gr ETRE KAT Founded I 1847 oe SWEATERS CORRECT COLORS QUEEN'S SWEATERS CORRECT COLORS Queen's University Students Headquarters Now is the time to indulge yourself with a new Overcoat for winter com- fort. . Post-season styles, models that prove what best dressed men have ap- proved. Featured at $25.00,$27.50, $30.00 Others $20.00 to $45.00. Overcoat Department Second Floor Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear | LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Turnbull's A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL | HOLD ANY OVERCOAT | Ceetee UNTIL REQUIRED. Underwear 30TH ANNIVERSARY { 'Was Gommemorated on Sun- | day--Late Canon Cooke Founded Church, i . | St Luke's Anglican Church on | Sunday held special arhiversary ser- | vices to, commemorate its thirtieth { birthday anniversary. During - thig 4 rose period the chyreh hus made wonderful progress. It was 'found- od by tHe latg Rev. Canon Cooke in the year 1868, on its present loca- tion. The presemt rector, Rev, J. de Penclér Wright, in the morning ser- mon said that the past records of the church offered great thifgs for the future. His sermon was very appropriate for the occasion, tell- ing of the gratitude and devotion to duty of the founder of the church. The edifice was beautifully decorai- ed with white chrysanthemums. The music was very fine, the an- them in the morning 'Still, still with Thee' (Speaks) beink sung by Mr. H. W. Ide and the choir. In the evening, the anthem "Seek Yo the Lord," (Roberts) was beaut! fully sung by Mr. I. C. Edwards and the choir. "How lovely are the Dwellings," (Liddle) was also rend- ered in a fine manner by Mrs. A. Hinks, > The special preacher in the even- ing was Rev. F. Archbold a son-in- er:of the church. He preached a very forcible sermon, dealing with the! progress of the church, saying thai the past had much to offer for the future. He outlined the use of the church. It is the place for men fo re- pent of their sins and to receive re- demption. The church was packed during both the morning and evening ser: vices, OBITUARY | Miss Annie Donoghue. Miss Annie Donoghue, a well- known resident of this city, passed away at the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Sunday after an fliness extending over eighteen years. Deceased was born in Kingston and had lived here all her dMfe. She was a Catholic in religion and a devout -member of her church. ' She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Daniel Whalen of Cleveland, Ohlc, and a niece, Mrs. Donald Macdon- atl, of Cleveland. The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock to St. James' Chapel, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of her soul. In terment will take place in St. Mary's cemetery. oe Anderson Bros. Ltd. PHONES: Retail 2600 Office 365w Wholesale 1767 QUAY . LARGER MARKET - SERVICE Groceries For Tuesday and Wednesday ~ 3,000 Ibs. our own Creamery Butter, cut from solids, per pound . ors a3. 2,000 lbs. A. B. brand, | Ib. i fresh from the churn. Per pound ......42¢ 2,000 Ibs. fresh Whey Butter, lp. . . ..34c. 500 Ibs. bulk Macaroni. . .3 Ibs. 28¢. _. 500 tins Tomatoes 500 lbs. large, meaty Prunes, new stock, A . . 2 Ibs. 29¢. Sun-kissed Seeded Raisins, per pha. 1% _Seedless Raisins... . .. . - 2 pkgs. 35c. Mixed Nuts, per Ib. eal aT ane Rich, Sultana Cake, per pound . . . .. .25¢. Iceberg Head Lettuce . . . . . 10¢. to 15¢. ea. Bargain Counter | NO: DELIVERY Flakes, sop flake nn san a FAM at oii... oay e008, 6 MEAT, per Ib. 8c, 3 Ibs. 85¢. a THE JAIL SURGEON RESIGNS HIS POST Dr. C. H. Elliott tls Temporarily Succeeded by Dr. 8. E. Porter. Dr. C. H. Elliott, for the past three years surgeon at the county jail, has resigned his position, and Dr. lis. BE. Porter has been appointed aci- | Spence, ing jail surgeon, until the County Council meets and ratifies the ap- | pointment or makes a new one. Among the first duties of .the new jail surgeon will be that of examin- ing Thomas McCoskey after he has been hanged and pronouncing him dead, Hallowe'en Party: A successful Halloween party was held at the Venetian Garden Hall on | Saturday evening, when among thosd present were Mr. and Mrs. H. J Steacy, Col' and Mrs. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. C: E. Taylor, Capt. and Mrs. 8. liLece, Misses Hilda Langwith, Doro- thy Caftaghan, Janet Henderson, Jean Baston, K. Murphy, Dorothy Porter, Catherine Young, M. MacLean, Eila Filo Cusningham, Messrs. Baldwin, Carl Voss, Chantler, Fred . Bartells, Hi sawyer, Moftat, Prot. Collander and "Musical Chuckles" Rehearsals. A visit to the of "Musi- eal Chuckles," the production being offered «by the Rotary Club at the Grand Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. Sth, reveals the fact that the second per- i Hi g HL sfgesis 5) law of the late Canon Cooke, found- | 3 { « Had Short Session. One drunk was the osly offender in the Police Court on Monday morning and he was fined $10 and | costs. -. 9 City Council Tonjght. t The City Council will hold a meeting tonight, when reports from {the various committees will be up! for consideration. ow ! a To Speak at Almonte. - Prof. R. O. Jolliffe of Queen's Uni- versity, 48 to speak at & men's ban-{ quet at Bethany United Church, Al- monte, on Thursday, -- » Had Quiet Celebration. Portsmouth had a very quiet cele- bration of Hallowe'en on Saturday night. Old and young took part, and | all had a jolly time. Bank C The local bank clearings for the the month of October, 1926 were: | $3.546,620.09; corresponding month of 1925, $3,651,420.63. YY" Supper Club.' At the meeting of the Y.M.C.A.| Men's Supper Club on Tugsday night, | {Harry Underwood will speak om {**Phe Future of the British Empire." S-- Has Been Transferred. G. D. Perris has been gazetted as {transferred from prison guard at {Portsmouth penitentiary to prison {guard at Stomey Mountain pemiten-| {tary. Appointed Division Court Clerk. Alfred Dulmage has been appoint- ted as clerk of the second division | {court at Mfiford, for South Marys-| | burg towship, in place of James Mc-| Quoid, recently deceased. Sentenced for Theft. David Sharkey, a young man from the country, was sentenced by Magls- | trate Casement, Madoc, to jwo years ) |less one day in reformatory for On-| tarip on three charges of theft and | one of receiving stolen goods. Made 100 Per Cent. Three factories selling on the Belleville Cheesé 'Board made 100] per cent. first grade; seven addition- i al factories selling on to Belleville | Cheese Board, average 99% first] grade, | To Speak at Gatherings. Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe is at Brock- villa. This week she will, as presi- dent of the Kingston Presbytérial, | speak at various 'W. M. 8. rallies. She will be at Mallorytown on Wed- nesday and at Addison on Thursday. Some Potatoes ! George Tyner, Lime Lake, shows | fine samples of potatoes, one weigh- 'ng @ trifie ovgr three pounds and the other a fraction under. hese | jJarge potatoes are of the Green| Mountain variety, and Mr. Tyner had a good yield. To Build New Highways. Hon, George Henry, fn a recent | speech said over 500 miles of high-| ways would be built in Ontario next | year. Among the new works will be| roads from Smith's Falls to Brock- ville, twenty-eight miles, and Carle-| tox Place to Arnprior, twenty-four, miles. o Made a Novel Ruling. 1 The Toroats Star; Weekly pubd- lishes a cut of Mr. J. F. Sowards, the president of the Conservative Asso-| ciation of Kingston, who, it says, | made a novel ruling at the late meet, ing to select delegates to the conven- | tion, that it was a meeting not of} Conservatives, but of supporte of | the Fergusoy Government i Work of Ladies' Aid. i The Ladies' Aids of the Napanee] district of United Churches raised | these amounts during the past year: Trinity, Napanee, $1,014, Grace, i Napanee, $1,041.61: Morven, $86. 47: | Roblin, $103.56; Newburgh, $303.- 73; Adolphustown, $408; Silisville, $275.65; Hayburn,. $181; Yacker,| $850; = Colebrook, $202.63; Arden, | $230; Hay Bay, $99.40; Wilton | $526; Union, $168; Enterprise, $347; Camden East, $320; Centre- | ville, $150; Yarker, $159. Tamworth | also reported their aid in a flourish- ing condition. Carter Scholarships Awarded. The Minister of Education en pounces herewith the thirteenth award of ithe scholarships provided by the will of the late J. 1. Carter of Sarnia. These scholarships are awarded to the three candidates who obtained the highest marks ou not more thas 'ves yapets of She 1376 3. Helen M. Hawkins, Trenton. The Club Champion. The Arnprior Chronicle says: Dr. J. Howard Box usually makes a suc- every ome of them be has been & suc- cess. Last year he sot t to bea HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG St. LUKE'S CHURCH s------ 1 | Lity and District i Wearables for Evening and Party Dress Frocks Frocks that are exquisite from shoulder strap to hem- line. Fashionable materials and truly Frenchified styles. Georgette, Crystal Sequins on sheer with picturesque lace 'and velvet trimmings, flower bouquets cleverly blend- ed to lend softness and youth. 7 Frocks tor the Younger Girls Vivacious, yet ve quaint, with their fall hips and ribbon st¥iped skirt, full al- /%0 but very modern in style and color. Flower-like little Frocks in Coral Pink, or Green, Maize Yellow or Powder, of soft Georgette with elegant trimmings of French beadwork and sequins. Priced $1590 to $50 In the softest of shades that \ gown or frock. will match perfectly your exquisite party Harvey Point Heel Hos- $1.75 Super-Silk; in a range of 22 . $1.50 shades . . .. Orient, Silk- odio op Hos- And many others. At Parties and Formal Dances You Must Be Gloved in White Kayser Long Silk Gloves of the finest weave. 12 button .... $1.75 16 butten ... . $2.00 White Kid Gloves in select: ' ed kid of 'softest finish, pearl buttons . . . . $5.00 Silk Scarfs and Shawls No party going outfit is complete without a Scarf or two to match egch frock. Softly colored dhd deeply fringed Scarfs of Crépe de Chené of Georgette. $1.95 to $4.50 SPANISH SHAWLS with WHITE Grey or Rose floral work. "Priced at $8.95 A collection of dainty, knit- ted Silk Undies that - will please. VESTS, BLOOMERS, STEP-INS; SLIPS, etc. Moderate in price.