51 5 i af |"THE GIRL yr Office 81 Brock 8t, cor. Wellington and Brock Street. 'Phone 326. Grandmother Knew there was good for conges- a Seni 40 #00 But the oid- mustard plaster burned and DR.J.C.W. BROOM Ww Dental Surgeon 280 Wellington Street. 'Fhone 670. appointment. DOMESTIC COKE || and never have Headache, Keeler sighed resignedly as he reached for his hat and went out. Trask heard the key turned in the lock and for the first time. since he had been aboard the Gulf Stredm realized that he was detually a prisoner. Next to a determination to remain aboard, ode desire persisted In his mind. He wished .that. Spencer Trumbull himself were there. He had a fervent yearning to punch Trumbull's head, also to permit} Keeler to punch it. Trumbull was the cause of all his troubles--Trumbull, who had daag- led a tempting bribe before the eyes of a poor chauffeur who need the money, AH of Trask's early en- thusiasm for the adventure was oozing, as he faced the prospect that it was coming to.an untimely end. The business of being sick al- most made hm sick. He wanted to be through with the whole business And yet, contrarily, he proposeu to defy Captain Blodgett, whe had sentenced him to a ready maans ol escape. His reason for that determi- sation had nothing to do with hi' avocation of pseudo-invalid; it was wholly concerned with the second cabin' and one of its passengers. Keeler was absent for what seem. "Cascarets' for Your Bowels if Headachy, Sick To-night! Olean bowels and end Colds, Sour Get a 10-cent box. Put aside--jupt once-- the Salts, Fills, Castor Oil 'or Purgative Waters which merely force & passhgeway through the bowels, but do not thor oughly cleanse, freshen sad purify these drainage organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your "insides" pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach; remove the un- digested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry aut of the system all the con- stipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels: ~ A Cascarét to-night will mike you feel great by morning. They, work while you sleep--never gripe, sicken, and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then Bilious- ness, Severe Colds, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipated Bowels. Cas- carets belong in every household. Children just love to take them. ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS A "Stomach troubles, dyspepsia, ind tion, Tran Rr ote, are caused nine times acid stomach," says a Beef Liver 10c EAS ea hn «.2 for 25¢ SREY "By E.J.RATH Copyright, 1936, by G. Howard Watt. ed like a very long time; when he finally reappeared he found Trask nervously pacing the stateroom. smoking furiously and muttering to himself, "Well?" demanded the patient. Keeler tossed his hat into a cor- ner, wiped his forehead and looked at Trask with tragedy in his eyes. "It's all off, sir," he whispered. "What's-" off? Didn't you see her?" 2 "Oh, yes: I saw her, sir." "What did she say to the plan?" "I--I didn't get that far." "What!" "1 didn't get 1 chance, Mr. Trask," said Keeler humbly, "She did most of the talking, sir. I might say that she has a bit of a temper, If you don't mind my mentioning it." "Ot course she has! She ought to have. But what did she say?" "She said it first, sir. She saw me coming, and she walked right up to me, with her ckin in the air. I knew there was trouble them, Mr. Trask: I--1 was afraid of her. "She said, 'If you are looking for me, Captain Ferriss'--and I didn'! like the way she spoke the name, sir; It sounded sarcastic--'if you're looking for me, I can save you the trouble of a long canversation "by informing you that I have no in- tention of ever speaking to you again. Good afternoon, sir!' She sald it just like that, Mr. Trask." Keeler sighed as he added: "She looks mighty fine when she's angry, sir" "And you mean to tell me thal you got no farther than that?" do- manded Trask. > "1 tried to put in a word for you, | sir. I did my best. I told her I had a message from Mr. Trask, and if she'd only listen for a minute '1 was sure that if would be an act of justice." . Kaeler paused in embarrassment. "Go ahead! Out with it! What did she say to that?" "She sald," faltered Keeler, "that what applied to me also applied to you, sir. And with that she walked away." : "Oh, the devil!™ "That's the way I feel about ii, sir." "You're hopeless, Keeler!" "But what more could" I do. sir? She wouldn't give me a chance.' Trask did not speak for a min- ute. He stood with his hands buried deep in his pockets, an image of dejection. "Well," he remarked in a. sur- prisingly mild voice, "it seems as if both of us are in mighty bad with the ladies, Keeler." "I was thinking so, sir. So T guess we go ashore after all, Mr. Trask." "Go ashore nothing!" cried Trask, rousing himself. "I wouldn™ 80 ashore now, even to please her'!™ Trask waited until nightfall, by which time he was in such a state 6f nervous irritation that Keeler dared not speak to him. The invalid scarcely ate his supper, so preoe- cupled was he with plans to remain aboard the Gulf Stream and to see Sidney "Sands herself. The latter preject he had decided upon immediately followidg the dis- heartening result of Keeler's trip. Trask did not propose to be dismiss- ed without a fight. He realized that it had been a futile thing to send an emissary, particularly Such a vulnerable one as Keeler. Probably she thought it savored of cowardice. Trask Tell His Story. Trask was not a coward. He was willing to face the music and listen to an unpleasant tune, if necessary The one thing he would mot permit was being ignored: "Reeler, 1 want you to stay hers until I come back, he ordered shar)- ly after a final glance through the window to make sure that it was dark owiside. Keeler was on his feet instantly. "Why, you can't go out, Msg Trask!" > "I'm going. Don't argue. You can sit around and get put off at Key West, if you like. T won't. It any one comes inquiring for me tell them I've retired." ; Keeler backed against the and hesitated. ~ "Keeler!" cried Trask sharply. "You'd better stand aside! I'm not as easy as I look. I'll stand for no interference." "It's only you I'm thinking of, sir," said Keeler meekly, yet stud bornly. "I'm afrald you're going to do something rash again Mr. ad door "Perhaps. 1 don't know. But that's my affair. I order you fo get out of my way." Stil} Keeler besitated. There was a look of deep anxiety in his eyes. "You'll Mr. Trask, to take no chances with yourself? I'd never forgive myself, sir, If 1 thought--" = "I'l take no chances that aren't necessary. Come, now, I'm in a hurry." Keeler drew a doep breath, let It} Besides, there might be another guardian ai the gate; capable perhaps more than two rounds combat. Trask sought no combat "THE SECOND CABIN " THE DAILY BR > with a swift glance that he was un- observed and then swung over it. This' time there was no ery of alarm, mo uproar and running of feet on the deck he quitted. With a facility bora of his former experi- ence, Trask slid down to the deck below, climbed inboard and began at once to make his way forward. Thus, far it had been unexpected- Iyeasy. gar , - He decided to follow the policy of going about his business in a fres and open manner. For ome thing, he did not feel in a furtive mood, and he was convinced that his bes: disguise lay in an outward alr of confidence and ease. IP he encount- ered Captain Blodgett himself, he felt sure that he would not even quiver an eyelld or hesitate for « fraction of a second In his step. His journey took him directly past the stateroom of Siiney Sands, but he could see no sign of a light within, nor any in the adjoining room, where she was conducting the affairs of her father's weather gimecracks. He walked on steadily, nodding occasionally to casual acquaintances whom he 'had met that afternoon, but who knew noth- ing, he well understood, of hua status aboard the Gulf Stream. They could only have known through the girl, and he was certain she had sald nothing. Far forward he spled her little figure standing at the rail, and evi- dently watching the moon streak on the water She was not, however, alone. Two young men were be- side her, engaged in what appeared to be a desultory conversation. Twice he caught the echo of her laughter. . v iy ITISH WHIG STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects § Sour, Upset Stomachs 'at Once "Pape's Diapepsin' is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fer- mentation or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost | §. stomach Teldel. - Correct | immediate your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages. Trask waited for no opportunity to present jself; he did not know how long his stolen liberty would endure. He made his own oppor- tunity. He walked briskly over to the trie. "1 beg your pardon," he said. She turned Quickly at his volea, recognized him without a display of astonishment and waited. "1 have an engagement with Miss |& Sands," he explained to the young men. "l regret very much to deprive you of her company, and I will promise to return her to you as soon as possible. I know you will excuse me." The young men bowed---and sigh ed. (To Be Continued.) I ---------- Rev. A: C. Calder, rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Chatham, was pominated as the standard- bearer to carry the banner of the West Kent Conservative party in the provincial election. 3 An ivory statue of a woman, found recently on the Danube river near] " Flag and Rad Poles | Straight, round, Spruce and Tamarack Poles from 35° to 40° long. Excellent for Radio or Flag Poles and moderately priced, COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK. " BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Private Branch Exchange Phone 1871. IS THE TIME To have your Fall Shoes made. + VERONA BOY INJURED. Rupert Storms Fell at School and Was Unconscious. : Verona, Nov. I.--The farmers are behind with their work apd every- one is wishing for nice weather. The usual! crowd of hunters are leaving | for the west. W. T. Wilkins has taken over the position of manager in the Bank of Montreal Prayer meeting was held at J. E. Freeman's and Elisha Martin's last week. The Epworth League social evening wis held at Mrs. Tallen's on - Tuesday evening. Joseph Genge and family, Oak Flatts, have moved into part of REPAIRS Mrs. Jeffrey's house. Edward Carl JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 'PHONE 2813, | their homes by a coat of paint. Rupert Storms had the mistfortw to be quite seriously hurt at soho on Friday when he fell while rm ning, striking his head and leavi him unconscious for some tims. and Mrs. D, Walker attended funeral of the late Dr. Geddes Deseronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lillie have returned after visiting § Saskatchewan and Vancouver. "Joe Romeo, committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter ' Magistratd Jelfs of Hamiltos, 3 granted ball in the sum of $5,0000 upon an application before Mr, Juss Vienna, is said to be 25,000 years old. | and Mrs. Norman Ball are improving | tice Ferguson at Toronto. reis Only one JELEQO Ho Other Pessor is fikell | ELL-O is Canada's most famous. des- sert. For thirty years it has enjoyed increasing popularity. Wonderful fruit flavors. Finest and purest ingredients which money can buy! No wonder results with Jell-O are always sure. Ne wonder there is never a disappointment, never a wasted jelly. Just open a package of Jell-O. It speaks its quality, Note the exclusive Jell-O packing which brings this famous des- sert to you as fresh as the day it left the Jell-O kitchens. Note the aroma of the fruit flavor. energizing and body-building nourishment. Rear Jell-O is pure and has'real health value. - Jell-O requires very little digestive effort, and yet it supplies valuable Serve it +. often. Your grocer has all the famous Jell-O flavors -- Demon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Van: illa, Pineapple, and Chocolate Jell-O which makes won- derful chocolate puddings. We are really proud or the beautiful Jell-O kitchens at If ever you are near Bridgeburg, come and see Jell-O made. You will be very welcome. Bridgeburg, Ont. flavor indefinitely. proof, op inner Jell-O is always the seme high quality. Dampness or other climatic conditions never affect Jell-O. The seamless, water- carton protects the Made in Canada To make desserts of extra appeal send for these m We have had specially made for us a set of six individual jelly molds of new design approved Ly home science experts who know the latest and riost practical ideas in table decorations and -appoint- ments. Send six fronts from Jell-O packages and 26c. for this set of molds. We will send you with them s free copy of the bemutiful Jell-O re- cipe book, RT