10 A PURSE OF MONEY "FOR RETIRING FRIEND] Removing From Toledo to Bradford, Pa. '% Toledo, Nov. 3--A number of ds gathered together and held (8 farewell in the Orange Hall for 3 r. and Mrs. Yates Marshall, on day evening last and presented jm with a purse prior to" their leav- for Bradford, Pa., wheres he a position. The Bible clase, about twemty-six in number, from * motored to Mr..and Mrs. M. Marshall's, on Thursday evening and spent & very enjoyable ev- ng in games and music after h a Junch was served and every- reported a good time. . On Friday evening last the Young Bible Class held a Hallowe'- party, in the Brick church. There a good many costumes and make-up that no one could de- them. Thére was a time set]. for judging costumes and pri-| ee given for those that represented | Prices realized. A number from this what they were masked for | polling division attended the con- right: W. T. Cosgrave, Lord Balfour. wo > . GREAT BRITAIN'S DOMINION LEADERS IN LONDON smiles. It's a girl. Mr. Earl Perry has recovered after there were games and contests { vention In Brockville on Tuesday | his recent illness. Mr. Edwin Peters which a lunch and coffee was | last. Collins Covey is engaged to and everyome 'vent home| work for John Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Pleased with such an enjoyable ev-{ Willlam DeWolfe, Ottawa, are [fix- onl {ing up their new home and will be About thirty-five ladies went to|Tesidents of Toledo. home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. paaldson on Tuesday afternoon, 'and showered her with many costly | and useful gifts. Mrs. Donaldson has | . g been a worker in the church and}? Baeeliout. Conger Was HeM tn nday school for years and the! wijton West, Nov. 3.--The school y friends wish her many happy | concert held Friday afternoon at J wedded life. | Victoria school, was well attended THe young people gathered toget-|and great credit is due to our teach- r Tuesday evening, Nov. 2nd, and er, Miss D. Cook, for the way the gave a shower to Miss Pearl Bell |children were trained. The weather ho is to b® married shortly. Miss still continues very wet and farmers Balt Tataived many beautifel ans {are having a hard Yime gathering in which an 4 was read tothe root crop and late grain. A her. The evening was spent in games business meeting of the Ladies' Aid nd a lunch served. All went away was held at the home of Mrs. C. fter extending best wishes to Miss Stover on Thursday evening to ap- Bell. point committees and plan for the Mrs. Ella Kennedy has gone to | bazaar, which is to take place Dec. with her niece, Mrs. G. H. Don- ; 3rd. pn. Mrs. C. A. Wood and Mrs.| Quite a number from here attend- W. Dunham have returned home ed the funeral of an aged and re- spending a week with friends spected resident in the person of Montreal and Ottawa. Gladstone | Mrs. C. Davison, which took place ills and Lloyd DeWolfe have gone Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Ommpah to spend a few days G. R. McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs, Tor camping during the hunting season. y-ance Babcock motored to Hamilton, * Phe sale of Herman Gray's furni- {Saturday last, to visit their son, was largely attended and good | Headley. Mr. Clifford Frink is all AT WILTON WEST. has moved into Mr. Dorval Peters house, and Mr. George Griffef has moved into the house lately vacated by Bdwin Peters. The work on Vie- toria bridge is progressing slowly on account of the continued wet weath- er. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Compton, of Florida, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Snider. Miss Marguerite Frink is spending a few days at Mr. Earl Burt's. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly with only a few juveniles wandering about in the mud. Mr. Kenneth Babcock is doing a rushing business in the apple trade. Rev. Mr. Batestone, of Selby, occupied the pulpit in the United Church Sun- day evening in the absence of Rev. G. R. McQuaid. NOTES FROM WESTPORT. ---- Institute at Westport Entertained by the Newboro Institute. Westport, Nov. 1.--Mrs. Harold Fredenburgh has returned to Pitts- burgh, Pa., after spending the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hull, She was accom- panied by her sister, Miss Kathleen Hull, R.N. Miss J. V. Noonan and children, Joan and Richard, return- i they are now considered to be a ser-. 'ious menace. ed to Ottawa on Monday, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCann. Mr. Charles Egan, Nipigon, is visiting his sister, Miss Mary Egan. Mrs. Dool, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wing. Mrs. Mildred | Merkley has returned home after spending the past week with Miss Marjori¢ Lyons, Ottawa. Born, on Saturday, Oct. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Speagle, a daughter. On Thursday last the Newboro In- stitute entertained the Westport In- stitute to a very pleasant after- noon. The many friends of Mrs. A. Marks, who underwent an operation at the Kingston General Hospital on 'Thursday last, will be pleased to know that she is recovering nicely. Mr. Carruthers, of Montreal, is spending a few days in town. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard McNally, of Ottawa, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. M. BE. Mulville and daughter, Irene, was a visitor in Montreal last week. Mrs. W. J. Tooley, tax collector, is making his house-to-house calls. ---------------------- Dogs have a wholesome fear of fire. A delivery man recently saved himself from attack by two vicious dogs by tossing lighted matches at them when they lunged at him. Grasshoppers have done such great damdge In Gautemala that ho? poe Le A) 2 ia ¥ "Keeps the Breath Sweet ANY a business transaction has failed--many a friendship has PRESERVES THE TEETH . HPALS THE GUMS DESTROYS GERMS . KEEPS THE MOUTH, THROAT; AND NOSE IN A CLEAN ~ mouth--The is : gums is been broken up--because of unpleasant breath. And yet there is no good reason to others when it is so easy to keep Dr. Chase's Every-Day Mouth Wash. pleasant, antiseptic lotion sweet. : : And it does more than that. A clean mouth is a healthy healthy--Decay why anyone should give offense the breath sweet by using keeps the mouth clean and the breath » s are healthy--The are heal It is a fine habit to rinse the mouth frequently with Dr. Chase's Every-Day Mouth Wash. It is the of disease, most of which gain entrance The refreshing sensations you get Mouth Wash--the assurance you clean and the breath sweet--these are what | EERE EEE cents wo pay and postage. RR surest safeguard against to the body through the after using Dr. Chase's Every- feel from having -the mouth win and retain your favor. germs mouth. 9 "rHE DAILY BRITISH WH NE RE ---------- i ue Delegates to the Imperial Conference, as they gathered to discuss the unity of the British Empire. Front row, left to President of the Irish Free State; General Hertzog, South African Premier; Mackenzie King, Pre- mier of Canada; Stanley Baldwin; Premier 8. M. Bruce of Australia; J. G. Coates, Premier of New Zealand, and Pre- mier W. S. Monroe, Newfoundland. Back row: the Maharajah of Burdwan, Lord Birkenhead, Winston Churchill and RADIO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 35. CKAC, (411) Montreal 1.45 p.m.--Windsor Hotel lunch- eon concert. . 4--Weather, Stocks. - CNRA (322) Moncton. % .pm.--Organ recital. 10--Addreéses. 10.15--Studio programme. 11--CNRA dance Orchestra. CNRT (8358) Toromto. 6.35 pm.--King Edward Hotel Concert Orchestra and the Apolio Male Quartette. 9--Studio concert by the Bilton | Trio. WSAI (326) Cincinnati, Ohio, 8.15 p.m.-- News Review. 8.30--Bicycle Playing Card Sex- tette. 9.30--Studio programme. WGR (319) Buffalo, N.Y. 9.30 p.m.--Broadcast from New York. 11---Supper music, WGY (870.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 7 'p.m.-- Dinner programme. 7.35--Instrumental programme. $--Remington Typewriter Band. 9--Two one-act plays by WGY Players. 11---Dance music. WBBM (226) Chicago. p-- 8.15 p.m.--Artist recital. 9--Hotel Bismarch Orchestra. 9.15----Harmony team. 9.30--Club Bellaire Orchestra. 9.45--Jazz numbers. WOO (508.2) Philadelphia. 7.30 pm.--Sam Brown's Orches- tra. 8.30--WOO Orchestra 'in selection from "Carmen." 9.30--Fox Theatre Orchestra. 10--Programme under the auspi- ces of the Sesqui-Centennial. 10.30--Hotel Sylvania Orchestra. WEAF (492) New York. 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner music from Waldorf-Astoria; reat Notch Iam Orchestra; soprano and tenor solos; Happiness Candy Boys; Orchestral concert; South Sea Islanders; La France Orchestra; Anglo-Persions; Dance music, WRC (460) Washington. 7 p.mi.~Hotel Hamilton Orches- tra. S§--Mozart String Quartette. 9--Breyer Ice Cream Hour from wiz. 10---Anglo-Persians 10.30-- Wardman Park Hotel Or- chestra. > KDKA (809.1) Pittsburgh. 6.15 p.m.--Dinner concert from the Flotilla Club. §---Concert. 9--Teaberry Time. WIP (508) Philadelphia. 6.05 pm. --Dinnef. music by Ben- jamin Franklin Concert Orchestra. WFBH, New York. 9.15 p.m --Popular songs. 10.15--Treble Two. 10.30--Rendezvodus Orchestra. 11--Everglade Club. 11.30----Club Alabam Orchestra. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. WEDDED FIFTY YEARS. Notable Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. --- €: W. Snider, Arden. ; Arden, Nov. 3.--About forty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrf C. W. Snider on Thursday, Oct. 38th, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding and presénted them with a $10 gold piece and a purse of sixteen dollars. Their many friends join in wishing them many more years of happiness. The Ladies' Aid held their chicken supper in the Orange Halli on Tues day evening, Oct. 28th, and concert fa the township Ball, the p a were $48.70. : Mrs. George Pringle spent Tues day at Mrs, Frank Leyst's. Mr, and Mrs. William Loyst and T. Loyst spent Sunday wt Mis Lutz's, Oso. W. J. Wilkes and family and Elleen Loyst {ypent Sunday at George Mond's. "Archibald Scott and wife were at C. W. Saffler's on Sunday. Miss Eileen Hall and little" Nora Wormworth spent Thursday evening at Mrs. Fred Gendron's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Steals, G. Stesle and family aad Adrian Way, of Tam +" DISEASE Never Attacks Healthy People It Attacks Those in a Run-Down Condition rr Wards off " Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Coughs and Colds Take and need have no fear of bronchitis, Chijen als or other winter ailments, body. fesitalizes the system aad or »" Prescribe 1t hi Go and get yourself a $1.00:jar today at your druggist's. It is very pleasant to take. ate fudge. After three or four weeks' treatment you will feel like a new being. If your druggist hasn't Olajen in stock, send us $1.00 for a trial jac. . If you are not perfectly satisfied your money will be returned in full. OLAJEN LIMITED - 27 Front Strect East, Toronts Victo © Records Barcelona International Novelty Orchestra Cherie, I Love You Waring's Pennsylvanians I'll Fly to Hawaii Gus Edwards and His Orchestra Fox Trot Fox Trot w187 Baby Face Fox Trot Jan Garber and His Orchestra Vocal Jack Smith (The Whispering Baritone) 20108 20229 Valencia Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Jesse Crawford The Revelers Tito Schipa Fox Trot Where'd You Get Those Eyes? . Fox Trot ' George Olsen and His Music mn 1 Wish You Were Jealous of Me Nat Shilkret gnd His Victor Orchestra 2148 ] 4 SPECIAL SALE! Hundreds of Red Seal Records by famous artists at more than 13 off. - Inquire at your dealers ! + At "His Master's Voice" Dealers' hs ------ worth, spent Wednesday evening at Haitl's pew government radio ste Mrs. W. Wormworth's, Edgewater. tion at Port au Prince is reported to Mr. and Mrs David Hartwick | 13"® been Beard in Florida and spent Sunday st Mrs George Vetusugls, : M i Pringle's. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sui Rallway ties in Central Africa are der visiting at Fred 'Gendron's. made of metal because the ants Frasels Alexander, Tweed high |Vtiekly déstroy wooden timbers. school, spest the week-end at her| The oldest conple 1a England is bes home here. Mrs. Albert Marshall |Heved to be Mr. and Mrs. J. B. and daughter, Ruby, spent Thursday (lor. Bach is 102. at W. W. Wormworth's. Miss Jean! Many a mass so-called Wormworth speat Sunday at Mra. A | pendence is nothing nore sor less than contrariness, e Dy