JOHN GILBERT LiLLIAN GISH DANIELS "Te. CAMPUS FLIRT" BEBE AS A CAPTIVATING COLLEGE MISS ! AMUSEMENTS -------------------------------- What the Press Agents Siy About Ooming Attractions AT THE CAPITOL. "La Boheme," Attracts Capacity | ) House Momday Night. "La Boheme," a story . that has thundered down the sges--that bas charmed millions, has come to {he screen----a masterpiece as always, for the fairylike Lilllan Gish, now play- ing at the Capitol Theatre, 's a mile- stone in the art of the séreen drama. | _SPORT. GILL PREPARES T0 MEET QUEEN'S Red and White Will Give Tricolor Terrific Battle. i } : pa a capacity house Mondsy night. Lilian Gish hes glven the world | "Romola," "The White Sister," and other great roles--but she literally | is Mimi, waif of the amt guanter; wistful idol of a post's heart, whose To Al Nov. T--Rughy Tootball i reaches the season's peak here at the imeet at abe Percival Molson Me- week-end, when McGill and Queen's morial Stadium ja the final schedul- ed Intercollegiate rugby fixture of the local season, and a battle which land artistic, was well expended on | Any pince in city ' 2 gn DAY OR NIGHT ThE Gah Ghat sored the down. i rates for Lome THOMAS COPLEY Sioarpotiar i "Phone 987 See us for all kinds of Uarpeatry | work, Estimates given en new Soory tald. Have your hardwood floors clean od with our sew floor cleaning mar chine. PIANO TUNING -- | Adoree is charmingly French es Mu- LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI Cemetery dally He cert Monday and Sat at 3 SSbecial rates for motor AND GENERAL TRUCKING, MOTOR TRUCKS J. W..LANE Fo York Street. 'Phone 2728. "| one had put in a false alarm. A press- to Cataragul MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop 886 Princess Street. "Phone 821.w PAPER HANGING, PAINT- ING AND GRAINING Walnut and 4 Mahbunsr Gralning First clase clase Worle Prices reasonable, FRED, YOUNE, , Travel the Motorway Between i ston and - a ~ PONTIAC AND McLA Fa fast breath is a vow of undying love King Vidor's direction, faultless | 'a remarkable cast. John Gilbert as | | Rodolphe, the romantic poet lover, 'handles the most dificult role sible with that rare understanding that makes it life itself, and Renee setta. Roy D'Arcy adds to the laur- els he won in "The Merry Widow." + All in all, here is a pioture that one can't afford to miss. To do so would be to live in the consciousness that one had missed one of the genu- ine film classics. - What's In a Name 7 The members of the cast of the Rotary Club "Minstrel Chuckles" say that who ever can confine their ap- proval of the show to chuckles is sup- B | erhuman, Neither could we, frankly, the only way to find out is to see the show when it is presented at the Grand Opera House, Nov. Sth, 9th and 10th, by the Rotary Club, for the benefit of the Children's' Welfare Fund. Answered Three Calls. Three calls were answered by the firemen last night. At 7.07 a motor car at the corner of Plum and Cherry streets staged a short circuit stunt that required. the attention of ithe firemen, who got rid of the trouble without much damage being done. At 10.10 2 call was answered to Duf- ferin and Rideau streets, where some ing iron at a local residence started a blaze shortly after midnight, but there was no damage done in this case either. A ------------ Palling forty feet from the back porch of an apartment house at Nia- gara Falls, four-year-old W. H. Ward was fatally injured. NOTICE ALED TENDERS will be recefved by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock ednesday, November 10th, 1924, for | the supply Pg sand for Asphalt Pavements. Specifications and all Information may be obtained jat the office of the City Engines e lowest or any tender mot neces- sarily accepted. H. 8. DICK, City Engineer. Kingston, Nov. 2nd, 1988. (Chattel Mortgage Sale Thursday, Nov. 4th, 10.30 am, Murray's Auction Rooms, Market Square Fine wahut furnitire of pertod de- uddn means either relegation to the cellar for thé Red and White or a fighting chance for McGill to enter a thres- cornered tie at the season's end is the series and the play-off series for the tithe which would follow such a deadlock. McGill are far from upset by their reverse ai Varsity last Saturday. The Red and White played smart foot- ball, The breaks went against them | and they lost a close tilt by one touchdown, Victory would have placed them in an enviable spot in the race for the laurels, bul they are far from being out of coniention yet. Despite the fact that they were smothered by Queen's at Kingston | in their first meeting of Lhe sea-| son, McGill beMeves that the Red and White, playing the same foot- ball they showed in thé two tus- sles with Varsity, have 1 good chance of copping the struggle here Saturday and keeping in the run- ning. And, on the question of weather, McGill is staking much. The Red and W want a dry field for their speedy backs. They had a dry grid- iron when they beat Varsity here, but in thelr two subsequent games ran into rain and heavy flalds, which glowed up their main threa. from the backfield. It was a rainy Octo ber, the worst footballers have ex- perienced since the war, and the damp Saturdays have not aided™the light McGill squad. Out of the Varsity game the Me- Gill players came badly bruised, but TUM wm -- apparently without eerious injury. | 'Capt. Gordie Hughes is the exception. | He aggravated his sore knee and will | not be used against Queen's. Ned | McLennan is severely shaken, but so far appears as if he will be able to] get into the fray Saturday. Joe Cameron, a casualty from the first Queen's game, was out yesterday and will be ready to stant against Bill Hughes' Tricolor. In any. event, Shaughnessy is well fortified with backfield material this season-- which is a strange eituation at Mec- Gil. Dom Smith showed smart foot- ball in Cameron's place against Var- sity, while Jack Little hit his real stride, and it was off this former-end that the majority of the McGill gains were started. OTTAWA STARTS. ---- First Practice With Only Nighbor | Absent Held Monday. Ottawa, Nov. 2.----The Ottawa Sen- ators, the capital's entry in the Na- tional Hockéy League, took to the foe last night at the Auditorium for their initial workout of the season. sign, incl ressing Satie To chiffo- vier, 2 eS, buffet, china aloset, extension table, diners and! other chairs, hall mirror, steel refrig-| erator, Singer drop-head sewing ma-| chime, beds, springs and matiresses, Elassware, crockery, kitchen utensils, | e. The Annual Public Meet- ing of the Orphans' Home and Widows' Friend Society Will be held at the Home, Union St. * Thursday, Nov. 4th At 8 o'dock. Armistice Ball taragqul Chapter LODE. in coo Queen's Re-union Twelve men were in uniform and the | entire Ottawa string was in action, ! with the exception of Frank Nigh-| bor, who is at present in Detroit and | will report on Wednesday. | Alex Connell guarded one net with George Seed, star goaler of last] year's Gunner team, in the other) cage. George Boucher .and Frank | Clancy were on one defence behind | Hooley Smith, Cy Denneny and Frankie Finnegan. Bd Gorman and Alex Smith team- ol up in front of Seed, With Milt | Halliday, Hee Kilrea and" Stan Jack- | son on the attack. [ The men went through a fast sixty! minutes of team-play, all appearing | {in good shape after a reparatory| session over the past three weeks in the Y.M.C.A. ph. 'Queen's or R.M.C. to operation with Committee, Thurs., Nov. 11 TICKETS rors BACH. mit on gor tor che Viewriea Tacs | Majekats oN Sale at Vgtaws suq Me- |. se. pri Meet Loyola Team Montreal, Nov. 2.--Loyola College, {ntermediate Intercollegiate cham- pions of the Quebec district, will play ieither Queen's University intermedi- ates or Royal Military College in the Intercollegiate play<downs, the first game being scheduled for the Loyola campus here Saturday after- | Can. {Twin City ... Bibby Block THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Every contributor is wearing the button. Wear yours ! $250,000 is needed! CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS, KING + Princess Street STON ARE YOU FOR QUEENS? Contributors have five years in which to pay--one-fifth now and 'the rest in equal annual instalments. Give what you can--but G-I-V-E! Telephone 3200 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN IN" STOCK MARKETS OBITUARY | MARINE (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchavges). y ------ Montreal. Nov. 2nd, 1.30 p.m. Abitibi Power ... .. 911% ASbestos, COM. ... .. ++» ++» 235 Asbestos, pid. $1 Bell Telephone ... «137% Brasil ... .:: ooo . 108% Brompton .\. 36% B. C. Fish . 34 Cement, com. Can, Cement, Pd. .. ... .. 118% Dom. Bridge ... . 101% Dom. Textile Ind. Alcohol .. | Laurentide FE Mackay .. .. Mondreal Power . National Breweries, com. ¢ 3% 23% 106% | National Breweries, ud, Oglivie ... . ene Ottawa Power ... Ont. Steel Products . .. Penmans Price Bros. ... Quebec Power | Shawinigan | Smebiters es Spanish River, com. . {Spanish River, pid. Steel of Canada ... 74 186 oo 70% oo 16T% «+7 257 «0 232% . 104 115 108% 63 58% Winnipeg ... ALD. PRICE TO RETIRE FROM CITY OOUNCIL He Will Complete Four Years' \Service at the End of This Year. Ald. H. F. Price will not seek re- election as a member of the City Councll. He made this announce ment on Monday, when interviewed by a representative of The British Whig. For some time there was a report : leurrent to the effect that AM. Price' in the other section, are still in the running ip the Ontario eliminations. No Change in Student Elections Likely This Year The Arte Society at meeting this would be a candidate for mayor, but Ald. Price stated that he had de cided to drop out of municipal lite at the end of this term. AM. Price has served as a mem- ber of the Oity il for four years. He has been chairman of the Board of Works for two years. Fifty -Fifty Deal. Last night a man with an automo- bile called at the Post Office at Col- tire and he borrowed a pump to fill it with air. Unfortunately the pump was not returned to the owner, Late last night the postmaster tous. *jack™ on the roadside, which has appropriated, and feels that he has just about évened up on the deal. hn sn, Feast of All Souls. To-day, being the Feast of All Souls, special masses were celebrated 'in St. Mary's eathedral this morning from six until eight o'clock, there being very large attendances at all the masses. 'The "Musical Blizzard," which was srranged to be held at the Salvation Army citadel Monday night, has been postponed for a week. }irs-Bay and bought & tub» for his Mrs: W. H. Carnovsky. The death occurred on Monday night of Mrs. W. H. Carnovsky, John- son street, who has been seriously IH for the past two months. Deceased had been in ill-health for the past three years. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Allan Turner of this city, one niece, Mrs. Arthur Brouse of this city, and a sister, Mrs. Hammond, Elkbart, In- diara, who was with her in her final moments, Mrs. Carnoveky was a charming lady, of happy disposition and possessed of many excellencies. She was a member of St. Paul's, and active and helpful in the work the church. Her demise is sincerely re- gretted by a wide circle of friends ENGLISH CHANNEL ¢ Four Miles Have Been Covered | 80 Far in the Race. Considerable disténce is being made | on the English Channel swim at the | YM.C.A. On Monday night the Red | team captained by Harold Budreo | swam 122 laps of the pool and the Blue team gaptajnefl by James Mc- Laughlin, swam 122 1-3 laps. This brings the total up,to 36 laps for the Red team and "625 1-3 laps for | the Blue team. Roughly this is about four miles or 22,260 feet, which has been covered in 80 minutes. f Poppy Day. Final arrangements for the "Poppy Pay," to be held Saturday by the Canadian Legion were made at the meeting of the Legion Monday night The workers are meeting Thursday | night for their final word. The loeal | over big and already many local mer- chants have the poppy wreaths in their windows. The Canadian Legion is alsé hold- ing a memorial service in the Memor fal Hall on Armistice Day, November 11th. On Monday night thé Legion re- ceived their official charter, which is now in the club rooms. With Boy Scouts. The First Kingston troop of Boy Scouts met in their regular Mead- quarters Monday might, but there seemed to be an attraction to keep many of the boys away, at least until the big Queen's parade was over, when the numbers were greatly in- creased. The troop is not holding a meeting on the evening of Thanksgive ing Day, but a large turn-out is ex- pected on the following Monday for a special event. Queen Denied Rumor. Bucharest, Rumania, Nov. 2.---No confirmation of the rumor of the fortheoming engagement of Crown Prince Humbert of Italy to Princess Tleana of JRumania can be obtained from well fnformed circles. Queen Marie denied the rumor in Winnipeg recently. : Misery may love company, company never loves misery. SWIM AT Y.M.C.A, | i { i The steamer Aragon cleared from | Richardson's elevator for Port Col- | borne last night. | Word was received in the city this | morning, that work was proceeding | on the steamer Sinfpson, which is aground near Alexandria Bay. Up--Nov. 1--QGehm, 11.30 Nov. 2: City of Hamilton, Down, Nov. 1-Ili, No. 105, 4.45] p.m.; Nov. 2, Nisbet, 12.30 a.m. | i pm. 2 pm. Vessel Movements, Port Dalhousie, Nov | Fields, 3.30 p.m. Monday; Keystate, {8: Maplebay, 12.30 a.m. Tuesday; { Buck, 3: Huntley, 6 30. | In canal, down: Glenelg, Keyport, | Weed, J. Stewart, Maplehill Down: | Prohibition 'in Kansas. { | In reply to the question, Does prohibition pay?" the Catholic Ad-| | vance, the official paper of the Ro- man Catholic Church for the States | | of Kansas and Oklahoma, says: "As | {a direct result of prohibition Kansas | has $200,000,000 in banks and $67. | 000, 000 in mortgages in other! | States It bas $600 per family in live stock. In Kansas there are fittiyJour couniles without amy in sane, ifty-four counties without any! | feeble-minded, minety-six counties | | without any inebriates, thirty-eight | | counties without poor-houses, fifty-three tet without any per- sons in- jail, and 165 counties with | out a representative in the State { penitentiary * Kansas has had pro hibition in force longer than any jan state, and {fs testimony ought {to count for something in the prohi-| bition controversy. / ---------------- Steamer Wag Released, | Aecording to information received | lin the city to-day, the steamer STHID- |son, which ran aground near Alexan- idria Bay, NY, was on Taesday | any | Salvage and Wreeking Company. The! irndder was lost and the vessel Is [pein towed to Ogdensburg by theie tugs Frontenac and Donnelly. A Three Years for Mail Theft, , Toronto,.Nov. 3.--Alfred E. Black oby, radlway mall clerk, | Satiirday on a charge of stealing le- yesterday to three years in FPoris mouth penitentiary by Magiotrate | Jones. . | sionally, | waste and poisons from.the | dizziness { disorders often come > * i* arrested | $ ters from the mails, was seatencel |# Mowsfactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, LIMITED QUART OF WATER CLEANS KIDNEYS \ Take a Little Salts if Your Back Hurts, or Bladder Is Troubling You. No man or woman can make a miss take by flushing the kidneys ocess saysra well-known authority. Eating too much rich food creates acids, which excite the kidneys. They become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the blood, Then we get sick Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, sleeplessness and urinary from sluggish kidneys The moment you feel a dull ache in i the kidneys, or your back hurts, or if { the urine is cloydy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or ate tended by a sensation of scalding, be {gin drinking a quart of water each day, also get about four ounces of | Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take {a tablespoonful in a glass of water { before breakfast, and In a few days { your kidneys may act fine This famous salts {s made from the acid of grapes and lemon jules, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for years to flush and stimulate the | kidneys: also to help neutralize the acids in the system, so they no longer | cause irrisation, thus often relieving: | bladder weakness Jad Saltz Is Inexpetisive; makes & | delightful effervescent lithia- ter drink which everyone should take how and then to help keep the kid neys clean -and active and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding serious kidney complications Sette ise Se Perth Cheese Board. Perth, Nov ? At meet of the Cheese were 482 16 3-8¢ yesterday's Board, thers sold af boxes of cheese ee -- Legion are expecting to put the event {morgine, rel 1 by the Donnelly |e ees 00 00000 so 0088 2 * 4 SOVIET TO SLOW DOWN L PROPAGANDA ABROAD & a: > London, Nov A Moscow 4 despatch to the Westminster & Gazette states Lhe Soviet has de & cided to slow down t¥ propa- & ganda abroad, settles foreign & debts and seek loans in other & 4 laands lor developmag. * ® - $4004003400000088 * a + TORONTO, CANADA