mii a THE DAILY BRITISH W Bu NEBeEe "dhe International Uniform Sunday School Lesson for Nov. L A B R A M by K Y by 7: "The Fall of Jericho."--Joshua 6:12-20. rv wn gegen --& Where Quality and Price combine to give There are two ways of dealing at fie | 8 the Biggest Dollar Value in Kingston history. These "stories relate to 2 far-off. time pond their interest as history Is entirely dominated for us| - " " " " iby their religious value. «| ¢ A : ' There are prosaic minds who read ew e ur 25 these ancient stories merely as mat- a ™ ters of fact. Such people would | were not only united and vourageons.| : = Ireadily admit that there is a tradi-|but that they were upheld by a sense |f \ ; F Prett E . Dr they consider it dishonoring to that [the ancient seer, "the wicked flee | : book and inimical to the Gospel of | when no man pursueth." It is true' | = tional and legendary element in the of the divine presence. Christ to suggest that there is any-|0f course, as some one has sald. Ji wt. 8 " . thing traditional or legendary in [that they go faster when a righteous iy hy stories concerning the early and far {man does actually pursue. i e reinote history of Israel, . ? - histories of all peoples and nations,| Would these forces of evil in our [BW % 7 | but they attach such almost super- (land wait for a blow to be struck ? EN \ ) | stitious reverence to the Bible that;They would exemplify the truth ot | B A a AA ; But history reveals nothing more | As 8 matter of fact, the Gospel truly than that the prayers of the | 1 1 9 a OE a, EE a weal uc, tt Ue. Jo Never in our history have we had 3 bound up with these questions of sistent, determined advocacy of such a pretty array of Evening Dresses » history. It is entirely possible that |right, the willingness to strike heaxy | : : . : - NERVOUS WOMEN! a man may believe in the redemptive blows the readis ws to sacrifice ail 25 new, New York copies of fur | in Pink, Maize, Baby Blue, Rose, Nile a 'e 0 a experience on | for a grea use, Ves eS - . - ' Oh Wo Sam uit CoMag through Jesus Christ who believes tablish an frresistible epiricual power. | front trimmings. Navy, Wine, Sand, Green, Coral and Black Tega consti- a story as thi i r | Whatever be ¢ actual historicity : . . Abundant Vitality and Strength | lessons may have been alin by [ot this etory of the fall of Jericha, | Grey, Black; prettily trimmed -and Ute a me ol! snappy Lvening LIresses. Or Its Use Costs N eons BAY DAVE Dee I ts apiriust saggestion is uHQues- : A look will convince you of their real : A -------- stories current in oir uit 5 tionable. | smartly designed. Nowhere 'an you value. y ot, Matar What JOT ABE a ve |S7ents that even then wer in a dis- ie get values to compare with those at Come early if you want the pick of these Dresses. Values up to $30.00. tried without success--don't get dis- tant past. Power of Righteous. { . tried without meee ato tt hope.|. However, the important point | The resson why Hghieouenems and | da Abramsky's. These are regular $35.00 ai) til you have tried a 16-day that the raligious teaching of a les- [righteous people are pot more Pow: . U C at of Double Strength Erba, [son like this is the main interest erful and effective, the reason why | oats. "without slightest risk of cost unless {und not the mere matter of what [the forces of progress do not prevail | tully pleased! happened historically. more truly against the strongholds' Double Stre Erbac, endorsed ii of ignorance, seifishmess and preju-| 3» } COMP LETE STOCK OF ELECTRIC SEAL, MUSK- by Doctors sad pani by hundreds | goed Signtennce, [ices Bocas the forces of bredu| LADIES SILK SCARFS | RAT AND HUDSON SEAL COATS. SELF TRIM- formula designed to build life-giving, Both Mteralists and men who fol- |[#ousness and progress are often too| all sizes in stock. Jow more Hberal and modern meth- {much isolated and disorganized. | IRREFL o-defyin e For - ERA RL it hy So So sa ood 38 Sri | Resulars175. SATURDAY | MED, FOX. SQUIRREL Se ere mete fused with ordinary Nerve Tonics or {™* 8%0ry all of Jericho t i : : Tused ith Or rn BA OE A a Th keness of aim aud Orgabized | 99c¢ Prices to fit every pocket and reasonable terms made to . meet all open charge accounts. Mown, if you can't sleep nights, if [all people Is based upon a back-|sincers, consecrated, with great ca- |g you Jats the Sao pition and Slur to ground of very definite fact. pacity for rallying men to Ris own| a0co! eo $s you won e val t] 1 Ry $ .! to do--g0 to Jas. B. McLeod and get a It seems incredible that the walls |ideals, with equal capacily Zor ef ; if you are not wonderfully pleased ing. But, when we come to think upon the fact that God is not upon COATS, $19.95 . $4 95 A special purchase of Men's Blue Here with results you ean have your money of it, that lg elmost exactly the way {the side of the great battalion, but Men's heavy Blue Coats, in warm Chin- n ringbone Cloth and some Poucil Stripes are back! . iw which the strongholds and cita- | that great battalions dnd seemingly chilla Cloth. Newest cuts of New York tueluded i this lot. Suits originally priced dels of evil do actually succumb to| powerful citadels are as notting be- models. These Coats are easily worth 25 Tweed Boys' Suits with 2 pairs of | At $21.00 to $20.50---all well tailored and - An early tb All sizes in stock. numbers; are priced exceptionally low for n y Buyer Will gee the Meg. Suppose that In relation 'to any [men who have given themse.ves over Extra salesmen to assist you. | a quick clearance. . $14.95 i strongly-entrenched evil in our mod- wholly and irresistibly to the power ern life the determined, organized 'ot God. Ostermoor|50 pr. Flannelette Blankets| Slumber i \ ® Mattresses $1.99 King . Here's the amazing Erbaé offer! If {Probably we should find that the M ' WwW D rtm t 75 MEN'S SUITS IN package of Double Strength Erbac at of a great city should fall before a |fecting. and directing their orgaci-| en ear €1 on BLUE HERRINGBONE » the determined assaults of righteous | fore the power of the Almigh'y when | $20.50. Saturday is your opportunity and Springs 1 0 5 No telephone orders, no C.0.D. orders, no prings . . YOUNG TROTSKY AN EVENT AT BATTERSEA, A Church Event Was Featured in Loughboro View Hotel. Battersea, Nov. 1.--The Hallow- e'en party In the Orange Temple, mW Saturfiay evening, proved a success. = _ mM % Threshers Are Busy. Brooke, Nov. 3.--The hum of the threshing mill is heard once more. 'Quite & few teams are hauling sparr to Bathurst station from the mines. A large crowd attended Leslie rong's sale; low prices were realiz- d. Mr. Britton Blair has purchased a sedan. All sre glad to hear that Carrie Beagent is improving, Mra, James Blgir spent Sunday with Mrs, Bawa Danley. Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Peters spent Sunday with sister, Susanna, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Peters, also » Susanns Gordon, spent a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _B. Atwood, Bobs Lake, The congert in the Orange Hall at Wemyss was well attended, and all report a good time. Miss Pearl Gordon is home for 'a few days, before returning io The youngsters, also many of the older people, were there In their] Hallowe'en costumes and enjoyed an evening of fun. The annual supper under the aus- pices of the W.M.S. was held last Friday evening at the Loughboro View Hotel. The tables were very prettily decorated in orange and black crepe paper with orange candles and French marigolds. The living-room, in which the guests| gathered, looked very cosy with its! = : " - bright glowing fire-place. It E : SIMMONS' BEDS, GIBBARD'S SOLID WAL. BUY A STOVE SATUR. = ] pose. Jou are weak, tired, nervous and run- {legendary eélement in the history of The genius of a man like Joshua, = great display of determination, vig-|zation cangaccomplish muci. # : MEN'S NAVY BL E 5 : ancy, take ~ eguinrly Jetting orously expressed im noise and shout-| The Bible is rich in its insistence - U 25 BOYS 2 PANTS SUITS $14.95 " ; | Pants; 1 izes 26 to 35; all regular stock and determined men. that power becomes expressed in! Abramsky's is the place to buy your Coat. ia) delivers. Regular $12.00. 50 pairs of the finest Flannette Blankets ever h Only 5 full size.' geuuine, | sShOwnN in Kingston; extra large sizes, 12-4; pure SATURDAY Ostermoor Mattresses in | White with Blue or Pink borders. as fy Yeguin Remember the quantity is very limited -- so $9 05 ; » $21.95 come early ! was decorated with French mari- $9.95 Up. NUT TEA WAGGONS, DAY AND SAVE MONEY golds, The programme consisted of ' $27 95 missionary songs and addresses Ocls 2 solid wal he hand carved Gib. Special 10% reductions oa Findlay Oval which were thoroughly enjoyed. a a Ea ne ant $39.50. and Rowmd Quebocs Saturday only. Pitiartos pent 8 fo dar with 37 Saute super wien vu AL to con opr Walnut Si98 | --roermeenE Steel Bed Outfit at See the New Moffat Combi- QUEBECS, $13.95 j and Mrs, Harold Patterson, Smith's| Winner of the first haby show held | 19th, was successful. George Kirk- nation Jus t arrived! All Medium sized Quebdes, will burn wood in Moscow since the war was Alexis | pairiek Is moving into his new home $21 05 models In stock. or coal. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. ® lender. Now this. picture has éaken | Arthur Hogan is moving into the one a prominent place 'in Red prope | which Mr. Kirkpatrick is vacating. ganda es en example of what Bol=| - 7Txs sale of Mrs Susan Ducette shevism does for babies, was held on Monday, Nov. 1st. Meet- ings are being held in the Pentecos-| 4 Troltsky, grandson of the Bolebévik | purehased from Leonard VanLuven, Regular $17.50. wm x THE NEW LOCOMOTIVE | Saturday"...". ".... $13.95 tal ahureh. 'The Battersea Dramatic | REBUILT VACUUM WASHING M Reem 7 PWHIE CLEANERS, $24.95 "$150.00 | See the New Happy Thought & w = £ g » a8 The new Locomotive Washing Machine, Now is a good opportunity to get a combined with an Electric Heater, which 4 Hole Square Quebec good Vacuum Cleaner at a special price. boils the water and autoniatically drains ) Sto These Vacuum Cleaners are worth double | and fills tub, is the last word in Washing | ve. the price asked for them. Have a demon Machines. : Now the sensation in the stove market. strator call at your home. Terms to suit $10.00 DOWN delivers ome to your A wonderful baker, ccomomical and will the individual. home. Balance arranged for. throw immense heat. - wi ii TROPICAL HEATERS ON SALE SATURDAY AT SPECIAL PRICES! desi sdons : CPARTMENTAL STORE PREPARING FOR THE HUNT. |onual hunt at Deer and Red Horse members of the Young People's ly Blanche Bell) each with a Coles , -- lakes. : gi League together with the many {man Tasviine lamp. Games and colt Lavant Men Will Seck Der in the| Charles Hollinger loaded and ship- friends in the commanity met t)- | fests were played after which s Neighborhood. ped five 'carloads of cattle anf gother In the basement of the Uni: | presentation was made followed by Lavant Station, Nov. 2--Miss|lambs, on Friday of last week. ed church and presested Mra Wil. [a beautiful lunch of cake and sand< Rena Barrie, Watson's Corners, is | Luther Tooley also shipped twa car- fred Haggerty, (nee Della Keller: | wiches and coffee and all enjoyed visiting at the home of her brother, | loads on Saturday. Harvey Thomas, | 884 Mrs. Carmen Peters (former- themselves to the utmost. Thomas Barrie. M, and Mrs. Peter | Englehart. a on Mouday to Sarr and granddsughters, Enid and | visit friend. He also intends hunt arr Muriel Paul, Poland, spent the week- | ing at Red Horse lake. : ) ---- end with Mrs. Thomas Lee. Miss| Mrs Joseph Burke, Sharbot Lake, ---- s -- Doris McFarlape, Lanark, was the jspént Monday and Tuesday with re- vital i pA ' oe i mr Fiest of Mis Inés Browning over the | latives- here. A box social and con. FULL COURSE DINNER, 55¢. the str J biden week-end. cert wis given by tha young people : : : . = : ; Master George Ferguson bad bis |in the schoolhouse on the eyeing of CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAYS 75¢ . : tang Re . tonsils and adenoids successfully re-|Oct. 29th. A splendid programme FIRST CLASS MUSIC SUPPLIED. woest "They . 4 moved by Dr. Parkhill, Lavant, on | was given by local and outside tal : pion Pg, ier and soon Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ent. prc : A LA CARTE SERVICE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE Barrie and children, Watson's Gor es WALTER LEE, MANAGER pars, 8 1 Presentation Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. T. Barrie. Quite a On Monday evening, Oct. 25th Three Boose SUE TREAT YOU elrhane number in this vicinity sre making | the young people of the United WE TREA ¥ RIGHT to leave for their an- sad the 0 Fr) 2