Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1926, p. 8

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4 LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Page Editor Phone 2018 fracmas this week, was expected to Private Phone 857Tw. » [ . and Mrs. Patterson, Smith's will be in town for Queen's . 5 = Gwéhyth Carrdarris, Mack 'will spend fhe week-end in oo». * * Gertrude McKelvey, Bagot was a bridge hostess on Wed- evening." > - ¥ - R. O. Alexander, Royal Mill "College, is entertaining at this evenips. . . ps. Gordon Cummings, Lyn, who be In town for the week-end, | s at "Densmere." . -. . and Mrs. William Besrming- Aotterburn," motored to Mon- for the week-end. . . - . - fr. and Mrs. A. F. James, John- street, returned from Water- , N.Y.. on Thursday. » . » , and Mrs. Harold Davis, King , left today for Montreal for Queen's McGill games. . . 4 - Mrs. fynes, Luther Breck and Mrs. who have been in Lowell, , have returned to town. . * 8 tr. and Mrs. R. T. Elworthy and Walsh, "Densmere," Will | i Thanksgiving fo Ottawa, . » . _ J. H. BElmsley, King street, for Montreal to-day to spend the end with Miss Nina Elmsley. . * Miss Louise Shaw, B.A, will come sm Ottawa te spend the week-end | the Misses Shaw, Sydenham | | apartments. i .. i Mrs. Hagh Osler, Winnipeg, arvive fn town on Thursday and is with her father, Hon. Willlam Harty, Ba- gO street. ere will be a final dance on mber 13th for the Old Boys and | of Queen's who will be In town | the reunion. 4 - L . 1 Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs Bartlett Dalton and Miss Emma motored to Montreal today the Queen's-McGill game. - » - rs. T. J. Lockhart, Union street, left for Montreal today to nd Thanksgiving with her daugh- , Mrs. Vernon.(. Jones. * Ad - Frederick Btherington, presi- t of the local Council of Wa. , who has been at a meeting of National Executive held in St. return to Kingston to-day. ¥ - -. * Miss Nadine and Miss Betty Harty returned from school 'in Moatreal today and are with Mr. and Mrs William Harty, "Roselawn." . » » The Bishop of Ontario has return: ed from his visitation in the diocese and will epend the week-end at Bis- hop's Court. . . - Miss Jean Macgillivrey, Hallfay, fs visiting her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. John Macgilliray, Albert street, * . » Miss Grace Mooers, who motored to Montreal for 'the Queen's-MecGili game, will 'be the guest of Mrs. Gordon Anderson. : » * - General and Mrs. F, W. Hill'and Miss Louise Hill, Gore street, will re- turn from New York early next week. * = Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conway and their daughter, Lower Union street, leave this menth for California to spend the winter. -. Mrs. Sidney Kirby will be in { town for Queen's reunion and will be with her mother, Phillips, Johanson » Mrs. street, . » Miss Mary McLelland, 'Toronto, will come from Toronto to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. R. A. McLelland, "Densemere." » * - Mrs. John Waddell, Mrs. R. Dud- ley Cargill and Miss Luty Waddell, who have been in town for several days, have returned to Montreal «. . The Misses Hilda and Daisy Me- Cammon will be with Mrs. A. W. Bremner, Outremont, Que. for the Queen"s-McGill game on Saturday. - » - Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac street, has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Howell, and Dr. Howell, Galt, and her bro- ther in Toronto. . F. R, Cadet Leo Apedaile, Royal Mill- | tary College, will spend the week- end and Thanksgiving with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Apedaile at the Chateau St, Louis, Quebec. - . - Mrs. R. Bruce and her daughter Mrs. C. Climo, were joint hostesses on Wednesday qvendng at a mis- collaneous shower .for Miss Thelma Chown, a bride-elect of next week. . - * Judge and Mrs Lewis, Goderich, entertained at dinner this week in honor on Col. George Gillpsple and Miss Hilda Smith, Londdy, Ont, whose marriage takes place in Lon- don early in Decumber. Mr. and "NO MORE CONSTIPATION FOR HIM Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is 100% and 1 % effective spots before the eyes, are just a few of the sym Kellogg's ALL your' A delicious cereal, ready to serve. Fine with milk or fruit. Use in ny Kellogy's ALL-BRAN is made taurants. vile poisons and saps strength. 't afford to ignore its warn- lh roe gy ng pha by K and sold by Served at in London, Canada, rs everywhere. ing hotels i res. ~--should govern : ousehold wax. i guests. Mrs. Van Lesslie, Goderich, former- ly of Kingston were among the Oh Thursday afternoon Mrs Harold Davis, King street west, eb- tertained at the tea hour in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Polson, Bronxville; N.Y, The hostess and +e guest of honor received ia the drawingroom where gold sad | bronze | erysanthemums were if keeping with the lights im soft yel- low shades and in the library Mra. Polson's little daughter Jean also received many visitors until she was taken off to bed by her nurse. The tes table in the dining room Was centred with a silver basket tilled with pertéct deep red ' roses and lighted with tall red candles. Here bMrs. Hugh C. Nickle and Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd poured tea and coffee and at another table Mrs. Eimer Davis cut the ices. The ladies assisting in the tea room were Mrs. Frank Day, Mrs. E. H. Young, Miss Jessie and Miss Usa Polson, Miss * Mrs. H. Downer and her son of St. Thomas, are with Mrs. Down- er's parents, Rev. JD. snd Mrs. Boyd, University avenue for. the Queen's Old Boys' Reunion, which is being beld next week. . . - At a meeting of 'the Prince | Charlie Chapter, LODE, held In the YW.CA. on Thursday, Mr. Arthur Clarke told the members something of the work of the Chil- dren's Ald and asked their co-opera- tion. » » The monthly meeting of the Rid- eau Home and School club was held on Wedhesday evening and was lar ely attended. The president, Mrs. ? Murphy was in the ehair. After the business was transacted the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG rE TT WERE WESC. AMET A MEE 3 36555 i "My notion is a wife ain't got tha tender mother feelin' she ought to have for her husband unless sha Hikes to kiss his bald spot." meeting took the form of a social nature and those present listened with much pleasure to the following programme. Plano solos, Miss Helen Curragh; solo, Mrs, G. Stenton, pla- Mary Maegillivray, Miss Nora Con- pell, Miss Elizabeth Lysier, Misa Margaret Davis, Miss Helen Steacy. Miss Clara Farrell and Miss Jean Macgillivray (Halifax). no sole, Miss Ysabel Leslie, recita- | . ave tions, Miss Ethel Pringle, solo, Mr. T. Murphy. Mr. Harry Hill was also present and delighted the audience Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Divisional Commissioner of the Girl Guides, is | doing much, not only to form com- with au interpretation of Chopin's { panies in connection with this yal- Raindrops' Refreshments were gerv- | able movement, but to. teach the ed and a pleasant evening' was | girls something of their own coun- brought to a close with the singing { try. She and her daughter went dur- of The King. | ing the summer to British Columbia {and on to Alaska and the Yukoa, | and she has brought back with her dimunitive totem poles and a pola- bowl, nugget bracelets and ---- "Tilly of Bloomsbury" a comedy by lan Hay, presented by Faculty Players, Grant Hall, Wednesday, | lash November 10th, at 8 pm. All seals | many other interesting curios. These 50c. For sale at Uglow's, University | she tikes with her to the Guide P. O. sad at door. Doors openad at meetings and tells the girls about 7.30. other parts of Canada and what the jmen and women who were the first | Canadians thought and did. On Wednesday evening' the St. James" Guides and the Portsmouth Guides {snquire into the whys and wherefore | ur LETTERS TO EDITOR OF WOMAN'S PAGE] | ' Inverary, Nov. 2, 1928. | Dear Madam: On behalf of thel Frontenac Women's Institute, wel wish to show you our appreciation | of your wonderful services as Editor | of 'the Women's Page of The British | Whig. We owe the success _of our | organization largely to your unfail- ing efforts and your write-ups. You| of our work and take a real interest, | as we can plainly sed, In eFery wo-| man's organization. We ask you to | accept our sincere thanks and wish | {you every success. | Sincerely yours, | ---8. M. FERGUSON, i met in St. James parish hail and en- joyed a jolly masquerade party, and Mrs. Bogart and her talk were a feature of the evening. On Thursday evening three companies of the C.} W.L. Guides met in. the Assembly Hall and here again Mrs, Bogart { came to interest these young girls {and to arrange for their training She also invested one new Guide Miss Verna Saunders will train the pew officers of the C W.L. Guides. President of Frontenac | Women's Institute. | EL. Sirett, representative to the' Kingston Local Council of Women. | 1 ------------ i Ban Cosmetics For Freshette. Winnipeg, Man., Nov. men students at, the University of Manitoba have put the ban on the use of powder or paint by the first year girls and have frownea upon signs of "flapperism" among the | The Editor Hears | That the success of the ladies of | Sydehham street church in their effort to raise money without a sale has encouraged other women's or- ganizations to go to do likewise. But the sales have their useful side and, while it is well to get away from them occasionally and to see how another plan will work, the old fashioned sale with everyone work- ing together for the good ' of the church has much to 'be said for it. Last vear the Churchwomen's Ald of St. George's Cathedral gave a chain of entertainments and this year they will, as advertised on this page, hold a sale. Chalmers has had one musicale and will have an- other before this year is out and we | will read in the advertisement col= { yn.n" what the other churches and | charities are goimg to do to raise the money they réquire for thelr activities, - - That a number of interesting features are being arranged in the Princess street shop windows in - : connection with Queen's campaign. This pation of velvety mole| 4 wa1k up our busiest street is well and wool cloth is suitable | soft . with e an -elal worth while. freshettes. The opposition to the use of €os- | meties has not been a passive one, | ! tor the freshettes have been noti- fied that they must keep their schoolgirl complexion pansullied, and positively must NOT use artificial ald to beauty. The edict which has siruck dais- may into thé hearts of many of the fairest co-eds reads as follows: "Freshettes will come! to classes with no powders nor lipstick oa. This by order of the upper class students." 4 --Wo- "SALADA A ARTE IE AT TTA 5 J is Ty A En A Sc gM Always and Easily The Leader in Quality : TX: A mn It tha | It possipaes tentrancing and seductive flavour Brown label 75c 1b. Orange Pekoe Blend 85c¢ Ib. A commercial hydroaviation ser- vice between Lima and Iquitos, Peru, | ter, according is to be established under the direc- tion of the Peruvian navy. A a i so iY The most popular furs for the wine to the sales at the Capadian fur auctions, are muskrat, { ermine, marten, red fox and beaver. GALLAGHER'S} « TAXI 960 SERVICE, 2 5c ANYWHERE IN CITY DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS ------ The Frank Robbs BEAUTY PARLOR Waving, Shampoo- ing, Hair Tinting, the new Nestle Circuline Lanoil Perma- nent Halr Waving. 185 WELLINGTON ST. 'Phone B378J. The Robertson China Shop China -- Crockery -- Glassware 65 BROCK STREET. "PHONE 604. Emma 1. Gwatkin, Prop. During the probation period the | i first year girls will also be com- | pelled to wear gréen ribbons around | their ankles, nursery rhyme kerchiefs tied to the front of their | dresses and a baby rattle, tied with green ribbon, suspended from the nefx. ¥ But nething so alarms the fresh- ettes as the "paint and decree, which many of them feel Is fatal to thelr college careers. ------------------ HEALTH ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS hand- | {i { Without health, money, fashion or | fame cannot bring happiness to any | woman. such ailments as headdches, back- ache, pains in side and nervous trou-{ afternoon SON. That the masculiié Soyi¥h bob is fast disappearing, says a chic lady, who was wearing a smart ensemble | costume of safd homespun and | small maroon hat. As the ladies] give up their fad to be masculine, {the men are fast becoming more A vista cleft through the trees [feminine in their appearance and the River's bipe; » bpermanent waves and water waves An old, white house sguare-set, and will soon be quite the thing among them, is her prophesy. a bordered lawn . Where jes and roses grew, "je PATUR HORA QUIETL {By M.-C, Ritchie, Kingston.) A world of green, glowing light; ashimmer with That there is a systematic ! rangement being perfected { Queen's University whereby the home-comers will be able to meet the men and women of their year. Class rooms, made cosy and home- like, will be marked with the date of the year and the gradufites will| foregather hers and talk over old | times, Te make the reumion more | pleasant for the visitors we will ba | glad to publish on this page their | names and those of their hostesses. | Address. Editor of Woman's . Page, British Whig, or télephone 3813. ar- To us, who had come that day from the. little town, Silence fell with the silence stirred By some little woodland thing as tt slipped through the hedge, Or a low-spoken word. | Bit to her of the house; with the "| silence memories awoke: A Man gjimbed from the cove, Children who hung Clusasing and laughing about him, «voices rang out Where a yacht atanchor swung. She saw a Boy who whistled a evening, 4} with i - S-- That we will ail wear & poppy on Armistice Day in memory of those who sleep beneath the poppies that grow between the crosses "row om row," that mark the place of our Canadian boys' last resting place in| happy dog: : . And framed in the doorway, a Wo- man with slow' sweet smile-- We saw a quiet house in a quiel; Flanders and Frahce. But don't let | us forget * those others who came pack to us and otill fill our hospi tals. And there is a shady corner pereath the spreading oaks in Cataraqui cemetery where there is snofher long row of crosses mark- ing the place of those who came home to struggle a little Tonger The evening call of a bird. * |against the effects of German gas Willison's Monthly, November. |an@ shrapnel or the 'deadly germs EE picked up In the ses of mind knows And a world turning gold the whila. For the sun sank golden, pure golden between the trees, And the River was opal and golden. And then we Mutton. mutton, » front." in Serving. Naver pile one dish upon of an- other when serving the table. Carry the plates out separately. . |ally being published for at| | Tas "the battlefields @f the western} bles are restored to health and hap-! piness every year by Lydia E. Pink- | ham's Vegetable Compound. This is! evidenced by the grateful letters of | recommendation which are continu- | this old fashioned root and herb medicine. | - Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen Joints | anish ---- of sufferers have freed] themselves from the bondage of rheu-| matism; rid themselves of the torture! fog pain; seed the swollen joints: wn tehes, and from he peingy baeame work and be of use to themselves and' families. { They took Rbeuma; the modern ei-| omy ot rheuma sad gout. { pon't be skepica; about. Rbeums. You will khow In a few days after be-! ginn the treatment that the danger' ous Are leaving your System | t the natural channels. euma shoul plakse you in & diy sid make hopeful of quick recovery iu & or money refunded Thousands 4 3 Rheuma and liver. and must prayed for com 0 4 ferers Or money kK, James B. Meco of Kingston. and Wallace's Drug Store. of druggists every- where sell it with this gusrantes. - a | | powder" | li Il Thousands who suffer from | FOR SATURDAY! Fur Trimmed Coats in plain shades, fancy Plaids--all the new styles. Very spe- dal Por li Tyke» $19.50 ench. Pretty Flannel Dresses, in the popular colors; all good styles. Sizes 16 to 44, for elect nen $5.95 each. All pure Wool White Blankets, with Pink and Blue borders. Extra large sizes. * Specialat ........ . $4.50 and $5.00 each. New Sweater Coats in a wide variety of styles and colors, at $2.50, $2.95, $4.00 and $5.00 each. Winter Underwear for all the family at reasonable prices. : W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE ." SAAR EE AAA Ase sen sae BD THUAN ¢ lk------------ / Airplane frejgnt 'companies of Europe are planaing to fasge inter i x : 1926-27 models. - Demonstrations daily. ~ Catalogues sent on'request. ty Easy terms of payment arranged. ; See us to-day. 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON

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