Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1926, p. 15

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Wrote a NR RE TP TE Cr ANE FERRE KINGETON. ritisty CLASSIFIED ADVEAT,SING 'All Ada ye restricted * to 'els proper tion, to mguiar Daily ¥ rie 5! Patly ey per Wiap or Sonseuilyg inseriions: Charge Cash : 43 to Mar Minium CRATE Duly rates por line Tagen, one insertion a -- av Memoriam oars 1 hanks, kt and. 3108 Noting {hay usar Ee ay Jor int irreq for less Lass s Lakes Lb tion race po no wd. a Count sia average wordg to the | Casrged ads. a #0 be_raselw Bre rae sad f gold i dara tro. riion, cesd farsi daje wil ie allowed. Ads. tor more than one J4¥ and rb before expiration Wo only be char for number o tices Lhe aa dypeared and sdjusts nt made ap Lhe rate earned. » Me Jar Lr Fite > space Mae of L al Fi aie for yearly 'iivertsing 0 req rs e the right to edit" Biller all classified advertising Ee 243; ask for & wast ad taker. Classified Display W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wellington Sts, "Phone 2051 igerators. 4 etion oll tookers Also cheap congoleum rugs. Turk's Store PHONE 705. "a , CHILDREN GET 'HIT NEAR OWN HOMES Chicago, Nov. ve Phe greatest auto accident Yangers for ohildren furke in front of thelr own homes after school hours, according to a survey of Chicago accidents made by the National Safety ouncil. The survey shows that a majority o¢ the accidents occurred between 5 and 6 pom. More six-year-old children were struck than of any other age. The next largest group was those of ive years, and those of eight years were a close third, The principal safeguard advocated by the National Safety Council is ex- temsive playground developaent, will keep the children off the and give them a place where they can play in safety. THE NIGHT BEFORE. J want to go out and do my Curia i. mas shopping, 'want to get gifts for everyone 1 oa know, I want to buy watches, brooches, rings, 1 want to get toys and Jots-of things, And dave 'em hidden away. before the snow; But I know just when Hl do my Christmas shopping, And so will you and others by the soore; We'll keap on saving up eur cash And then we'll make a football dash We'll buy our Christmas gifts "the night. _before'¥: MI ---- Fight Parking War. A miniature parkidg war is being fought in Detroit. Motorists are re- fusing to obey the parking restrie- and Trafic Inspector Schink is six more tow cars so he least 350 cars a day i to the a and measures taken to protect chil dren on the streets are having good gesults in 'reducing the number of ¢ ts involving children, accord- 10 a study made by the National Council. . New Coast Road. Another ink in the strtch af sate : BIRTHS. FERGUSON--In Georgetown, Kentucky, on Friday, Oct. 15%h, 1028, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hale Ferguson' {Dorochba Leslie), & son, Benjamin Frank!io. as ------ . DEATHS. ROBINSON---In Kingston, ou Nov: ith, 1926. Alexander Robinson, aged 79 years Funerai (private) from his late resi. dence, 512 Johnson Btreet, Monday st 2.30 p.m, to Cataraqui _Ceme-~ tery. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Daisy Gertrude Po who died Nov. Tth, 1923, age 4 yearg 6 months. Deep In our hearts lies a pleture, Of & Joved ane laid to rest; in memory's frame we will keep it Because she was one of the best, i Sadly missed by her mother, father {and sister Laura. JAMES REID The Old Firm of U 254 and 266 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID Undertaker Thonere 571. 230 Princess Street mM. KEVES FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. Lost. and wound * OUT OUR WAY. DALE DY lost, answering to BY WILLIAMS. --- AIRE] Gre: name of Mickey, wearing a collar stud- ded with blue stones, indly send.any information to 169 Quem St, opposite Plgsa Hotel q CRANK--For & McLaughlin und. Owner may have same at V ven Bros, 34 Princess Street. ¥ COLLIE DOG--Hall grown, Priv found, day. Owner May have same at 19 Ri dean Street or 'phone 22860-J. CLUB BAG-----Hlack leather, lost Sunday, Det, 17th on highway between Gan- Ue Junction and lansdowne, con~ tain ng collars marked J. V.M. and other articles. Finder will receive $5.00 reward for return to Webb Mo. tor Sales, Gananoque. FUR NECK PIECE~~Found on Johnson Street, on Monday. Owner apply at 126 Nelson Street. SRY EVES ON! NEW YALE--Lock key, found on cornep of Arch and Union streets. Owner may have same at 55 Arch etreet. PAIR OF NUT CRACKERS Found on Division Btreet. Owner may have same at 251 Division Street. PIECE OF PAPER-.Containing valu- able Information, addressed so Mother Buperior of the Hotel Dieu. Finder kindly return to the Whig Office and receive reward. SMALL PURSE--Lost between Alfred Street, near Earl and Anderson Bros store. Finder please leave at 172 Als JOHN COSNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 Yarker, Verona, 7! Battersea. Ambulance phone 35. P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker, and, Embaimer, |r, Any * Phone 20. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to take this. opportunity to thank the many Kind friends for sym- | pathy extended to us in our recent | Bereavement, also for the many { tiful tributes received. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearce, Mrs. E Lav Laughlin and Mrs. V. L. Morrison. CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1218-J, eau- floral fred Street and receive reward. SILK SCARF-=Left In the Odd Fellows Temple. Owner may have same by &p- gixin to Caretaker, Odd Fellows emple. UMBRELLA Left at 500 Princess SL Saturday night. Owner may have same at above address. WILL THE LADY -- Who took $10 in change in buying palr of chickens re- turn same to Mrs. T. Dunlop, Kingston Mills and save trguble. YALE KEY Found, near Bank of Montreal Saturday morning. Owner may have same at Whig Office. Help Wanted i Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED MAN Ag grooery clerk, steady work and g pay for the right man. Apply, stating experi ence and where last employed. Box J-4, Whig Office. BARN FROM $50.00 TO $150.00 WEEK Qualify for one of these big pay posi. tons. arn while you learn salesman ship by practical method. Enroll now for next session. Write Immediately for free Information. National Extem- sion University, 108 Hamilton Trust Bldg. 57 Queen Street W., Toronto, Help Wanted Positions Wanted 6 BLDERLY MAN--Very active, respect- able and reliwble, would like to a tend] furnaces in any business house or residence. For further information 'phone 2186-w or apply 2 Cooper St. HOUSEKEEPER -- Desires position, | | JAS. H. WEBB James Henry Webb, se urer and director of ii Textile Company: has long been identified with Canadian textile manufacturing. He Is a member of the Canadian Manufactur- ery Association. Uniform Laws for Safety. Detroit, Nov. 6. Every state in the Union should adopt uniform traffic laws, says H. O. Rounds, su- persisor of the bureau of public safety, Detroit Police Department. Rounds claims that "if all drivers werd compelled to become familiar with the rules of driving and if they would obey them, fifty per cent. of our trafic trouble~would be over." * Comissioner Has Power. Mississippi has passed a law plac- ing common carrier motor vehicles under the control of the railroad commission, which has the usual powers of issuing certificates of pub- lie convenience and regulating traf- fie, Bus Operators Aided. The Massack ts law, tha' all municipalities on & bus route had to give consent before the commission could issue a certificate allowing busses to travel the district, has been modified in the interests of the bus operators. 4 Toronto will have automatic tra- ftic control .soon at busy intersec- | tions. af Owen' Sornd will invite all its for- mer residents back home for a week in 1927, IT fruit is served at the table, al- ways provide fruit knives and fing- er owls. y-treas-' Good cook and excellent references. LEARN A TRADE--And be successful. Write to Box M-4, Whig Office. arn as you learn. Barberin auto motive work, brickia hair dress- ing, beauty culture. book, "Road to Prosperity." Hemphill's Dominion Charter Co, King West, Toronto MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You o&n earn $1.00 to $2.00 an nour in your spare time writing showeards, No vassing or soliciting; we Instruct yo and supply you with work. . Write to- day. The Menhenitt Company, Limit. ed, 21 Dominion Building, Toronto. POSITION---As Housekeeper wanted by respectable womeg, or comipandon to eideriy lady. _ Kingston. ying, Free "Real Estate F Yor Rent. Apartments and Plats 7 3 ROOMED APARTMENT-Private bath in_vhe downtown section. Telephone: office 1678 or residence 1§33-w. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS--For rent in Whitney Hotel block, 29 Brock St Rent modgrate. : Apply bd Brock St. Harms and Lands 8a 230 ACRE FARM--To rent or on shares, township of Bedford, Possession 1st of March. One mile from cheese fac- tory, store and ehureh, \ Also near school. lL. _Apply Box N-6, Whig Office. Houses 9 BRICK HOUSE-LUOr. Princess and Al- bert streets, all conveniences, electrie lights and gas, hot water heating, combination furnace, fireplace, garage, large, dry cellar. For particulars ap- ply $78 Prinoges Street. 'Phone 1421-w, SEVEN ROOMED--Cement Block House ~-furnace, all Improvements, on Bixth Street. Newly decorated. $2500 per month, Apply H. F. Norman, 6% Pat- rick Street Se rooms MEN--Age 13-40, wanting Ry. Station- Office positions, $115-$250 month. Free transportation. Experience unneces- sary. Write Baker, Supt. (1124) Star Bldg. St Louls. SMART, RELIABLE BOY-- Wanted for Richardson Laboratory, Queen's Uni versity; with some knowledge of ele-| mentary hain istry. Salary $50.00 per| month. Apply to to Dr, James Miller, Wanted. TINSMITH- Apply McK: & Birch. YOUNG MAN - Experienced with el Ming and putting op groceries or elivery department. Light, steady a References required. Apply! Anderson Bros, Princess and Division | Apply McKelvey |. Female Help Wanted 8 | EARN 325 WEEKLY-S8pare time, weit | ing for newdpapers, Hagasines Ex. rience unnecessary, details. free. ress Syndicate, 635 St. Louis, Mo. HOUSEKEEPER-For .a small family. Apply stating experience and giving | references to Box L-6, Whig Office. | BED SITTING ROOM---ANd kitchenette, heated, gas, electric, suitable for! one OF TWO Persons, Bear street ear 'junce tion. Apply Box M-§, Whig Office. FURNHHER ROOMS Good hot and cold running water, In each well heated. easonable terms. PY Johnson stree', corner Frontenac 'Phone 997-5 FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS -- on bathroom flat, hot water heating, electric lights and gas. Apply 151 Diviaton Street. LARGE ROOM--Suitable for two peo- ple, ladies or gentlemen. 343 Sydenham street. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED---Or rtly fuinisadd rooms on bathroom flat for Hght Lo electricity and gas, heated and used of phone. 'Phone 2682-w, TWO LARGE ROOMS--For Mat house. Xaoping conveniences. Suits for couple. Apply 159 Me st, near Montr St. rR LADIES - -- Earn $7 hiindred gliding Slasting Caras, Easy work. Write scher Card Co., 140 V St Nacher, Os W. 42nd Street, locality, LADIES WANTED--T, do plain ane Hight sewing at home, whole of spare time; good pay; work sent any dis- tance, charges pald. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. REAL LIVE AGENT s¢ll Radios in full or part time. Experience unneces- sary. ADply Premier Electsic, Lon- don, Ontart Agents Wanted MAN OR WOMAN~--To travel and 57 point agents. Yearly guarantee sos (being $21 weekly average), an Sx penses. Experisnve un particulars write Winston Co., LAL LE SALES AGENTS--Wanted now for every unrepresented distriot; largest and complete stock.six hundred Acres. Nursery established forty years. Our agency is valuable. Write now and secure territory. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. SALESMEN--We offer stead ment and pay weekly to sell plete and exclusive lines of ane teed quality, whole root, fresh-dug- to-order trees and plants. Attractive, Diaseted samples hd full co-opera- n. money-making opportuni Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal ty. 4 ---- STRIKE SHOWS LOSS OF TIME BY PARKING employ« New York, Nov. 5.--The recent our oom | subway etrike demonstrated the wastes of parking in a city like this. During the strike all main streets were barred to parkers, so trafic was hastened, i is setimated, by twenty to thirty per cent. dus That downtown parking doesn't Automobile production has in- |help retail stores, either, is shown in this year in Canada. For the a survey of thirteen of the leading months the cumulative stores. Here, during a busy shopping 'production was 155,347 cars or thir- hour, 35,252 customers entered. ty-five per cent. more than last| Of these, only 813 came by private Auto Output Gains, Apply: 147 Raglan Road, | == 1 { year's output for the same period. automobile or taxicab. T. WANT 10 SHAKE YOUR HAND "ou ARE: OF MANHOOD AS INE EVER LAID A MAN WITH YOUR COURAGE CAN SCALE THE HEIGHTS WITH A LITTLE START, AND TLL SEE 10 "THAT PART OF IT! "10 "THANK You FOR WHAT You. THOUGHT WAS PROTECTING AS FINE A NPE T WANT { i 1 | | AUCTIONEERS Expert service, m: E | FIRE--Automobile and Casual | INSURANOE--Ounly (FRENOH Barristers and Soli tors REY NOLDS, 4 a CemBarrister a and Soli Jor Hl oe Sur Tost, a are nged on elty an arm ope Pn one 3508 y » wi ere PERMANENT WAVING FULL HEAD, NO EXTRAS B. AMINGSBURY 200 Prt Breet. RY, 018-3 ALL FimsT CLAM HAR WORK MADE 10 ORDER --Ladies Transtors mations, bobbed curls, awitches, Sham. Roving, siugeing, Sutin. Ladies and Lildren's Aslr out Ang. C BREAD. 8% Bay Street, Kingston elephone 998. MARCEL WAVING Water Waviag, Mound and Bobbed | Ciriing, Hair Boblang and Trunm Facial and Soalp Treatment, | attention given Lo Malr Dyeing. in Switzer, 367 Yueen BSireet or ape polnumani phone 3 . Auctioneers 24a. - -rate charges. We can soll anythi any time. 'Phone 89) Auction Rooms, Ma Insuranco 0 KRNIE D, SLITER-Insurance rd ail branches of lusuradce in old companies of highest ug be uncial st ing, 281 King Street Eas 'Phobos 25i8-w, Res 1131 anywhere, Murray's Square Insure ance. BM. Crumley, 420 Karl Street 'Phone 1782-M the most reliable companies represented. Strange a Strange, established in 1860 Offige: ' Claren © Street, Spposile Post Ofitice. Te =~ THE AWAKENING. ___Real | Estate For Salo' Farms snd Land 300 ACRE FARM-- About 3 miles from | ann lage, near cheese factory. A. bar- Apply to Bux 196, Bydenham. ILLAGE OF "SEELEY'S BAY~Lot 49} and east 26 feel uf Jot 45, Beatty's reg- { istered plan, being the property of tne] laie Albert Ernest Kenny, on which are located a 9 room brick house with) wooden shied, a horse stable and a drive | shed. A bargain. Apply to W. Bj Mudie, Gafianogque, Ontario. Rn : Houses 14 HOUSES FOR SALE~And to let in all parts of tne city, Two farms, would exchange. See list at office. Insurance. Money to loan. O'CONNOR, op 351 Princess street. Phone 1189-J. RESIDENCE--Brick veneer, § Jooms hot water heating. electric' light ax gas, $-p. bawn, t side. Cheap for quick sale. Apply J. B. Couk, Bank of Toronto Bulding: $2,000, FRAME--7 rooms, 3 piece bath and electric light, stable and garage. Newly decorated. A bargain for time- ly sale. Apply Geo. Batemau, 111% _Brock Stree. + Clty. Articles For "Sale \ Miscellancous 1] ANDIRONS ---~ Fenders, fire acreons-- | everything for fireplaces. Partridge Wire and Iron Works, piating in sil] ver, nickel, ete, , King St. r hone 350. BOYS AND GIRLS USED BIC YC S| At reduced prices; also sale of ig Tires at 3L,i6. Apply to Muller's, 371- 373 King Street. 'Phong liél-w. PRIUE~ Stock, presstd, Rug wire cut, A. Neal. Rusti, ing tile and drain tile 624 Johnson st 'Phone 4041 LL "DRESS SUIT--in good condition, Size 38 Apply 361 Johnson Street, "Phone 1838. ie pn ET AND HELL--- Swedenborg's great work on the life after death anu & real world beyond. Over 400 pages. Only 28¢c. pospai® W. WW. Law, 434 Buclid Ave., Toronto, PIANO Morris upright, walnut case, 7 1-3 ootaves, ebony Keys; in excellent conditlom, Price $360. Terms: $20 cash, and §7. per month. C. W. Lind- say, Ltd, 121 Princess S'reet. 3 STONE DIAMOND RING----Modern set- ting, natural gold with white gold top. Price $75. Worth twice that amount. Apply Box K-85, Whig Office, TWO TRACTOR PLOWS--2I Furrows one almost new; Beatty Stalls, Stanch- ions and Litter Usrriers, De Laval bep~ aretors and Engines. A few used En- gines and Separators. J. F. Cramer, Frost & Wood Agency, 31 Brock st PY 585 iar ibe FURNITURE Antique 'and modera furniture sold and bought 'M. Cram- er, 807 Princess Street, Successors to _Lesses Antique Sh Shop. Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. LG raul ipecialist for new or res Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- robb NE and decking, wind. Shh d boa rfeius pt t in whi'e you wa, HRvieum sine for run- ning bosrds, waterproof Srusk tarp] ¥ ay and awnings to order. 392 mad Princess Street. 'Phosua 1840-F. Early returns of the voting on lo- cal option in various parts of Scot- land under the Scottish Temperanee Act on Tuesday, show that the posi- v J.Rwilliams QUE Br MA shWICE, WC. mt 3 nut ANTHRAC mE € AL--8 and pes coud $15.25 from car, delivered. Car of pea | coal arrived. ON the cars $11.50. Ore ders taken. Apply C. W. Neville, 158 Collingwood Street. Telephone 2363-m, | DRY HARDWOOD-§4.00 load. Dry | softwood slabs, $3.00 Hard coke, stove' size $10.59 ton. Hurd pea OOKe, $7.00 ton, Peat $12.00. 'Phone 3440-w. W.| C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. LUMBER--Rough shingles and lath, finish hard- wood flooring, all kinds, stovewood. Resawing and planing. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toronto Streets. 'Phone 889. | : and dressed, satin also | GO TO TALBOT'S LUMBER YARD--| Concession street, for used lumber at $25 per thousand, new lumber and] shingles, lowest price possible; hard | and mixed wood, soft and mixed slabs | Phone for prices. Phone 2754J. PARKER'S WOODYARD-- §60 Johnson | Street, 'phone 1438-J. For govd wood try Parker's. Best dry hardwood $i 15 | Pend load; mixed hardwood, $3.60 slabs | W. H. NORMAN. Wishes to announce | the opening of a new Coal and Wood | Yard, 200 Montreal Strest Reasons | able prices. Hardwood, per load, | $3.75; hardwood slabs, per load. $3. bo Mixed Wood, per load, §3 Slabs, $2.75. Delivered, Em | "Hone I848- A Wapted To Buy ---- ILTRY~Weo are now open to buy classes of live or dressed Be Hi pst cash prices paid and returns. Write or 'phone for rices to The Frontengr Produce Co, pric 231 Wellington Street, Kingston, Ont. Tele- | phone 3120 | ompt | IIT "Business Services EE ROTA =| "Frofessionar ro] VRUGLEDS PRACTITIONER = WwW. Al Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin. | cess Bireets. Chiropractic adjust! ments, electrie treatments and hand- | massage. X-ray service Coneulta«| tion free. Hours #-13 am. 1-¢ p. Evenings ad appointment. Office tele | phone $232 esidence 'phone Ladd od. | LUCY--Geo. F F. and ; Jeunte A, Chiros practors, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot Street. 'Phone 961-W. Hours 12 A+6, 6-7.30. Consultation free. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Mol Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ele, removed psrmanen:i- Batistactery Glasses fitted and furnished after othérs have failed Goitre cured without operation. 38 Years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lak Kye, 'Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin 26 Bagot Breet. Fhoi lw House ° 11385 | 2b i CUNNINGHAM & SMITH «. Barristers] and Solicitors, 7% Clarence Street, Kingston. A PB. Cunnningham, AL} Cyril M. Bmith. | DAY AND REVELLE~Darristery and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Streel, King-| ston, A. KE Day, Adrian L Revelie Morigages arranged. "Fhone 205 i i SHEA-~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and! Soileitor. Law QNice, corper of hing and Brock, over BOTS Bask Mon ~Barrister, Soilel- tor sad Net ton Street. : 161 Well 1548- w. ing- my Gas Stations, Baltimore is one of the best ga line "serviced" cities of Ms size the count~y. It has 689 gasoline tion is unchanged from that of the last three years. Sikog stations TERT | GET YOUR PAINTING--ADd he But and stove fag ! STORAGE~-For furniture, Decorators A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorat Shop snd residence 'phone 1966. fice 283 King Street. paper! poring reasonable. Wi Hortun, 146 Colling+ 'Phone 3954+]. doue now. sl'rices paper for sae. wood Street < Sh Tm | SIGN PAINTING=--J. 5 Robluson, rear ArvGies For dale. = B= 1i6 bAgol Street Financial »a LOAN AND INVES MENT SOC 'Y ---~ lncorporated In 1861 President, A. D._ Cartwright vice-president J. M. Farrell Money to joan on city and farm properties; vestmenti. Bondg bought and sol poms received and lnlerest t_pa winimum monthly wn CAriwrig manager, 8 Clarence st FRONTENAC & Hiorage 208. clean, Airy rooms and spaces; your own Frost's oi Morag wii St. 'Phone S24. - or 1933-4. ROYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE of furniture or hy mercasndise. proof building. 'Pons, 1000 or 174 Ra. ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and jaraa ciean o> done. A. gor, 'Pho one 3268. e------ ASHES--Removed from yard and oels lars, general Sartingi first class dry ot wood for sale Hmats voll uel 14 ork fireet Buckley Transte ol 'Phone 191 sod LVIOE--Loudspeakers fu wil, make. Be sure and ket yours Opes day and night. Canada Radio Stores ------------------------ oo i -------------------- Experi. Plano Tuning, Player-Piano Adjusting. Phone 1644. C. W. LiNUsAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN Gand general repairs ug. leave vider at ur drop & card to FF. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Sirest Fhoae | 1600 4. § ALTO or AND BODY OO, Makers of Aulo, BUBKY, Bost Tops and Cushions. Commercial, Coupe budies, Californie Tops and Uj noistering. Awnings and Teuis 31 King et Phone ines -------- | KINGSTON Auto Wrecking Co. 0 ton bord Track. he nil kinds of Second Hand Automseoblie Parts for sil makes of or econd Hand Tires, all wines - - price $4.00 to $8.00, "ROSEN & POLLITT Phone TSW, 140 RIDEAU SB or one anion for jor lq Instantly. COLLARS = ad é ER ANIL | S RSL {© 1926 oF twrs Forums Sowwce. ine fl Go Bema die crt eR SRE Automoniies Tor Sale ] COUPE = Two passenger, six oy lindes ood (ires and finigh. Good mechanieat eondition, extras, very comfortable snd satisfactory. Reasonable. No - ors 'Phone 88 F emesis cmd { orp Tol RING £ ARC he ap | foe quick saie Apt Col byrne 8 on 1926 CHEVROLET COU pped. Apply v 1 . ---- i SALE OF U SED--Ope n and clowed oats ply King Garage 'Prone 2888 "Puncture-Proof "Tube. An automobile tire with innet {tut se immune to perforation by nails {has been perfected, according to the so- | rubber section, Bureau of Standards. in The intertube of the punciure-proof containg a chemical compound Wid whieh repairs the puncture tire od "OW IE 21d Ee ully King Battery Sere

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