Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1926, p. 9

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Rr HOTLY Cs A 'Tuesday, November 9, 1926. E DAILY BRITISH For the Re-mion Week Proceedings From every Canadian province & partial list of those registering on 8 2 § & ¥ ¥ A . h ; ® aad many states ofthe American | Monday: dl p RAE Sia ; Fein S ¥ > union, Queen's alamo! and alumnae Sed is ey : boon Te : : " oh 4 ! - Sap m our 4 have travelled back to take part in Saturday's Registration. ? : : 3 ; seg : ele the re-union at the University this Lois M. Allan, Kingston; H. J . f AR ; w i week. Graduates of the eighties and | Armstrong, Ottawa; Miss Helen G i ' : ! es . _ " j - ow H ! _ nineties, as well as those who only | Agnew, Winchester; Laura BE. Allan, | received their degrees this spring {Toronto are taking part In the activities and Rév. 7. D. Boyd, Kingston; Miss meeting many old friends. {Efleen Blackburn, Westmount, P.Q; Several hundred Rave registered Sarah D. Burns, Ottawa; Annie A during the week-end the oldest | Boyd, Morrisburg; Ada Birch, King- graduate registering being Prol.| ston; Helen Craig Brown, Cornwall; Alexander MacLachlan, 108 Barrie | Alma L.. Boyd, Kingston; Margaret I» gtreet, who got his degree in 1884. | E Brophy, Kingston; Cecil Le Roy His son, A. G. MacLachlan, is als) | Boyd, Kingston; J. A. Bone, Toron- si hi a . . 3 - as registered. : t6; Mrs. George A. Brown, King- ee _ es , = -- . : ; _ | ston. 4 et . " . pi i The graduates coming the greal Neil M. Clinton, Bloomfield; Mar- i -- ; re > : ' ne « est distance are easily Mr. and Mrs. . i 4 NW _---- i pl | EE 3 5. Prentice of India, while Prot | Saret Clitford, Ottawa. Mary B - A 4 a a " 3 yr 1 : : "| Comming, Lyn; Miss Jessie V. Con- ' v i a W. T. Clement can qualify as the ta dis. | BOF, Ottawa; Hetta Campbell, Or- ' FLORIDA ; pr | Srjdusie Hing the shortest 0 angevilie; Ena A. Cropp, Simcoe; . A TASTE OF 's FATE FOR HAVANA 3 : : = : 4 hee. a Se aging hs Convoes. | MTs. A. F. G. Cadenhead, Kingston; A vista of the elemental devastation visited upon the Cuban capital is shown in this p icture. The hurricane which took * yuis a where the registration is|A- F. Grant, Cadenhead, Kingston; hundreds of lives and destroyed property reaching into the millions throughout the island republic faid flat many water- | taking place. Mary Macphail Chown, Kingston; | front structures in Havana. In the foreground is a razed wharf house and dock with Morro Castle and La Cabana in the | The service which was to have|Msy Ll. Chown, Kingston; Alma | hackground. | aken piace on Sunday was called Cliff, Kingston; Elizabeth Chown, . : nn | : . 1 : J C. Campbell, ; ; ; 4 : oft because Principal Taylod was Kingston: rir A Clon Eo. Alexander Howson, Peterborough; Utica, N.Y.; Clara M. Farrell, Kisg-| iy | went to her home in Peterboro for! : » unable to be presest owing to lll- ston: Cecil Climo Niagara Falls | D- G: Geiger, Kingston: Mrs. James ston; Ford W. Fredenburg, Cobh-| Is our child Thanksgiving. ! ---- ness, but all the other parts of the NY: Mrs. W. H *Chalmors King- H. Bennett, Spencerville; Marguer- ourg; J. H. Findlay, Kingston; | - Misses M. MoCann and K. Hopkins | attended. All report a good times Dy been carried out ston: James B. Cochrane Kingston: | 1® I. Mullin, Kingston; Mary G.iLaura G. Fraser, Odessa; W. J. Flet- -- Nn of life? were in Tweed for Sunday. Mar-| Mrs. Mustard and brother, William ust as ned. : § ; ' 3 : ! i ' | Crothers, Kingston; Donna McInnes, | cher, Sandwich. | tin Dawling has moved into the! Johnst h The following is a complete list Mrs. Mabel Darling, Kingston;| oo oon ood we WwW. C i ohnston, were back here recently - rt 2 >. Cannon, Margaret Guthrie, Ottawa; Bea-| house formerly occupied hy Mrs. M. | for { , Jessie W. Dyde, Kingston; Henry E a . : Thousands 3 ) for their mother's funeral. of those registering on Saturday and Day, Kington: Mrs."H E. Day. Kingston: Belva Halliday Day,!trice B. Graham. Kingston; James | u Gartiand. The farmers are working Kingston: Mrs. W. B. Denyes, Pres- Kingston; Florence Lawson, King-!T. Gow, Toronto; Donald Grant, pi mothers . j | hard to finish their plowing before! The death of Annie Reid, wife of ° Ofc ton: W. 'B. Denyes, Preston: Doro- ston; KElleem Wright MacKinnon! Williamstown; W. C. Gardiner, ave seen | the ground freezes up. We are en- | Joseph Jordan, Segurred in Wik thy Dowsley, Brockville; Olive L. Brantford; Miss Mary E. Hale, Gan-| Blyth. 4 their deli- | joying Indign Summer. { loughdby, Ohio, on Oct. 30th, at Drury, Kingston: Murlel V. Downer, | A000ue; Harry D. Winter, Ottawa;| T. Hood, Ottawa; Edna Sanders| H cate children > | -- | age of sixty-one years. Mrs. Jordan St. Thomas. Allan R. Currey, Morrisdale, N.B. | Hay, Kingston; William D. Hay,| begin to re- | L 4 py x . : S ille, Ont. x wr tle DEER HUNTING IS ON was born in Shanngaville, So * Georgina Ettinger, Kingston; . on Monday | Winehawer; a : De ast, Bar| H vive under TING IS OX. | The temperature of the moons . a . 3 Registered Monday. i rie; essie arre fiyde, Jest-| H » x : ls e 0 . J to fics Jack R. Emery, Kingston; Belle| , HL C0 milton: H. 1.| mount, Que: W. P { B the influesice of Virol asa Lots of Hunters Are After Their | SUTIRCE, at its noon time, rises to 250 | Local . Elliott, Winchester; B. I. England, R. Holderoft,| B : : "yy ; - degrees Fahrenheit ¢ . t ttawa e - ton; { 5 | B ched flower is revived Yearly One. Kingston: Kathleen F. Elliott; Armstrong, Ottawa; Jean. Arm- Kingston; M. N. Hay, Massena, N.| f§ Par flo 8 | | a e ---------- er ------------------ Druggist Guarantee -- Money Kingston. strong, Keene; Y.: Agnes G. Hanlon, Kingston; by a gentle rain. That's Ompah, Nov. 5.--Mr. and Mrs. ! on: d | James Woods made a } 3 Back If Old Time Remedy Does Fairlie. Springfield, 1 M. B. Baker, Kingston: Douglasilla M. Hambly, Napanee; J. A.| | why they write us letters § | 2s Woods made 5 business trip Not Bring Quick Relief. a hori NPaprior: Mrs. W. Bews. Port Hope; H, C. Barlow, Hannah, Reuleas, Sask. Flora Alf of Yr and thankful- nelly ie yt Besa | ¢ on eIvous What chance does any sufferer take | Beatrice Craig Grant, Montreal, Mar | 8/078: I. € earns, Kingston; W.| Hazlett, Toronto; A. C. Hanley,| § ness. If your child is not sent visiting oho Polgtlg Make This Test To-da when Rheuma fis guaranteed to ban-| garet Russell Gillies, Braeside; Wil P. Bartles, Kingston; W. H. Ball! Kingston; A. B. Haffner, Belleville. § "flourishing" it's Virol Watertown. NY. The funeral of sh all torturing Rheumatic pains and | heImina Gordon, Kingston; Jean Kingston. z : {- J. E. Jerome, Deloro: Alfred h de Aisa? rk. ng bust bg Posey 0 HP olen joints or money back ? Govan. Williamstown: Elsie M. Gar-| Mary L. Chambers, Fenelon Falls;; Johnson, Lindsay, G. S. Jarrett, e nee. a Taran trem Eo aD, pics 0 Why not investigate this offer? diner, Kingston: - Mary Gourlay Wilbur F. Chown, Whitby; H. B.| Weyburn, Sask. able building-up food and ueeday from the home of her son, Talk to James B. McLeod, of" King- Bri h . | emi) . ston, and Wallace's Drug Store, of ay ton; y ft. Rheuma ust . . «} : . ; F y Napance: Rowatic poison from the| Mrs. S. A. Hetsman, Kingston: S. uw) a 3 Sugysil. Siveston; ls. Bdgar M. locketi, Kingston; M your druggist. Give it to i A EE ar oats Dack 0] A. Metsman, Kingston; Ruth A, George B. Carson, Ringsten; ies.'L. Lynch: Kingston; M. Gerald your children regularly. normal sad relieve all agony or it| Huffman, Brockville; Agpnie E. Hay- G. 0. Colborne, Carleton Place: | Lynch, Webster, N.Y. costs nothing. man, Hamilton; E. Irdne Hedley, Douglas M. Chown, Kingston. { A. J. Meiklejohn, Kingston; J. E. People so crippled that they could | ngigary: Miss Margaret M. S. Hall, Mary A. Deacon, Brockville; C.| MacKay, Brockville; D. McArthur, For millisn srsontibed . not walk have been freed from the Kingston: Elizabeth Henstridge. H. Drew, Hamilton: J. A. B. Dul-| Kingston: J. F. Macdonald, Toron- portions o ware : ivea | in $000 * fron grasp of the demon, Rheuma-| pc oo. pannie A. Horns, Wolfe | me&e, Kingston; J. Stuart. Daly. te; Alexander Mclutyre, Winnipeg. . fetrirels and Tatent tism, with the Rheuma treatment. gstom: : ! Clial, ; | Island; Maude Hammett, Tweed. Port Haney, B.C.: O. A. Dodson, Man.; W. T. MacClement, Kingston: - v 11114 ro ri No matter Sow fkeical y{u may D. M pin Kingston Kingston: John Donnelly, Kingston; |G. C. Monture, Ottawa; Agnes A. Watson, William Cox, M. Hermer| ip apsolute secrecy and without the ~ nt ph rs has Lydia M Livingstone 'Athens; | Edward M. Dolan, Toronto; Miller | Macfarland, Ottawa; Leo Marion, H and T G. Burke bly represented | lightest risk of loss, you can prove io Yourself £0 try Rhandia on Hilda C. Laird, Kingston. '| B. Donnelly, Cardinal; Edmund T. Ottawa; H. S. Mitchell, Listowell; J \ = this Som thity at the Liberal-Oon- | the amazing nerve and vitality builds this money back offer. AJl drug- Harriet Knapp Kingston; Alice | DWYes, Hamilton; Mrs. H. G. Drink-! G. V. McDonald, Apple Hill, Donald | IIRC TTT Sera Ye anrwtios 3 sEharhot lug value of Rebhe nstasal & SEH " * : 3 ri - r Mr. an Mrs McLellon ad 4 with : sell it. Everybody cah afford ton: A. M. Kirkpatrick, | Water, Orillia. ? { M. McIntyre, Kingston; G. J. Mac- ! amit - ob 1 . » fhouma. It's not expensive and ab- Bind. Elagston} B Mrs. R. J. Edmunds, Ottawa; D.|Kay, Kingston; John S. McDonell, and family, Ardoeh, spent Sunday at | results or the test wil not cost SEHR London; J. H. Knowles, Aurora. 4 § Pw i . a . S , | M. Hermer's. a penny. - So, don't give up to sok solutely harmless. Marton §. MacAlpine, Kingston: |S: Ellis, Kingston; G. H.'Ettinger, Kingston; H. A. McNeil, Torouto; daby, Sharbot Lake; K. B. Suddaby, | U Helawe'en party and dance, | De%S. "old age weakne.s or nes 4 J. Matheson, Kingston; Jean F. Mal: Kingston. IN. T. MacDonald, Barrie; Beatrice |Sharbot Lake. Jennie Thompson | yousness. - Life is yours to use sud | Don't Let Lack of Confidence, Novve A - . ' a A Henry Johnston." The deceased lady Force and Vitality Make You Old Beatrice Graham, King-| Craig, London; Georgina Conklin; M. B. Kifkland, Almonte; Chas rich in vitamines. Get a Gr eg ible d - In Early Life. = | Brockville; Jean C. Creswell, Mart-; P. Kirkpatrick; Kingston. tin of Virol to-day at as in her eighty-seventh year. ! : : Deer hunting is now order of | If you feel tired, despondent, mens" the day. Many hunters are around !taily or physically depressed; in this vicinity from oth rAplaces to | lack the ambition or 'energy to do { get their "yearly ome." Allan Kill-| the things you would like to do--§o ingbeck with Arthur and Fred Stew. | now to: Jas. B. Melood or oe. eft for t} rth where they , | good * druggist, an get a 1 art de ; for the horih where UNeY\Ar® | of Double Strength Eftac tablets and Last Monday Mr. and Mrs, Edvard {160 ¥hat a_difference a fow AYE { use will make MULLIS ETE . Arthur R. Foste¥ Toronto: J. M.| Milne, Ottawa: W. K. Macnee, | I¥eddell, Richmond, Que.; E. A. under auspices of Mud Lake school, | oy 10y and with abundant Nerve a are Farrell, Kingston; T. H. Farrell! Kingston: James A. Minnes, King-| Lhomas, Montreal; J. R. Third, as held fast Tigay Eh! wid Jus Force and Vitaljty, you may laugh af Sound; Mrs. D. G. Macphail, King- | ston; Margaret Mackintosh, Ottawa; Kingston; Ralph M. Tovell, Syden-| a Et b . a ls LL, Health and approaching years! ston: Jessie M. Muir, Kingston; Gor foun | William Mundell, Kingston; J. L.|bham: A. S. Thomas, Ottawa; Helen | Wood-cutting bee BI dance onl Start the test ot Erbac to-day don R. Maybes, Ottawa: John D.| Had Salt Rh {MacDowall, Perth Auboy, Nj. ~ profield, Kingston: Fredw Veale, Tuesday night, which was largely you'll be delighted! Murray, Kingston; Caroline Mit- . eum { "Eva Newell, Kingston; Wilhel- Kingston; Esther Wagner, Toronto; Pu wet chell, Kingston; Helen Mackintosh, All Over Her Hands {mina M. Nobes, Kingston; Mabel E.| J. K. Ward. Ringuton; Be Wiitred Toronto: H. L. MaeDougall, King- : { Nesbitt, Kingston; P. M. Newman, | ockett, Kingston; C. J. Whylock, | ston: Norman Miller, Kingston; Grand Falls, | Toronto; W. A. Newlands, Kingston. | Kingston; Knox Williams, King- our ome eserves Flora E. Malloch, Hudson, P.Q.; D. A all | C. L. O'Brien, Ottawa; George S.|5'0R: W. P. Wilgar, Kingston; J. 8. . J. MacLeod, West Bay, N.S. Mm. Su . { Otto, Kingston; Janet I. Otto, King- Noiuley, raw: C0 B. Wiilteloek. 1 0. J. MacKay, Kingston: Jennie R. | ston. ~ 8 : , M. » Tor- - Midgley, Hamilton; A. G. MpcLoch- y W. E. Paul, Cochrane; R. T. Per-| 08to. A. D. Waispear, Kingston; Ce- a anner urnace lan, Kingston; M. Bruce MacLoch- id | cival, Kingston. lia Zorks, Kingston. Sat anita mas d * : n g as your livuse is not properly ian, Montrddl; Alexahder MacLoch- B. Rose, Kingston; Frances M. A heated--every room in the house warm and jan, Kingston; Mrs. J. C. MecCart- Robertson, Kingston; Donald G SHIPPING OUT STOCK. & comfortable--yun are not having the coms ney, Kingston; Jessie Muir, Ottawa; Robertson, Kingston; C. E. Blee,| - 1 m---- | ; fort in your home that you should. lan_Satl adie, Gitawa; Shar Le garth; Jessie _ 8. Robertson, King-| Carloads Are Gotng From Marlbank | A Banner Furnace, properly installed, wil onnell, ngaton; . . - ive you uniform heat night an ay In Moreland, Sunlury; Grace H. Mil- T. D. Sliter, Kingston; Arthur V. Eoin Nav $opour tutivade i) ers with a Rawdon labor vi Boel. r, Kingston, £ \ i Sills, Montreal; H. R. Sills, King-| of stock were shipp rom here on te Fo J. Matheson, Kingston; ston: Bruce O. Strachan, Ely, Minn; | Saturday morning. Messrs. D. Tay- Asi; oir dealer all about a nase Anella Minnes, Kingston; Nallle P. i 4 W. H. L. Smith, Kingston: George lor and S. Turkington shipped a load | BANNER Furnaces. Merry, Kingston; Mary McCallum, D. Stewart, Kingston; H. H. Stew-| of canners. F. Keilty and Joseph) Smith's Falls; Florence BE. M art, Kingston; J. F. Sparks, King-| Hefférnan each skipped a load ot | ¥, The Galt Stove & Furnace Co, Ltd. gall, Barrie; Bessie Macphe j EBL ston; William G. Shaw, Kingston; | beef cattle. Quite a number from | .: * Galt, Ont. 'yonto; Evelyn McFaul, Ki Mrs. Make] S. White, Detroit; W. R.| here attended the dance in Erinsville | Cora M. Messer, Toronto; Sawyer, Kingston; Jean Simmons,| on Friday night. i 1. McFarland, Torontss Iremé Me- ; : ED Kingston; W. F. Smith, _Ottawa;| V. Healey spent Sunday at East) Cormack, Kingston; Jean Murray, 4 Elsie FE. Sanders, Ottawa; N. H. Hungerford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lar] : SA | Kingston; T. S. Mathieson, Beach- ' Snell, Hamilton; Isobel M. Sparrow, | kin visited at the home of ner -par- | PIPE AND PIPELESS. { burg; J. M. Montgomery, Yarker; . "0 Ottawa; Marion Spence, Carjton| ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Hopkins, on FURNAC 5 Donald C. Macpherson, Kingston; J. Place: H. 8. Shuitlef?, Kingston; E.| Sunday. iLeo Fleming purchased a Banner Furnaces are Matheson, Kingston; Stewart 8. D. Siiter, Kingston; Mrs. K. B, Sud-| beautiful new range this ®weck. made in pipe and pipe- \ } N Messrs. D. Healey and M. Cassidy less type to suit every PBI WeSmIAS INE 'weSmalmw] TW Vankleek Hill. style of dwellin isapwNessadey Rojelary Mrs. W. F. Nickle, K ) ww | completed their work at F, Treacy's y 8. 2 on Saturday. - Miss Milloy, teacher, - ML , Kin 3 " 3 Fos . on: | AM c. . . ---- mm A mie rp LL ER Prince and Premier Meet pr > _| O'Connor, Kingston. i Mrs. J. 8. Prentice, India; J. 8. | prentice, India; Mildred Pierce, { Kingston; Mary B. _Penwatden, Kingston. i D. J. Rankin, Seiliws Bay, Mrs. George H. Ross; 'Dorothy Roberts : ; Marrion ston; J L. Rose, Qrasgedaler N5.. 1 ary Rowland, v : Kingston a: Hilsadet i ; Miss N. H. i A 3 MADE BY\D AMPANY IiMiT ARERR RAT RRR

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