NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN Say - - - " has issued invitations for a tea, om | cannot understand enough "English | tit. Mrs. Shortt was brought up in . . friday. Nov. 6th, to introduce her | to realize that unless he is reprieved | Wentworth couniy where Adelaide O aste ] IFE S SOCIAL SIDE debutante daughter, Miss Lenore|he has only a few .more weeks to|Hoodless began the Women's Insti- ; - | Mitchel. live, arouses sympathy with _ his tutes and her sister-in-law was the : rs "a lonely' condition - no matter' how first [Institute president. Their You get What you pay for in foo bm Frawk Woolley .. and Miss much we deplore his desperate act. {motto was "For God, for Home and : Brown, Montreal, are the guests of . Country," "and at first they kept s Page Editor Phone 2618. | president of the Kingston Local Provate Phone. 887w. Coutsell. : | Rev. Dr. W. T. G. Brown and Mrs, chet a Mr E . | more to the first two objects but , { Brown, Sydenham street church i later they found that they had a : and Mrs. ¥ R Urquhart, Ot~{ Mrs. Alpine Woods, Napanee, re-| parsonage. ; S. therington f Ley f wider , 'are visitors in town. presented her Institute at the lunch- . 8 Gv raise (he sandra of ro an i eon given on Saturday by Mrs, Fred- | Mr. Teddy Meighen will be home es a | ada. Edith Beverley, Victoria erick Btherington. from Quebec at the end of the week at "When I find cases in desperaie will 'Jeave for New York on *. Je | to spend the Thanksgiving holiday To Walcome District Women's! need in my work in the Mothers' Al- y. Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, King street, | with his parents, Ri. Hon. and Mrs. lowance, 1 go to the Institufés and «so» " was the hostess of a small mah! Arthur Meighen, Ottawa. Institutes--Address by Mrs. | 1cy rind a way to help," said Mrs. All : Harriet Gardiner, The | jongg party on Saturday evening for | Adam Shortt, Ottawa. « |Shortt. The Federation of Women's pure fresh leaves that will yield a rich Gitorsoo. a bridge club hostess |[Mrs. W. P. Hiking, . | Mr. and Mrs. x : Reid have re-| Op Saturday, one of the most re- | Societies mm. the National Council li drawing in your tea~pot. * ol . . [turned to town after spending the] present®ive and epoch-making | had been the thought of Lady Aber- Brown label 75¢1 > Miss Clara. E. Penman, RN. pict ten days in New York City.|luucheons ever given in Kingston |deen who builded better than she 5c1b. - Orange Pekoe Blend 85c Ib. . and Mee. Elkins and ytheir [Kingston is spending a few days | While in New York, Mr. and Mrs. A : 3 will deave by motor fof Ot-|with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James | | Reld met y ed and th y gp on Tuesday. . N. Penman, Union Hal Hall. | ians. '" Council of Women. The long tables We look forward to the day when and put through & colander, twg . . and one half pounds sugar, one 4 : cm. 8. arranged in the big clubrodtge the | there will be a parliament of women ; . and Mrs. Harry Nimmo, both| Mr. and Mrs. Kinneat Reid, Mrs. ood | Y.W B t 00 a ¥ tablespdon. each of cinnamon n's graduates, are expected in|R. J. Reid and Mrs. Henry Connell] The congratulations and & Y.W.C.A. setited nearly sixty women | BOt getting $4,000 a year each, ndr| | veg allspice and pepper, one-half 3 » wighes of a host of friends will fol-| and those sixty represented more touching politics as we know them, for Queen's reunion. left today on a motor tHp to Tor sow Mossrs. George ("Paddy") Pat-| than two thousand women of the city | Dut banded together for the main- tablespoon 'salt, a small quantity of BEAUTY PARLOR had for Hs hostess Mrs. Frederick |knew. In union lies strength. "Al- many former Kingston-| Etherington, president of the*Local|¥a¥ys remember the council is you. : onto for a few days. ter' " " vinegar to suit the taste. Boil unti. i wes. Hugh Ryan, "Somersby sa { Taugher, ho aie a Td OY or Juntheou 8s gften togune of w Hiss slsndsre oie the catsup begins to thicken a little. . i b sident to welcome to the , i --- * wil entertain the Tuesday| Mre. George Crawford, Earl street, {sunday. Miss A: M. Going, convener of the Marceling, Waving, Shampoo- council thirteen Institutes of From- i Jongg Club this week. leaves on Tuesday for Delora to] «= tenac and one from Lennox and Ad.| Press committee of the Local Coun- Ostrich for Collars. ing, Hair Tinting, the new visit er son, Mr. Lionel Crawfortl,| yu, Bxeliency the Governor-Gen-| dington, representing more than five ofl. moved © voté of thanks to Mrs.| Ostrich feathers in pastel shades || Nestle Circuling Lanoil Perma« Mies Yioter, Torostn. is visting and Mrs. Crawford. a leral has been pleased to appoint| hundred women who have become Shortt, which was seconded by Miss |2Te very much dked for collars on nent Hair Waving. brother, Prof. Trotter, and Mrs. ME. 8 [Lieut.-Col. George P. Vanier; D.5.0., | affiliated with the Kingston Local Muckleston. Mrs. F. 8. Ferguson, |®vening wraps. 185 WELLINGTON ST. g Tear Io wl B. Smith who spest theiyc. cheater of the Legion of | Council within the past faw months. | ICG SOHO Nt 06 LUT Ll "Phone 578. Beatrice McKenna deft for | Lillian Smith, Goons Untrereity, | anor. 12nd Regiment, to be an|There are now about thirty-seven d ¥O\6 of WARWS fo WHC ROCUets : Sunday to Yisit her sis- returned ro perth today. ¥ fal e-camp on his personal staff. [societies affiliated in the Kingston | Which yas seconded by Mrs. W. F. 'Miss Mao McKenna R.N . er: council and the women- present re-| Nickle, who said it gave her great ; iid Capt. asd ad Rowatd Penbale. Hon. Mr. Justice Mowat, Toronto, | presented their societies. The syb- | Pleasure to see the splendid growth A . vio was with who aro with Dr. and Mrs. P a C who will give the lecture. in the executive and the conveners 'of|©f the council with which she had n ' 'Mrs. Adem ower, v » ..and Mrs. P. G."C. | pairy School hall this evening, under | standing committees were = also been identified. 'For 'Auld Lang < NN % cousin, Mrs. W. R. Bills, Mack Campbell, Queen's University, will {ihe auspices of the Kingston His-| among the guests. Syne" was sung and then "For she's Has " dott 307, Torunte on Swiday. lave for Halitax hn ween. |torical Society, is with his sisters,| The tables were beautifully decor-|2 Jolly Good Fellow," for Mrs. fi : : : the Misses Mowat, Johnson street. |ated with golden baby mums and | ®therington, the beloved president i 1 "PHONE ss Kathleen McCloskey entér-! Mrs, Bruce Hopkins, King street, «. oo yellow candles, and y the "head | a0!' hostess. y TAXI d at afternoon tea for Mies Lucy | will be a mah jongg club hostess! Mis§¥ CUhdrlotte Whitton, Ottawa, | Sther! V 960 2 + , table wa ted, Mrs. Etherington, An / on, who i leaving for Toronto. [this afternoon &nd has asked some |who is in' Quebec to address the Ca- yas. sea pe grein : SER ICE to her right Mrs. Adam Shortt, Ot ON TE a : THE . ' CONTRIBUTED RECIPES. more people to come in for a game. tholic Women's Leag in the Cha- w Fer- ANYWHERE Mn. H WwW. Richarddon. "Alwing- .« sw us tawa, and beside her Mrs. F. 8. Fer- A The following recipe for the pre- ar teau Frontehac on, Tuesday, will be Inv . : bt = . . > guson, Inverary, president of the | gary ' g C IN CITY ** and Miss Ford have left for! Mr. and Mme. V. K. Greer, Toron- [the guest of Mrs. W. G. Power, | women's Institute of the district of Buz vation ~ Sie pt our wild fruits] nipeg to vieit Mr. Jack Richard- to, will be in town for Queen's re-|Grande Allee during her stay there i i . B .| Frontenac. The other ladies at the | gunbury Women's Institute & rin ia ress DAY OR NIGHT nm. «ee union and will be with Prof. and . 9:8 head table were Miss Muckleston, Fone Aiki » FIVE YEARS Mrs. Duncan McArthur, Bagot street.| The guests who will be with Prof. | honorary vice-president of the Local Tr ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Mrs. R.. W. Rotherford, King « and Mrs. E. 1. Bruce, Bagot street, } presi e Grape Catsup. JOSEP ABRARSKT & S088 Lm w sb e ny " ot : entertained at bridge on Sat-| Rev, C. G. Eakins, who has been |for Queen's reunion, will be Mr. and Sousell yo has hee rn et : Fite pornda;ef wild grapes Boil. afternoon for Mrs, W. P.lappointed 10 the curacy, of St. |Mrs. Bryce Stewart, Chicago. Hl. |iion of Lady Aberdeen. Mrs. H. A. a= 1 George's Cathedral, will arrive in{Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stevenson, Otta-| 1 avell, Miss Strange, Miss Frances | . ve. town this week and will take rooms |wa, and Dr, and Mrs. A. A. Halliday, : oy : gel : " we dad Sullivan, vice-presidents; Mrs. A. B. W | r\ George Wilkinson, who was |8t "Densmere, 72 Sydenham street. | Toronto. All the gentlemen are|pogg Mrs. Thomas Gibson and Miss omen | fs mother, Mrs. Henry Wilkin- $8. Queen's graduates. Ritchie, patrons; Miss: Davidson, Bagot street, has returned to| Mrs. James Cumming, Lyn, and . Mrs. Douglas Chown and Miss M. Thank ] or, N.Y. sister, Sos, F. Ww. Neuman, Zhi Me, Bb Bryoe, Bago sree, Hall, officers of the Council. At the * + cago, are in Lyn. after spending a|Was ess of a charmingly-ar-i foot of the table was another pat- { i . Mr. Edgar Hough and Mr. Clifford [Year and a half in Europe, mostly in ranged Hallowe'en bridge on Satur-|,.,n Mrs. W. F. Nickle, who received Science for this new hy las, Syracuse, N.Y. spent the!Paris. heie da¥. The avomn were gay with sear u very warm welcome home, and be- _ gienic pad that discards a rations on every . 1g nh ua Ms. Jy M, Mr. and Mrs. '"H. W. Herrington [hand ome was am dod of the side ber, a "easily as tissue -- nO . . nn and Mr. Bert Valr, will motor to [hour when ches were abroad. The eon, perfectly served, Mrs. Ether- | laundry 4 Mrs. Frederick Buberington, Uni- Napanee this evening for the mas. Winners of the preity Prizes Were |, ion welcomed her guests refer- ity avenue, left to-day for St. |guerade dance fat the Napanve Golf |Mrs. Phillips Macdonnell and Mre. | 0 10 the pleasure the members of where she will attend the | Club. Duncan M¢Anihur, and Dr. Grey and | pg council felt at the spiendid addi- ing of the executive of the Na- « * oo Dr. R. R.MeGregor. tion of the Women's Mistitutes of HERE is now an exquisite sue- | ff FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR ce» cessor to the old-time "sanitary on as a Mitchel! nit Frontenad¢ and Lennox and Adding- Council of Wom thel Mrs. BE. C. Mitchell, London, Ont.,| mre R. G. Trotter, Gore street, fe ona i he orion pad" A fiew. way that offers far entertained at the tea hour on Sat-|, © ov. souncil by a burst of ap-| greater protection. A way that ends li ; Warm, comfortable garments made ; : 9 s urday when many of the university 2 i ked | the old prob! f di k il . : Nature's- wonderful gift mses atm, St ses, we Sobobo | from heavy Blanket Cloths in a wide hom a Eight in 10 better-class women ©, 'The hostess received in the for member of the National. Council now use "KOTEX." - » a : : Yrawiagroom and ia the tearcom, | variety of patterns and styles in popu- tf Women and one greatly interest i ; i ) y P WwW A d rful ha did f with its lovely flowers, Mrs. Duncaa | 3 ¥ Discards as easily as a piece of |} ! > \ . ed in Women's Institutes. i . | 5 . onae what Nature or McArthur and Mrs. A. B. Prince pre-| © NClortt said with what pleas tissue. No laundry. Noembar- lar colors: all sizes at . . . $5.95, $6.50, ed assist y rassment. » > . he found herself in Kingst | man in making the whole wheat [Ms Trotter. Joronco: Mrs. Keun | F8 e (00 he city and | Five times ss absorbent as ordi- |f $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00 each. {Johnston and Hes: Williams. . . university; she was especialy | nary cotton pads. grain! It contains every element | x= -c Fonsors de Wastes E84 0 3 1 he Y-VCA baling | Deodois, thus ending ALL |{ WINTER UNDERWEAR Residence, Portsmouth, was the host-1 She hor d all the members of the| g,nger of offending. ess of a pleasant bridge of four ta- affiliated societies would help along . i i] Yd 1 : the human body needs, and in bles on Saturday afternoon when the | the "Y." Then in an address, stir Obtainable at all drug and depart Lil For all the family; best makes; all ring and inspiring, she outlined the| ment stores simply by saying prizes were won by Mrs, Adam " " i und | sizes Po ular prices, Otta 7 growth of women's organizations in KOTEX." You ask for it without . P the right proportion. Equally oie. pass use siv_w_ : [ esitancy. | Dyde. The rooms were lovely with the past century from the days when | ohrysanthemums and the tea table| few women had an ouportunity of} Package of 12 costs only a few wonderful i 18 the process by was adorned with golden "mums, | education and the activites of a few | cents? Proves old ways a needless Mrs. J. G. Elliott made tea and Mrs, | small church guilds represented the} risk. In fairness to yourseld, try ite il : . H. C. Welch cut the ices, asisved only organized work done by wo- i which SHREDDED WHEAT |} ouch ve cue | men. She said that even within the, « INo on . . memory of many tH the room | K Oo T e X 1 the women made the money by baz- 1 18 made. No one hat ever been able The Edi H. a and the mefr on the boards ot | No laundry--discard like tissue * | Ji THE IRISH LINEN STORE to i : ; . ttor fears charities spent it as they thought} | 1g | m u on ou ---- - A -- -------- ------ NA -------------- | prove p Tr b ocess or ? That to guy {s All Saints. Day. It - 5 . {s the festival of all the household even approach it--for making |i tests own any wd h di ibl our clesé friends who have passed th whol to the "Great Beyond." The quiet €. ew eat grain gesti €. people whose names are not in any| § THe "Ce jest" F { calendar but are 'written in "The : A cami , flavory shred of wheat Lamb's Book of Life." *"The great ; ge company that no ome can number} who have washed their robes and You Ever Tasted made them white In the blood of the ' Bo, oF Mh i that AKE it with Carnation Milk. ; etles are all lining : There's just the right richness ap for the work of the autumn and 4 elvety consis : i winter. Whether the fact of the wo- and y tency to this fine milk men's franchise has anything to do : to make the smoothest fudge that ever with if or not the impertance of wo- E melted on your tongue. men's societies has increased ten- : ia 3 3 fold in the past five years. Few wo- Carnation is just pure milk evaporated men there are who do not belong to ; 10 double richn and ster] vs some society for the betterment of | tii. economical. It's convenient. social conditions in the home and A Resp a few cans of Carnation in the pantry state. All hospitals have women's 'and be ready for the fun of candy-making. auxiliaries. The Home and School : Use it in cookiflg too: Your grocer has. clubs are doing a splendid work and ] Carnation. Der this way: the enormous growth of the Wo- b Write fora ciate ia nf imbues: iin the Biscui small Eom a Tin fe Sr ¢ En oc the energy of . : . tsina sauce- the. rural women and developed it wi RE : {nto a great co-ordinated power for # ot £ : 1926-27 models. oe a maemont i hy, : ; ; Demonstrations daily. cover the bottom of ps ane hers a Eo == CW = Catalogues sent on request. and boll until it thickens. [Tani 5 a 1 ; ype 1 Easy terms of payment arranged. That we are HOY suFe whether the a success but gossiping put fn jail in the litle «Qustrin in Belgium. On a of husbands house " leavertheir morning work