ie | THE DAILY BRITISH. _WHIG Founded 1647. EE aoe 15 "ary AND DISTRICT SWEATERS "Ors University ~[sweaters Hp] ---- na = CORRECT Students Headquarters CORRECT Consulting ies -- Union asked Hon. W. F COLORS COLORS Mr. Frank Marcélius of . Guelph | Nickie to speak there. The late At was in the city Tuesday and Wed- | torney-General sent an acknowledg- ; ? : needay arranging with exhibitors for ment, but stated he could not at pres- , the Poultry Fair at Ottawa this fall jent as he was taking a rest. The » exedutive decided to renew the imvi- x - Name Was Omitted. tation, In the list of workers for the iene od {Queen's Endowment camipaign in the | Faces a Robbery Charge. | city, published yesterday, the name of Willlim J. Thompson, twenty-one Myr. William Brammseh ss a worker | years of 'age, whose home is reported § 8. | ) 2Y % «a or 'for Cataraqui Ward, team number! to be at Bath, was arrested in a room- : J four, was omitted. ing house at Rochester, NY, on a Be + charge of robbery, frst degree. | { A Printed Passes. f i ) i Thompson is accused of holding up a { Robert E. Rengle, Utica, N. Y., a|restaurant proprietor at the point of : . " ' {well known printer, died suddenly a revolver and robbing him of $11. Laidlaw % have always excell- OVERCOAT / ; { OVERCOAT ion Sunday at his home. Death was -------- . "ia DEPARTMENT ' > FAN DEPARTMENT {due to heart disease. Mr. Rennie was Spoke at the "Y." : ; edin winter Under wear for every SECOND WN SECOND born near Kingston, Ont.,, on March Mr. Harry Underwood, secrtary of member of the family; featur- FLOOR . | ' / i 5th, 1854. the YMCA Men's Supper Club, di X p : + |spoke at their meeting Tuesday night ing the best and leading makes i Returning to Kingston. on the subject of "The British Em- od | Mr. Michael Bolf, Smith's Falls. [pire." - The speaker was introduced | at prices that are m erate. {is now managing the Grand Central by Mr. A. McGlachan. He gave | Hotel, Iroquois, in charge of the [some Interesting history of the de-| | hostelty for about a year, has lef: velopment of the empire which lead | ! to take his former position of che! [to many conclusions with regard to in an hotel in Kingston modern conditions and the future. { i WE WANT TO BE KNOWN BY || a : . | THE VALUES WE id | To Reside in Kington. eo oH - Ladies' and Children's i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dunn and : TAILORED BLOOMERS | daughters, Ruth and Doris, former-| The hunter in all his glory is now wv rox rind oy Seen leaving for the back woeds wi TER WEI ily of Woodstock, 'were visitors with where, starting Friday, he will be N GHT the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 5 . ie {R. Dunn, Stratford, prior to leaving able tu make an natempt Tor bis aa VESTS i { nual deer. The C.P.R. station this for Kingston, where they will reside. morsing 3 after B Was swded I b Ir id ) : v : rh n Turnbull's," Harvey's, Sea Cadets' Social Evening. with hunters leaving for the north x country. Autos are seen assing The Kingston Sea Cadet Corps are |, sonid; P lines such as Harvey's, This is the store that value built--and to-night holding a Hallowe'en social |"TONEY the city, 200, frum deren: i A large showing of popular § | . : Morley's, Zenith makes, in | Zenith, Penman's, Turn- evening and the boys are in for a points for the month. The hunters | Ee aE A Re any weights and styles; in | bull's--in mixed weights or more pronounced than ever are our Over- good time. The Sea Cadets always, oiieve hut they will be bothered y g coat values this season. - In all oor history it do put thelr social functions over in | Tp eo" IMs year more than eves all mixtures including pure | pure wool. Also fleece- a merituous manner, and this one | | wool. | lined. Priced from a ol 50c¢ to $2.50 50c¢ to $3.00 has never been our good fortune to show a 840 be 30 sxeaption. J i ola finer, better stock ; money-saving opportuni- sone Retired on Pension. on ' n Tro vi He has " - v "" : : : R r) show Minstrel Chuckles ties are afforded by three special priced ||| ruts ax sastes irom tos sive [Bota show: "Mistral Chuckise" of the Canadian National Railways ji : hy . ; » res that 0 to make up the show groups. after forty-nine years in railroaa ure 80 10. Wake ul : "Minstrel Chuckles," to be offered hy work, thirty-eight years of which] OTD + : . He & {the Rotary Club at the Grand Opera Ne he 1 Brockville { House on Monday, Tuesday and Wed ik i. : | nesday next week, is the galaxy of . > . ' . ' . + |girls presented in the farce comedy A ( 1 t 1 f > ' The Fourteenth Locomotive. { E bie + P | os Engine No. 5373 left the; Cana | "Tut, Tut, Tut." The costumes of om e e ne 0 Bas . . ¥ i each group are gorgeous, their dress-| Others $20.00 to $45.00. [diam Locomotive Works. this 'mors Jeph Eorseon pep and their ling for Smith's Falls to go on . the 9' | regular CPR. run. This is the|Sones the kind you'll whistle yoing Turnbull's Stanfield' {fourteenth of the locomotives being | home. Tickets on sale at Best's Drug : A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL ed's iE Ceetee HOLD ANG OVERCOAT Unshrinkable {bul It by the Locomotive Works for Store and Lindsay's Piano Store { Underwear UNTIL REQUIRED Underwear {the C.P.R =r I Gwesraeamon. | In Turnbull's and Harvey makes Late Thomas Martin, Tamworth. : In the Tamworth correspondence ~At the -recent convocation of the : J it was stated that the late Thom | Loved Church College. Pive . Hill Including all Cotton, Silk and Wool mixtures, and pure 2 Martin died at the h t W. CG alifax, held in St. Matthew's chureh, : . ' ; Martin died at 'the home of W. G.| Hafan hed it Navtew's Cured, Wool, in all styles. Priced from ied on Saturday The paragraph | | pression to the regret generally felt at | : 75-79 BROCK STREET { should have read that his death oc. | the Temova! of Dr. H. A. Kent from | 1 59 to 5 95 arment - * curred on Wednesday. Oct. 20, and |the staff of the college and the activi-|§ @ ® g If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk the funeral was held on the follow- ties of the city, and the high esteem § § . : | ing Saturday. in which Prof. and Mrs. Kent are | held by all classes of the community. | 'Wear a Poppy "In Remembrance." C. H. Mitchell, on behalf of many of! - Poppies will be worn on Nov. 11%h, | the friends of Dr. and Mrs. Kent; and {the anniversary of Armistice Day, [many of the prominent members of | ' hy thousands of people all over tha [the United Church in Halifax, pre-| | British Empire. Poppies will be sol 1d | sented the professor with a purse of! A {in Kingston on Saturday of this week | gold, accompanied by an address, h {by the Kingston branch of the Cana-'which expressed the deep regret at his : ' \ wel t ¥ dian Legion, while wreaths may be jremoval from Halifax, appreciation Full and complete range of Children 8s winter g » . ordered from the Legion -Headquar- [that padiagtion asd recognition of his| Combinations, in all weights and mixtures. Priced from S ters at any time. worth and abilifies had come to him! PHONES: from a distinguished seat of learning Retail 2600 Wholesale 767 Oe 365m f| nin Sreak in ota Jot Gore's nd hope Tor i Ture $1.15 to $4.25 suit QUALITY - LARGER MARKET - SERVICE } The Hall Murder Trial | - TH MAYOR THROWS | Tn i a, om : WANTED | WRENCH IN MACHINE Te al Men's Winter Underwear | dering Mis Ei leanor Mills tor IT Years 1,000 lbs. young, well dressed Turkeys-- Conservatives Fear lactic four had h ky Ey ] Penman's Merino Brand Combinations-- 10 to 15 pounds each. i R . the trial here today. ! Sizes 36 to 42 un Care. ------ i 2,000 Ibs. Young Chickens -- 4 to 6 lbs. r Colarabis ert (6 be mad ria ads Kaugh:. Stuy! Watson's Combinations, Spring Needle Knit A determined effort is to be e | should be in e home. euch, well dressed and fatted. during the next seven days hy the Kent police are searching for two, Sizes 36 to 42 . a ise campaign committee of the Kingeton | men who were traveling in a stolen | L - " . ~ 1,000 8. choice Young Fowl 4 to 6 Ibs. A As ciation ta prevent | car and having knocked down und Turnbull 8 Combinations: an shade. PE each. Also Young Ducks. a three-cornered election contest in severely injured a boy in Tilbury] Bring Poultry to w r ure highest n pel Kingston What success they wik| ran away, abandoning the auto : Penman's Preferred sizes 34 to 44 your ry to us and secuve i! cash OO Se ¢ to be see bo I Fraak Nor) man) all the above wanted this week. meet with remains to be seen i The trial of Rev. Dr. Frank Nor} , The situation at the present time iris, on a murder charge, has been | Penman's Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers " is that Mayor T. B. Angrove has d.:- moved to Austen, Texas t 3 2 ¢lared- that he is in the fight acd is Try Gibson's Corn Cure i - 5 er {Boing to run as 3 "wel candidaie | memo . {whether he gets the Conservative DAILY 'MEMORANDUM. i {convention or pot. It would seew | A meting of the Alumnae Associa 'trom the conversation of lead! ng ition of Notre Dame Convent will be held Th d ¥ 3 Fish Da {Conservatives that the mayor bas/| " the Convent un Thursday evening at - ursiday and Friday, our regular ys. Many good little chance of getting the official] Pont forget tes and sale of fancy fines, Note the following choice varieties, {2 5 2 A Eat pan ha anny | work and home-made cooking to be : aouwhieaton, we Sith She oifistal Fon Ineld in Calvary Unt ted Chu arch. corner - » servative © N {| Bagot and Oharles Streets hursday, | Lake Ontario Whitefish, 1b. A Na a . x 25c¢. t tiated. it puts two Government con- | { Novem her 4th, 3-8 pm Adm. le Lake Ontario Salmon, Ib, ..........20c. [fim soeeners soon sua FRR | 1 Boys' Winter Underwear Lake Ontari Pike, 1b. Es RN ool 2% {heard from and the party ieaders : a | RE £11: est Bm dn fof mg P RIDE. Turnbull's and Penman's Combinations -- in all . Fresh Sea Herrings, 1b. ...........12}c Be A nn sizes and weights. Sizes from 22 to 32. when two "wet" candi- Halibut Steaks, sliced, bl LC Be ass are denuitely fn vs seid, de-| § Be Proud of Kingston § 1] : $1.25 to $3.25 suit. clare himeslf as a 'Conservitive "dry" candidate and under such con- When you send a box of : ; Boilingeuts,. db. ...... ........28¢ EY*ehndiiate asd wndet such en | § When p - Turnbull's Natezal Shirts and Drawers--with pro 'Red Salmon Steak, Ib. via vedere ete Ides : : D 1 § OM Country "tusist that they tected chest and seat. 3 ; ; Boilingeuts, 1b. -..............28c Si were grown and packed by ©. {| : + ~ $1.15t0 $1.45 each i C. Abbott within a mile of the Qualla Salmon. Ib. . .... ....... .. ..18c. ; {on Toesdsy ni wy. The quality is the best iy. he quility le She Tiger Brand Shirts and Drawers -- our leader in Salmon Trout, bic. Livia 20e tor 25e. a tela or oreaaiestion Columba Apples will Boys' wear . pape .$1.00 each Finnan Haddie, bs...... Far sean 20, Zodge-podge and - some interesting | § mot stand the long trip. Fillets. 1b 22¢. |i : expected in this Sg . Penman's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, first See our windows and you will . . . . Ther a 11] . quality fleece. Sizes 22t032 ....... .59c¢. each | PARSLEY FREE WITH ORDERS. \ be eiineed ay Kington ; : : I _CHEESE ST ha WE SELL THE BEST COFFEE IN THE OOTY Crawford's Grocery "Tilly" is coming fo Grant Han! §} "Good Things to Eat" Wadnesday, Nov. 10th. Reserve this 'PHONE 26. date now. :