he Te Saturday, November 6, 1926. » Tea err LAST TH + WITH AN ALL STAR CAST TO-DAY re ; FLAMING FRONTIER" » STARTING MON GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE MAIL ORDERS NOW. ARMISTI "3 Days Com. THUR. DAY MATINEE i : } f : NOV. 11th } | Friday and Saturday. CE BALL 'Cataraqui Chapter 1.O.D.E. in co-operation with Queen's Reunion Committee "THURSDAY, NOV. 1 TICKETS - Proceeds towards balance of payment on car for the Victorian Order of Nurses. . Tickets on sale at Uglow's and McGall's. 1th, 8.30 PM. $1.25 EACH. J As al joint menting of the three Ba as of thelndependent Order of Odd Fellows will be held Monday, Nov. 8th at 8 pm. The Initiatory Degree will be con- ferred by a team selected from the | members of the three «ity lodges. | Good programme and yefreshments | following the Degree. v. J. W. Hibbert, of London, | Ouit., Grand, Patriarch, will be the special speaker, . Al of the Order are in- AY" £1. Rutherford, Sec. of Com. Ee {CHECKER . "QUEENS ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN - " IN THE COUNTY OF FRONTENAC (OBJECTIVE, $25,000 Or but 10% of the ob ive for the entire city and distriet. ° Queen's spends 1,900,000 yearly iu Clty and Vicinity. County of Frontenac gots ¥ of this for produce; ee. Public Meetings Sharbot Lake -- Community Hall, Monday; Nov. 8, 8 p.m. Harrowsmith -- Town Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 8 pam. Verona--Town Hall, Wednes- day, Nov. 10, 8 p.m. Parham -- Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday, Nov. 11, 8 pam: ra--aueews in vital to She DioeBeriny AL Fontenas: sammereinliz, pl Bb. BowD, ed rs Army officers consider that mext to his rifle the most important part . -- 1 Car "Sale| of an infantryiman's equipment is his shoes. by { { | i | er- {ican history abounds in i Aue {ody and situations that are as trém- {tHe early seventies and has for its { and the hardships and trials that be- satire is a eparkling gem in a Tiffany score heavily "in this. here, with the entire cast assisting AMUSEMENTS, What the Press Agents Say About - AT THE cApfroL. "The Flaming Frontier," the Uni versal Production now the attrac- tion at the Capitol Thestre, is a ple- ture play that in addition to com- memorating & great event in acting in a story featured with a pretty romance side-splitting com- endous and thrilling as they-are un- usual. The story is of the period of big theme the winning of the. West set the settlers of those days. It faithfully depicts the resentment of the Indians. One of its very power ful touches is the scenes showing lite at West Point in the period. The all-star cast given this pletlure is one of the most evenly balanced that has been scen.for some time Dustin Farnum is cast in the her- ole' role of Gen. Custer and acquits himself with the ease and ability that has always marked his work on the stage and sereem. "JOY! BOMBS" AT GRAND. Plunketts, Rafferty and Newman Here Nov. 11th, 12th and 13th, Once again the main subject of conv on the tople of theatrl- cals in Canada is the Dumbells and their newest show, "Joy Bombs." If we did not have this clever organiza- tion to rely on ot least once a year the dearth of really firet class shows would be Yelt more keenly than it ls. There are three complete units in the first aot, plus four or five splen- did individual efforts. The pre-war military sketch Je a daugh from start to finish. The "Three for Tea" Al. Plunkett, Stan Bennet} Hgrrington, a newcomer, Then, there fs that wonderful Coster scene, with its bits of comedy and tragedy--its songs end dances and its ten thou- sand rl buttons gleaming in the ene "Jock" Holland, Pat Raffer- ty, Stan Heonett and "Red" New- man are the centre of attraction setting. and Pat in making this scene one of the high- lights of all the Dumbells' revues. The second act of the show is stradght musical comedy, The scene is lad aboard the BS. Canada ou the high seas, and the dialogue, musical numbers and the selections by Capt. Plunkett's orchestra are all a part of the action. "Joy Bombs" will be the attrac- tion at the Grand next Thursday. ' ---------- CAST ALL SET . s---- For the Ourtain on Rotary Show "Minstrel Chuckles." Rotarians, their friends and as- sisting artists are ready for the first performance of their big show Min: strel Chuckles, at the Grand Opera House, Monday afternoon, "Last ar- rangements of various details were practically finished last night and will be completed this afternoon. The jolly melange of eong An Jest, is considéred the most varied pro- gramme yet attempted by local per- formers, promising something inter- esting every minute, Wonderful re- sults have been obtained by Direc- tor Mr. Hall in training a large éast in such a short time. Capacity houses are anticipated fof all performances. The programme is arranged 'as fol- lows: Matinee Monday afternoon at 2.30; Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day evening commencing 8.10. --_---- N RA-A Indoor Bowling. The first games of the season In the Tannery bowling league were played Friday night at the Venetian Gardens Bowling Academy. Tahnery No. 2 team defeated Tannery No. 1 by 2387 and 2289, Team No. 4 de- feated team No 3, having won two games of the three, although No. 8 team. had the largest aggregate scoring. The teams: No. 1---Northmore, Winters, Killeen Topping, Hurst] No. 2--Bamford, Joe, Kennedy, Keating, Barret; No. 3--Heap, Plumb, Edward, Waddington, one dummy; No. . 4--Baker, Livesay, Taylor, Adrian, ove dummy. ------------------ Miss Norah A. Dehaft, B.A, of Toronto, 8 here for the Queen's reunion and will spend Thanksgiv- ing with her uncle, M. Arch. Thomson, $41 University avenue. Arthur Johnsen, 25, was killed 1n- stantly at Three Rivers, Que., when he touched a lve wire charged with 5,000 volts. ; Altichokes at Carnovsky's. a ------ 4000000030000 00 2 HAD ARM "FROZEN". * . FOR SECOND BOUT +* -- * Calgary, Nov, 8 Because of to his right arm, $ while training for his & ut with Leo ("Kid") Roy, at # ontreal, Vie Foley, Vascouv- & er feather-weight, will be un- ¢ ble to fulfill his tep-round *e li Eg -6th-13th 5 2 'ene against "Young" # Alberta champion, Bere a8 g iit ! : P0000 00000020%0 0 if HEM pe LS \ THE D EE EE 'e . # iy AILY BR SURE OF CONTEST IN 0 worth Will Be in the Running. i -- It is definitely announced that there will be a contest for the reeve- ship of the Township of Kingston, in the coming municipal election W. R. Aylesworth, deputy reeve ol the township' has decided that he will be in the field for the reeve ship of the township. Deputy Reeve Aylesworth has been a member ol the council for three years. Whether or not C. J. Graham, the present reeve, will again be & candidate it is not definitely kpown, There are rumors to the effect that W. E. Cordukes, who was deputy reeve for some time, will again en- ter the field for the position of reeve. pees | OBITUARY | Late Francis Fallon. The funeral of the late Francis E. Fallon, who died in New Yqg Wednesday, tobk place from t home of his brother, Vincent IL. Fallon, 97 Division street Saturday morning, to St. Mary's Cathedral Interment took place at St. Mary" cemetery. Rev, James P. Fallon, brother of the deceased, officiated at the funeral. Mass was sung by Rev. Chatles A. Fallon, OMI, a brother, who acted 'as deadon. Rew Michael Bradey, acted as sub deacon; the master of ceremonies was Rev. Edward Macey, Archbishoy Spratt, Rev. M, F_ Fallon, Bishop o! London, brother of the deceased and a number of priests of the city as sisted in the sanctuagy. The spiritua. OMI 'offerings were very numerous, HEARD ON THE STREET .ocal Briefs Gathered by Re porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. Chestnuts at Carnovsky's. Miss Luck Driscoll, Merrickyille, has entered the Hotel Dieu as nursesin-training. ' Victor fidward McPherson, Leeds township, is seeking a divorce, from parliament, from his wife, Florenea F. McPherson. Dr. BEB. H. Wigkware, , Smith's Falls, may de the Liberal candidate {n Langrk. The convention will be held at Perth, to-day. 5 Dr. P. H. Huyek, Wellington street, has purchased the Hunley residence, next to his, thwe giving him the two parts of the doubl house. Migs Isobel Paul's friends at Rob- lin are glad to hear that she is ro- covering from her operation for ap. pendicitis in Kingston General Ios- pital, and will soon be able to ro turn home, ---- ---- . Toronto Hog Market, Toronto, Novi 6-~Hogs steady at $11 tod, for today's deliveries Market weaker, buyers bidding 26e. tower for week-end. L8 1 KINGSTON TOWNSHIP Deputy Reeve W. R. Ayles-| 'FOR SANE THINKING ITISH WHIG FERGUSON'S PLEA i Wants 'to Put All Ontario Liguor Into One Channel | of Supply. > ------ Shelbourne, ° Nov $---~Premier Ferguson carried his plea for "sane | thinking' on the ligdor question in- to Dufferin vesterday. "All I am pleading for," he told thg Conserva- tive convention here, "is controlled distribution of liquor instéad of un- controlled. What I want is to put all this liguor--Joose and otherwise ~--into one channel of supply, put 8 sentry 'ovér it, and be able to say that whoever dips into it will be known to us, > Princess Was In Tears. Malmoe, Sweden, Nov, 6---Almost alone on the deck of the Swedish| cruiser Fylgla, Princess Astrid vain- ly tried to hide the tears that came as the warship steamed out of the harbor here to take her to Belgium where she will join her husband, Crown Princes Leopold. Therg were, also tears of joy over the warmth of | the farefells of the great crowd that | had gathered to see her depart. The royal couple were married at Stock-| holm on Thursday then separated, and will go through another cere. mony in Belgium. | The Family Market Basket The local market prices early on Saturday morning soared, but sud- denly took a drop. Eggs wergoffered at first at a dozen, but later dropped to 60c. Chickens were of- tered at $2.50 a pair and dropped 'to iy Potatoes, too, have been | ralher high, but this morning they wepe selling as Jow as $2 a bag. 75¢. 5 RE | Rev. George A. Brown and Rev. | I. K. Curtis, Kinggton, spoke af the | Bay of Quinte Youfig Péople's Con- | terence in Napanee this Week. | "Notice to Creditors | In the matter of the Estate of George Wesley Dell, late of the City of Kingston, in the Conny of Frounteaae, UNDER AUSPICES ROTARY CLUB Monday Tuesday Wednesday |, "\ _ MATINEE MONDAY AFTERNOON Tut-Tut-Tuttle--an Hilarious Skit at the North Pole -- Pretty Girls -- Brilliant" Costumes -- Tuneful Tunes -- Gorgeous Scenery -- Large Cast Plan opens Friday morning at Ticket Office, Grand Opera House, Tickets on sale at Best's Drug Store or Lindsay Plano Company. EVENINGS ... 50c., T8¢c., $1.00. MATINEE ..... 35¢, 80c, They Evening Show starts at ...8.15. Matinée starts at WATCH FOR TURKEY ROLL 3 "+ At The Venetian Bowling Academy MONDAY, NOV. 8th, 1926 ; 3 highest consecutive strings. SPECIALF OR THANKSGIVING! ! We will serve a TURKEY or CHICKEN DINNER along with the choicest of other things that goes with a Thanksgiving Dinner, 75 at the CAPITOL CAFE GEO. WHEELOCH, Manager, Veterinary Surgeon, and earrying on business under t name of Dr. Bell Wonder Medicine mpany, Decedsed. NOTICE is hereby given pursudnt tol creditors and others having claims or seotion B6 of The Trustee Act that all demands against ths estate of the sald George * Wesley Beld, Who dled on orl sbout the twelfth day of October, 1926, are required on or before the Sixteenth day of November, 1826, to send by post prepaid, « to Carton D. Bell r 1 112 Clarence ll and testament of the sald deceased, thedr Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, pa-------- | A the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their aceounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them AND TAKE NOTICE that afiéer such mentioned date the sald Executors proceed to distribute the assely of, titled thereto, having regard only to the! claims of which they shail then have! part thereof . to Any. person Or persons] whose claims not such distributien. J.-C} REYNOLDS, Dated this Twenty-eighth day of Og-! tober, 1926. . a The Faculty Players Present (under the auspices of the Re-unign Committee) TILLY OF BLOOMSBURY A Comedy by IAN HAY, Wednesdgy Evening at 8 pm. in Grant Hall All tickéts unreserved, bbe. Doors opened at 7.30, . AREA, On Of Musical Comedy, Acrobatic, Toe, Ballet, ete, and modern Ball. room Dancing" Taught in class | or private lessons by appointment, 890 UNION STREET W. the food sale put om in the sald deceased among the parties en-| Crawford Shop this morning by the women of Sydenham, notice, and that the sald Executors will dection of Mrs. A. not be liable for the sald assets or any yenar of household economics of the ice shall not have Local Council of Women, was § great hepa received by them at the time oflguscess, . ton, president SoMcitor for the sald Executors. | present and in a very-short time the articles for sale were disposed of a --_, we = s ~~ ------ MISS LOUISE | {Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop 356 Princess Street. 'Phone 821.w S------ Canning Demonstration. The demonstration of canning and Emily ander the di- W. Sirett, don- i Tr a -------- A wealthy Parisian has left $10, 000 to his cook because she was the one who made soup to satisty him; Mrs. Frederick Bitharing- of the council, was A MOANA AN Nh 44 i AMNION ~The people of fellow citizens. - Protect Kingston and Protect Yourself by Protecting Queen's! Send. ] i 50, 7 , y or aero te SIE $8, V3, 100 350,80 DR. W. E. McNEILL, Treasurer, Queen's University, Kingston. NO CONTRIBUTION TOO SMALL; NONE TOO LARGE. - Queen's University, as a progressive institution of national impor- tance, has enriched Kingston in recent years to the extent of $1,500,- -000.00 spent annually in cash. hoe Queen's University, as a non-progréssive institution of limited im- portance, would deprive Kingston in future years to the extent of an- nual shrinkage of her expenditures. Kingston prospers in direct ratio to the progress of Queen's. ; Kingston would experience "hard times" in direct ratio to Queen's failure to progress. y + The people of Kingston, as a whole, have to date fajled to stand by Kingston, in meeting an ob . an their's as individuals. ; $250,000 is needed by Kingston for Queen's.' One week's cam- paign torraise that sum has produced only $59,210.75. Kingston must respond to the appeal made by their '4 ~ » . » ligation that is their's as citizens and to: