HE, _DAILY BRITISH WHIEG > | Y e-- RR RE LL (EI ---- oWEERE noanos. 7} PARE BASKETBALL | - Xin re : Eingaiins s Biggest Home F urnishers ~ || ATHENS EVENTS OF 'OVERCOATS Worth talking "about Blue Melton Brunswick, in half belt style. Special at $30.00. "Blue Chinchilla, Ulster style. Blye Chinchilla with Velvet a Priced $35. 00 and $40.00. ead if Van Horne "Phone 362-w. ons Evenings 273 Princess Street. 10x, Vncet A. Mart DENTIST by appointment. 'Phone 108 R WEEK EK RECORDED i : {| Athens, Nov. 1.--p 1.--Perhaps it may } | mot be known that we have the Aue- | here In our midst, and on Sunday the | Sunday school of the United Church 1 listened - with -pleasure - to several | selections of sacred music rendered | most ereditably, the: following con- | tributing of their talent: Murray Curtis (piano), Ernest Johnston | (trombone), Hollace Cross (cornet), | Seymour Warren (saxaphone), Her- bert Warren (violin), and Mrs. E. F. | Neff (violin). It is lamentable that | the last named member. will not be | able to again appear in this capacity, | as the family left on Thursday of this week for St. Catharines, where Mr. | Nett assumes the work of District Representative of Agriculture. ' His , Mr. Knight, formerly of Lindsay, will locate here, in the course of a few days. The bazaar, held last Thursday in { the Institute rooms of the town hall by the ladies of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church, was a decided success. : An interdenominational Sunday school rally was held in the United {rhe KinasTon CLEANERS DYERS Clean saything that esn be cleaned ©. COE & P. BARRETT Ofte 88 Assy Street. 'Phone 1L320w and deliver. church yesterday afternoom, under the auspices of the "local branch of the Women's Christian Union. The major part of John Eaton's | Victoria street residence has been moved to his adjoining lot, at the { corner of Victoria and church streets, Farmers and Bullders, ATTENTION! Brick, Lamber, Roofing FOR SALE at Attractive Prices. -L Cohen & Co, MONTREAL STREET where it"is to be repaired and im- {proved. The north wing of the building has remained in its custom- ary location, having been purchaged some time ago by Mrs. Heber Pierce, who will have it repaired, and will continue to occupy it. Workmen are altering the draln- ing system at the Donovan -house, corner of Elgin and Central streets. Miss Adda Hunt has closed her Victoria street home for the win- tyr months, and has gone to spend Some time in New York, as is her custom. {leus of a splendid' orchestra, right | fn % "Iroquols, Det. "30. --~--At to~ pr s ses- sion of fhe Iroduois Cheese Board, $29 "bokes of cheese offered, 293 colored and 338 white; price 16 3-8¢, and, all sold. Same date last { year, 640 cheese boarded and price, 23 1-16e. Vankleek Hill, Oct. 30.--AL. the reguler mpeating of the Vankleek Hill Chéese Board there were 432 boxes of wirite cheese and 96 color- ed ;7 327 boxes of white soid | for 18 ¥de, and 968 colored sold for 16 1-4¢; balance unsold. i Cornwall, Oct. 80.--At meeting of the Cornwall Cheese Board, 435 Doxes"white and 633 boxes colored cheess were offered. for which 18 3-8 was bid: none were sold, cheese being held till next week. ' ' -- Napanee, Oct. 30.--At to-day's meeting of the Napanes Cheeséd Board, 115 boxes of white and \- 114 colored cheese were boarded, of which 670 boxes were sold at 16 1-2¢; balance .refused. \ to-day's Brockville, Oct, 30.--At to-day's session of thd Brockville Daigymen's Board, 1,075 boxes of white and 904 colored were offered, for which 16 1-4c was%id, hone were sold, Belleville, Oct. 30.--At to-day's meeting of the Belleville Cheese Board, 1,679 boxes of white and 63 boxes colored cheese Were offerad and all soM at 16 1-2¢ -------------- OBITUARY | -- Thomas Charles Elliott. Following a long illness the death occurred on Thursday in Ottawa, of Thomas Charles Elliott, well-known master painter and decorator of Kingston, at the age of seventy-six years. Mr, Blliott was the father-in- law of Rev. Dr. E. B. Wyllis, pastor of Erskine Presbyterian Church, at whose home he had resided for the Home Team Won Both Games eevies. 'The phmes werd played 1a the GIRLS AT BELLEVILLE! --Cheese Sold at 16 9-16 Cents on Board. + ---- Napanee, Nov. 1.--On Saturday evening twl girls' teams of the Nap anee Collegiate Institute journeyed to Belleville to play their fina: games in the Bay of Quinte League! Y.M.C.A. in Bejlevilie. The junior game was called first ahd though the Napanee girls put up a good tight, the Belleville girls came out ahead with a score of 8 to § at the end of the first period. The Napanee girls came back stfong and held the Belleville girls down,' each team scoring eight points. The final score was 16-13 in Belleville's favor. Nap- anee's junior defenses played up well but Belleville's larger girls easily jumped for the ball and pass- ed it to the forward line. The senior game was played next and the Belleville girls showed won. derful team play and the score at the end of the first period was 16 to 9 In Belleville's favor. The final score in the senior game was 28 to 14 in Belleville's favor. Mr. Morden of Belleville refereel the games satisfactorily. The Belle- ville High School girls served re- THREE a (Gd dL Ras iL ir I on Our S perial edges. Only fg { AT Tl PL TL Tl Sy hd dal J bt) hg. Gad - I ELV Y pra Th a Sl blalidlbl alll FR TT IR ETL] Hr El ald hyo 'lls! ter YY yr I EiY FY YS YY » B48 An Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand / cious Floors. FOR THE PRICE OF TWO---ONLY $85.00 SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALI-STEEL 2" CONTINUOUS POSTS BED Walnut or Oak wood finishes. Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO, 90 SPIRAL SPRING or ALL-STEEL W¢ EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft and resent. gy ALL-FELT MATTRESS in famey, shrang art ticking, with -. Be JAMES REID THE HOME OF PURE BEDDING freshments to the visiting teams. Belleville Seniors -- Forwards, Mary Blately, Mary Roberts; cent res Jean Ramsay, L. Sprague; defehecs, M. Fairbairn, P. Jarrel Napanee Seniors--Forwards, K. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Gleeson, M. Daly; centres, M. Rika- ly, BE. Harrison; defence, G. Boyes, M. Roblin. Belleville Juniors -- Forwards Lina Haines, Aileen Wilkins: centres, Mary Adams, F. Warham: defence, B. Potter, J. McLauren: spares, J. Croft, J. Fairbairn. Napanee Juniors--Forwards, ' A Cavanaugh, R. Dickson; centres, K. Aylsworth, D. Wilson; defence, M. Pouglas, M. Grass, Nrs. F. 8. Wartman returned on Friday from a motor trip to Boston, Mass. Mr. Rixéen of the Bank of Mont- "Phone 3000, past two years. 'Mr. Elliott was born in Yorktown He was in charge 'of the painting and decorating work at Portsmouth asylum for many yaars before going to reside with his daughter and son-In-law in Ottawa. Mr. Elliott Hved a quiet life, but made many friends. He had been ailing for some years. He 'was a member of Sydenham street Methodist chiirch, He married Mise Minnie Graham, daughter of a well-known Kingston family, but Mrs. Elliott predeceas- ed him in December, 1913. Besides his daughter, Mrs. BE. B. Wyllie, he is survived by one son, Walter El- liott, in Los Angeles, Cal, and_ a brother, Joseph Elliott, Toront). Burial took « place to Cataragui cemetery, Kingston. | Allan Barrington, who has been employed in Syracuse, N.Y. for some time past, has returned to his Athenian home. Mrs. Ruth Riley, aged. ninety- four, who sustained 'an injured hip in a recent fall, hastbeen moved to the Church street home of her nieces, the Misses Wiltse, where she is receiving careful] nursing. Mrs. David Kavanagh sustained a nasty fall one day last week, and re- ceived a bad shaking-up. Mrs. Henry Maud," Blgiy street, 4s very ili, and has been removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. 2836 Manford Webster, Oak Leaf. Les- Felaphone ter Brown, Wiltse atreet, is quite ill. wh A | EH ghs were the initial symptom of his illness. Mrs. H. BE. Warren had the mis- fortune to sprain har ankle, a few days ago. Little Donald, wee son of David Thompson, Wellington street, is quite {lL Mrs. Walter Taber was called to Belleville early this week by the real left on Saturday for Espanola. where he will spend a couple of weeks hunting. Miss Constance Grange, who has been spending the past two weeks in Toronto, returned home oa Fri- day. Mrs. H. C. File spent Saturday in Kingston with friends. Mr. add Mrs. George C. Bradley, Marysville, are leaving to-day for Chicago, where Mr. Bradley will lore ari pn np OO erbLon, bean The central design of this pus: le resembles a top in motion, appointed . returning officer for| first word, horizontal, begins with "s" and ehds with "a. Fronignec-Lennox in the coming Horizontal. , 34: To bow. 35. To_perish, & ; provincial election. 1.: Slag : 35. Block haw. 16. Bofors, f At the cheese board on Saturday . . 36. A chill. Symbols. : afternoon 115 white and 1,114] 6. Mother or futher. 35. To disclose. : "a 2 fcolored cheese "were boarded. Allj11. Induces. 40. Price. of entrance. > Siagsicnt 4 Fung, : sold for 16 9-16 cents. 13.- Writing thble. t | 44. Muscle of the calf. |20. Two times. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Knapp re-|,, ny reckon chrono | 45. Comes dn. Wooden stick need moved this week to their now home only. in playing ball, on Centre street. . Cover Mrs. J. H. Moffatt entertained on|16. To color delicately " Mepdow, Friday evening at five hundred. ]17. Boy. Lawtui The pretty souvenirs were won by|j;g Harbor, . Solitary. death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ang- Mrs. J.' Laughland and Mrs. (21. Affirmative. » To propel a boat.' lin. 9 | Busitie. B a w kink 22. Trite. 3. Uncouth. - : =] - 1, Boyes and son are ma 24, Long bench in a 6. Hit by a bullet, Fgh J ted a a an extensive repairs to their property church. 37. Bird similar to an daughter, Miss Mary, i- Oregon, she on Dundas street, by putting In alsg Ironfeal. ostrich. _.--% stated that the flowers--roses and new and up-to-date front, and also{3g Measure of cloth. Iniguity, - other varieties--wers still in bloom. making the interior of the shops|zg. Recorded the rate pel. {39. Bone A T. R. Beale has been spending the larger, and otherwise renovating of speed. . Beveqith note in 41. Exiete, . : week in Toronto. He returned on the Junside. 30. Portion of a circle. scale. 42, Point of compass, Friday. Rev. H. BE. Warren spent -- 32. Prophet. 12. Being of one mind. 43. You and me, a few days in the Capital, recently. One of the oldest residents of the Miss Jessie Hawkins and brother, district, in the person of Mrs Hilton, spent the week-end at Mor- Theresa Conners, widow of Thomas Conners, who died thirteen years Jon. : Sutats of their sistem, Mrs. #go, passed away Thursday, at the| Miss Margaret Carrie Todd, eld-| Friday, Several Athenians went to Brock: residence of her son-in-law, Reu-lest child and only daughter of the | months ville, on Friday last, to attend the i Conservative convention. James Thompson and family, Toronto, are guests of his brother, Joseph Thompson. Hubert Topping has re- turned to Toromto, following a fort- night's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mort Topping. Henry street. Mrs. (Dr.) Giles Brown, Lyn, was here last week, a guest ol her. after, Mrs. Omer Dack. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, the bride and groom of last week, were here on a brief visit to friends, be- fore leaving for Detroit, where they will reside. NIG. Scott and C. F. Yates, West- port, ware in town for a day this week, visiting their families here. Mrs/ Martha Lyons and son, Wil- Full a 55¢ WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR RESTAURANT WHICH HAS BEEN ENTIRELY BENOVATED AND REDECORATED Ses our new done by Chincse Art Student. "A Player Plano Orchestral Accompaniment," FIRST-OLASS MEALS OPEN 6 AM. TO 2.30 A.M. THE CROWN /N CAFE "00 Princess Biro TAP 1 Manager The | w--- Yn Vertical. . Therefore. Opposite of shuts. Sleep. To annoy. Like. Dad. To total. To harvest.. To impede by estop- (38. | BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA | For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9.per ton delivered. fl} Pea Coal; $12.80 per ton deliyered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co, William Dorset, after living at Epsom Downs, England, for eighty- one years without seeing a horse race; di:d at that place recently. ¢ 5 000 AI; aE TELEPHONE 155 '4 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. N | UPTOWN OFFICE: a ed Nn and of Mrs, Man Brockville, passed away following an illness of five ben Dayls, fifth congession of Elizabethtown, aged 91 years garet Todd, late John Todd, HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE™ HALLIDAY ELECTRIC co. Corner King and Princess Streets . RADIO! RADIO! RADIO! See our window for Special Prices on Radio Sets. Your chance to buy your set at a bargain ! Crossword Puzzle Answers. - at a a ---- De° You Spend EXACTLY What You Earn EVERY Month? OT dollars--ef course you don't. But what about your slow, yet sooner or later their poisonous effects are certain, sure! mer, New Boyne, former Athenians, were renewing acquaintances here last week. er cititen, David Dack, Sheldon's Corners, who sustained the loss of bis Barn and contents by fire, a night or two ago. His horse, too, were of unknown origin. Ing and W.M.S. of Sind Hill church met at the home of Mrs. B. orm Much sympathy is telt for a form- | met its death in the flames, which | BEE RY AN ka "WH you sind me Jv aaive nd addres? Tell me which bind {the kind you as : pst SHRI SRT ST on of © RRO RIT § Sa send hysical gains or osses? Are you rid- ing your work or is ccount into a steady loss? Tannin and cafféine found in tea and coffee are artificial stimulants. Drink Instant Postufti~=a rich, full-bodied beverage. An appetiz- ing, ing, satisfying hot drink for every e family every meal of the day. Nota taut nerve, sleep- less hour or headache in it, be cause Postum is free from all drug- stimulants. Instantly made in the cup at a cost of about half-a-cent,