Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1926, p. 2

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mri STOKE OPEN .'. SATURDAY NIGHT MAYOR MING DENIES Declares He Will Run as Lib- eral Candidate In Fron= tenac~-Lennox. Napanee, Nov. 2 -- Vigorously denying rumors on his retirement from the contest; in Frontenac-Len- nox riding, Mayor Ming, Napanee, the official Liberal candidate, posi- + tively, deciared that he is inthe field to stay until the last vote is polled. In order to make -his position ab- solutely clear and to leave no pos- sible misunderstandings as to where age & Shaw Candies ranigan's 268 Princess n he stood, Mayor Ming pledged his whole-heagted support to the Liberal platform, adding that he stood firm- ly for the maintenance and enforce- ment of the Ontario Temperance Act as endorsed by the will of the peo- ple, by plebiscite or referendum de- mand that it be maintained and forced. The will of the people t prevail, he affirmed. Mayor Mipg says he feels that the present occasion affords an oppor- tunity for all true temperance peo- ple, regardless of party affiliations, to rally to his support and by their influence and votes to elect him their representative on Dec. 1st. 4 i READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It A DESERONTO LADY BREAKS HER THIGE In Stepping Off 'Walk at Dark Spot--Francis Brennan Your Home Should Come First SPECIAL SALE of Simmons Products and Ives Walnut Beds 3 piece outfit, complete--2" Walnut well-filled 3" fillers; Simmons Coil Spring, Cotton Filled Mat- tress, fOr . ccc omens iv wang rs $23.00 i's piece outfit--Cane-filled 2" posts, immons Coil Spring, Cotton Fill- edMattress :..... ...c enue. .$25.00 * Simmons Spring Filled Mattresses. Simmons Beauty Rest Mattresses. Ostermoor are the best Mattresses anywhere. "Fully 25% superior to : anything made. : Pillows .........«cve.iine $1.35 pair Springs and Ex. Couches ....... .$10.00 ROBT. J. REID Leading In Funeral and Ambulance Service. "Phone 577. Suffers Broken Wrist. Deseronto, Nov. 1.--Mrs. W. H. Wagar, while walking up Thomas street last night in the dark. because the lights on this part of the street are out of commission, miscalculat- ed her step, and stepped off the sidewalk near the United Church, fracturing her thigh. She was at- tended by Dr. C. T. Wallbridge and was reported as resting comfortably to-day. The Deseronto High School rugby team play an exhibition game here this 'Wednesday: afternoon with a Napanee team. M. J. 'Hogan of Lindsay, Ernest F. Case of Picton, T. N. Gauthler, of Trenton, Donald K. Oliver, Rev. Dr, T. Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. F. Low- rey of Toronto, were business call- ers in town. The High School rugby team trim- med the Picton Collegiate in Plc- ton, Saturday afternoon to the tune of 31-0. Mack Perry of the DH.S. team mdde four touchdowns. On the return trip home at night Mr. M. Ostrander's car was ditched. It con- tained Mr. A. D. Campbell, Francis (Tiny) Brennan, Jeff Culhane and Kenneth Haite, 'while between Pic- ton and Belleville. The lights of an- other care blinded the driver. Mr. Ostrander's car ended up against a telegraph pole, and was pretty bad- ly damaged. Tiny Brennan suffer- ed a broken wrist and cut and dis- located hand. He was taken to Belle- ville where he was attended by Dr. Robertson. He stayed in Belleville Saturday night and came home Sun- day. The others of the party were pretty badly shaken up. Mr. Qs- trander was able to bring his car home but it will need a lot of fixing to put it in good shape. W. B..Stoddart of Belleville, spent the week-end at his home on Thomas street east, PICTON ------ ---- Picton, Nov. 1---The Tennyson Club met at Inglehurst with Mrs. H. B. Bristol and Mrs. Gordon Nichol as joint hostesses. Mrs. Douglas Reid | of. Bdiléville, who spent the summer touring England, Belgium and Ett J, :os x oy ~ £ | oghb gl TT A LA France with a party of university students, gave a most interesting talk under the title "Young Cana- dians Abroad." Mrs. Reid, by her pleasing descriptive powers carried her audience with delight through the * beaiflitul cathedrals, Oxford, Bath, London, Paris, the battlefields and many other points of interest in the old land and the cqptinent. The Club began their readings for the season in the first act of "A Mid- { summer Night's Dream." Those con. tributing to the musical end of the programme were Mrs, Dwight, Miss Holmes and Mrs. Gerald Allison. 'Falrmount United Church héld their anniversary services om Sun- day, Rev. Fred Horton of Milford of- ficlating. Tonight (Monday) the an-. nual chicken ple dimmer was served from § to 8.30 o'clock. This was fol- VE.YOU NOTICED How the all-round men are always in demand ? every way, mentally and phys- and every faculty are under and trained to do its part in the are efficient in ; | had seized his craft. {availed nothing. lowed by a programme i given by Prof. Walden'and Pileton talent. Charles -Hotson was i0-<TPoroato. auto accessory and radio equipment exhibition which was held in the a guest at the banquet put on by the | auto accessory dealers at the King! Pdward. i | Conservative ~commitlee . rooms | have been opened over Gentile's | store, across from the Bank ot Montreal. . : Mrs. M. G. Wilcox has returned from visiting friends at Toronto and Brampton. Dabo a Castle Inn was en fete on Thurs- day afternoon when Mrs. Townsend entertained over fifty of her lady friends at an afternoon tea. Mrs. Townsend received her guests in the lounge which was artistically decor- ated for the occasion while the glow. ing grate fires radiated a welcome to all. A flower contest was much enjoyed, Mrs. George Barker carry- ing off the coveted prize. Delicious refreshments were served at quar- tette tables 'in the handsome ball room. Miss Valeria Wrightmyer, one of Prince Edward County's talented vo- valists, broadcasted from Station WEEI Boston on Saturday night. WRONGFUL SEIZURE OF CAPE VINCENT BOAT In Connection With Liquor Smuggling Out of Kingston --Boat Returned. (Watertown, N. Y., Standard) Cape Vincent, Nov. 1.--~While the village became highly pleased yester- day at the amnouncement of Repre- sentative 'Thaddeus C. Sweet, of Phoenix that he would petition Con- gress for $30,000 for an addition to the 4ocal fish hatchery, the hubbub over lake trout, white fish and black bass propagation brought to the limelight 'again the seizure and re- turn of the boat owned by Williamy E. Dodge, an esteemed fishing guide and resident of this village. Whether the seizure and return of the boat by federal agents came from bungling in one of the many federal offices of the North Countr or whether the information upon which they swore a warrant came from sources that intended a "frame up" Lis a matter not quite pertinent to the generally conceded conclusion . that Dodge got the losing end of the deal. The village, as a whole, has ac- cepted that Dodge was innocently compelled to accept a financial loss that may range from $300 to $1,000 because somewhere along the line of federal red tape procedune, some major or minor officer bungled. Dodge, himself, an ardent dry advo- cate in spirit and practice, has ac- cepted his loss with passivity be- cause the clues that hé traced from the office of American consul at Kingston to the federal offices In the North stopped abruptly when it came to actual questioning the fed- eral officers for the basis upon which they swore out a warrant. u 4 Special Permit. Mr. Dodge obtained a special per- mit from the government for strip- ping lake trout of their spawn dur- ing the spawning season in the fall after the Canadian government re- fused the local fish hatchery the right to do so in Canadfin waters. The first and second years in the ex- periment of getting the lake trout during the spawning time were not productive owing to faulty siene nets and the village in its entirety watch- od with keen interest the develop- ment of a special net which Mr, Dod perfected. This year Dodge was assured that his time and efforts would be repaid as the net apparent- ly functioned well. The spawning beds are at the head pf Carleton Is- land in American waters where he is now engaged in stripping the trout. Dodge expended in time, money and effort about $3,000 in addition to bullding a $3,600 boat. This boat | is nameless, being registered under the licemse mumber 2208-Y. Some however have called it the "Billie" and that name became the centre of controversy after the seizure, Warrant for Seizure. . . On September 28th, a Mr. Welch, an agent, appeared here with the warrant for the seizure of the boat on the charge of tramsporting booze trom Kingston to Oswego, August 11th. » Welch conferred with local fpeople and found that Dodge had ap excellent reputation here and was dry in sentiment and practice; in short he was convinced that a mis- take had been made and so reported to his superiors without. seizing tie boat. A day or two later an agent by the name 'of Day appeared with the proper authority to seize the boat which he promptly did. sent along his own me- chante to guide the boat down the river and generally care for her as it was of peculiar construction, par- tienlarly adapted for his business. "Two weeks later bis boat was return- ed from the North. In the meantime Dodge had gone to Ogdensburg to confer with the officials who told him that a boat named "Billie" bearing license num- bar 2208-Y had cleared from King- ston to Oswego logded with 80 cases of whitkey and on this basis they Came to Consul Here. Dodge naturally denied the atega- tions and attempted to explain that a mistake had been made. This Dodge then went to Kingston and conferred with the customs officials pointing out that a mistake had been made 2s he was able to prove that on August 11th big boat was engaged in proper fish- ing routine and was not In King- - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG {ast -week--in- attendance--at-the big} Coliseum. On Monday night he was } ston. The Canadian officials inform- ers. All sizes, surprisingly low! PURE LINEN TOWELS A very attractive range to choose from, with hemmed or hemstitched ends and Damask bord- Priced 25c¢. to $1.50 each \C/ For Thanksgiving Shaw's offer you the finest range of beautiful, Irish Linen Table Cloths and Napkins in Eastern Ontario. All the new period designs presented, including Renals. sance, Boule, Louis IV, Adam, the new Convemtional and. Floral Designs. A real beauty is the pheasant design, spe cial for Thanksgiving, in all sizes, and Napkins to match, We can save you money on Linens. Cloths from ......$1.98 to $18.50 each Napkins to match $3.00 to $1 5.00 dozen | MADEIRA LINENS Through a special buy we can save you 50% all Madeira Linens, including ) -- Doylies, Ovals, Trays and Lunch Cloths. All sizes. Let's p CLUNY LACE PIECES A beautiful display to choose from, in all sizes and with prices "Plain, Hemstitched Linens, in all sizes . . . . ... D. A. SHAW, Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE rove this to you ! 5K RUN DOWN MEN NERVOUS MEN Don't Miss This You're behind the times if you don't know that Cod Liver Extract is one of the greatest flesh producers in the world. Because it contains more vitalizing vitamines than any food you ean get. You'll be glad to know that Me- Coy"s Cod Liver Extract Tablets come in sugar coated form now, so it you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid, Healthy flesh on your bones and feel well and strong and have a complexion that people will admire--ask Jas. B. McLeod, Ma- hood"s Drug Store, Branigan's Drug Store. or any druggist for a box of McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Only 80 cents for 60 tablets and if you don't gain five pounds in 30 days your druggist will hand you back the money you pald for them. It isn't anything unusual for a per- son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days, and for old people with feebleness overtaking them they work wonders. ed him that the bungling had been done by the American men. To fur- ther substantiate this and to ascer- tain if the Canadian officials had for- warded false information to this side Dodge went to the American consul. Here he found the first definite clue of any. The consul showed him the telegram he had sent to Speeial Agent Norwood of thegFederal forces with the detailed information but in- stead of telling of Dodge's boat It read that a boat named "Billie" had cleared from Kingston with the whiskey cargo. The clearance pap- ers had no record of the license num- ber as charged by the American agents. Inasmuch as Dodge's boat is not named Billis by official registra- tion and the much mought boat did- not clear under the license number 2208-Y as would have been required if Dodge had cleared with his boat it was guite evident that the infor- mation between the time it was furnished by the consul and the time it went onto the warrant for the seiz- ure of the boat bad been badly garb. led. 3 Boat Ret . With this information as & basis Dodge was not long In. informing the Federal agenfs with the result that his boatwas returned. While the agents were holding the craft, Dodge's activities in the lake trout business were at a stand- still It was published in the news Fel Parisian Shop ° 822 BROCK STREET Between Division and Barrie Streets Damp Wash-- Flat Work Ironed Just What We Do: 'We call for your work. We wash it. i We iron' all bed and table linen ready for use. We return your wearing apparel damp ready to iron. : 8c. per Ib. "Minimum 800. "The Kingston- Imperial Laundry "PHONE. 302. papers that his boat Bad heen seiz- ed on the suspicion that it was used in the Yquor traffic and he became the centre of interest and in some quarters astonishment. Dodge really suffered none in prestige or esteem We show a wonderful assort- |i i} ment in both plain and fancy, Hi suitable for all occasions, and ii t offer exceptional values, See I" il our showing at | 25c., 49c., 75¢., $1. | New Hats, New Shirts, New Ties | Lot us supply your Kurnish. | | ing needs. { Farmers and Bullders, ATTENTION! Brick, Lumber, Roofing as 25 yedrs as a boat builder, fishing guide and - fisherman hag so estab | lished him in the respect of the com- | munity that it will take more than | Federal bungling to shake that esteem. The real loss is a financial) one and it is ehtirely Mr. Dodge's | who must work fast when tha trowt begin to spawn owing to the shori- ness of the season. Refused To Confirm Sale, The Broadway United Chprch in| when the congregation declined to accede. Rev. Dr. Thurlow Fraser, was being negotiated. Charles Millar, well-known ronto lawyer and ' horseman, suddenly yesterday, aged three years. Te- timber acreage than the dustry cuts. lumber in- Stomach ILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia Winnipeg was under terms of aie | H resigned and accepted a new charge | i in the United States, while the sple | dred | 1H seventy- | Hi Forest fires annually waste more; ih FOR SALE * at Attractive Prices. I. Cohen & Co. MONTREAL STREET "Phone 8000, ng, FOR HOMES OR INVESTMENTS ON EASY TERMS $2,300 | Division Street, double i ll $2,700 Russell St detach | cement bloek; Jireet. Jem | #2.500 --- sireet, detached frame; improvements, £3,000 Chathe st -m id double $2,000 -- John Street, detached frame. Lot 08 x 133. 93,100 Markinnd Street, detached . frame; sll improvements, $3800 = York Street, dotighed bulldieg lots, Albert, 'oh and Alfred Streets) reasons Rent Tasurince continues , income when Are ejects tenants until you SEE OUR J. B. BAMPSON EV. Ml Cor. Johmson and Division Sts. New 'phone numbers 589, 538 ead Sl your your There are more than 200 women acting as directors of important busi. ' ness concerns in England, { Camel trains are still used as th chief carriers in the remote 1 of Austrailia. 2

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