4 The Whig s Classified " $0 aan oi a H " trading shelter at Cataraqui, and here ' neighboring islands, now known as Tuesday, November v FB LE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Yee Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place i The British Wiig KINGSTON, ONT. a v ciassification, and Pla: Daily Whig swie of tyve x CLaBSLY LEY a Ie ative ' Daily Fate per ling Or » cons ay Fuied por es FUE TEE sn 4 eaavis Bee ernares Bar Tiages, one an, Bing) caarged, §L60; ane laine, orduged for lereguins ions LARS taken for lees tenn of four lines. food of one ss EEE first amie 3 cash rate te ail £8 Ani Tae | for "yearly advertising SBPIVe ght to edit reject pageot ail a seasrve the right Lo 20 phone 343) sek for sa want sd Olpssifed Display W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance: - Brock and Wertington Sts. Octobe McGARVEY In Kingsto mn 8 tober ist, 1998, to Mr. and Mra. Michael MoGarvey, Mt. Chesney, & daughter. -- DEATHS. in Kingston on Nev. (Lizzie) Fer- 'William MH. CARNOVEKY ist, 15926, Sarah Elise rin, beloved wife of Carnoveky The funeral will take plate from her iste residence, 230 Johnson street. edneaday afternoon, SL. ig glock = Cataragui cemetery. v IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Mr, Joseph Troberts and their two phi Lynnwood and Irvina, who were on November Ind, 1934. Dear Yoved ones who have gome before wait for us there; To loving arms will-God restore us, And in their blisg we'll share "Then full of faith we'll lay our sorrow at Josus feet; And in the bri Loved "xiadly sister and b and Mrs. idren, killed and heavenly morrow, safed ones meet Tisaed hy by father and mother, 49 COLBORNE ST AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. JOHN OCOSNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 560 "HH. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND Yorker, \ crous, PARLURSSydanbim » ry a frig 4 ported oll cookers congoleum "Turlcs en PHONE 705. HISTORICAL SOCIETY » By Wr. Justios Mowat on . "Robert Oaveller; Kinge- ton's First Ofltizen." The first of the open lectures by the Kingston Historical Society was giv- en in the assembly hall of the Dairy School on Monday evening. The lec- turer was Hon. Mr. Justice H. Mowat, Toronto, and his subject was 'Robert Caveller, Kingston's First Citizen." Justice Mowat, who spoke to a good- Lp audience, which included a num- of cadets from the Royal Military College, told the story of Robert Oavelier, the young Frenchman of modest descent, born in 1643, who to Canada with the Sulpician 4a of priests, of which his brother, A Jean Cavelier, was one. The Sulpicians had large grants of land near Montreal, amd here young Cave- lier afterwards known as Sieur La Salle, began his search for a way to a across the unknown continent. Lachine rapids were so named Ah he hoped to find a short way he treasures of the cast by way of the St. Lawrence. The Senaca Indians told him tales of the great rivers, the Illinois and the Mississippi and going westward he built a fur instead of at Weller's Cove on the Bay of Quinte, the place first chosen, Frontenac, the viceroy of France, ar- rived with four hundred men and an imposing flotilla of : gally-painted boats. The landing was made on July 12th, 1673, and the Indians were 'much impressed by the retinue and ; condescension of Frontenac, and bufit the first Fort Frontenac, telling them it was a storehouse for wares they could purchase with furs. La Salle was finally given the fort by is XIV under the condition that iid a chapel and provide for two et. priests and that he would keep sufficient garrison for its-de- fence. He was given a seigniory along the shore of the lake and the Wolte and Amherst Islands. The lat- ter he gave later to Heary Tonty, bis lieutenant. : Mowat traced the forfunes Balle In he west, his disasters ¥ 'when his vessel the Grifton: was Tost, 'hé"saspected by the treachery of his pilot; Misstssipp! until he reached ¢ "LECTURE IS GIVEN] his travels | P. H. RTS, ROBE Undertaker and Embaimer, AMBULANCE, Sydenham, Ont. ---- CUT 'FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 453 and 1218-J. nanan Phone 20. EE ---- ASKS UNITED FORCES T0 FIGHT FOR 0.T.A. -- Liberal Leader W. E. N. Sin- clair Makes a Strong Ap- peal at Whitby. Whitby, Nov. 2.--A clarion eall to all Liberals, Progressives, Conserva- tives and members of any other party who believe that the will of the people, as expressed in the ref- erendum, should prevail, and who desire the re-establishment' of demos cratic government, to rally under a common standard, was sounded here last night by Willlam E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Liberal leader, at the conven- tion for South Ontario. There was a large attendance of party stalwarts from all parts of the! riding, despite the inclement wea- ther. Mr. Sinclair, who has repre- gented the constituency for ten years, was accorded & magnificent reception, and was unanimously re-| nominated. The large audience thor- oughly endorsed his platform, as) contained in his manifesto and his speeches. AUSTRALIAN HOSPITAL SYSTEM EXPLAINED ------ By Dr. M. T. MacEachern, of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. M.T. MacEachern, assistant director of the American College of (Surgeons, which supervises the standardization of hospitals on this continent, spoke to the staff of the General Hoapital Monday afternoon and gave an illustrated lecture in Convocation Hall on Mondsy night to all the hospital staffs of the city, the medical students and the medi cal profession. Dr. MacEachern was in the city studying conditions in the hospital at penitentiary with a view to standardizing prison hoepi- One of the features of his i6cture, which fwas - y illustrated 'with pictures of every type of hoe- |the units and it is believed to effect iL : ame a------------------------------ BLACK ROSARYeFound@on brock i Owner may bave same at Whig Office BLACK CLUB BAG Lost, containing chikiren's clothes Finger please jeave at 3¢ Alice Street. BUXTON KEY-Container, dom 3 ~ the parade, Monday night. Re Diets return to the Whig Office vy the Y. CoA. : ocker Span ol CAND WHITE--Coo and deal. Anawers to name of "Prince." Finder please 'phone 394. Reward - COLLIE DOG - Ownér may have same by paying expenses and claiming dog at the Diamond Taxi Stand, King CAR JACK---Found, near Centreville Catholic church, Sunday, Oct. 24th. Owner may have same from G. W. Or- sce, K) Elginburg, or 'phone 17 r 15, 8yd- en! FUR NECK PIECE-~Found on Johnson Street, on Monday, Owner apply at 126 Nelson Street. BLAC lost, GREEN SUIT CASE -. Losi Sunday morning between Hemlock Park Dairy and Outdr Station. Finder please re- turn to Whig Office. HEAVY, DARK RIMMED GLASSES Lost on Frontenac Street between Earl and Union on Tuesday night. Finder please return to Whig Office. LADY'S UMBRELLA-- Exchanged at Fort Garry Cafe on Satupday, October 30th, with silver ring top. 'Phone 3187 or call at 242 Johnson street. PARCEL --With one tan shoe and pair of black rubbers, lost Thursday af- ternoon dn Kingston. Finder kindly leave at Whig Office. SILK SCARF-left in the Odd Fellows' Temple. Owner may have same by ap- piving to Caretaker, Odd Fellows Temple « SPARE RIM---And tire found on high- way near Niger Hill. Owner may have in, 2k Spying to Stillman Bald- o. Ingston, A DOG---Black and White, short legged, found. Apply Humane 8o- ciety Inspector. 'Phone 2260-J. SMALL PURSE---Found on Wellington Street. Owner please 'phone 2113-w or 'oll at 78 Princess Street. Live Stock sk : in PURE One and two years old, from $15.00 to $30. Come and see them or'] will ship¥C.0.D. on approval. L. P. Gavin, M rytown, R. R. No. 1. BRED SHROPSHIRE RAMS... BY WILLIAMS. AT ht NC Sou BEAST! vou CONARDI% You NOU SNAWE! STRIKING FROM BrHIND! VP HES KILLED A SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE MAXING YOU sorry FOR ITI sPeAY TO ME CURLY --CURLY? : Barristers and Solicitors. Sib | WH. HERRINGTON--Barristor, Soliols tor and Not i Welling ton Street. Si p< Public i ebew | REYNOLDS, J. ComBarrister and Solel.' tor, §1 Brock Street. ortgages ranged on city aad farm pe eRe _Fhoue 2809. | B = i { i | _---- JRwillavs i 0-2 ©1929 BY MEA sERVICE. ec. Agents Wanted Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 8 MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You ean earn $1.00 to $2.00 an hour im your spare time writing showeards. No ean. vassing or soliciting; we instruct you and supply you with work. . Write to- day e Menhenitt Company, Limit ed, 21 Dominion Bulidh 5 Tornato. Female Help Wanted A CAPABLE GIRL-Or woman to -- with work in a home where students room and board. No washing or cook- ing. References required. Apply be- tween 3 o'clock and 5 at 92 Foy St. West. ENERAL WANTED--Apply Mr, Jae k= aon, 218 Johnson Street. ' SPLENDID OFPORTUNITY -- Young lady for office. Apply in confidence: Box E.1, Whig Office YOUNG GIRL.JTo assist with house. work. pply to Mrs S. Murray, 264 University Ave. 'Phone 12404 w tage hospitals and each cottage hos- pital in turn serves a number of hospitals of three or four bed oa pacity in munities of three of four use Simon An ambulance service is maintained between all of very considerable savings in taxes as there is no overlapping. AUNT HET "Since I've got kind o' stout the thipgg I enjoy dein' most betweea supper an' bedtime is takin' a nap." Exhibits and Evidence Have Been Forwarded The exhibits, evidence/and all pa- pers pertaining to thy McCoskey case have been forwarded toc the Court of Appeal for Oatario at Tor onto on behalf of th who ate moving to secure a new t for Me- Coskey. The evidence will be ed and argument heard to mine whether or not a new trial pitals each serves 3 number of cot- "I BRINGING UP FATHER be granted, but as yet no date h buen set set for the hearing. T y = : { AN INTELLIGENT CHRISTIAN WO-| MAN to Interview mothers In promo-| tion of religious education in the} home, and to dis.ribute religious litera-| ture endorsed by all Protestant de- jomingtions. $24 weekly average earn- ings guarantesd for regular work. pare time. Poni h or Sunday schoel| 8 Worker FM for, have good chureh con-| nections and thoroughly believe that | mothers should play a larger part in| the religivus educagion of thejr chil-| dren ror interview write | Mr. Conrad, Spadina. Bidg.. 'Teroato,| who wiil soon come to Kingston to see you and others who answer this ade] vertisement. State age and church] connection. personal RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wan: Fob) now for every unrepresented distriet;| largest and complete stock. six hundred | acres. Nursery established forty) Years. Our agency is valuable. W Fite | now and secure territory, Pelham | Nursery Ce. Toronto. SALESMEN---We offer steady employ. ment ahd pay weekly to sell our com- plete and exclusive lines of guaran. teed quality, whole root, fresh-dug- to-order trees and plants. Attractive, fllustrated samples and full co~opera-| tion. A money- Making opportunity. | Luke Brothers Montreal FURNISHED -- Heated, flat, hardwood foors, etc. posaession. Apply Box G-1, fee. i housekegpin £) Immediate | Whig Uf- | ROOMS AND APARTMENTS--For rent in" Whitney Hotel biqck, 29 Brock St. Rent moderate. Apply E91 iiroek st 9! BRICK HOUSE..Cor. Prix ncess and a bert streets, all conver i, trie lights and gas, hot ae ne ating, combination furnace, fireplace, garage, large, dry cellar. For particulars ap- ply 578 Princess Street. "Phone 1421-w CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE--At 152 Pine Street; all improvements. Apply 154 Pine Street. SEVEN ROOMED---Cement Block House furnace, &ll improvements, on Sixth Street. Newly decorated 325 00 per month. Apply H. F. Norman, 63 Pat- rick S:ireet 7 ROOMED HOUSE~Cenir cation Furnace, bath and toilet Possession at ones. _Appl iy | 47 HQusen Street. city Tooma w ----------------------------- TE ct mp an FURNISHED ROOMS-- Good locality, hot and cold running water, in each room, well heatad, easonable terms. £93 Johnson strec', corner FrontenSe. "Phone $97-). FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS -- on bathroom flat, hot Water heating, alectric lights and gas. Apply 151 Division Street. . LARGE, FRONT BEDROOM Suitable for one or two persons, hot water heat. ing. Apply to Box H-I, Whig Office. LARGE COMFORTABLE BEDROOM Suitable for one or two persons. With or. without board: Apply to Box Fi; Whig ORNice. - The Conservative cinb of ~King- ston is holding a series of euchres bP Phone 388-3 or and dances in the Venetian Gardens during the fall and "winter. Mexico City rebel activities are FRE Thied by the Roman Catholic episco- pate. is doubtful. Aruicies For Sale. 5 4 1 ACRE FARM miles from Kingston, bagement barn, vrehard, well Apply Box C or ~ Near Odessa, 10 stone house, never-failing 'phone 1935-4. "Furniture 15a | FURNITURE-- Antique and furnijure sold and bought § 507 Princess Street, successors 9} sses Aantique Shop. i i moderna M. Cram-~ 50 ACRE inverary and bu dings in exceiient Immediate possession Canon Jones, Kingston. feed, condition. Apply Rev. 300 ACRE village, gain. FARM- About 3 miles from near cheese factory. A bare _Apply to Box 198, Sydenham. 14 HOUSES FOR SALE--And to let in ail parts of the city. Two farms, wouldy' exchange. See list at office. Insurance, Money wo loan. T. O'CONNOP, 2451 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. RESIDENCE--Hrick veneer, § room hot water heating, eleotric' light gas, I-p. bath, east side. Cheap for quick sale. Apply J. B. €ook, Bank of Toronto Building. $2000, FRAME-] rooms, 3 piece bath and electric light, stable and garage. Newly decorated. A bargain for time- ly sale. Apply Geo. Bateman, 111% Brock Stree: city. Houses For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Now brick house and five lots, new hen house and garage Would exchange for ' arm Bargain for cash. 110 feet from rincess. Apply to Fred Thomson, 10 yton J Avenue, Kingston, Articles For Sale Mincellancons 15 ANDIRONS Fenders, fire screons-- everything for fireplaces. Parifidfe Aron 'Works, piating i al . ele, King 'St. 'Phone £30 SRICK Stock, pressed, Rug Rustic building tile and drain tile 824 Johnson St. "Phone 3041 «ULL DRESS SUIT--in g Size 3%, Apply 161 od condition Johnson Street, Phone 1828. GAS ENGINE--4$ hp. With saw, almost new, aise Iu muer waggon, skeighs, whiffle trees 'and neck yoke _Apply to Thomas St p------ -- smem-------- PIANO i 1-3 octaves ub ony conditioe h cash, ana §7 say, Lad mounted on tr : in excellent e Terms $30 per month. W. Lind- 121 Princess Beret." staa----: prima---------- WO TRACTOR PLOWS..2 Furrows, one Rlmost-new; Beatty Stalls, Stanch- fons and Littér Carriers, De Laval Sepa arators and Engines. A few used En- gines and Separators. F. Cramer, Frost & Wood Agenc Brock St 121 i Charlotte Whitton May Ran. Renfrew, Nov. 2--Miss Charlotte Whitton, for some years private sec- retary to Hon. Thomas A. Low, and recently prominent in social service work; is being prevailed upon to contest this riding as an Indepen- dent. She is said to have expressed willingness if assured of unanimous | "oppo of Liberals. Miss Ruby Moon, Loudon, oi 1 £0 st. wuiuew that her recoviry FARM--On easy Rerms, near) implements, farm | small} | SKIN === | Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. 5 G. PAUL--{pecialiy} for new Or re- paired, Side Curtaing Slip Covers, Se- dan upholstering and decking, wind-} shield and body glass pit in whi'e you wait, linoleum and edging for run- ning boards, waterproof truck tarpaus | lins and awnings made to order. avd | Prine Hireet. Phuna A640-F. i mm Fuel sna feed 29] i ANTHRACITE COAL-Stove, Chestaut | and pea coal. The nut and stove at} $15.28 from car, delivered coal arrived. Of the cars $11.60. Or- ders taken. Apply C. W. Neville, 158! Tolling wood Bt Telephone 2368-m, | i DRY HARDWOOD 34.00 load. Dry| softwood slabs, §3.00 Hard coke, stove size $10.50 ton. Hard pea coke, $7.08 | ton. Peat $12.90. 'Phene 2400-w. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. LUMBER-----Rough and dressed, aiso| shingles ang lath, satin finish hard- wood flooring, all kinds, stovewood | Resawing and planing. J. Peters &| Son, corner Bruck and Streets. 'Phone 88%. Car of pea GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD Concession street, for used lumber a $25 per thousand, new Shingles, lowesl price and mixed wood, soft lumber an i Fuel ana Feed = 8 PARKER'S WOODY ARD- Streot, 'phone 1438-J try Parker's. per load; 32.75. W. H. NORMAN. Wishes to annoubos | the opening uf a new Coal and Wood Yard, 200 Montreal] Sireet. Reason«| able Hardwood per wad, 3.75; hardwood slabs, per luvad ixed Wood, per loa 00; Softwoc 4) Slabs, $2.75. Deliver "hone 1 | - 960 Johnadn For good wor Best dry hardwood $4.75 mixed hatdwocd, $3.50; slabs! rices. ORUGLESS PRACTIT Maroells, corner of Uarrie and Prine cess §tlreeta. Chiropractic adjusts ments, electric treatments and hand massage. X-ray service Conaulta- tion free. Hours 5-13 han, 1«6 p.m Evenings by appointment. ioe tele phone ¥32 esidence robo 1-J. LUCY=-Geo. F. and Jeunle A. ractors, Rogistered Nurse, 303 treet. 'Phone #51-w H $14 | 1-6, 6-17.30. Consultation free. ! BLEMISHES -- Hair, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin C Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanents| ly. Batisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed | Golire cured without operation years experience. Dir. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. Bagot Btreet. Phone $0iw. House 1i3 ONER --. W. A "PERMANENT B. 209 Princess Street. ALL. FIRST MADE 10 ORDER Children's hair opti WAVING $15.0 Ful, BaD Ki "Phous 218-1 WORK jes' Tranators Switches, name S Siting. hae ingh Hay Street, Kingston on. Teltonone duvm. CLASS mations, debbed cur PUCIAE. singeing, ou Scalp {attention given lo Hair Dyeing. Switzer, | peinitment (FRENCH MAROEL WAVING Water Waving, Bob RP nd and Bobbed alr T and Tr at h 387 Queen Sireel rs ror 'phone 2016 Auctioneers 2a. | AUCTIONEERS--Expert service. mode rate charges. We can sell anythi anywhere, Say time. 'Phone 831 Murray Auction Rooms, Mar | ERNIE D. SLITER---Insurance Broker, ai] branches of insurance in old line companies of highest ny neial stand-| ing. 381 King Street Bast. 'Phoncs 3is»w. Res }) Insure FIRE~--Automobile and Casubity 3 5 treet. ance. EM. Crumley, 410 Ear 'Phone 17183-M | eur YOUR INSURA NoE--Ogly reliable! companies range a Strange, stab mhed I in 1860 Office: #%' Clarence Street, apposite Post Office. | A the wm esenled. re ANDERSON---Painter and Decorator. Bhop and residence 'phone 1966. o! ties 283 King Streel. done now. bt a ble. Reread paper for amie Horten, 146 Collings wood Street. 'Phone 3384-J. | SIGN PAINTING--J. ® Roblusoa, wr 8 Bagot Street FRONTENAC LOAN AND. VE MENT SOCIETY -- locorporated Im 1861, President. A. D. Cartwright) vice-president J. M. Farrell Money Joan om city and farm properties. ims vestment. Bonds buught and sold, posits received and interest paid on misimum monthly balance. : Ar iw right, MARRS RAE ow 87 Clarence st Toronto | --- i RADIO "Storage aoe. clean, ¢ rooins and spaces; your own k kay. Frost's Cay Storage, 399+ 3056 Queen Si. 'Phone 526. Res. #59-W. or 1933-J\ BOYD'S STORAGE W AREHOUSE. POL, furniture or any merchandise. _proot buliding. 'Phone 1000 or uty Mlscemancons = aad gor, | #TORAGE-For furniture, alr an ASHE. sand out eof ards, ciean job done. A. i Russell Street. 'Phone 3385. ASHES Removed from yard and oele jars; genersl carting; first class dry~ wood for sale Ketimateg ven, Buckley Transfer, 143 York reel. 'Pho ne a Moor <4 ~M SE TT Atwa Kent Has Demonstrations terms dio. (aK) Canadas Radio Stores. payment. Exper: Plano Tuning, Player-Plane Adjusting. Fhone eed C. Ww. Li NUBAY, LIMITED ---- ee -- | NPHOULST ERAN GA nd general repalf lug. leave orders at or drop & card Wy Harold, 104 Clergy Siresl KINGSTON AUTO TOF AND BODY OO, Makers of Auto, Bugsy oat Tops Cushions. commer Sedan, nd Upe Coupe bodies, Calilornia Te bolstering Awnings and Tenuta ela Mi 47 King street. Phone 1948. Auto Wrecking Co. Une ton bPurd Truck, Also sil Kinds of Second Hand Automoblie Farts for all maken of ears. Setoid Head Tires. all pi ----- price $4.00 te P0000, ROSEN & POLLITT 'Phone I4T3-w, 149 RIDEAU s7T, salt Automoblion for Sale ROL x on PEt ul ty King 'Battery Sere Barristers an Soficitors Py OFaniNgHaN & SMITH Barristers] and Solicito 73 Clarence Street Kingston. - B. Cunsningham, K.C; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristery Solicitors, $8 Clareics Street, ston. A. EK Day, Adrian L te Morigeages arranged. 'Phone 306. SHMEA---~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of J King and Brock, over Foysl Money to loan. Phone 1939. a-- AUTO WRECKERS Used parts, used tires for salb, Briscoe Touring, § of linder. Ford Tourh ng MelLaughlia Touring, 6 cylinder, Vord Hoadwier, Chevrolet Tour Batteries el a weneral repatra; | Palmer's Auto Salvage 189 CLERGY STREET HH i & ® g ¥ : ! iz i ! i E i g 4 a WOULD YOU TAKE A COUPLE OF R5=ts FOR wow! | THOUGHT 1 WAS GOIN IN A PATROL WA GON BY GEORGE McMANUS EN