- \ © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG I -- NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS " ----- danghter, Ethel, to Harry, sou of, : ; " men who like keeping house snd | Ey s : ; z Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abramsky, | 4 have no family ties and women who i LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE |< .. ». EE (nn . J / «a. . of 4 world, has bheez formed In some : : . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nimmo, De- ey 4 ): cities. A small fiat is taken and the 8 troit, Mich., whe will be in town for | housekeeper looks after it while the spending the holiday at her home In | the Queen's reunion week, will be Ht business women earns the money to Newington. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. w.T J pay her a propér salary for doing so. : av 7 | Minnes, "Hilleroft." -- Mise Doreen Montgomery, Queen's ste. That some of the companies of street, is visiting Torouto. University, is spending thé week-end Mrs, J. M. Hazlett and her little Girl Guides have given the Victorian ~ - . . Ee in Smith's Falls, iF son arrived from TForouto today and v " Order nurse money to buy glass side . A. Arbuckle, Kingston, is the 2 eq. 4 are with Mrs. J. M. Pair, Aberdeen . wind shieldg for the car given her t of Mr. Sad Mrs. W. T. Rath, Miss Nevada Best, Albert street, is | avenue, Mrs. Hazlett is in town for by the Cataraqui Chapter, LODE. ' is entertaining at tea this afternoon | the reurlom. : for « use in her work. Cataraqul . an : for Miss Ina Gwyune, a" 8 Chapter hopes to clear off the debt James Ainsworth, Tam- js 8.9 "at. Mr. and Mrs: William Sweet, To- on the car at the Armistice ball to be is visiting Mrs. Keech, Pron-| Miss Shanks and Mise Kidd, Fron-| ronto, arrived in town on Wednas- | y,, neadn't be rich to always wear given by them in co-operation with street. tenac sobool, have left 'for Toronto | day to spend Thanksgiving with MY: ine jatest ae po ase your | Queen's reunion committee. - . 4 spend the holiday. and Mrs. W. C. Jenkins, Quebec [clothes bright and new by home dye- - . Horace Lawson, Johmeon 'en street. : ing! It's easy, and anyone can get| * That Mrs. Glanville, who has re- was a bridge hostess on Fri- Miss lyn Ford, Whithy Qel-| . * hs perfect results. You can Diamond |cently been in Syris apd the Near ji lege, 1s spanding the holiday ati A pleasant euchre afd dance was | dye anything: » ! East has been speaking.in Toronto | : ss » : "Alwlfigton" with Mrs, Ford. held in the Catholic Assembly Hall Take out some old, faded sult or! ot meetings arranged by Mr. Frank » 4 . C. 6. Eakins, curate of St. . . lon Pridey evening under the aus-|dress and have It the SCOR C fash-| yoion at the King Edward, She said iy nN ¥s Cathedral, Is at "Dens-| Miss Lettie Bingham, Hamilton, | pices of the Sodality of the Children onable shade to-morrow! Restore Aj - the outside world knew little or , is spending the holiday with Mr, and {of Mary. dull drapes, scarfs and spreads. You ean work w, inex-| Dothing about conditions in Syria. ! . d nk Le. Mra. Albert Roach, Bagot street. «eo an er der a" {jue dyes). | "You could aot stand, holding a dy-| | isadri t ue Gwen Bearder, Queen's Uni-| ¥ . . Miss Wilhelmina Nobes, B.A. To- | New colors right over th€ old. Any |ing child in your arms as 1 did every f A ly, J& in 'Oftawa for the week- Mr. and Mrs, Jajues Gardiner, | ronto, will be in town for Queen's kind of material day in the refugee camp, and re- I As well as a most delicious flavor and aroma Victoria street, entertained their |reunfon and will be with her par- FREE: Call at your druggist's and | main unresponsive to appeals on be- \ bridge club, on Friday evening: ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nobes, | get a free Diamond Dye Cyclopedia. | half of these Armenian children," For the business man's luncheon Lo - . : Division street. Valuable suggestions, simple direc- : ille. Frank it TR 4 Miss Wicks, Toronto, who fs iu .. 8 tions. Piece-goods color samples, Or, aid Mg. Glanvillg. Mr nt is incomparable . Yeigh outlined the new policy of the b s » . town In connection" with the Drobir| Miss Margaret Macintosh, presi-i DiS BRIER book Dolor LTS fo | Save-the-Children's Fund and stress- A DISTINGUISHED DIETITIAN ONCE SAID bition campaign, a " the YW.C.A. | dent of the Torouto Brench of | windsor, Ontario. S, . '| ed the establishment of social wel "I ties both h brain™ " Queen's Alumnae, is in town for the tare offices in the towns and cities | t soothes both stomach and an Miss Bessie McTear, Albert street. . annual meeting of the Alumnae and y of the devastated area. In Jugo- : {s spending Thanksgiving With beri ne dinmer tonight. i | Slavia a children's hospital has been - MADE ONLY BY parents at the parsonage in Trenton. "0 | | established through this fund. | ; *s | Miss Nevada Best, Albert street, Mrs. Walter Murch, Albert street. | gave a. bright littlé tes on Friday Make it NEW for 18 ctal. tis WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited - That the Queen of Spain has ar- has returned to Toronto after visit- | arrerncon for her guest Miss Fau- rived in London and is staying with Established 1780 : DORCHESTER, MASS, ing Mrs. R. Tandy for the past ten | ine Rouseau, Three Rivers, Que, will give the toast to "Women in|{her mother, Princess Beatrice, at Canadian Mills at Montreal days. and Miss Ins Gwynne. Public Life," to which Miss Charlotte | Kensington Palace. Her suite, the ~ : a ao» Whitton, who has recently returned ! Marquis of Bendana, Lord Cham- Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free Mre. A. P. Blackburn, president of | Mr and Mrs. J: /M. Wardle, Ot- from Geneva, will respond, giving |perlain, and the Duchess of San Car- the Montreal branch of Queen's Alu- | tawa, and their dsughter Dorothy, |the address of the evening on "Some | los, Mistress of the Robes, are at the mnae, is in town for the annual| who have recdntly been A Banfl, Impressiotis of Europe in 1926." {pe Vere Hotel, Kensingston. The | gseur knows |meeting. ioe Alta., are with Mrs. A. 8B. Roney, . i. | Queen enjoys her visits to London, University avenue for reunion week The local.branch of Queen's Alu-| aq bout quiet! that Coffee to Mrs. F. Grinham will be the . + 0 mnae will entertain the as she able 15 gO abou' y guest of Mrs. Fred King Princess py . > 4 = ) visitiis | without any of the undignified tuss - 1.0 a : Her cellency Viscountess Wil- | members o e alumnae in Ban! pat attends Some royalties on their * ur Qa 1 ; retain its fra- treet. while if town for the Armis- | jingdon will be the guest of the To- | Righ Hall at thé tea hour. The lad- | travels . tice ball. » \ * -- ---- ------------ . a . ronto Local Council of Women at a {ies receiving will be Mrs. George \ grance must yoo Juncheon to be held at the King Ed- [Ross and Miss May Macdonnell. The| Quinces at Carnoveky's. Miss Annie Stewart, Ottawa, is the | ward hotel on November 15th. big commons room with its fine oak | : . ® : be sedled bY . guest of Miss Margaret Hall, Altrod * . pannelling and its open fire will be} S ecials 5 : street, for the alumnae meeting Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Chown, Whit- | the gathering place of women from | - | vacuum as in [dinner wr by, will arrive in town on Sunday ¢o | all over the Dominion who will once | To Make Pine Cough i 2 be with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chown, | more rejoice that they were 'able to] Syrup at me Major and Mrs. C. A. Chabot. University avenue, for Queen's re-|give to those who followed them as | ' all Royal Military College, motored to union. ' students at "Good Old Queen's," | no eaual for prompt rpeulte, ) Men 8 Fancy Socks--stripes, spots and Toronto yesterday to spend the . 0 such a beautiful home. Golden! he br 35 plaids, in a big range of colors. English week-end. Capt. afd Mrs. James Edgar, sta- | chrysanthemums will adorn the tea ma 11 si S5¢ 00 pai tioned in Kingston for several!table which will be presided over by | Pine is used, in nearly all prescriptions | ke, all sizes, for. . .. 7 and $1.00 pair. months, are now in Winnipeg the |Miss Margaret Hall, president of the | ;u remed or i refsol hs is. Kiting o small tea this afternoon | guests for & short time of Mrs. E-|Kingston branch of Queen's Alum- (Dine has a remarkable efoct in» Initialled Martex Bath Towels and extra for her guest, Miss Jane Sauer, Ro-|gar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. 8. | nae and' Miss Hilda Laird, Dean of | and chest. 'W 1 . 3 z ter, N.Y, ass Bde 208 Ey ---- large sizes; all white with blue borders and . . . e "oe : : pie eh Ape Mreeap parc owoe [i hand-worked. 'Initial in Blue. All the good \ la . . Miss Margaret Melville, Y.W.C.A..|' Mrs. Philip, Barnshaw, with he® sy re te Sat make the best pine cough remedy | |i and Miss Head have left for the! sn Eric, will arrive in town from Sunbury's Women's Institute held | that money can buy, put 215 ounces of | |i letters for hil $1.25 each. former's home in Cardinal to ependd camp Borden next week to visit her | % jolly Hallowe'en party in their Pinex in a 16-0a. bottle, and Bll up with | the week-end. parents, Dr. and Mrs, E. J. Lake, fine community hall which was £8 | clarified honey, instead of agen uae 1 1 omen s Hemstitched Pure Linen 2 - A ith suitable decorations. Every- | This mak 16 | 1 1 : Alfred street, before leaving for |™!! y-1 "makes OUNCE INOre PAE . Ls hee Beckie. spd ML 8 one was masqued And the president, | oun buy ready-made for $250. Iu i pure, ff andkerchiefs, white, for 10c. each. Bthel Ostrom, Smith's Falls, are : es Mrs. Martin Sands picked out the | "Nao, san feel this take hold of a cou all 1 with Miss Irene McCormack, Col- Mrs. Harold Bttinger, Alice street, judges who were Mra. sonn Mc |or eold instantly. The cough may be =: 1 Flannelette Night Gowns, short and long lingwood street. i eo riige. on Friday |Lesn. Mr. William Moreland and | boarse and tight, or may be persistencly| sleeves, high and V necks, extra value at . evening when lier guests were the Mr. William Patterson and Mrs. T. | cre "ie the On oT na 89¢ $1.00 and $1 19 h Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rerringtoh, {1 adies' Badminton Club. Later the Dixon. Games and dancing were en- nd this Pinex and Syrup combination vases TT) . . each. Centre street, will spend Thanksgiv- {men came in for a cup of coffee. Mrs. joyed and then the masqueraders Wil stop it--usually in 24 hours or less. | ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Her |pmce Rose ip the pretty prize. marched around and were Judged. | Spitudid, too, for Rouchial asthma, bron-! Jington, Napanee. . eo 8. The prize winners are as follows: | . . * Miss Harriet Vair, Bagot street, i Undearwear for all the family at reason- . Pinex is a highly concentrated com. i : - Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Doller, Fron- | Best dressed lady, Mrs, John Camp- pound of genuine Norway pine extract | able prices. Mr. H. R. Stils and Mr. A. K.|tenac street, returned Friday from bell; best dressed gentleman, Ernest and palatable guaiacol, and is famous the Hf ~ | world over for its prompt eff \ 8(its, Montreal, are with thelr mo-|a two months trip west where they Berry: comic costumé (1adf), Mrs. | coughs promp ect vam ther, Mrs. W. R. Sills, Mack street, | yigited' Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Millious M, Sands; comic costume, (gentle-| Beware of substitutes. Ask your drug- | o . ; for Thanksgiving. at Great Falls, Montana and other | man), Mr. John Orme; best dressed gist for "214 ounces of Pinex" with diree- | i RE 1D c som coa- | Hons. Guaranteed to give abso- i ® ° * Mi I 1 Shortt, Ott friends at Chicage, Brantford, Tame ib ne Petals Hanley: laugh fee funded Tue Pluex Spt Be | Miss Lorraine ortt, AWA, | {iton, Toronto.and. Oshawa. tume 0Y )., Leslie ' ¥ refun ex who is in town for, the Alumnae din- op o . *. ing contest, Mrs. William Cooper. Horonto Ont 5 THE IRISH LINEN, STORE ner and meeting, is the guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chown, Fron- Refreshments were served duringq John Carson, Albert street. tenac street, and their sons Alfred the evening. . | - - - . ST and Reginald, Trinity College 4 e Miss Florence O'Dofnell, Arch|gehool, Port Hope, are the guests of | 4 i cant and most successful for Coughs street, has returned from Rochester, | Col. and Mrs. Robert Massie, Co- D ; i y d sale, was held on Friday af- N.Y. for the meeting of Queei's| hourg, for the week-end. tea an b . A Alomnae and the reunion. 28. ternoon by the Ladies' Aid of Prin . 4 . | . 9 goss Street United Church fn the . Mrs. William Dwyer who was In - { Mr. and Mrs. George Joyner and 5 shureh parlors, © The rooms were | Portsmotth for the funeral of her hen ' wil a : \ J her son Bobby, Brock street, will go | mother, Mrs. John Davidsom, left on Srely decorssel with ota | : RD QO UTI Ger to Sydenham to visit Mr. Joynmer's| Friday for her home at Hartford, ii SALT i p { W A » 1 nS TRL) ] : b te presiqen. Miss k Vitlder BEAUTY PARLOR " > A mother for the wask-nd. Conn., She was accompanied by her {ny .. 3 K Curtis and Mrs. C. Clark. | ww A) 10 father, Mr. John Davidson who will The tables were arranged ajowt the A Daf ® nad Sn 9 Miss Josephine Kaminski, McGill|be with her for atew weeks. room and where the homecooking 3 p, University, Montreal, is with her . tor sale. Mrs. C. Clark, Mrs. J. Permanent waving, Lanoil and mother, Mrs. Kaminski, William| That the patronesses of the Arm: pgiers, Mrs. M. Downing and: Mrs.|] Clreuline process. street, for Thanksgiving. {stico ball to be given in Grant Hall{n paiiing were In charge. Therdii. $13.00 A WHOLE HEAD . . : under the auspiges of Cataraqul|go a table of fancy work and candy : Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stuart, To-| Chapter, LO.D.K., co-operating With | yoy also fof oe, the ladies in 185 WELLINGTON ST. ronto, and their som Billy, will be | Queen's Reunion, committes, are | pores being Mrs. W. Gardiner, Mrs. 'Phone 578d. with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes, | Mrs. W. H. Macnee regent, Mrs. J |g. Lewrenson, Mrs. F. Graves and "Hilleroft," for the reunion week. | H, Eimsley and Mrs. : . . Philp Du yee |. Wiskin, Where the pretty . Moulin, representing Cataraqu! i ,4 neetul aprons were for sale the : i ' i Mrs. Walter Wiidyer, Toronto, | Chapter and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, re- sailing t were Mrs. N. will arrive in town next week and | presenting Queen's, ladies Mrs. 5. Bol and Mrs. L. ; UPRIGHT PIANO 'will be with her father, Principal R. Sl 8 Campbell. The wool'table was pre- AN OPERATION : Bruce Taylor, Queen's University, On Tuesday 'evening 8 miscel: | jo] ovef by Mrs. Patterson and . STYLE np . . s.n {aneous shower was given Miss re. Holmes. A tea table decked . Rev. A. L. McTear, Trenton, who | Willow Reid, a bride of next week. | uh fiowers was the centre of attrac- : 2 . has been visiting relatives in Ire-| by the "Sunshiny Circle' at thee, with Mrs. A. J. Brebner and Mrs. y : $405 land for the past six weeks, is ex-| home of of the members, Miss cto ney pouring tea, assisted by & pected home this aftérnoon. \ Dixon, . About | ommittes with Miss M. Graves snd : od . . «eo. forty young people gatheted 10-|\iee J. Peters as conveners and in- A Piarfo which would prove a life- Mr. and Mrs. 6 Levin, Montreal, | gether and piayed games and danc {yading Mrs. J. CIIff and Mrs. Senn J Nie . - adnate the engagement of their| ed when about eleven o'clock . iors The entrance feo Was taken long companion--one which, with ee : © ~ dyasket besutitryly decorated in pink py Ape. J. Revele add Mrs. J. Wis white and filled with gifts was |yU "A good sum was restized. : : 'thin . | the years, would become all the more The Young People's Society ot] |i gman, [2 ; valuable to you. Evelyn Mebonald. Queen Street United Church are gE were then served and "Por she's al .ving a musical and Thanksgiving a Be : Easy terms arranged Jolly Good Fellow" was sung. tea on Monday evening at 8.45 in . fi . 4 ig . sien : 8.8. Hall. Admission, silver collec~ dinher . of. Queen's | Hon 10c and apwards. ' The Editor Hears That the Women's Aid of the Kingston General Hospital held the > 3 . 171 PRINCESS STREET, tiret sewing meeting of the autumn 3 : A KINGSTON or Friday afternoon in the ladles) : yoom in Sampson ward. Tha mem=} . a bers are making maidy' uni forms and will carry on ihe good work duripg the winter. Tea is ------ p re A oN AEN a ---- -- Safjat to the Sudy Sautiewons; and : : is swlomoblies bas be In ibe gemeral movemeni In l3- n t as well as & profitable " keen 8 Venizuela that dur dia to sbandon the cestur hour spent in they' comfortable sews . h nt rainy season when |cuslom of hoarding gold, an A ; ing. room. : {impassable sulo- | retently converted his back - ; Pa busy fillings savings into $356,000 worth of g & That a mutual bedefil society wo- ' ernment securitive ] a Ls bc 2 : A Ted i - oy 43 Fe ' 15351 i :