Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1926, p. 12

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5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG- Thursday, November 4, 1926. ~Founded 1847. a. vie QUEEN'S QUEEN'S SWEATERS SWEATERS CORRECT CORRECT COLORS COLORS Queen's University Students Headquarters | Overcoats WE'RE READY Ready as never before--with the finest display of Overcoats in our history -- hun- dreds of garments. STYLE The last word! Ulsters, Ulstercttes, Great Coats, Guard models, Chesterfields, etc. Every member of the Overcoat family is here. VALUE Just another demonstration in which Quality Overcoats may be purchased at a decidedly moderate price. $25.00, $27.50, 3000 | Others $20.00 to $45.00. Salle, WILL, HOLD OVERCOAT UNTIL REQUIRED 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" OVERCOAT DEPART- MENT Sin OND 3 heid avery enjayable Hallowg'en (GuallaSalinon, Tb: cui. 'Lake Ontario Pike, Ib. ......:.. Anderson Bros. Lid. PHONES: Retail 2600 Wholesale 1767 Ofice 365w QUALITY - LARGER MARKET - SERVICE WANTED 1,000 lbs. young, well dressed Turkeys-- 10 to 15 pounds each. 2,000 Ibs. Young Chickens -- 4 to 6 lbs. each, well dressed and fatted. 1,000 Ibs. choice Young Fowl-- 4 to 6 Ibs. - each. Also Young Ducks. Bring your Poultry to us and secure highest cash prices-- all the above wanted this week. FISH ursday and Friday, our regular Fish Days. Many good a Note Sink following choice varieties, y .25¢. Lake Ontario Whitefish, Ib. . . . .. Lake Ontario Salmon, Ib. . . .. .. .20c. Dressed Bull Heads, Ib. . ... . . .. Halilut Steaks, sliced, Ib. . . .35¢. _ Boiling cuts, Ib re .28c. Red Salmon Steak, Ib. ... ... # Coan o32¢e. 'Boiling cuts, Ib. ...... ........28ec. . #18c. Salmon Trout. 1b... . .» .. 20. to 25¢. Finnan Haddie, Ib. ...... 0... 20. 26. 12}c. PARSLEY FREE WITH CHEESE _ ; wglish, Farm House Mince -~ ait 18c., Z pounds 35¢c. 12}c. ~ CITY AND DISTRICT May Be a Candidate. { John Findley, Braeside, may be; an independent dry candidate in South Renfrew. Convention of Pro- gressives and Liberals convenes at Renfrew on Tuesday next. { Held a Social. The Kingston Sea Cadet Corps "social evening" Wednesday night. | The boys turned out for this event {in the usual strength. Music for the | dance was supplied by Sid Salsbury, and his orchestra. -- Fine Crowd at Dance. { A large crowd attended the opea- ing dance in the Orange Hall, Ports- | mouth on Wednesday evening. Ex- | cellent music was supplied by the i Twilight Ramblers Orchestra. It { was generous in response to the ap. | plause for encores. f Died at Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. F. B.. Bigno:, Watertown, IN.Y., died on Sunday after a brie | Hiness. She was born at Portland, i Ont., on July 11th, 1859, a daugh- | ter of the late Isaac Miller. Thre: | weeks ago, a week apart, a brother , and sister also passed away at Three { Mile Bay, N.Y. ---- Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walton Fisher, Toronto, announce the engagement { of their daughter, Anna Constance, {to Dr. Wellington Leland Boulter, Vancouver, B.C., son of Mr. and { Mrs. G. BE. Bou'ter, Picton. Ths | marriage will take place quietly in | Calgary the end of November. | Wear a Poppy "In Remembrance." Poppies will be worn om Nov. 11th, the anniversary of Armistice Day, by thousands of people all over the {British Empire. "oppies will be sold in Kingston on Saturday of this week! by the Kingston branch of the Cana- dian Legion, while wreaths may be | ordered from the Legion Headquar- ters at any 'time. { Sideswiped a Car. - i A large car from Kingston, with {two men and two women in it { struck a car near Massena. N.Y, on | the left side, throwing it off the { road into the ditch where it turned | completely over several times. The { two youths in it escaped serious in { jury by a mir . The Kingston car proceeded on its way without stop | ping. on | A Fine Window Display. | The window display of Samue! | Hamilton, hardware dealer, has at- | tracted considerable attention for poppy day. In the window is a high- land soldier in field outfit with ser. | vice rifle. There is also a wonder- | tul edllection of medals and war | souvenirs The splay fis very | tice Day memoriam. | tions of western Canada. Hi i! | I i! I | i | | | { appropriate for the annual Armis i Aims of Kingston's First Theatre. | Rev. A. P. Addison. D.D., Tor- | onto. before the York Ploneérs His torical Society and reading from the | editorial page of the Christian Guardian, described the establish- | ment of the first theatre in King- i ston, the proceeds from which were | to be distributed among the minls- | | ters for relief work. A few of these | NEW BROKERAGE OFFICE ! OPENED IN MONTREAL | James Richardson & Sons Op~-| erates Broddoasting Sta- tion at Moose Jaw. | James Richardson and Sons, Lim-| | ited. with = extensive wire connec tions throughout Canada, following | their acquisition of a .seat.on thy Monireal Stock Exchange, have op- {ened an office in the Board of | Trade Building, Montreal, with all i facilities for conducting a stock ex- change, as well as a grain brokerage) business. It also operates ' a Brosdcastinié station .in conjunction with its Moose Jaw office, known as CJRM, through which grain and stock quo-| tations, weathef reports, finaneial news and reports of current events! are broadcast every day to all see- | The service. which has been in op- eration for some time, hag proved | to be so popular that arrangements) have been completed to greatly em-| large the scope of the broadcasting, with a view of reaching a very much ! larger territory. The stock exchange office in Montreal is in charge of H W pNelles, formerly of Kingston. , He | was formerly a mémber of the Fin- - ancial' Post organization in Toronto and for years his served with James 'Richardson and Sons in their grain 'and other departments. -- BOY MOTHERED BY MARIE. Curious Lad Had Become Marooned - on Royal Train. - Spokane, Wash, Nov. 4.--A sma'l | boy may look at a queen and De | garried away from his home for it. {- Lester Brown, aged ten, was : found aboard Queen Marie's special | train a few minutes after it had lef | Sandpoint. Idaho, yesterday. He was 'in tears. He had slinpvad aboard the 'rain as it slowed 4: for Sand. point and had been Sto hop "off as It passed tho station because jot the press of the crowd. | ° Queenly arms comforted him and { the royal candy was brought info play. He was the Queen's guest un- ! til Spokane was reached. Marle her- self telegraphed the boy's parents After plaring bean bag with Prince Nicolas and Princess Ileana. Lester dined with the royal famity. ministers had been thankful for | such donations, but the majority { bad rejected what Dr. Ryerson desi gnated as "ill-gotten gains.' Ladies' Gy jum Class. The ladies' gymnasium class of' 'the Y.M.C.A. held a supper Wednes- | day night and elected the tollowing | officers: President. Miss J. BE. Fletehvr; vice-president, Miss Maude. : Sinclair; secretary-ireasurer, Miss | M. Allen; social convener, Miss W.| Rgers ; entertainment convener, | Miss M. Davy. The class. is now putting on"a membership drive ana | the numbers are mounting to the | desired height Portsmouth Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts of the first Ports- | mouth 'troop at their regular meet- | ing Wednesday night, were treated to! a special bit of fun. It was a grand | reminder of the camp. The boys had | a "gather-round-the-camp-fire" sing-| song, the kind that all bad enjoyed | at the summer camp. The assistant | scoutmaster of thoe first Kingston troop was i attendance and helped | the meeting along. Another new | Scout was invested into the organiza-| tion and will now be able to join in all the work which the troop is do-| ing. i Wins Scholarship. | The will of the late J. I. Carter, | of Sarnia, provided for the award | in each. of twenty-five counties of! Ontario, of three scholarships, sub-| ject to certain conditions, to the candidates ranking first, second and third in ten papers of the Upper School examinations each year. The first scholarship is for ope hhundred dollars, the second for sixty dollars! and the third for forty dollars. At the examinationy of June last, Ken | neth Hall, of 'the Athens High) h . won the first Carter scholar-! ship for the united counties of Leeds end Grenvilie. ------ Eastern Ontario Women's Institutes. The Women's Institutes of Eastern Ontario, in session at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, at which are repre- sented the Institufes in the fivd dis- tricts from wich The Whig receives reports, heard an address from Miss M. L. MacGuiggan, Elgin, who gave ! the report of the committee on his- torical researoh and national history Miss MacGuiggan said that history taught at the present time was more interesting than that in schools a quarter of a century ago. It still lacked, however, details of how peo-| ple of another century lived and thought "What we want to know is how our ancestors lived and what they thought about," Miss MacGuig- gan said. To preserve antiques and valuable relies, it was suggested that to preserve the records of villages and towns a historian or archivist be appointed from the Institutes to do this valuable work It was the Wémen's Institutes task to collect articles of historical interest and to sow the seeds of interest for the es- -tablishment of county museums. The speaker cited the Maitland [istitute as having taken a step forward in this project when it placed mark- ings and flags on the sites of the first white se telers in Leeds and (Trae MARINE a------ - The government lighthouse boat { Concretia cieared this morning from { the causeway for duty wogk. The two Sinmac barges Burma and Reddington are now loaded with grain at Richardson's elevator and are awaiting the tug Bureka to take them to Mostreal. The lighter Warrenke ana 'the tug Salvage Prince of the Pyke Tow ing wnd Salvage Co., cwared this morning for Sodus to load coal for' Sowards. 1 Up--Nov. 3.--Thunder Bay, 7! p.m.; Pillsbury, 11:30 pm... Nov 4 --Kindersley, 1 am.; City of | Kingston, £ a.m. Down----Now, 3--Weed, 12 noon. | Stewart, v.30 p-m.: Mplehill, 7.40 { pom.; Nov. {--Edmon®n, 3.45 a.m.' Rammac iy 5.40 am. | CANADIANS TO ATTEND THE KING'S BANQUET Premier Mackenzie King to Be. . Wegk-end Guest of Pre- | mier Baldwin. London, Nov. 4.--Premier Mac- | kenzie King, Hon. Ernest Lapointa and Madame Lapointe wiil be the Canadian representatives at the din-| ner to be given to-night by King George at Buckingham Palace, to the Dominion Premiers attending! the Imperial Conference. Tomorrow, = the Dominion Premiers will visit] Manchester to receive the freedom ' of that city. Premier Mackenzie] Kipg will spend the week-end ar! Chequers as the guest of Premier Baldwin. Open Gold Mines. Tamworth, Nev. 4.--A. B. Cars| callen, : Mr. Critch and a party of! others, left Wednesday noon Za | the back country, on their huntiag trip. A gold mine Nas been opened' up noriheast of Tamworth. i ill isngh | from start to nish, Grant Hall, Wed- | nesday even, Nov, 16. All seats 50c. | py has a thousand tongues; and they work trertine, i t DAILY MEMORANDUM. C. of M. eachre and dance, Catheolle Assembly hall. Friday. Nov. Sth $18 Coma. to Princess Stroet chorch tea, and sale on Adin 106. Nov, ith from to, S Wilbek, 4am. Etraondinary Thanksgiving Sling o Silks and Dress Flannels FRIDAY MORNING AT 9.30 SHARP This Sale comes up to all that former Silk Sales have taught you to expect, and surpasses » 2 - them in value-giving. 500 yds. reg. $3.00 quality 54 in. Black Crepe de Chene *1.89 yd. An outstanding offering of fine, heavy quality, Black Crepe de Chene, in the extreme width of 54 inches. Posi- tively the lowest price we have ever offered such a popular width Crepe de Chene. Extra Special 20 only Pure Wool Flannel Pattern Dresses Car at Ls Price In individual dress pattern lengths from |} to each. Just edough material for Dresses with short or long sleeves as desired. 2} yds. A drastic clearance of 20 only, smart bordered pattern dresses of lovely quality, pure Wool Flannel. In shades of SAND, RUST, COCOA, ALMOND, BUFF, BISCUIT, BLACK. $4.00 Regular $8.00 Dress Patterns for Regular $5.00 Dress Patterns for $2.50 Regular $4.50 Dress Patterns for $2.25 200 Yards 36 in. Black Duchess Satin se °1.19 yd. Special The chance of a lifetime to get this pure yarn dyed, heavy, lustrous quality, Black Duchess Satin at a pheno- minal price. Just 200 yards in the sale and priced Friday only at $1.19 YARD / Free Lesson in Cutting Out Your Fall Costume Mrs. R. 8. Vass Butterick expert from New York, offers instruction | cutting every day next week, commencing TUESDAY, NOV. mth. "nn Mrs. Vass, works slowly, in full view of patrons, explaining carefully every step In the cutting process, and answers all questions fully, y We invite you to attend this cutting demonstration. Pe

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