Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1926, p. 13

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¢ CAMPAIGN "Wor but Lote Nowenh November 21995, "QUEENS. - ENDOWMENT IN THE . CNTY OF FRONTENAC OBJECTIVE, $25,000 10% of the Shlactive for the entire city and Gauss spends $1,500.40 Jeariz ta Clty AMUSEMENTS | What the Press Agents Say About 4 the Press Agents Say Avon AT THE CAPITOL. THRILLS! ACTION? SUSPENSE! A TRULY GREAT PICTURE! "The Flaming Frontier" a Super- | Western Picture. { "The Flaming Frontier," whieh | | is mow playing at the Capital] } Theatye, is a soul-stirring epic of | the West of the early seventies | dope In'a most realistic manner, and | with a closé" attention to nmistorical detail, that stamps it as ome of the i'really big Western 'pictures of the year. To further enhance its value, Universal has given "The Flaming | Frontier," an all-star cast compos ed of players well and favorably | known to movie fans everywhere. Hoot Gibson is greal as an army | s¢out and again gives his admirers | SE { nual meeting, i ris; second vice-president, ADMIT LADIES 1 } Elected at Eighty-| sixth Annual Meeting Held Thursday Night. Capt. John Macdonald waa elect- jed president, at the eighty-sixth an- of the Kingston St Andrew's Society, held on Thursday night. The othér officers elected are | as follows: First vice-president. James HaT- Thomas H. Stewart; homorary secretary-trea- surer, James Stewart, chaplain, Rev. J. W. Stephen; piper, James Fraser: bard, Col. Macphail; physician, A. E. Ross; auditor, J. F. McM{lian; standard bearer, Thomas Mackenzie. Dr.! es : : THE DAILY BRI ITISH WHIG OBITUARY | att ESSER reins: a ! "Francs "EO Fanen | The funeral of the late Francis E Fallon, formerly of the 'firm of Fai-| {ion Bros., marble dealers, will take Iplace from the residence of his | | brother, Vincent L. Fallon, 37 Divi- fst ion street, on Saturday moruing, 10 St. Mary's Cathedral and thence to St. Mary's cemetery. The iste Mr. Fallon died in New | York city on Wednesday of pleuro- pneamonia after a brief illness. De ceased was born in Kingston and] received his early education in the schools of the oity. He graduated from Regiopolis College and later ! atvended Ottawa University. He fs survived by his widow, formerly of Londom, two daughters, Misses Margaret and Rowepa, and one son, Francis; also by six broth- SEE THE "MILL WHEEL" BEAUTY CHORUS Wednotday MATINEE MONDAY AFTERNOON Tut-Tut-Tuttle--an Hilarious Skit at the North' Pole -- Pretty Girls -- Brilliant Costumes -- Tuneful Tunes -- Gorgeous Scenery -- Large Cast . Plan opens Friday morning at Ticket Office, Grand Opera House, Tickets on sale at Best's Drug Store or Lindsay Plano Company. EVENINGS . .. 30c., 75c., $1.00. MATINEE Evening Show starts at .. 8.15. Thomas Cowdy, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs N 0 TICE EB. E. Wl pd take table: i BE ouch # 4 Wu All members of "Frentense Sosaells S 88 Kalghty of Colambus, are requested to A large crowd attended during the | assemble at the home of Mr, Vi afternoon sale. A concert followed | Fallen, 87 Division Street, this evening in the evening. The pastor presided. | at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of paying Miss Helen Babcock, A.T.C.M., [the Council's last respects to our Inte Vise Pearl Ruttan and Miss K.|Brother, Frank Fallon. Townsend Jendered beautiful plane- | Gia od ay Kish, | forte trios Miss Fern Ward ot | ingston was encored by the audi ence as an appreciation for her womn- uction 0 derful violin selections, Miss Leab | Rameay, A.T.C.M., talent was much | Moun- I will offer Yor sale at my auction rooms, in the Market Square at Noow ] i appreciated together with local tal- i | | on Salurday, the 6th day of November, ent made a very enjoyable evenings entertainment. Rev. Mr. Gall, 1924, that valuable brick residence, NeJ 118 Johnson street, Kingston. tain Grove, Mr. F. Anglin and Mr The property will be offered subject Executive/-Prof. Roy, James Hal- liday, & H.JMitchell, R. H. David- son, Dr. DA. Black, W. M. Nickie, John Ramsay, Prof. James Miller, Col. Macphail, Rev. J. W. Stephen and Rev. Principal Kent, of Queen's Theolo- glaal College, were received as new members The * difiaty will hold its annual service at St. Andrew's church on] Sunday evening, Nov. 28th. The | Sons of Scotland will also attend this service. Rev. J. W. Stephen will he had carried on a grocery busi preach the sermon. | ness on Ear! street and became weil The annual bafquet will be held | known throughout the city. He was at the Frontenac Hote} on the even- | very highly regarded by those who ing of Nov. 30th, at 7.20 o'clock. | met him in a business way and Hon. Robert Forke, minister of im- socially, and his death caused sia- migration and colonization, will be | cere regret among his friends. De- the chief speaker of the evening. | ceased Is survived by his wife who! On motion of Col. Macphail and | was formerly Miss Gertrude Flem J. H. Mitchell, it was decided to ad- | ing, and two daughters Mrs. 8. J. mit ladies to membership in the | Harrison of the city and Mildred at Society, after a vote of the members | home. was taken. {| The funeral will take The members made a grant of | Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock $10 to each of the following insti-| from his late residence to Cataraqui tutions: General Hospital, Hotel | cemetery where interment will take Dieu and Orphans' Home, Deceased was born in King- Feeling reference was made to the | ston and was a son of the late John loss the Society had: sustained Lee. through the death of three mem- | bers, Dr. Willlam Third, Dr. G w-1 Bell and Mr. Daniel Couper. { The report of the treasurer show- - ed that the Soelety had no liailities, | United Church Ladies Aud Sale and SE ad balance OF BASLBT On BARE. | pie on COUCRRE der Eo anes ie "Lars Joie lw suits S73 Superior Gourd uv) { , Toi |at Santa Ana, Calif, yesterday, of the || Six Months for Contempt. I the United. Chueh, Harrowsmith, | order of J. J. Paterson, Los Angeles | Toronto, Nov. Harry 8cul-| was held in the Assembly Hall on | pee broker. thorp, eeedsman 'Port Hope, was Wednesday ' afternoon, Nov. 3rd Monday will be a public holiday, found guilty of contempt of court | Rev. Oscar Bunt conducted the op-|,,. day appointed by the tedorali and committed to the common jui| ening ceremony. The hall was very government for thanksgiving 1 for six months, Sculthorp was found i- prettily decorated guilty of contempt, fn having delib-| Mrs. John Gallagher, Mrs. Wm erately broken an injunction gr anted | Lee, and Mrs: Frank Patterson were by 'Justice Lennox in November, { tn charge of the handkerchief booth 1925. The period of Impris onment | Domesti ¢ booth, Mrs. E. FP. Whitty, | president, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs | will be shortened to 'three months| upon payment of plaintifi's costs, | Herbert. Jackson and Mrs. S. Em- The members of Kingston Lodge, No. | Fancy booth: Rev. Mrs. A. [59 1LO.O.F, are requested to attend the) fixed at $100. I | berley. | 8. Doggett, Mrs. Clarence Copp, funeral of our late Brother, W. J. Lee 3 3 " 1to be held from hia late residence, 393 min. { Mrs. R. Deline and Mrs. Pixley, Earl Street on Saturday, at 2.30 pm {s refused | Lunch committee: Mrs. R. Curl, Members of Sister Lodges are respect. Mrs. Dan Babcock, Mrs. James fully invited to be present Mrs. W # , x B. J. GILBERT Boyce, Mrs. John Deline, a Reo. Bec' a one _ . and Vietnity. County of Frontense gets % of this for produce, ete. Public . Meetings Barriefield, Thu., Nov. 4, 8 p.m. Portsmouth, Fri., Nov B, 8 p.m. Wolfe Island, Fri.,Nov. 5, 8 p.m. Battersea, Sat., Nov. 6, 8 p.m. many demonstrations of his splendid [a in. Hoot "is an excellent | actor whether portraying daring { army scout or a West Point cadet. | Diminutive Anne Cornwall is lov- { able and pretty. as the heroine and | in this picture does some of her | finest acting. "The Flaming Fron- | tier" brings Dustin Farnum back to his friends im the character of Gen. | Custer to which he brings the sterl- . ing qualities that have made him T WEEK: Public Meet {one of the best liked = of American Harrowsmith, Sydenham, }{ | actors. Verona, Parliam, Sharbot Lake, { The villainy of the picture is en- ard C Tals me In the Fed t Division Court of leon Kes. et roe neatly, The County of Frontenac that it is well done. Eddie Gribbon tonally, and Harry Todd have done as rar: a bit of screen comedy work as has His Honour been seen in some tigne. ¢ HARRY ANSON LAVELL, Judge in Chambers, tHe 18t day of November Between QUARTER OF POTATO CROP jam Davy. Plaintiff, SERIOUSLY DAMAGED and George Edward Gibson Defendant Upon the spplicafion, upon hearing (Some Flelds Under Water and. Subordinate lodges of thelndependent | 3 for th slicant and upe Order of Odd Fellows will be held He Be Saiiavit of Ella ior! Potatoes Routing in the Ground. isabeila Gibson filed herein n \ 1. It is ordered that service upon the | Monday, Nov. Sth at % pm. defendant, George Edward Gibson, of | the wit of summons and staement of | . : The Initiatory Degree will be con- | claim in this actioh by publishing this | It is estimated that at least twen-| ferred by a team selected from the | order together with the notice thereon ty- five per cent of the potato crop in| members. of the three city lodges. endorsed once preceding the 6th day of this district has been destroyed or | 6 . Ww Y Good programme and refreshments November. 1916, in the Whig news | by the heavy paper published at Kingson be doomed | seriously damaged 5 RE Dogiee. of JOO] SRd SU Cl of said writ|paing 'during the last few weeks. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, London, I oe ee Th d t d th that the Some fields are under water an o Ont., Grand 1 ertard, will be the ground. 2. And It is further ordéred said Defendant, George Edward Gibson | potatoes are rotting in the pon to Ord but ry H he or are ine along the K. & P. Railway, a number ® rH. Rutherford, Sec. of Com ers, Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, Bishop of London: Joseph J. of Cornwall, Rev. James P. Fallon, OMI, and j Rev. Charles Fallon, O.M.1.. of Buf- falo; Thomas D. of Buffalo and Vin- cent L. of Kingston. William J. Lee. William J. Lee, weli known local grocer, died at his late residence, 391 Ear] street yesterday after a lengthy iNness. Deceased was fifty- eight years of age. For some yeqrs John Warner, Mrs George Dowker. Candy booth, Mrs Botting, Mrs. Monday, , 1926 Will A special joint meeting of the three place on lace place Bolam addressed the audjence A HARROWSMITH EVENT. to A reserve bid Their addresses were much appre- ciated. Proceeds amounted to $250 Terms: 10 per cent. at time of and the balance Within 10 days or may be arranged with a purchaser. For partioulars apply to Walkem & Wailkem, Ww, Solicitors, Kingston A A STORAGE BATTERIES REPAIRED Recharged and Stored. Electrical Repairing, Sup= plies, etc. LEO. W. COCHRANE 164 Ontario 8t., Kingston, Tel. 2042W. Res. 1570F. -------------------- Philip Goodwin, former priest of the. American Catholic Church, was Murray, A YsHeneeh: Mire do file his statement of defence In 1he ln of this immediate. district, of farmers have given up hope of office of the Division Court of the Coupty of F rae on. i hefore the 27th day of November, 1 H. A TAVELL, J | harvesting the potatoes and have up end turned the jswine jnto the fields to eat the pos |tafoes | Eneilage corn has also deteriorat- ed in value hecause the rains made i1t fmpossible to harveet the crop | when it was at its best. ------ Mt ese a------ata | plowed: them NOTICE! 0. E. GAGE WILL OPEN A FIRST-CLASS Meat and Yogeiable Market at 308 Mon | Street, Corner alu SATURDAY, 'NOVEMBER 6. Your patronage solicited PHONE 3107-w, CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 Any pines fn eity v william ' Swaine, piano tuner. {Orders received at 100 Clergy street | west, "phone 64w. This is Guopowdér. Plot Day. Ia | England the celebration of the day is almost extinct. Orape Fruit, three for a quarter, + lat Carnovsky's, ------------------ Madame Kollantzy, Soviet ister-designate to Mexico, permission to travel through Unit ed States. Nm Musolini will preside at the Ar- | mistice anniversary in Rome: | same Lewis . will stand triad ot {Timmins on three charges of forgery. sn Bras som mm All new § and 7 passenger Sedans a Special rates for Dances. " -* "~y ALL OUR USED CARS MUST GO REGARDLESS OF PRICE Ford Tourings 3 ~ Ford Sedans - Chevrolet Roadsters "McLaughlin Sedans Ford Roadsters Chevrolet Coupes Mclzughtin Coupes ae + Dodge Truck Chevrolet Tourings McLaughlin Tourings Hupmobile Sedan Overland Touring Chevrolet Ton Truck A small payment down and monthly payments during the winter will secure spring : delivery of any of these cars at bargain prices- ntral arage Limited | WE NE VER CLOSE * TELEPHONE 600 .e 3

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