply because you tell me to do sol in a very offensive manner. All I have to do is to comply with ths rules' of your ship, and I am not conscious that I have violated any of them." TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOROUGH Town Hall, Nov. 11th, at 10 amy TOWNSHIP OF PORTLAND Town Hall, Nov. 11th, at 11 am, Pivil Engineer and Contractor. ce 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington d Brock Street. 'Phone 828. * : IICUTd Talcum Family Comfort were seen Town Hall, Nov. 2nd, at 3.80 p.m. od PEE A CFCA (856) Toronto. | LAVELL, and his Clerk for each municipality shall bb as follows, respece 7.15 p.m.--Organ recital, Clifford | tively: The Revising Officer fof all of said municipalities will be JUDGE H. A, Ha McCormick. ed. ' "1 heard," affirmed Trask pleas- antly. 'Well, say? "What's the charge against ms, may I ask?" "Blazes!" thundered Captain Blodgett, his face growing steadily redder. "Charges enough! Breaking the rules of this ship with regard 'o visiting between cabins! Causing a panic aboard, or trying to, by a faks attempt at suicide! Traveling aboard my ship under two names! Acting in a suspicious. 'manner generally! Causing disturbances, annoying other passengers, behaving in an improper, manner, and so forth and so forth." "if it's as bad as all that, I've got nothing to say," sald Trask, smi ing. Captain Blodgett gulped, glared | 080: Mrs. Arthur Reynolds, Sharbot | KENNEBEC--A, C. Cox, Arden. 1 | Lake. > OLDEN: W. Mountain PALMERSTON and N. & 8. CANON-| Grove, TO: T. G. Burke, Ompah, ! . : | BARRIE: CLARENDON & MILLER: J. F. Card,| Cloyne. Plevna. P. Bender, what have you got. to Stanley A. Wheeler, = LOUGHBOROUGH: Cecil M, Walker, Sydenham. A. Kennedy, E. Beattie,| PORTLAND: Thos, A. Kerr, Harrow. { smith. The sittings in each municipality will commende at the hour above | stated and continue until the appeals have been disposed of. i And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain that | his or her name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on said | lists, has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may on or before the THIRD DAY (exclusive of Sunday) before the date fixed for the sittings as above set out, apply, complain or appeal to have his or her name or that of any other person entered on or remoy ed from the ssbdtlist. And further take notice that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by the complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer for the municipality or left for such Clerk at his address as given above. in- thea | WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner music. WIP (508) Philadelphia. 6.05 p.m.--Concert orchestra. T7--Bedtime stories. WJZ (455) New York. 7 p.m.--Concert orchestra. 7.55--John B. Kennedy. 8--Dance orchestra 9.30--Thayer West Point Caval- fers, H. A. LAVELL, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Frontenac, WOR (405) Newark, N.Y. Dated at Kingston, thls 19th day of October, 1926, 6.15 p.m.-- Ensemble. 9---Serenaders. nn "Gan you walk now? Get up ani Gas tor Vulnless OPEN BRVEN APPOIL disguised, dy his uniform. He never looked at anybody; he always. glar- ed. Now he was glaring at the man fn the wheel chair, as though about to spring upon him. Trask returned the scrutiny with composure, and then devoted himself to an inven- tory of the other occupants of the room. . a Aunt Mehetabel was there oui glaring the captain. Track felt that it anything happened to Captain Blodgett, Aunt Mehetabel would, as walk, sir!" "I respectfully decliné' "Have you walked since been aboard this ship?" "You'd better call your witness- es," suggested Trask. He ventured a glance at Miss Sands. She was sitting on the edga of her chair, her lips pursed into an expression of bewilderment, her eyes bright with excitement. Once more Captain Blodgett turn- ed to Aunt Mehetabel, the Public Prosecutor. you've Captain Blodgett went purple to his eyes. There was a rumbling deep within his throat but mo words Is. sued therefrom for fully halt minute. Aunt Mehetabel's eyes blazed as they looked at the small person perched opposite her. The goddess was plainly shocked, as well as as- tonished, Trask wanted to cheer; not because, for some unexplained reason, Sidney Sands was trying to turn herself into a witness for the "a evening of Oct. 11--Dance music. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. LATE MRS. JOHN DICKEY. Prominent Rockport Lady Passes Away Very Suddenly. Rockygort, Oct. 28.--Death with shbecking suddenness on 21st to Dickey, of Rockport. came the | Mrs. John! Mrs. Dickey | Methodist (now United) church and was ever a willing worker in every good cause. For fifteen years she was treasurer of the Ladies' Aid So- clety. A sister, Mrs, 8. D, Wilcox, Poole's Resort, and a brother, Wil- liam J. Buell, Gravel Hill, pre-de- ceased her. Besides her husband and one son, B. L. Dickey, Brockville, she is sur- wived by two sisters and two bro- thers, Mrs. E. J. Kahnt, Caintown; Mrs. C. O. Gulld," Mallorytown; George L. Buell, Maxviie; and Al- Poole. James Rosamond had a woolen factory and there were card- ing mills, cloth dressing mills and the place had "the privilege of a "classical and commerical" school, kept by Johnson Nelson. Rober Bell & Co., general store, sold mar- riage licenses. Mr, Bell was the big noise as he was M.P.P., reeve, post- master and conducted a tannery. Further than that he was serretary | atid treasurer of the County Agri- cultural Society, defense, but in recognition of her calm little defiance of the master of the ship. was in her usual health and was on her way to & supper in the United Church at Mallorytown when she was He tried to catch her glance and H bestow a wordless thank, offering stricken. Dr. Bissell, Mallorytown, but she did wot look at him. Her | W088 immediately summoned, had her eyes never flinched from those of | taken home ai ones and did all that Captain Blodgett. any earthly power could do, but she "I apologize, madam, if my may. | expired in a few minutes without per offended you," sald the officer having regained consclousness. after a tense pause. Mrs. Dickey was a daughter of the "I accept your apology," she re- late Mr. and Mrs. William Buell, of plied, imperturably. Caintown, and was in her 64th year. "I¢ it possible, Miss Sands, that All her married life was spent in this you don't remember whether he Nielalty sud ihe Suieem ia Whi she " ' . 19+» | Was held was evidenc y the many said it was 'Trask' or "Trumbull't™| iro; fioral tributes which rest- a matter of course, take command of the ship. The goddess was there, too. She met his glance for only a fleeting jristant, then looked away, her fore- head furrowed Into little lines of bert, Sharbot Lake; also six grand- children and several nieces, and nephews. The funeral gervice held at her residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, by Rev. Alfred Bishop was very impressive. A large cortege of friends and relatives followed the remains to her last resting place at Rockport. The pall bearers were nephews of the deceased: Howard and William Buell, Cecil Guild and Blake Buell, "Have you seen this man walk?" "Walk, run and jump,' answered Aunt Mehetabel, with undisguised pleasure. "And you?!" saald the captain, turnihg his glance toward Lucille NEURITIS To Reside in Kingston. Inverary, Oct. 28.--Mrs, Charlés Barr has left for Michigan where she will spend some time with friends. Miss Agnes Thompson still gontinues poorly Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ferguson have gone to King- ston where they will reside this win- ter The third dance of the season was held in the Agricultural Hall on Wednesday night Mrs. F. 8. Fer- |guson is spending Thursday and { Friday in Kingston. On Friday she -------- Carleton Place in 1851. Carleton Place in 1851 was on the possible." "1 upy wach 3 thing would be ed on and about the casket. She was for many years a members of the map and enjoyed a population esti. mated at 500. The Herald was the: in existence, conducted by James { will attend the mepting in the Dalry { school where Mrs, Adam Shortt will speak. "And 'you've Teally forgotten?" "] did not say so," said Sidney with unruffled composure. Captain Blodgett's feet wers shuffling heavily. under the table He rubbed his nose reflectively and looked sidewise at the witness. He coughed. 2 "H-m!" he muttered. "I think [ begin so understand your point, madam." ; * "That is very mice of you," she assured him. "1 don't suppese you'd care to say anything sbout whether he walked, or. ran, or rode in his w chair?" I scarcely think co." Captain Blodgett's manner was' deferential ud ' : : 3, that of a pussied Yel Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fof Neuritis Colds Headache ~~ Lumbago "Bayer" boxes 'of 13 tablets 'of 24 and 100--Druggiss. "Or anything else ' that might throw any light on the matter?" * Sidney shook her Read. "It is tod utterly unimportant," she said, Trask was not sure that he liked the last answer; It sounded as if hs were included among the unimport- ant things, \ Yet he had conceived a tremen- dous respect for the weather pre- fessor's daughter. She had merve-- and she employed it as & lady should. (Te Be Continued.) t---- a ----s-- | Sandpaper wil] remove rust trom the kitchen stove.