Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1926, p. 10

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Wednesday, November 3, 1926, er a---- * ay Now being sheen -at-Jackson-Metivier's The New Evening Mode For the Season mg. 7 Your Evening Apparel OUR" ~~} CUSTOMERS - For the Holiday | ARE DELIGHTED _ Charming Evening Gowns--perhaps a brilliant [ bad been trou ; ro : frock of French Ombre Chiffon, in rich Black, a- ' ¥ WITH bled th constipation ud indiger py sparkle with rhinestones, or a youthful, beaded i - me to try Carter's Little Liver Pills. ? p< \ : dance frock with dainty flower-like beading, in pas- Lavender Line CaO see by my picture that the BX ; tel shades or white. t has done wonders, and |! ; am wow free trom covstmeton. | ANA >: : Underwear Chronic. constipition meny times pimples. Carter's Little| : 7, : 1 : F ASHIONABLE SHADES IN er Pills encourage the bowels to ehmisaie he poisons. | : 9 : if GEORGETTE OR TAFFETA. re ny. ARE! ENTRANCING GREEN, RED, The length of the words used in the "Heart" puzzle vary from two A ! FLESH OR PALE YELLOW, to nine Jetters. Most of the words used ara those heard in everyday conversation, which makes the puzzle rather easy. 2 WHITE, P EACH, ROSE: ~ . Ss Horizontal. 39. Sesame (plant). 16. Fissure, ; 7 "Bladder Weakness . To wander about, |41. Yielded. 17. Seizes. . Organ of sight. "13. Age. 18, Bar of cora. yr - $15 00 . Snare, 44. Growing out. 20. Eyé tumor. . L, Inex Yew Deity tertiation . 'Within. 46. Obtains through la-}23. Grain. 1 and Getting-up- . Exclamation of sur- bor. 26. Cut into even pieces. I 871 $1 9 75 5 prise. 48. To determine. 27. Eluded. i ! . a it ay be, how : ' » tone Satter what your age may be. how] 12. Itailan river. 49. Whirlpools. 29. Muffled. iy medicines you have tried without (13. Myself. be 31. Exclamation of in- 25 00 wif you are a victim of Bladder | 14 Slandering!. Vertical. quiry. . and Urethral Irritation, caus- days of troublesome AnfoYaNos ana | 18. Type of box. . To tear. 32. Half an em, ts of broken rest---you should try|19, Breots. . Upon. 33. A variety. : to 5 00 hating "hus of Dr. Southwortd's!21. Spirit. . Bthical, 35. Fir tree. : 4 ® ade from a special formula, success-| 12, Enemy. . Ye. 38. Sea eagle. ned In she Doctors Jtivatehrac- 124. Tardy : . Pertaining to sound. | 40. Resinous substance HB No two alike--every one different in shade, style and SIMPLICITY! cularly designed to swifily re-|25. To exist. . Part of verb to be. used in making var- | color combination. Sizes range from 16 to 40. BEAUTY! Tethral Irpitations, Backaches, Bladder | ie the pain and misery of burning 2g. Vausal. . Writing instrument. nigh. eakness and Getting-Up-Nights. Safe, | 28. Near. , . Headgear. 42. To accomplish. | NEWEST Pon ee Silk P iam DAINTINESS! BH ond oh u. a wl 30. Kinsmen « Pastry, 45. Silk worm, | FRENCH KID g yj as Slim Vests and Boyish Teddies-- money back if not satisfied. If you need ® 4. Upwards. . More nearly exact. | : & medicine of this kind, try URATABS| 36. A successful play. 5. To reduce size by re-| 43: Seventh note in| HB ( 3] VES 3 95 Knickers specially cut for the long to-day {37 Soup container leasing gas as a scale. . Corset and short SKirt; Slips that tos * . eas -- . Sig han, 1 1 fit ® thi pr CALGARY ALBERTAN SOLD. [28 Deity. balloon. 47. Paid publicity, $2 95 Here's record value--attractively finished Pyjamas with ans ui es Dogar Tk inn deli So ----------------. 2 . shirring, contrasting trim and pockets. Colors: White, Blue, . 'ately trimmed in pastel shades, y A tractive showi f Mais re. Poac y o offaets ote Secured by George Be Bell and C rica) Kindergarten Problems. en fh gran Rid owing - Maize, Mauve, I each and Pink aré the contrasting effects. All Pyjamas gaily slashed with flame Campyet, { Toronto, Nov. 2.--""We meed the newest shades and fancy py . or bluebeard----all in a lovely fabs Calgary," Nov. 2.--The Calgary! kindergarten, but it should be more cuffs in turn-back oF flare b, ric, now famous for it's durability, Kbertan carries a publishers' an- closely related 410 ithe rest of the styles, All shades. souncement stating that on Saturday | school. The kindergarten should not - A po. ~ 5 - y K A Y S & deal was made whereby control ofl - be segregated from the grades," Mrs. 8 oo oa - . z g " 'that paper passed into the hands of | ' j Plupmtre, sohool trustee, said at a OR TIEN § 3 George M. Bell, for many years presi- f recent meeting of the Toronto school i | dent of the Regina Post and Leader, AlN board. Inspector Moshier criticized . Fed SLIPPER HEEL publisher of the Vancouver Daily | "The 'child begins tp Tegard the ON { \ 8 & 3 CHIFFON HOSE World and Vancouver Dally Star, and |, symbols as the reality and that de- CHIFF | 7% and Charles E. CampbsH, former the use of symbols in kindérgartens. SILK TO TOP present publisher of the Edmonton | . U velops idolatry." i J 4 To-day the Silk Stocking you wear of. Bulletin. Mr. Bell is aso interested | j iz : i Correct Silk Hose for _ if Xe ther makes or breaks the effect of your Mr. Campbell in the Blmanton | Crossword 'Puzzle Answers, William Chew, Woodstock, was Dance Frocks : ) ' in. found dead in a cottage where ha \ \ 5 2 00 - W. Mm. Davidson, who has publish-] On Saturday, following a brief ill- | lived alone, having shot himself i 3) . ad the Albertan since 1902, is sever-| ness, the déath oceurred at Fair-|through the heart with a shot gun. $2 25 Ve 4 » all connection with the paper. | field Bast, of one of the oldest con-| He had written a note to his sister, Latest shades shown for evening Wear: 4 Correct Shades tinuous residents of the district in {ordering the disposal of his belong- Thundercloud, Tuskin. Nude, Shell. Rose ™ "Ml Sil Ot y "Ms. G. A. Pettie, Brockville, is, the person of Darius Manhard, aged | ings and then lain down undef a Marie and Moonlight oe : : Black a Hp Chaire, ", leaving shortly for Toronto to Join | ninety-one years. A widow and two blanket and pressed the trigger with ' Ey ea, her husband and take up residence. jones survive. a stick. Phone ACKSOIMEITVIER 1071 PRINCESS STREET =: wv Platinum, A --~ ~ " A FORMER TICHBORNE MAN fully decorated in Hallowe'en colore| well is an elder in the church and or Brides s = Gifts r/innivedsaries KILLED ON RAILWAY and emblems. The 'event was well | has always taken a des p Interest | Bd \ attended by the people of the com-|the affairs of the church and the WX a . : ) 5 a : alunity and the weather unusually fare of the community He is stil Gifts r Birthdays IE ¢ ¥ ® Presentation Gifts ARE MOVING out William Hayes V Was a Brakes- | fine. Receipts of the evening were | motive andl apent the afternoon of : man on the C.N.R.--Killed about $150." After supper Rev. Il | his birthday assisting the minister Dr. Webster, New York, Has Last Friday 1G Fry sang "True Till Death' and [to bulld a coal bin in the celiac of . 'You'd Better Ask Me," and also | the new manee ii Disposed of His Camp to ow manee, wi ich will soon be Sh -- |gave an address on "Pleasure." ready for habitat Dr. Seeley. Tichborne, Nov. 1.--The sad news ! The ladies are to be congratniited ---------- . -------- was received on Friday morning that | [tor their work and they are grate. Woodstock Rotary Club's frolie Charleston, Nov. 1.--Dr. Watson, Nun Hayes had been accidental- 104) to the many friends who patron-| bazaar had a successful week A New York, has sold his camp on Hog | 80 We braking on C.N.R.ijzed their efforts and thus contribut-| goodly sum for the boys' work fund Back Island to Dr. Seeley, who spent | train - BYR Columbia." He was a4 to the success of the evening was obtained several pleasant weeks there this | S3prasgman ore. for. several years,| "The members of Trinity Church The farm buildings of Robert Mc summer. Mrs; Mack closed her Put owing to his wife's health he [congratulate Mr. Stephen K. Tug-| Kenny, Malahide township, were de Showing How Completely camp on Hog Back Island on Tues-| MOYed west in August. He ' was [well an having celebrated his sights stroyed by fire with a loss of $10. day, and left tor home Misse known and well liked in this vicinity first birthday on Monday. Mr. Tug-| 000 Webster and McMillan closed their [8nd elsewhere. Much sympathy is with the former's brother, Craw- | leaves.to mourn his loss his wife and | ford Webster, Addison, and later | two children in. British Columbia; | ' Meets Gift Requirements : a. eh will leave for New York to spend the | bis mother and father, of Tichborne; i winter. : two 'brothers, Edward, of Tichborne,! The side road between the school | and Clare, of Roblin. : / house and Godking' hill ie being re-| The farmers in this vicinity are paired so as to efiable the people to} busy doing their Yall ploughing. N travel that way to Athens on ac- | George Thompson is still threshing A count of the state of the Glen Morris | in this locality. 1 KINGSTON---Fourth Day road, The Heffernan brothers moved | ¢ Mrs, T. H. Swerbrick has return- " Unfortunately few gifts come up to the expecta- Shtie mashise from K. Moores and ed home after Spending a week with are now able to proceed with their | her brother near Toronto. Mr, and tions of those who receive them. It is always so threshing. Miss Gennmet. sister, of | Mrs. William Steele and family also difficult to choose for others--unless one plays Mrs. Mack, has purchased about | Mrs. John Steele and Stewart Me bsol three acres of land on Hog Back | Ewen motored to Belleville on Sun- absalutely safe and gives Community PraTE. Island. | day last. Mrs. John Steele has had No woman ever has too much table silver. Its W. G. Crozier returned of Mon- | blood poison in Her hand. Mr. and day from his annual hunting trip. | Mrs. T. A. Cameron spent Sunday at enduring loveliriess is a constafit source of de- The party brought home the usual | Alonzo Kennedy's. Ford Sworbrick light, its richness is fascinating beyond measure; pumber of deer. Mrs. Maud, Ath-|and Miss Jewel Thompson motored the pride of ownership never wanes. And ena, 18 {ll ar the bome of her dsugh-|to Sydenham on Friday. Austin ter, Mrs. D. M. Webster, Oak Leaf, | Kennedy spent Sunday with his par- MUNITY Pravs--the loveliest of all modern with Nurse Myers, Philipsville, in| ents. Miss Moorley has retyrned to silverware--offers an immense choice of gift : attendance. her school much improved in health. sets and gift pieces, within the bounds of any * Hallowe'en was celebrated in right | Mrs. T. McEwen, Sr.. who has been |" su 3 to spend. royal style here on Saturday even-| {)} for past week, Is somewhat bet- a / ing. Young and old came out In the | tor Mrs. John Bobinson has heen ith 3 - ving fre Qouisyxrey Prats you. can on rain with masks on. Gates wete re-| confined to her bed for some time. |. moved. wood was shifted, but the | 4 sumber from here attended the occasions, send additional pieces to sport was of an innocent nature | .onvention at Sharbot Lake on Mon- WARNING! a "her" set. A most satisfactory and and no harm was done. Mrs. Smith.| gop WARNING! Any tablet offered as "ASPIRIN" and Inexpensive way to take care: of you gift of dbo Lakeside grocery. was gener: |" - not marked with the safely "Bayer Crys" is not on ous and treated the youngsters lo) a ae Re obligations. : |oakes and candy. BAZAAR AND SUPPER | "ASPIRIN" at all. ; te WAS HELD AT STEMA | Accept only fhe "Bayer" product and look for the safety Sent Lambs to Sharbot Lake, S---------- ' i "Bayer Cross" on package and tablets. Then you are sure States, Not. Tin farmers By'wh3 tadies af Yiinics Uniteg gou have genuine "ASPIRIN" proved safe by millions and gaged in plowing. The hum of the all prescribed by physicians over 26 years for threshing machines will soon be , Hall ' . y On View heard in this vicinity. Wee girls : - hi Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago = : | have come to brighten the homes of | Stelld, Amherst lsland, Nov. 2. -- : Sint . . At All The Better Sh Mr: and Mra. WH. H. Bourke asa to Te Ladies' Ald Society of Trinwy |. ® Pain Neuralgia - Toothache Rheumatism t e er ops Mr. and Mrs Smith. Miss Maggie | Unit ed Church held their annual an Kiiaberly 'a spending a fw waoks | dasasr and suppor Io Vietoa, Hal DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART WH Mrs. Joseph Warren. Mr To Friday afterncot and _ evening, | fr tn . mr ; Noonon of Perth loaded a.¢arload of | Oct. 28th. : ws " {lambs from here to Sharbot lake. The sale opened at 3 p.m. and | Accept only Bayer agé Mrs. Edward Warren and son Wilile | supper was served at 6 pm. A very | which contains proven directions. spent Thursday fn Perth. Mr. John [sumptuous menn of roast chicken, Handy "Bayer" boses of 12 tablets Crawford and Max Sommers have ro | roasted wieners, hot potatols, rolls. Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. turned home from the west. ' Mr salads, ple and cake was provided } of ; Joseph A. Bourke has purchased «for the vomdinal sum of forty cents. eid (nee Sanayi A TE a Hoawaratis. (new car. Tie Lail and sale booths wers'taste- | Ee a ri aatima, the Tabltly yo i . 3

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