Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1926, p. 11

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Ly Wednesday, November 3, 1926. ~ . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . The Whig's Classified. Page Is.a Public Forum. anda T rue. 2 -* SY v British Whig [romper ooo mnppm rey] Lom wt momd 2 OUT OUR WAY. 8 " A Se IR STE 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ty BLACK ROSARY--Found on Brock Bt i Barristers and Solicitors 210 MN. ONT 3 Chyfry street, a son. Owner may have same at Whig Office. a amt on : oy | REYNOLDS, J. C--Barrister and Soliol rai iv, ls MARRIAGES, cir on] "Harte Buttes Fonier Ss fad 3 SENT RY | Jat Gog I nies end Sh aG TN frm ioedty 5, ' - OMB t om ikdren' os. Inder hol . : o | a Sar MEW 18 cn 1928 at we Cathedral of leave at 14 Alice Street. . » [ 7 ATS GOOD FRTHY Hou STAM FROM 1 These ssesy a : >on Paul, the Rev.|e-- - H . . | CLasuiy ay and Ra ac" daughter] CAR JACKFound, near Contreville ¥| FER A. BABY! GOT A DOGS o GON' AFTER WLTS of MF 2nd Mrs. Charlies W bit-} Catholic church, Sun «Oct. 4th. Th - MIGHT LIFE -- vii J STOFF ns cuz comb, of this city. to Harold H.!| Owner may have same from G. W. Or- EL ¥ A . . . Goth "son of Mr. Sud Mr JT PC Lewis, of per bes, or 'phot 17 1 15; Syd BT wave wa ee SAB And =e - A WHEEL London - % ~ - i = x 3 CE 1 "0 " A 8a eS { A T . . shel ~3 ATI. : CRANK SHAFT -- For a Mclaughlin 2 SL VINA RATILE oh 0 ? » FULL HEAD : ) ----- or . » y SAD, 4s DEA car, found. Qwner may have same at AT BRAINED! YA ALL T'GERER! PUT 'm T SLEEP : NO EXTRAS DERRY in Kingston, oh Nov. Indi Vol Liven Bros, 34 Princess St : 1928, Patrick W. Derry, aged 16 : 3 . NEVER WN \ - A. 5 KINGSBU ed ; - Funeral from his late residence, 323 FIA NECK A tn bund vn Sobnacy : NR Tew! Carl Strest, on Fricay at 10 am, 10 25 Nelson Street. ---- a ila HAIR vataraqu emet fe : Fo | MADE oR ld ies Funeral private. y GREEN SUIT CASE -- Lost Sunday h : "a | mations, bobbeg Suria switches sham: Toronto evening papers please copy: '| morning between Hemlodk Park Dairy AN . oe 7) Cen CH rg io curling. 'Ydiey ud PEARCE--In Kingston on Nov. 3rd] and Outer Station. Finder please re- re - n SN weet | Children's aair culling. = Mrs . 1926, Albert K. Pearce, aged 30] turn to Whig Office. A ! . ingham, 6s ba Street, hingston Reloacne ee. ' URY, . 2 vol. Phoue 3015-3 --" ¥ " yours. . - Funeral froni his late residence, 27] PARC With one tan shoe and pair = Gad pyre ! Union Street Weat on Friday af-| of black rubbers, lost Thursday &f- Am = "0 --. gb (8 g FRENGH MARCEL WAVING ternoon at 1.30 to Cataraqui Ceme-| ternoon dn Kingston. Finder kindly . | i 4 | Water Waving, Round and Bobbed tery. leave at Whig Offige. . oo ro N ; 3 d ATU Curling, Hair Boblang and Trimmi We oF - 0, Z ey ENS . 5 | Facial and Scalp Trestment. dp JAMES D SILK SCARF---Lefl in the Odd Fellows . IH { N! h* Attention given lo Hair Dyeing. The Old Fi of Und 3 Temple. Owner may have same by ap. 4 f ti g a . Is 28 y | Switzer, 381 Queen Sireel. ror ap 254 and 206 PRINCESS STREET izing to Caretaker, Odd Fellows } 48 : Sg . pac nT : | _bolntmeni 'phone 018 emp fn | 4 i » A "Pho tor Ambul 4 YL 4 x Auctioneers 24a. and ne 147 SPARE RIM_And tice found on high- i TP . ned. way near Niger Hill wner may have > NE > - > ROBERT J. REID seme y Spoping. to Biman Bale: al % NR EE ot rtising The Undertaker win, R.R. No. 3, Kingston. ia 2A 3 : . ! anywhere, any time. 'Phone $l. r te adit #30 Princess SMALL PURSE--Found on Wellington ; 7% = : : ---- i Murray's: Auction . Rooms, MAS reserve the rig réet. Owner please 'phone 213%-w : p = = : A Teject all tlassified advertisiog M. P. KE or call at 75 Princess Street. gH ; / 2 MP RE LT) | Insuracoe o 248; ask for s want ad. UMBRELLA Left at 550 Princesy 8C n ave . a g Exe De. SLITER--insurance Broker, a AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1830. sturdy DNEht . OWner, may J > . ; : / | ali branches of insurance in oid How play Te Ra. = \ 3 { gompailes of haghest noial Saud. Classified os = 4 x ng. Mi King Street st. "Phones u - JOH ; in 1 , 3i8-w. Res. 1121.0 PURE BRED SHROPSHIRE RAMS One and two years old, f $15.00 t 3 . i . iY } FIR Bee Sta Phila and - dos : old, from " QO > . ; ance . Lumley, 43 x 5 WwW KENT MACNEE $30.00. Come and see them or I will ! EE aS Phone 1i83-M a ei" Woe C.OD. on approval. L. P. Gavin, v Z \ = : Writing All Kinds of Insurance. . Je KNIGHT Mallorytown, RB R. No. 1. ,* |'Jaunanou-Only the mest lellsii} INDENTAKGIR AND EMBALMER ---- # ol | > : a asker, ) trons, RS - ea . f . 'Strange, established in 1880 Office: Brock and Weuington Sts. FARLOMS--sydeanam. Yorker, § rons Help Wanted Er Clarenice Street, opposite Post Office. 'Phone 2001 ---- So EE P. H. |" ROBERTS Male Help Wanted . ly eo 2 2s a AIen0y_SIFOSL, SUPDAILA tm Undertake and Embalmer, 14 : Decorators p r " : a ! G fv | 3. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorst 3 refrigerators. AMBULANCE, : aR 1 x Bhop and residence 'phone 1946. { Sydenham, . Ont. Phone 20. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ) RR---- | fice 283 King Street 4 Perf oil cookers to earn $150 to $300. Seliing Personal T YOUR PAINTING--ARd Alsc cheap congoleum Greeting Cards. Biggest season now | ve 9 Rn AINMAGANS DapeLn YWERS on." Samples free. Selling experience | Paper for stie. Horton, 148 Collings rugs. . CUT FLO unnecessary Write to-day. Master i Dod Street "Phone 2954-3 " Turk' Stor WEDDING BOUQUETS Kraft Greeting Card Co. Torento. Sarl . 8s ore ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS -- --= Ee : "| SIGN PAINTING--. 3. Robinson, rel PHONE 705. ' Help Wanted | Real Estate For Sale | Articles For Sale. | 216 basot Strest KIRKPATRICK'S |teins 2 TaabE--ana be ful, | et =| -- -- I | een OR = AID | ART AND FLOWER STORE , || motlys work. Drickiaying. hats dress: Arnis Wauiad 43 Ft Me Lan RRTERAT TAN AYP TAP Phouss 183 an -- io poauty culture. Free book, "Road| AGENTS--Get in a profitable, all-year| 300 ACRE FARM-. About 3 miles from | Stove, Chestaut | MENT SOCIETY -- lucorporated Im == Charter Co Yin 4 Tr C ominlon| commission business of your OWN.| village, near cheese factory. A bas-| pel © t snd stove at! 1s6l. President, A. D. Cariwrighty 0 4 ERR " Oo. King West, Toronto. Kvery propesty owner ba custome gain. Apply to Hox 196, Sydenham. | .25 from car, deliver Car of pea | vice-president J. M. Farrell Money to KE OF prospect. ine hundr varietie a . C 0 0 . | loan om city and farm properties; in+ OF THE PAST M NT FIVE BY-LAWS QOING HARK] Sh SNEY Ax HOME~-You ron of hardy Red Tag Nursery products Houses 14 ders taken. Apply W. Ne , vestment. Bonds bought sad taki ind » > BEFORE THE PEOPLE spare time Jo. 35 showoards. No can- vash every week. Coutiplete equipy i 1 pusits received and intercst paid on wed . vassing or soliel ; we instruct you| Mmebt and instructions free. Wrile| HOUSES FOR SALE--And to let In Bll} m------ eee | pinimum monthly balance. RR One Sadly Neglected Child d and supply you nti we ¥ Write to.| Dominion Nurseries, Montreal parts of the eity. Twe farms would DRY HARDWOOD_-$400 load. 2 Cartwright, manager. 57 Clarence Bt. day he Menhenitt C - - exchange. e List a ce. ce, 20d » $3. ke, sto 3 2 = ER Now in Good Home and at' |The Oity Council to Meet Re=| (3"i; Dominion Building. Toreats. | MAN OX WOMAN--To travel aad 9: | Money to loom, size $10.50 ton. Hard pea coke, $7.09 | Storage 208. i: n &o ; + : See 208. point agents, Yearly guarantee $1vvl ~ 45 Q CONNOR, ton. Peat $13.00. 'Phone 2440-w. W.| 2 School. garding the Public Library Female Help Wanted ARCS RR IE a Bi a IR Xn A TI Brutoh, 20 Vunduy re | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, @rye ' {| penses. Experience unnecessary. For | -- ------------------ | Foo oe ® i ---- Measure. pv particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. RESIDENCE~Brick veneer, § rooms | --Rough and dressed, also! airy k aims and pe a i lo CAPABLE GIRh--Or woman to assist] hot water heating. electric light an hing and ath, satin finish hard-| Shd Key. Urosts ¥ og The monthly meeting of the with work in a home where studenis| RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted| gas 3-p. bath, east side. Cheap for flooring, all ikinda, stovewood. | $08 Queen St. 'hone 826. Kes. $¥0-W, Kingston and Frontenac Children's Five bydaws will go before the | room and board. No washing or cO0k-| now for every unrepresented distriol;| quick sale. Apply J. B. Cook, Bank Resawing snd planing. J. Peters & | OF 1985-0. Ald Soclety was held in the Court [electors at the coming MUBICIPAl| Twaens werock and s ac bz Clogy Bt| Arfest and complece stock six hundred of Toronto Buiiding. Berets "none 245. 9 Torente) 11] s : Eis Bike il E i i Collingwood Street Telep --- I emn---------- y kK and § at 92 Clergy St.| acres. Nursery established forty | me em ee | Streets. "Phone 889. nels ATUBAGE WA rh House on Tuesday afternoon. Dr. A. |election. West. rrr Selo - a | furniture ur any merc diss. Fires years. Our agency is valuabie. Write! $2,000, FRAME---] rooms, 3 piéss bath . { proof buildin 'Paone 1000 or 1Th. | w . stric igh tabie and garage | GO TO TALBOT'S LUMBER YARD... | Prov RANE. ed . P. Chown presided. . Four were arranged for at & SPLENDID OPPORTU NITY = Young Re Te ar IY Patham A a aalie or for rey Concession street, for used lumber at ' 7 Reference was made to the death imoeting of the City Council held on} indy for office. Apply In confidence. Sones cc | iy sale. Apply Geo. Bateman, 111% | $35 per thousand. new lumber and | Miscenancous } oot - ¢ ingles, low 3 le; singe the last meeting of Dr. G. W. [Monday night, that of r $26, x E-1, Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent Brock Stree, city. 8 Pp possible; hard ata eee = || 80d mixed Wood, 50ft And mixed slabs | ASMES-~Cleaned out of cellars and Ball, who had always taken a gréat [000 for repairs to the fair grounds, | YOUNG GIRL-.To assist with house-| === hange Phone 'for prices. . Phone 37531). | yards, ciean job done. A. MacGregor, ] rest in the work of the Society [fixed @ssessment to the Monarch york Ary to ra 8. Muriay, 264 Apartments and Plate v For Sale wr Be FRET WoCP TAR Toioral 3 Russel Street, 'Phone 3356. 4 | nivers ve. 'Phone 1240-w . - "4 pe TEN =P he ORIUMOR | worms rns is i ' Who when his health permitted | Battery Company Limited, and Me- ROOMS AND APARTMENTS--For reas FOR SALE OH AN aa Street. phone 1433-J. For good wood ASRES--Removed from ard and oss . . ow 2 St. } " | y s est dry hard wox 3.76] ars; general carting; lass dry was always present. at the meetings. | Kelvey & Birch Limited, and expen / nn Te ek 38 Brock St. | garage. Would exchange for smalll per load; mixed hardwood, $3 sn re: Bene sai Eiclmucep i A tesolution of appreciation of. his [diture of $25,000 for repairs at the WRECK VENGEANCE Rent moderate. Broce | tarm= Bargain for cash. 110 feet from . Re - 3.7% .aympathy and help will be sent by icity buildings. rT uckley Tn er, xX 9° Princess. Apply i Fred Thomeon, 10 | Buckley, on anal ies - Drayton Avenue, ngston, W. H. NORMAN. Wishes t¢ NOUR ------------ nn re e-- Society to Mrs, Bell. : A special meeting of the council \ BRICK HOUSE--Cor, Princess and Al EEE | 4] ke f 4 "and We bo] RADIO SERVICE hr rent Cosi . v Of » rd, 2 trea) & ¢ Rady ' ¥ at 18 60; Oonso i letter was read trom the secre- [has been called for to-night to make ANTI-FASCISTS bert streets, all conveniences, electric Articles For Sale DEi0es.: - MATAWOUR por TRA Re. Real values | Canada Nadie 'of the Municipal Chapter, 1.0. [arrangements for the placing of a - Hgts and sas hot Water heating | sss ERE -- 318: hardwood slabs, per load, $3.50 | Store y | combination y place, | iscellaneous xe yood, per load, $3.00; 8 v ls promising Satfention x fhe Bila 4 ar he Beagle: os De obs Kill Many in Italy--Al- large, dry cellar. For particulars ap-! n Slabs; $3.15. Delivered. Phone tress | ¥'s wor » : Tm at ti Sn IIR , Exper. Plage Tuning, ply 878 Princess Street. 'Phone 1421-w, =r enders fi fe ther correspondences would follow {made by the city to the Public leged Plot Against the ANDIRONS enders, fire sereons--- Piayer- Plane Adjusting. the fesum of an Library Board rder CBMENT BLOCK MOUSE--At 157 Pine| everything for fireplaces. Partridge Wanted To i re ° ption that organiza- y , in oi to meet ex- Govern n Street; ail improvements. Apply 164] Wire and Iron Works, plating in ste} meee yy oe Phone led tion's work this fall tra expenditures on the new library. ment. -- eo Pine S(reet. ver, nickel, ete, King St. 'Phone 380.| poy LTRY --We are now ppen Cw LiNDBAY, LIMITED RAT SRE TI "| (classes of live wo iressed poul - ---- % ¢. Black reported a busy months [The understanding was that the RICK Boch, pressed, Rug Rustic. | ss Ve Or dressed poult ; a1. | . . Rug th o UPHULSTERIN GA nd Kenerul repairs 3 SEVEN ROOMED-----Cement Block House | Highest cash prices. paid and pro %. One child was legally adopted money was to be loaned to the Rome, Italy, Nov. 3.--Fascist Italy, |" --furnace, all improvements, on Sixth] Wire cut, building Hie ang dian Rin. returns ; ~ ou ing. Leave ciders at or drop & card 1 Write or 'phone for prices ; % st . Newly decorated 25.00 per! A. Neal, 624 Johnsen The Frontenac Produce Co. Lad. * 231 to F. Ww. Haroid, 104 Clergy diresh Whto » good home. Two wards were library board, and that a bydaw be always stirred to delirious enthuel-| Street. Newly decorated 33800 pert oo ----| Wellington Street, Kingston, Oma T3311 "Fnone 1600-J. made during the month. One lad of [voted on by the electors, and, if the jm by the utterances of its leader,| rick Street Nia an Apply "rr good condition.| phone 3120. j -- fitteon, who had lived with his grand [by-aw is passtd, the loan: will not Bunk M ni, Is now seekimg| Lo Men HOUSE--Central location.| 'Phone 1838. = Automobiles father for tour years, without any have to be paid by the board; other- with deadly determination to 8uD-}'Furnace, bath and toilet. Possesston | ------ Cor rrr rd | mmr es woman in the house Or anyone but wise the amount will have to come Dress all opposition to Fascism. The 2M ones, "Apply 24 Queen Street, cf 'With saw, slmost new, iso lmpe! | mmm------ pf { : Ato Accesso : andl "the old man to §6e after him, was out of she graut to the Hbrary, This (I ey ate being Wooma hi Pr I rE . RKINASTON AUTO TOF AND BODY OU removed to x better home. This Boy by-law cals for a majority vote. prepared to discourage any further "] = Pply u 8 Bt e KIRRTIUN AUTO TO A bony Su who; had Deon doing a man's work, | The two by-laws asking for a fixed'lattack against the lite of the Duce or | FURNISHED ROUGH. S004 locallty | /mmsiaN LAMB COAT--4{ luat, three. Eas TRACTITIONER nt Pri] A a California Tops snd Ub * ia Ld . Cc qu er length oly -3, Whig h 9 \ ={ Coupe budies, iio ©, - been inside & church, ne- [Assessment will require two-thirds (oriticlems against his policy. Pam well heated. Moasonable terms | duArier length. Apply Box 1-3, Whig) cess Streets Chiropractic' adjust-| holsiering. Awnings and Tents eles Bad never v 'ould [of the vote polled, while the by-law| The intense feeling engendered| 493 Johnson stree:, corner Frontenac. ; ments, electric treatments and hahd-| 347 King street. 'Phone 3948 ver hben to Son shail and oul for the repairs #0. the fair grounds [throughout Italy by the attempt of "Phone 37-3. PIANO-- Morris upright, walnut case, massage. os Fone 0 Sefyice Eongulia.] hate bret ; i EE En prom and repairs to the city buildings will [the boy Zamboni to kill Mussolini at | FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS -- on] 3-3 Ghtaves, shany Reys; in excellent! fvenings by appointment. Uttice tele a y J. conditfvm. Price $250. Terms. $20 dence 'phous B6Id. Auto Wrecking Co. Ey 140 RIDEAU ST. ] Bologna, has been accent bathroom flat. hot water heating. an $1 per month. C. W- Lind-} 2008s 323-J. Residence °y Rome he 1a doing Wai} an hen * ry ajar ipa latest word from an ted bY oso (oy and. Baa. Apply 181 say, Lido Lg iad Street. . LUCY=Geo. ¥. and Jeunie A. Chire- Une fon burd Truck. sited recently by Mr. x Bag - 1d "City Clerk Dr. W. w. Sands [ing the suspicion that it involved al RGE. FRONT BEDROOM-- Sul WO. TRACTOR PLOWS. Furrows, Breen Paes eed Nuts 203 hr + 7 A to aa and ly stated that now he cou election, darwench net (LARGE, 2 Me Suita one AIMOSE NEW; BeRity Stalls, Stanch-| 1-5, $7.00 Consultation [ours a1} Aule ' , will have to provide for nine bai-|far ing plot, ead of bei | for one or two persons, Not witer h jong wnd Litter Carriers, De Laval sep- | mest ZC | ive. Second Wand Tires, Sil wives' we " Contd gan a eilion of Mr. [iots. merely an isolated gesture by a de-| dng. Apply fo Box H-3, Whig Oftic arators and Engines. A few used En- SKIN BLEMISHES .-- Hair, Moles, price $4.04 to $0.60, ¥ rang: youd - 4 gines and Separators, *. Cramer, arts, Uirth K . LT Fonda % Black has been able to do much ------ ------ vy Zu: 0 the ave of the. de HARGE COMFORTABLE BEDROOM -- Frost 8 oa Agency, 31 Brock St Scars Pits orate RE I ROSEN & POLLIT 1 \ : . - « + ho «J or 1:17-¥. . 8 Actory U T good work for several other gesiger Holding a Supper. monstration at Bologna, put two Fre ae, ard Apply to Box F-1, The CRETE Die: furnished after others hated, and IPhone 2475. 4 » . i FUR B ES -- D sit ritho od children. One of KDI Sas on rid The Ladies' Gymnasiom class of [thousand suspected persons under ec --r sizes. 'Phone 1685-J by Years axperignos | ig Bier a " A the Gene : the Y.M.C.A,, are holding a supper at 'striat surveillance and geized a large position newspapers and the homes = RR RRR . f, Nose, Throat, Skin. 8 | Automoniies Yor Sale 20 ter J the "Y" to-night} as.one of their mumber of manifestoes reading: 9t known opponents of fascism. Fain el ot Street. Phone 301w. House 13457 | -- regular social events. ; "The Duve will not leave Bologna ---- ior pl a1p | COUPE. -- Two passenger. six cylinder, [alive." Ladies' Auxillary of Y.M0.A. |ARNITUREC Anugue and, modera le ood Heviand San. ood mechunital A "Atkinsons bath' soaps" Gibson's.! An alleged communist plot against SrT307 Princess rests sucerssora el and Holiciom @ SMITH = Bartisters! satiaficror) easonable.' No. deals 'Dr, A. P. Chown, x Mastposh. Thomas L. Morrisey, Canadian [the Government is said to have been Gives Queen's a Donation Leases Antique Shop. of Kingston. AB. Sr pe BRT Phone 788-F; =~ * Mrs. A. L. Clark, Miss L. Ne y. | manager of the Union Assurance discovered, ten of those implicated yo = 7 Cyzil M. Smith. - [ONE 1926 CHEVROLET COUPE--Fully Miss Corrigan, cousty wt "| Society, Limited, of London, Eng- being taken by the police, together| Ome subscription received in: the Wo Tops and Cushions 108 |0A¥ AND REVELLE--Barrisiers and | bed. Aver Ring Biitery gefs shaw, Joseph Hawkey, . land, for thirty-tive years, had drop- | with a thousand manifestoes. Seven-|Queen's University Campaign is from | "Gp iUL specialist for new or re-| ston a" ib. pareaes Bret King oo and Dr. MacCallum. ™ y ped dead in London on Monday. teen Communists have been arrested {the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M. a I Srhrsaing, Slip Kovers, Be- Morigages arratged. 'Fhons 206. AUTO WREC Twelve different shadgs of -face at Sienna. : C.A. The ladies served the cam-| SRN GONG aes Ag A Oe EA Amore. BA Berrioier oma KERS powder at Gibson's ire Violent demonstrations throug puign workers at their Inaugural | wait, linoleum and edging for run-| Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King Lised parts, used tires for sale. A warrant has been issued against | Maly against anti-Fascists have led [supper in the Y.M.C.A. last Thursday fing boatus, waisinroof Truck tarpau. and Brock, ove; oye Bask. Money Hriscoe Touring, 8 eylinder. to the death and of many night, and, feeling the epirit of the | Prificess Sirest. Pious 1849-F. ny Sam. ng : I ating. § s7hinten .|pérsons. Greater was pre-|call of Queen's, have returned to the = W. H. FERRINGTUN--Barrister. Solfei. Ford Roadster, ' * vented only by the heroic efforts of campaign committee a substantial | Victoria Lang, whose action for +H a aa Welling. tr ea a, :. . 1 heavily re-enforced patrols of Carabi-| portion of the surplus they made on alimony against her husband, Jer- RT lim repaira. the supper. . tome Lang, Kitchener, was dismissed | be attached to the Department of | » : - by Justice Wright, has filed an ap-| Soldiers' Re-Establiéhmeat at Tor-! Ss 0 fighting back infuriated mobs which "Fresh every week" Page and ' peal 'to the | ivisional Court. onto. . RS ; | 139 CLERGY STREET attempted to wreck the offices of op- Shaw sweets at Gibson's Drug Store. Michqel O'Leary, V.C,, is likely to "Page and Shaw sweets" Gibson's. | 5 ou $s BY GEORGE McMANUS WE GOT TO GIT A ons WE i 1 DIRT ROW TWS BRACELET ? LUCKY 1 WAS GONNA LOSE T

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