Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1926, p. 4

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RS - p- BRITISH WHIG! $1,000 on MeKelvey & Birch's new | ROAST MEA' T FOR SPARROWS. | feel they have accomplished little fal 98RD YEAR. Ea plant and the Mopar RE BRITE COE] et pee Adding >. the world's advancement. . i plant are worthy of 'support. Indas- | This reads Ike WHEtTre fake, butt prem hie tries are sesets to any city; Jet us take it for what it may be worth, Al The | St. Thomas Times-Journal | {show approval of the efforts of our | newspaper story from Bakersfield, [agrees that Hon. W. F. Nickle qs- | | own townsmes, i. {Cal, says that the sparrows there | played good judgment asl good taste : The Library Board, a real 8dpea- | 57 getting a good living from auto- | in' declining to run in Grenville | tional institution, wants $5,000 to | mobile radiators. | against Premier Ferguson. Such a tinish its buildiag costs. The library | 'Formerly, says the writer, "the | contest would . decide nothing and is well housed now and to lift it out { SPArrows caught their meals on the | would satisfy orily "those Who revel | of debt is a thing the citizens should | wing, chasing a single insect through | in a good row. : y i | pring about. The improvements, 50 { the air tor blocks. Times bave chang- | -- i long delayed, to the City "Hall, have | ed. Sparrows are growing fat from & While Lhe men are jawing agay { 1 hee! made, The electors will recoup {diet of roasted dragon flies, bees and {like mad over the tarilf, the fishery | [the city, by legal enactment, Tor the [™ sertlies caught. in. car radiators." | question, and the affairs of state! expenditures made) It this means English sparrows, it | generally, the women keep right ot All the by-laws are commendable | is all the more surprising. That spe! | talking about bias folds, box pleat-| and worthy of the fullest support. {cles in the past has been comsttiered |ing and so forth. The women, it ------ bo belonging to the "grain eaters," | should 'be observed, says &n ex. living on seeds rather than meat. | change, know what they are talking DIPERIAL TITLES. | Bht the ubiquitous little street sca- about. , i Dally by , A venger is nothing if not clever and WHIG PUBLISHIN ad gow we get Hatk to imperial | table. Possibly it is actually LinireD, KINGSTON, ONT. titles. Up in Hamilton Rev. Stuart | of i hy, fom a € . N i It is not by accident that the Many firms now arrange Ee i rt rae ra 1 | New and Views, {| | Duh era through our Manager for 28! 4nd be regards with something Hike | Superior Intaliigency »y shaun ' ; : Balesmen and sales man- sequence calls of a list of a soatde pt "the sham denfocracy, frosted meat, Shine bo by the me But Is This the Reason? agers is increasing sa ranid- customers. In rapid-fire which has found expression in the | : London Advertiser: A whiskef- rder abolition of imperial titles in Can- | ed its old friend and ally, the BOTSe. | .; ung contest is in progress ly. ¢ 0 they come on the tele- | ada. He does mot favor hereditary ------------ Timmins. In that latitude there is : Sy . phone, one after another } titles. but he holds that as a means EDITORIAL NOTES. something to be said for it as a of publie recognition of eminent ser- pl mesns of ecomomizing om fur : and many additional orders vice dome the state there could be The level crossing season is al] OHA: a long trip. Prices and are quickly secured. nothing more fitting than the bes- | WAYS d year Jong and then some. towal of an honor which carries > . Ottawa Ring why is it that terms can be discussed as in . Ask our Manager to explain i | with It a distinctive title, good for ro keeps on building subma- | memory falls when it comes to re- a personal interview. Th Iife. In that way Queen Kiisabetn (fines. _ Probably she's using her | calling whether or not, after fix. pe . e the many advantages of se- rewarded the Raleighs and Drakes {sinking fund. ing thé fire, "we: shut off the dralt goods can be shipped witha quence calls. ' bed | of her time--and how much more | ---- in the furnace? substantial saving of time. appropriate a recegnition it was "Motoring is simply fine," remark- : ---- than the presentation of material ted a Montrealer who paid his sixth Mothers Mistake. : wealth to those worthies!" {fine in a month's*time! . Answers: Sweet Young Thing a . The Hamilton Herald adda the | (coming in with attentive partner If others Whee wot dil . trom whist drive)----Oh, mother, ing by Kong Distance | comment that the bestowal of the October did not yield good days on might sfford to | I've just cafftured the booby! you honor of -kajghthood upon Cana- | fOT the farmers and millions of dol- "Well, well! Come here and kiss use it . {Jars have been lost as a result: " Muesday was election day in tue | dlans who earnad distinetionby valu- me, both of you. nited {abl bite rvice or conspicuous mss States. Members: of the ae Jue po ows or = com-] FYOTY voter should be master of Wants Two-Third Vote. of Representatives and the merce tedustry or the professions | his own conscience just as Hon. W. Beacon-Herald: Beer parlors te were chosen with a decreas- | : us.ry "| P. Nickle is "captain of his own smack too much of the bar to be majority for the Republicans. | 8 one of the few things which dis- { souk" accorded a ready welcome even by : 3 Bey will be hard pressed in Carr - | tinguishes this country from the| a large portion of the wets. It is to on. The Democrats nad hoped | RelEhROFEE le Te mn) _ A feminist orator thinks girls be hoped tha a two thirds vote will | colonize the country with people 0 nighte: y should receive men's wages. And e requ . who are healthy, hard-working and, GAINS OF THE DEMOCRATS. One Way Out. she sobbed. The new bride was in tears on ths "That's all right, dear," replied seeeded to a fair extent in both jbeen a constant reminder that Wei 4 ------ { above all, who widl be Canadian." evening of her first supper for | the husband, "we'll just te scaring the Republicans in | OTe not yet completely Amerieaniz- | 0 TO getting them too. Do they Not After Decent Ones. z La Presse reiers editorially to the | friends. mw it's a flat a? a ol} Shem » » 8 Lod, ant more: London Advertiser: Canadian | Canadian Book Week that has just]. "My cottage pudding wont rise," | Scie Monit good fashion. newspapers are not asking that de-| been observed. My cottage p 8 "| Science Monftar, BS The re-election of Governor Al- -------- The public is twelve years old|cent United States newspapers be| "A country is/mot far from pos- 4 Smith, in New York state, puts POSTURES OF SLEEPERS. | mentally, according to ea Chicago taxed out of the country. There is| sessing a literature of its own when fn the limelight again. Me has | physician. After all these years of no case, either, for restricting the | its writers are animated by the 5 d wonderful success as a vote-get- The physicians are urging people | suffering, doctor? entrance of decent periodicals. country's spirit and when the pub- . ger. The defeat of Senator Wads- jie sleep on the right side. The sto-| - -- meth lic is Interested in their Initiatives. a re erencia ars wor 1 'cn Insist. | 'Book | Week," which we have jus: worth is a distinct loss to the Re- | mach can empty itself in three and | If only Queen Marie could have RY XT ak, bliean forces in the Senate, just | half hours; it requires six hours seen the Thousand Islands in sum- Chatham Nowa: os luge =3Bis stavied pon ought io be ge S 1s the ending of Senator Butler's {it people sieep on the-left side. But mer time! Then she would have had h} of making more intimate dnd more 'oo, 'ae | the "You're another' stage--Lon-| fruitful the relations of those RB D 2 25 Greer in Massachusetts. | sleepers generally rest on the side cause for enthuslasm. don Free Press amongst us who write and * those ULL, OG Size ~ for ¢ The result of the voting will have | from which they derive the most -- Still there are some people Who| who read their writings. Do not let increase their strength and they | derable influence on the presi- | comfort, some even lie flat on their In the United States five babies a|do hope it reaches the "Have an-| us lose any time in proclaiming that BANT Mm I) 10¢ tial contest two years hence. Mr. {back or prone on their stomach. We | minute are added to the families liv- | other" stage. Canada has no literature, but rather A SrraGhr foolidge's chances of the Republi- | do not advise flat back positions; it | ing there. And a good number pass |' ------------ let us work togesher in forming one nomination for a third term are ! induces snoring, a very disagreable {oR because of unhealthy conditions. which will be worthy of us and the h weakened by the New York de- | thing in the calm of the night. Some i in Wit and H, great nation which we aspire to ba | 50 = ww Al Smith, the present gover+ say the baby best illustrates good | WN are pow hoping for Indian amor Some: ~ |W : i of the state, who appealed 'to |sleeping habits. It doesn't care how summer. To be sure we would like | | wet voters and been re-slected, |he sleeps so long as comfort is any kind of weather than that given Welcome! C : 1 R SP P v Bim in the forefront of the | reached. The baby's postures are | us recently. A little summer please! Nurse--Its a boy. i ' scrat aspirants for the honor, amusing. Often the dear bit of Ba- Confirmed 'Golfer--Hooray! | For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton deliv i. To be sure the great interest was'| manity curls up like the puppy and : Men may still show a higher aver-| caddy!--Golfers' Magazine. We sre sow taking orders for | Pea Ooal, $12.50 per ton deliv . the contest where the proh. ition again he goes to sleep with his head lage of strength; but pound for sersmton and Virginia Anthracite ered t op, ' 1 \ All Sales for Cash. s end of the bed; in the morn- pound and inch for inch, the women What's That! © Stove, Nut and Fea Conl. Also jij mdment and, the oWS made tajat ous ed of . outdo them in many another physi- Bridegroom--Have you kissed the || Bisek Gem and Pocuhontihs Semi ||} ce it were 'included in the is- ing he has reversed himself. We do | et bride? 1 Mord. Oué Coal ia all weighed on il OWARDS CO A i C ges. In eight states, among them {not recommend similar antics hy eh Best Man (abssutly)--Ob, yes, - (he ely scutes. You get twenty hun- | | |f ; . on . ha York and lilinols, the electors grown-ups, but there is this to sey, The Toronto Globe quoted Prof hundreds of times----Answers, Lon- dred of ox ip shy to ei] TELEPHONE 155 { ling on Con- that relaxation and comfort are the . ; - | don. . on questions c& Irving Fisher of Yale to the effect ill UPT . ' » to permit the states to define fessential things for healthful and thor the Volstead ect 1 a AYLESWORTH BROS. OWN OFFICE: McGALL/S CIGAR STORE. Phone $11. + under the constitution shall be | refreshing sleeplog and mo matter in rg us ead ac 38 ave the Yes, Yes, They Grow. . {dered intoxicasing beverages. In | what the doctors claim is scientific | nite States $6.000,000,000 | Tommy--Do fish grow very fas:' | Or 'phos U. B. Knight, 1785-. York the question asked was: |ihe slumberers will do that which | throus the increase in industrial ef-| Billy Ygshould ny Father : _ | ticiency. caught ome onte ows six g ould the Congress of the United | seemeth best to them in their uncon a every time he mentions 30 tes modify the Volgtead Act to |scious moments. Sleep well and be | Su------ : Canada's is going ahead with Pele Mele, Paris. . N Good se the Bighteenth Amendment lmerry the next day. The sermonette marked enterprise. The total trade Se---- ew 8 that the same shall not prohibit | is ended! " 4 manufacture, sale, transports- i -- in the last twelve months is $281. te Saasing It On. "New Table Raisins ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF FRONTENAC- 000,000 greater than in the prev. bo : private viewing of and exportation of beverages EDUCATED CROOKS. fous twelve months. And this coun- tilm)--"Really that actor is too aw- LENNOX. are not in fact utaxicating 44 In the United States it is declared {try is just beginning to catch her ful 10% Words o New Brazil Nuts mined in acoordance wit ® | 'here 1s a big Inérease of educated | stride. 2 Yo the respective gtatest™ In I1-| (CCL Bey 0roving numbers college | ae [OF sourin it must be the fault New Shelled Pecans NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING a ! m . a question. of like import Was | adncated men are taking up crime Longer legs and longer lives is the "The director is my husband." New Sweet Cider / OFFICERS TE ¢ a pursuit. Lewis EB. Lawes, war<|fashion-now in Japan and America. | "But he couldn't do . anything. : 2 3 Li Raped No pt den of Sing Sing prison, says in year | Wholesome exercise and respectable perbbe, with ei a dull 'and "ama- Jas. REDDEN & CO- = e people © 3 1925, v i oi teutish scenario." i : psulted about the lquor law po- gading June 30th. 13204 gor iii go Like 3 mcoit "I wrote it."----Lustige Blaetter PHONES 20 and 990. TAKE NOTICE, that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose oy and the issue was pot dodged. | h 8 long { Berlin. A . of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used post-graduate work there. During | ough to reath from our bodies to the BS | ot the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral Dis. people voted three to one for | the year just closed the number of | ground! a trict of Frontenac-Leanox, will be held at the tojlowing times and places, fification of the Volstead Act. In} atriculants in that institution who l 2 : namely : : ' : o A * . 9 er states modification was endor- | Coo i college numbered sixty-| Lake Nemi, which is to be aramet || Quebec Viewpoint Jowxsie OF HOWE ISLAND TOWNSHIP OF KINGSTON % } . | seven. The increase for the Year Was jin the. hopes of recovering Roman : . ----- ; © AY 'own Hall on Tuesday, No- A . ; f ; At the Town Hall on Friday, No- The Volstead at el ® 350 per cent. The mumber of high | chips sunk there, lies about 20 miles | yin Catholique is net ar Vember St, .a8 1 pm. vember 12th, at 10 am, It can Y | chool graduates sent to Sing Sing |south of Rome and fills an extihot ction Catholiqu not oppos- TOWNSHIP OF WOLFE ISLAND HE oh XO ee. -- during the last fiscy) year was 138, | crater. The ancients called it the ul tn the grisinie of a3 Immigrs- At the Town Hall on Wednesday, Shp iid Yor) which is a thirty per cent, increase | yjrror of Diana and there was aj. "We have mothing to say agains: November 10th, at 11 am. am will have no legal of-| over the number of the previous | gamous grove of Diana on the bank. | the formation of a commission that st IowNsHE OF PITTSBURGH congress or the state leg- yeas = ---- sha be charged with the duty of A r Hall va Thursday, No- - re, but men in representativa These are startling facts. But edu-| Ap Italian who has been in New | seeking a solution to Canada's prob. , vember m. : > v TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON At the Town Hall, on Saturday, No= vember 18th, at 10 am. cation is both am advantage and &| york for fifteen years has learned! lem of population; but such a com- ' ' : I, y Aisregard a decld- danger. It can be used for despicable | pe English language by reading edi- mission must not be an agency : REVISING OFF ICERS: . trom the people in fram= purposes as well as exalted purl orials word by word. He studied whose aim is merely to rid European for the sald Municipalities respectively, and CLERKS respectively of the sald h polict countries of their surplus people. ; Fo a as polltes, | powes. But education must not cease | cp word and phrase. An inspirs=| Rather it must be an organisation Officers, will be as follows, namely A because of evil uses of it. The train- {45 indeed, to editors who often] which shall seek first of all to FOR THE TOWSSHIP OF HOWE | FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF PITTS- | BY-LAWS BEFORE PEOPLE | ing in colleges and schools must be . . ~ AND : BU : -- * | more intensively ennobling. This is RGH pecember 6th, the property | tne remedy for educational ills. "will be asked to vote on five prea _ C. W. Vandervoort, Revising Officer, | C- W. Vandervoort, Revising Officer, Napanee. Wen . Napanee. Wm. White, Clerk, Howe Island - y;, Clerk, Barriefield, Ont. 'QUEER. FE as a all of which are wor- \ : ; Post Office. FOR THE TOWN rt. The transferring of WONDERFUL CATHODE RAYS QUIRKS ; . : a oF rip hgh 1t is sald (rot the volume of rays PINES * alongside many | rom Dr. Cooltage's Cathode rays | Takes Color to Match His Habitat, | Its usual position Is down ia thé AUTOMATIC YOR THE TOBLAND OF WIE equal those from & ton of radium. It Ry Arthur N. Pack. : bloom. Tt color in this position be- WINTERFRONT the new discovery can be harnessed | President, American Nature Amn ar provide 3 = Bink logs 834 . and controlled then its use in the| 'Treefrogs of various gemera Ar right up uhder it, a casual glance : Swasmiog wg, J. D. Cosgrove, Clerk, Wolfe Manali 8. Reid, Revising Officer, Napanes. at I» beyond oe : » the bloom might Juss it oper. excessive PostofMice. Thomas Meakin, Clerk, Sunbury, Ont. pre a ¥ ker surroun ita dolor find has had results which would . approaches that of Jacobean oak. once have been classed as miracles > . the change being & skin, rather than and which even today offer fascimat- ling pussies to science, 1 ¥rom the first crude Crookes tube, which opened the way to the use of the X-ray, to Dr. Coolidge's inven- tion is a long path beset with @ifrk | culties, bat it is a Yine example of the way the true scientist works, of his ceaseless battering away at the I's between himself and the mys- torfous laws of nature, actuated mot N Ww. Pr Dyroche. oche, Revising Officer, FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF apanee. . STORRINGTON man knowledge and human power. -

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