STORE PPEN. - SATURDAY NIGHT 140-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Drug ib Phone 18 , | Branigan's Grim Pyorrhea gets 4 out of § All around you are people doomed, through carelessness, to contract hea. Four per- sons out of five past forty and many younger) 3 kn glect of teeth and gums : neglect of - is the cause. And the results, too often, are Joss of teeth, neuritis, rheumatism, or other in time, it is 50 easy to 'And start using Forhan's white. dentist about Forhan's, the formals of R. 1. D.D. 5. It contains Forhaa's Pyorrhea iqui and health! Start the moining-and- i each your children to use it and oc. MORE THAN A TOOTH PASTE ; ; + IT CHECKS PTORRHEA ™N Col RU Lag home or office here's a laht, you will find will serve you 'right. oe 'We have a variety of adjustable trom which to choose. And will show you electric fixtures meet with your ideas of taste and utility. You'll be how economical electri- will help you to enjoy life hh will but give it the opportun- Forhans for the gums Large size package / OATS With China prerhium | --large package | Oberndortter, Daniel Callaghan, W. ll! jarvis, Thomas C. Wilson, John B. I! McIver, Alex. Smith, John F. Por- | ter and Zachariah Guy. || to render financial assistance to the QUICK QUAKER | ll! 1.ixe all other Societied of a similar 1 - \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- - a 5 80 YEARS OF ODDFELLOWSHP IX 1846-1926 Temple Proves Strong Drawing Card. | The New 1.0.0.F. On the Tth of March, 1846, a» event that was of nore impdrtance than it might have seemed Yo those interested in it, took place in the City of Kingston, Ovtario. Although | the skiss may have been gray and | the winds cold snd bleak as only March winds can be, perhaps few of the citizens knew what was taking place within thelr borders. We can now look back to that day as one of brightness because of the efforts of a few noble-hearted med. On that day the first Lodge of the Indepén- dent Order of Odd Fellows was in- stituted In Kingston. The names of some of the men who in the future were to play most {mportant parts {in the histojy and development of | Canada 'were to be found upon its | register. John A. MacDonald, after- | wards Right Hon. Sir John A. Mac- Donald, who was its first Noble | | Sry and Alex. Caidpbell, who be- | came Lieut. Governor of the Prov- | | ince of Ontario, were amongst its } members, This Lodge which was born under very favorable condi- | tions; having in ita membership many men of more than ordinary ability, was, however, soon tg come to an untimely end, for in 1849, a | little more than three years after it had been instituted, it ceased 10 function. eo Able The brilliant talents of its leaders | were, (perhaps for the good of the | country) but certainly mot for the benefit of the Lodge, too soon re- | cognized, and the men who might have made it a splendid success were drawn away to more alluring fields of activity. But the good seed which had been plantéd in the fertile soil of Kingston's young manhood, al- though doomed to lie dormant for many years; like the bulbs of some of our most beautiful flowers, \atter a season of inactivity, emerged again, and on April 14th, 1870, an- other Lodge was instituted, bearing the name and number of Prince Ar- thur Lodge, No. 59. This name was changed to Kingston Lodge, No. 59, | one year later. Of the men Who| were responsible for the organization of the new ledge, none NOW remain. All have passed on to the Grand Lodge above. They were then, and for years afterwards, well-known and active citizens of our city. Simon Oberndortfer, 8. A. Cohen, R. R. Pat- terson, G. S. Lee and B. Fagan, were the charter members. On the night of institution two candidates were initiated. They were Dr. Fite Fow- jer,'for many years a leading doctor of medicine, and closely connected with. the development of medical education in our University, and George Lee, a pianoforte maker, for many years associated with the plano making business in Kingston. The growth of the Order was steady and substantial, Its work of relief and the care and attention | given to its unfortunate members | were so well recognized that by the end of 1874 its membership had in-} creased to 116. Odd Fellows Relief. On the = sixteenth day of _ April, 1875, an application was made to) Mr. J. J. Burrows, county judge, for | a Certificate of Incorporation or a Society to. be known as the "Odd Fellows' Relief Association ot Can- | ada," the names appearing on the petition being Fite Fowler, Simon {D. Gordon, J. Duncan Thompson, ¥. The object of the Association was wives and children of deceased bro- | thers, which would be more substan- { tal than the small benefits which | the Lodges were able to provide. | character, tie Association had many { aitticulties to overcome, There Was | little opportunity to profit by the | experience which others had gained through ' their mistakes. Thése in charge had little knowledge of the selence of life insurance and the re- | that were eventually to prove inade- quate were adopted. In tha vourse of years, after the Association had expanded in membership apd influ- ence, far beyond the humble concep tons of its founders, the costly mis- take of inadequate fees Was realized an attempt was made to repair in the financial struc hard for the members {zation 4 ) which had promptly met all financial obligations, should re- quire the drastic revision of rates .asked for and the resalt a nuniber of re- Association had IAT £2 eRgfaik BRE 28E EE Es i future. {a fine thé Pense building, known as "the KINGSTON | - which was given 'the name and num- { ber of the old Lodge that had exist- | ed from 1848 to 1849, "Cataraqui | Lodge No, 10." Most of the men | who became charter members | will be well remembered by the ofder | residents of the City. « Most of #- have passed gway.' They were Sifon { Oberndortfer, "who had previously i been a charter member of Prince Ar- { thur, afterwards Kingston Lodge No. | 59. He had been initiated in-Albany, | N.Y. W. D. Gordon, initiated in Prince Arthur Lodge No. 58, Nov. | 25th, 1870. Wro. Gordon was en-| gaged In the drug business but after- | wards gave this up for that of a sol- | dler, rising to the rank of Lieut. Colonel. He has resided in England | for many years, but is expected to | pay a visit to Kingston in the near | James H. Werns, initiated | Aug. 19th, 1370, and W. H. Martin. | Jan. 20th, 1871, in Prince Arthur! Extra large in White with tity, so be early! Wh 39c. BATH TOWELS, 4 for $1.00 ; Turkish Bath Towels Red borders. Reg. 39¢. each.: Only a limited quan- 4 for $1.00 Clearing Odds and Ends For Incoming Holiday Goods COATINGS, AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE ! Extra fine quality Airedale Coatings, in shades of Grey and Castor, clearing at a remarkably low price. fl the 54-inch width, and yar ES Green, Fawn, "ED EOL Available in regular $2.50 a yard. Sess Thursday's Sale Price, $1.00 yard $1.95 BOYS! SWEATERS, $1.00 Another big special here! Fine, V-necked Pullovers for Boys, of- fered in sizes 24-32. Your choice of Brown and Fawn or Cardinal and Grey. Regular $1.95. ile they last Lodge No. 59, and the following who | were initiated in what had become "Kingston" Lodge No. §9, F. M. Clark, July 28th, 1871, T. C. Wik | son, Jan: 19th, 1872, James Jarvis, ! Feb. 9th, 1872, James Duncan| Thompson, Feb, 7th, 1873, Daniel | Callaghan, April 25th, 1873, W. T.} .. Béthel, Feb. 168th, 1874, F. Row. | land and Charles Brooks also with-} drew at that time and while not on | the charter of Cataraqu! Lodge, very soon became members. A grant of one hundred dollars was made by | Kingston Lodge to aszist the new | one to get established | $1.00 Presented in Brown both in the full 56-i . Regular $1.75 yard, , Growth of Order Rapid. From that time on the growth of | the Order in the City was rapid. | Both the old Lodge and the new | made steady and substantial pro-| gress. About 1890 the question of the erection of a building for Odd- fellows was receiving serious consid- eration, asd in 1891 the lot at the corner of Princess and Sydenham | $1.75 ALL-WOOL SERGE, bargain Thursday at . Clearing . ......... $1.00 each $1.00 VELVETEENS, 2 YDS. FOR $1.00 Several Pretty shades offered in is regular $1.00 yard lity. The width is 22 che : igs Thursday . . .. 2 yards for $1.00 \ y and Navy. nch width. and a real $1.00 yard ~ BUY BETTER AT; ° D: A. SHAW, Limited Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. The Always Busy Store streets was purchased by Kingston | Lodge, and preparations made for |and while {ts membership Is not as the erection of a building. The am- | large as that of either of thé others, bition that prompted the erection of | it is in a decidedly healthy condi three-storey building was, | tion, both as to numbers and fin- however, in a few years to meet with | ances. For about six years all heavy dishppointment, for om Jan. | branches of the Order have been 25. 1899, fire which started from ths | meeting under one root. bursting of a coal oil lamp on the | About a year ago the Odd Fellows' second floor completely destroyed | Relief Association, which was in reed the two upper flats. Kingston Lodge, | of better accommodation for its The Encampment and Rebekah | head office, purchased the fine stone Lodges, as well as other temants, | building on the cormer of King and lost their entire equipment, the in- | William streets, now known as the surance received being barely enough | Odd Fellows' Temple. The upper to 'meet the indebtedness on the | floors were completely remodelled, building, which was afterwards sold. | providing facilities for Lodge meet- The investment of nearly tem thous- | ings and functions that are unsure and dollars was entirely lost. Catara- | passed by any in the Province. Here qui Lodge, which was meeting in the | the Lodges all have their meetings. hall over the corner of Prifrvess and | The middle floor is devoted to Lodge Montreal streets, opened its doors to | rooms with the accompanying ante its unfortunate ister Lodges and | room, cloak rooms, ete. In the top provided the equipment necessary to | flat is a tine banquet hall, with kit- carry on until a new outfit conld be | chen that is the envy of the lady procured. | members, and_the living quarters of About a year later Kingston Jand | the caretaker of the building. Cataraqui Lodges jointly leased the | ground tioor is occupied by the Re- second floor of the Y.M.C.A. bulld- Niet Association as its head office. ing, and fitted it up for a-Lodge |The Lodges in Kingston have not room. They remained there until! | only heen steadily for over b5 years the fall of 1911 when thé needs of | dispensing assistance to their mem- the Y.M.C.A. made it necessary fori bers, but have as steadily exerted the Lodges to seek other quarters. | their influence {n making of its mem- After a.sojourn of five months in On- | bers good citized®, worthy of 'the tario Hall the Lodges moved into | confidence of their fellowmen, and | capable of taking their part in the | activities of the community. Four | Grand Masters have peen contribut- ed by the Kingston Lodges to the mons building, corher of Princéss | Grand Lodge of Ontario. Bro. Fife and Montreal streets. This was | Fowler and Bro. A. BE. Ross from thoroughly overhauled and made as | Kingston Lodge, - Bro. Joseph Pow- comfortable as possible. | joey from Cataraqui Lodge and Bro. -- | Donald M. Melntyre from Granite Granite Lodge. or In 1906 a number of members, de- ciding there was room in the City for a third subordinate Lodge, with- drew from Kingston and Cataraqui | Lodges and instituted Granite Lodge, No. 363. Like the two older Lodges | Gifhnite has made steady progress, | old Whig office." They continued to occupy it until the end 'of 1921 when they decided to lease the Sim- -- In Healthy Condition. All the branches of the Order in the City are in a8 healthy condition. The ladies branch is making rapid progress, while the men's Lodges in- tend to make Nov. sth, Thanksglv > nan -- Naturally at Thanksgiving, one's thoughts will turn to Furs. We cordially invite an inspection of our immense stock of both 'pelts and made-up garments one of the largest in Canada. Bring your holiday visitors and friends--our display may inter- est them too. : LADIES' FUR COATS -- The | Clearing at92-9 8 Parisian Shop "353 BROCK STRE! Between Division and Barrie Streets REAL ESTATE FOR HOMES OR INVESTMENTS ON BASY TERMS = ll $2,300 -- Divisfon Street, double | roughonst. : $2,700 Russell Street, cement block; improvements. we Kim street, detael frame; improvementy. ag 03,000-Sydenham Street, double steme.. ... x ing Night, long to be remembered by the large number of candidates that will be initiated by a joint team of the three Lodges. It is expected a very interesting evening will be spent. "Special speakers will be pre- sent and a resl boost will be given tor the winter's activities. The more than one thousand Oddfellows in Kingston does not répresent our possibilities. There is room for sev- | eral thousand more. 'As long as jy there is suffering and want, {liness | and loneliness, there wilt be work to The principles of the Order are not worn out, they are as true an as imperishable as the everlasting | § hills that raise their majestic heads |} { across our fair 'Dodinion. Visit the J | ste, Relieve the Distressed, Bary | the Dead and Educate the Orphan, |d E Ww i M o $3.000--Chatham Street, double frame. -- John Street, det frape. Lot 68 x 133. antag 00--Markinnd Street, detached frame; all NE Sts w York § brick. o treet, detached Good build lota, Albert, Nel. san aad Al d Streets; reason pt ae A aS Jom when re ejects tenants until you rebuild. y SEE OUR J. B. SAMPSON tor the service of our {stil} calle { members. n 3 Real Estate and Insurance NAP ANEE ALUMNAE Cor, Johnson and Division Sts. 9 | New 'phone numbers 530, 538 Wf' OF QUEEN'S MEETS and 340. {Holds Banquet and Hears Ad-|"5 Hot eae ens | HANLEY'S i + Mrs, Jemmett. { ------ (Established 1871) | Napanee, Nov. y ' . {graduates and friends of Steamship passages | University gathered in the banquet . nall of the Campbell House on Tues- biocked to al parts of ' {day evening to partake of a delight- | wi {tal banquet arranged for by the) e orld. Pass- | Alumnae Association of Queen's Uni- | ports arranged. the banquet, the! | shairman, Mr. E. J Cork, public | rranscatia: tickets 'ssued over |school inspector, recalled some of | Be Ae Fastin, Al hie memories of Queen's Ulirrny. Sais Rouna the World Steamship the "Sister Uni-| Prepaid passages tor a | vorsities, by | you desire to bring relatives or 'Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, who spoke | friends from abroad. } 1 in behalf of Trinity University: Mr.| For full particulars apply to or U. M. Wilson, K.C., in behalf of To- i ig J Say CP. &§ T.A, CK. |rinto University, and Mr. James Rigg Sta | Laughiand in behalf of Ontario re Ryn BAO, OE on Sn lenitural College. Interesting slides | day and night. 'Phones 29 or 283° lof Queen's University of the past and | * |the present in ail the phases ot uni-| | versity 'life were shown. {funeral of his sister, the ate Mra | Prot. Jobn Matheson of Queen's | Fields. | University was then called upon and | Mrs, Peter VanLuves, one of Yar- {spoke in piace of Dr. Bruce Taviol, ker's oldest residents, passed away | who was unable present. Prof. lon Friday last at the howe of ber the advances in daughter, Mrs. M. C. Dunn, Brock- ithe growth of the university, the stu | ville, at the advanced efe of elghty- {dent body and the sf of & GusTEC pifie years. The remains were {of a century ago and to-day. Queen's | brought to Yarker for interment. | Unévernity is enlarging fs fed The funeral of the late Mrs. F. field through = summer school and extra-mural work, thbreby benefiting i not only in our distriel end of Canada %© the Mi then caked . who outlined the Sunday lest, took place on T at 3 pm. to Riverside cemetery. ceased had been In failitg health for two or three mouths. She leaves to mourn her death two sons Prof. Douglas Jemmett of Queen's Unt- versity, Kingston, and Bguce of Haleybury, besides her aged mother snd one sister, Miss Christens v On Monday evening the ¢ Golf and Country Club gave enjoyable Hallowe'en and old time costume armouries. About 300 snd many quaint, ban unigne costumes Were Jadies' prizes were wof Orabam and Mrs. (Dr) Mr. J. L. Murray avd a {from Enterprise won the gentlemen's | prives. Excelient music wes furnish. tonsil [ed aad a very enjoyable evening was, : _ YisWors came from i of Sudbu web in ton, Belleville, Trenton and the to enloy the evening's i 4 Reid of Colborne spent a on this week recewing ¢ fe i b! on ua operation for | National Johnson § emmett, who died in Kingston oo'