Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1926, p. 8

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ere EASE LT CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | EomSic iene! it ; ) ba : * 1 IRIDI TERE INDIE [DIL [A KC r zZ 1514 1° es 1718 1°] '3 SIVINIISIEITIRGIAP "oo 2 EMEINSHID | >» STEISTARIKINIEETLTS | rey is > | ome : : = : | the right to enforce the egg grading | wv laws, except i hb ort ; I {a t in the case of exports. | DYERS : { Unddr the British North American | fe i, ; wh that can be eidiasd | Act, according to this authority, | Nl yg a P. grading of products for A domestic | Office: 56 Arch Street. 'Phone 1230w ysale"is a provincial matter. Th § Cail and deliver. . ry { decision will be appealed, but in the | NN f 44 an fA a - | mean time, dairymen, who have de | tion a | veloped important market with the | es - | sale of graded butter and cheese, | { farmers raising "select" grade bacon WOME N! tried and they o> La | hase and fruit growers, who stam) | ip by or mailed ca receipt of ] {2 grade on every box and barrel of! oils for serious caer | | 53 4 | apples which leaves their orchara, | . « . Somichiag 4 you | | F are beginning to wonder what will | Y B 4 ¥ ! ® backache, i . ---- | happeu to their trade if the grad-! our oy 1S rowing up » {ing laws go. It will be a big job! . | There is a varicty of short and long words in this crossword puzzle to get all the provincial \ : | which makes it interesting to work. : meat d IFTEEN years old, 114 pounds in weight, 5 feet 4% inches } Ing laws, and even if this was pos- ! y: . - - - . "= Horizontal. - 2%. ps : Prongs. - | sible, during the time necessary, ali} tall--a genuine, typical near-man. Keen in mind. Keen i . valent, . Quid of tobacco. . Enthusias . | Farmers and Builders, : | the adv ine tl . . . Fourth note in |[41. Shoe 13. To resolve. | vats ned 19 Juan of in appetite. Knows what he wants, E ATTENTION! scale. x 43. Glasswort. 15 Opposite of a. | ing by the Federal authorities woulll ; . . . . 3 11. Learning, $4. Astringent 17: Told a falechood. | be of little advantage to the pro-| Your boy is growing up. Check it by his up-to-the-minute : Brick, Lumber, Roofing 112. et shaped. 3 en stopper. 3%: ae pare . | ducer, as the. latter when he pu Io Be hi bit d opin . . an Ai - Suliable. 4. To pot oh (0 Seetan Le his fruit, oss or Hairy products] clothes, his ambitions, and opinions regarding questions of the day. FOR - . . . sj ¥ v © woul y p in advance . . ALE . Sea eagle. 51. To instigate. or. | ave tg decide ig Traum It costs a little more for him to get around now because he's learn. ~ at Attractive Pric 9. To ap oh. 53. Point of compass. 27. Public playgrounds. . tad it' com tf he : . . : . tt es. : approac 53. Pot of pass Po. re Tg | saler who handled it, even if he ing new buying habits. This means it costs Dad more, but Dad { A ina : {a better chance by selling on t ! . . I. Cohen & Co, || Jota ne 132. To guide. home market would have'ta ship! hasn't forgotten his own teen-age. MONTREAL STREET {= Ranritel: Wei Jas. Ruth Sawer |it overseas while there would. bs | o {26. Type © . . Writing material. |[36. Type of tooth. t absolutely no chance of the ro- . - . . "Plione 3000, . Point of compass. | 2. Deity. 38. Together [A eg Ee a. Po Lit Your boy is growing up. Give him every chance by providing . External organs of . Period. 40. Ridge of sand. : i sound. . Rocks containing |42. Saxhorn. ing temporary advantage of a for his future. Teach him the value of thnft. Start him with a shortage and high price in Brita . Dise. metals. {45. Males. ai chieh i * Manuf Life End Li hich i H rading, hich is ? fairiy | anutacturers ec owment---a Policy w In a lew years, . Neuter pronoun. . Cantaloupe. v7. To acquire, 9g SIANINE, Wi ide a f eneral'y accepted, would zo by the « * : . Inner surface of the| 6. Nav. 50. Point of compass. | Yin a will mature and place him in funds no matter what may happen board entirely. hand. . Fatewell ! 52. Seventh note in|. to you. { MANUFACTURERS LIFE | Butter, dairy, 1b INSURANCE COMPANY EMULSION | Ontario Farmers Need More Than Two Weeks of Fine Shoots: nev b> HEAD OFFICE TORGHTO. CANADA AP Weather to Complete Field Work Before the Freeze-up. 'Eggs, new laid, doz. .. ; Fish. Branch Office 38 Brock Street, Kingston, Ont, TON Cod-Liver Oil | From two weeks to a month of|crop in dairy yeariing trom 272-lcoa. m.. .. .. ..... hi . M: G. JOHNS + Branch Manager, . - | fine weather is still urgently neea- | 750 in 1924 to less than 263,000 to- {Fillets Ib. ... ... «vec = vi. 25] ] Vi tamins # ed by Ontario farmers in order to day is even more serious as the |Finnen haddie, 1b. : Without obligation kindly forward particulars of an Eadowmest policy for §... to mature in yearn, clean up field work before the | whole prosperity of Eastern On-|White fish freeze-up. In the good old days of | tario and a considerable portion of | Haddock, fresh, ™.. .. . . twenty years ago there was little | that of the "Western Counties is | Halibut, frozen, 1b 351 Sette -------- to do on the average farm after tha | bound up with the dairy cow. Thera | Kippers, pair. . JoNamel grain harvest, but times have chang-| is a big direct. income from the|Pike, I... ed. Now there is a big field of} sale of milk, butter and cheese, | British Columbia, corn to cut and pu:c im the silo, while the hog industry, is practi- ibs special crops such s&s sugar beets. | cally a by-product, depending on !Trous, salmon, lb tobacco, beans, table turnips, fruit | skimmilk and whey largely for |White fillets .. seas 2 and many others must be got under | growing purposes. However, large- [Mackerel ..4 veo +. . : : cover, and during the past monthly as a result of the falling off ia |Pickerel .. .. .. .. .. ? FROM MONTREAL TO LIVER. the weather has been hardly favor-| the British demand following the |Oysters .. .. .. .. . « +.50-60 | as ® x rooL : able for these late tasks, There has | coal strike, prices of dairy products i Metagama been heavy loss from rotting of | have been low this year, and farm- Meats and Toultry. + Jonteuim buckwheat and potatoes, while the| ers, apparently, have decided to | Steak, purterhouss, 1b. . L « -- sew . A gr-- ' CHERBOURG--SOUTHAMP. beans in Southwestern Ontario have | liquidate stock. Sheep, hogs and | Steak, rovad, Ib... .. .... .. .. WAKEFIELD Soh TON-=ANTWERY " been almost wiped out. Generally | poultry," on the ie awe -- 365 Days In The Year it w «3 Kingston Markets Pleasant ToTake : . 1 RE a on oe wo < or oh (on My 500 iS ...cocine JOOS of age: other hand, ali} Boiling cut, 1b .. .. i speaking the countles west of To-| fairly prosperous lines, have beea | Stewing cuts, 1b.j.. .. .. .. ES ronto have suffered the most seri-| increased. True the season was hard | Beef, western .. .. .. .. .. .. f S49 8 Montroyal ously, clay land in this area beinz | on young poultry, but there are| Beef, local BD... "ia TO BELFAST-GLASGOW so waterlogged 'that any outdoor | more layers and breeders in the | Loin, roasts, W... Montuairn work is impossible. Corn pindany and Province to-day than ever. before. Shoulders, roast .. .. .. ...15- Reg? ¢ potato diggers were stuck a wee tion Hogs, live weight, ewt .... : ba 4 A ay ago and any work possible in fields Eastern Apple Crop Reduced. Choph, 1b. «. .. ..: of these crops has been performed Apples are scarce in Eastern {Front ... by hand. However, with much bet- | Canada orchards this fall, accord- Hind .. .. .. .. .. ter weather in the West, and a few | ing to the finkl estimate of the [Hogs, dressed, sliced bright days here this week, it Is be- | Fruit Branch at Ottawa. ecent | Bacon, breakfast, sliced : ginning to look as if the weather | weather has proved awa for | Bacon, cut. ... .. "e . MOTOR OIL man might reform. If he decides | sizing and coloring and previons| Mutton: i to give us a little Indian Summer. | estimates have been reduced down | Hinds, Jb. .. or ha eta I {his gift will be worth millions of | to the present figure of about 79 | Mutton.chops, BD.. .. i... . i o . dollars to the Ontario farmer. per cent. of last year for Ontario! Mutton, carcass... .. .. «+. ..: ¢ and Novas Scotia. Spys #nd Mcln- | Chickens, 1b. .. ,. HIRI, 1 omes to ana a West Is Hard Hit. toshes, two of our most populari{Fowl, Ib. .. .. +. +0 «o +420. | . ' But perhaps we should not com: | apples, are going to be scdree. Bu:, | Turkey, 1b.. .. fies v i : plain too much. In the West the | ypfortunately for the growers. | Veal: and ic now available in this cily. This great lubricant is famous through- situation resulting from an Over-| there will be little benefit from this | Carcass, Ib. .. .. .. .. ... 1 { o > Wi in k reba PRE a . ; & y dose of moisture - has been even | ghort crop. Ordinarily in a seasor [Himds .. .. .. .. .. .. ..18 fan ut he world, and is known to all ve te rans of the Greal War, having been more serious. There, what looked |jike this, the yield is reduced al {FYOmtS.. .. .. ou « +o ox +os | used by the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and British Army in the war. It is like an shuve-aterage E10 £ most} over the continent and high prices | Cutlets ims a ees vy om used by 99% of the winning cars in European relia- 0 has since been uced {rom make up for low yields but this Spring Lamb: ; J - Yet a fan . 4 . 3 fo 40 per cent. Continual rains | year there is a bumper crop in Unit- | Spripg lamb, fronts 1b, ~. .... FS bility and rpeod tests. Used by Sir Alan Cobham on caught the grain in 'the Hats ad States antl British Columbia. Apples | Spring lamb, carcass 1b .... : his marvellous 28.000-mile flight from England to fnjury from sprouting and toughen- | from the Pacific Province will come | Spring lamb, hinds, 1b al : : 0 NDE ' F oh has averaged at least three} gown to Eastern markets in large - i j | Australia and return. RECOMMENDED BY OVER bushels per acre. Take three bushels numbers, while Ontario and Nova Fruit. - = 1 TWO HUNDRED MOTOR CAR MANUFACTURERS, @ average yield of somewhers | guotia exporters will be up agains: | Bananas, doz. £ > ] . " Sy - _-- . - a 13 ates and the serious- | sarious Spots competition pag the | Oranges, doz. i 5 Wakefield "Castrol" Motor 0il is now available for ness of the situation is soon Joaiiatd, British Markets. * | lLemons, dos... i ; Naw { Canadians---a grade for every car. A perfect com- But here again there is room for . | Prunes, Cal, ®... . = ; SX inati f inest lubricants, Pennsylvanian thankfulness, = Ten years sge. Grading Laws Menaced. Peaches, Evap., B.. .. 20 i NY: | bination of the: finest lubricants, I a. AID when therelgsvas mot so much live! serious thinking farmers a'l { { crude and castor oils. Needs changing every 1,500 stuck fu thekoountry_ and when | through the Dominion sre alarmed Hay, Grains, oy to 2,000 miles--not every 500 miles. If your garage there was no surplus o . over the recemt ruling of Mr. Jus |Barley...... ... « x 5 = i Po ie ; and poultry products, a season such | tice 'Grant, Toronto, declaring that | Bran, ton a ) ' does not stock this super- lubricant, advise us. as the present would have spelt dis-| the Dominion Government has not | Buckwheat, bus. .... ...... : aster. There would have heen no Corn, imported market for the enormous perceni- Cream of the West a 50 : 1 A C. C. Wakefield & Co. age of discolored and toughened Hay, baled, tom... .« «+ +. «a +. $14 \ > ; . LIMITED * grain. Even to-day, with a fair oul- Hay, loose, ton... ..... ~ . : let, this stuff is docked from 25 to 5 Household : . y : "The All- Firm" 50 ceats per bushel. But the farm. Oats, local, Dus. =... J oo : "Rritish er with a bunch of hogs, or pou MIQdUngS, OB -. 1. -.- $ » try, or & herd of cattle, is not worry- 3ase +--35.00-36.00 SOASTHGL mises vith I} Northern Ontario Bldg., Toronto, Canada. ing. Tough grain that will only . + ny Tears ekaxin : Clemey is oaly obtained when bring 60 cents at the nearest eleva Lift Off-No Pain! Wheat, Total ova. vox "CASTROL" is used siowe. Head Office: Cheapside, London, E.C. 2. tor is worth at least » fellas, when Timothy, bus. .... ... i ANGEON AIL BRNaMEO fed to hogs or chickens, and eggs . Red Clover, No. 1 bus. ......316] N. » v ORION and pork are more easily marketed Red Clover, No. 2, bus .... .- ! Frowteuse Slameiite Beyee, J. Bo Hutson Eears Briain Garages 1 Alsike, bus. .... .... ....-313-314] rr "Diivatrens st. Riggs Garage, Studebaker Pulvers Service Station. Alfalta, Osan. 3... .. .... ..313} Sotdahy Mook Ties Bewvien: Chrysler Denlers. - CoLsonxe =) 1 -- . Sweet Clover .... .. ......%. Queen snd Wellington Ste. Pein En CVE oe Ch anda rie rr & ------ : Co., Ferd and Overland PORT HOPE New potatoes, bag, 90 Ibs. oo. .3250] Cabbage, head... .. -... .. ..7-18} Carrots, bunch ......« fee HE » 7 pr A a Sl hh hee et ; 4 .. #|wou, who Bas been very il, fs recover- [ton Plage over the week-end. my iy +-$6.50 Fresh Jambs . 31.00 tng very nicely, and we ate ale giad (day viektors were: Mr asd Mes. G, Sugar, granulated, BD. . > 10. .8| Tallow, rendered in 'cakes Ib 8% 20 know that William D. Stewart [Bay sad children. ot T. G. Burke's; Sugar, yellow, ID... «. «0 oo vo - '7! Ginseng. wild, my Tor oo$18 heio ts dun the Kingston Geoersl Hoe- [Fred Stewart; at Charies- Dunham's; Sugar. Jeng, 1b. . <. +» +» ++ -<.10| Bees wax, clear. 1b. ... eeve_s.38 | pital, is gaining very wicely. Mr. od Mrs. Allen Killingbeck mad Rolled oats. 1b. ...... 5! Wool. unwashed, T0 -.......30-32 Miss Grace Durham asd rs children, wiso Miss C. Lauber, at Honey. 5-15. pafl... ..i.. . :.78] Wool, washed, Ib . ..28-27 Johnston are still under Dr. Godtel- (John Vick® os Homey, comb .... .« «+ + il 3 Jaws care. Arthur end Fred Stew- - : | i 3 Hi lid Hy 2 £ Hl : i i | ! : ii E fF : J Lif if i Ompah Notes. art spent « few days last week in| Two / elephants encountered go Ompab. Ocvt, 38.--We are looking | Kingston. Mrs. Murvili Cameron ond | night mail train making the rum ; Hi i fi ! i vay. 75 forward for a very emjoysble time children, Folger. are spending some | from Singapore to the Malay states .. upto $275 Rridsy evening af the Huilowe'en time with friends in this vielnity. recently. The Jocomotive was sigh '6 to § masquerade dance given in Bomeor of] Thomss snd Burton White, Plev.|ly damaged, passengers. wers A Balls, over $0 Ib cuvicnesn 4 the Mud Leke school. We are «ll joa, also Miss Belle Cunningham and | ap snd ope of the slephants Veal, skins, Ib. «oo sve oe L...10 gtd 0 Seer hat Mrs. Bdward Wet- Mildred Hermer, motored to. Carle- killed by the collision. 1 bi i i i i gia i 1 Fg i oF i

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