» . LAST TIME TO-NIGHT--- "THE GREAT DECEPTION" AILEEN PRINGLE asd BEN LYON fimsT » NATIONAL PICTURES. Inc. Proust MATES "AMUSEMENTS What (he Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions - THE CAPO "The Great Deception," a Hit--Thril- ling Story. A great deal of the interest which local theatregoers will find in "The Great Deception," which is at the Capitol theatre to-night will centre in the fact that Ben Lyons is the lead- ing man in the cast. Mr. Lyon lms been attracting an fnusual amount of attention dur- ing the past few months. No actor has had a more rapid rise toward the cherished goal of stardom and for few actors or actresses is the future more rosy, fn « "The Great Deception," Mr. Lyon has a particularly heroic role He 1s cast as a young Englishman who chooses to serve his country during the Worid War in the ca- pacity of a member of the British Secret Service A final close call, during which he escapes from behind the German lines amidst a storm of bullets from anti-aircraft guns, pro- vides the big climax of the photo- play. ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN COUNTY OF FRONTENAC OBJECTIVE, $25,000 or hur ey oe i. Mjective Tor te -- ca. svar ig CV and Vieinity. County of Fronténae gets 3 of this for produce, ete. Public Meetings Sharbot Lake -- Community Hall, Monday, Nov. 8, 8 p.m. Harrowsmith -- Tow Hall, Tuesday, Sov. 9, 8 p.m. Verona--Town Hall, Wednes- day, Nov. 10, 8 p.m. Parham --- Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday, Nov. « 11, 8 p.m. P.5 Queen's in vital to the temae, commercially, nationally. "JOY BOMBS] AT GRAND. The advanc® sale of reserved seat tickets for the forthcoming engage- ment of The Dumbells in 'Joy Bombs," opened at the hox office of the Grand theatre this morning. The Dumbelis enghgement Mere Is limited to Nov, 11th, 12th, 13th only; and it ¥ and *. J. D. BOYD, Chatrma MISS LOUISE jBeauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop 856 Princess Street. "Phone 821.w Glenn Allan in 'Joy Bombs." is expected that the theatre will be filled to capacity, as everyode has heard that Captain Plunkett has pick- ed another winner end that this year's show contains more lggitimate laughs than a centipede has legs. While comedy is the predominant note of "Job Bombs," the musical part of the programme has not been slighted and several real song hits are introdne- ed throughout the action. Then Cap- tain Plunkett's orchestra provides a whole budget of melodies ranging from the latest popular 6-8 jas: time to the more stately classics. SREGan EDS 6. ey \ oA "Tilly of Bloomsbury," a comedy, by: Ian Hay, presented by Faculty Players, Grant Hall, Wednesday, November 10th, at § pm. All seats B0c. For sale at Uglow's, University P.O. and at door. Doors opened at | 7.30. "Buy Buckley's" at Gibson's. Jack Irwin, Fort Willlam was in the city for a few days with his gisters, Misses Jane and Lorraine in, "The Wellbrock." but has urned to Toronto, to ba with his brothet, Bhiott Irwin, Dr. Robert Irwin has returned to Eliza- beth, NJ. 5 "Ruy brilliantine" at Gibson' s Hon. James Malcolm, North Bruce, and Hou. Dr. J. H. King. Kootenay, B.., were elected by acclamation at 'bye-eleotion noutinat fons held this afternoon. ' Ferguson is to speak in Pleton to-night. This afternoon he was af Wellington. It works ~ like magic, Gibson's corn cure. : Boon hand at 1.30 sch evening 1 sce || second, and Queen's with a chance tol iE i | : : : "the Stadiam, where Coach Bill i Hughes of Queen's had asks pers missign to leave ft. A call for r re a- | (GREAT FIG flash, was answered, students pour- i ing out of nearby fraternity houses and other student quarters bent bu ON SATURDAY The hear was untizd and painted a brilliant hue of red and white, { stréets. Fearing If it was hidden 102 Pr Must Win--QGreal close to the Stadiom it might be Crowd Will See! tmport= y secured by Queen's roaters in time | back into the wountain. and was | | safely hidden--a0 safely, In fact With Varsity resting at the top of Ee did got appear at the game. | 2 | { A 1 * mascot chained near the tisld housa | forcements yas sent out and, in = siealing Queen's chis! moral asset. ¢ | and was paraded about the city : | for the game, the mascot was takeu | ant Fit. ithe heap and McGill running a close | HARRIER MEET ADVANCED tie up the Intercollegiate, Wremendous| interest is being shown In next i scheduled for here on Saturday has | urday"s big struggle at the Stadjum on the occasion of the visit of Ahe] Blue and White, The fact that Queen's must defeat Varsity here to] have a chance in the IntercoHegiate, ghanges the complexion of the Union from the situation of the past four years and adds an unusual interest, | excitement and importance to the] contest. By winning here on Saturday the Blue and White will win the Inter- collegiate. title for this year, but a win for Queen's will make a three- cornered tie, something new for the Intercollegiate Union. This, of course, will mean a playoff in the Intercolle- giate between the three teams to de- cide the title. At the present time the standing in the series is as follows: Won Lost F. Varsity .., 1 25 McGill s.. ons vn 3.2 ~ 25 Queen's ... '.. 2-3 31 account of she Varsity-Queen' 3 game ak the stadiugp. { McGILL BAND MISSED OUT. | There was one thing the MeGL: | band forgot to tune up on at the | { McGill-Queen's game at the Molson Stadium on Saterday. Np one beard | that well-known piece, "The Beat | Went Over the Mountain." LEADLEY STARRED | AS TIGERS WON | Former Queen's Star Over Four Field a Goals. { | fo Hamilton, Nov, 9 --With Frank | 4 ("Pep") Leadley as the assisting | 3 ! ssisting | Every indication is that the AR artist, Tigers entertained and satis- crowd to witness a rugby match in] tied some forty-five hundred foot- Kingston will jam the stadium to the! ball fans on Saturday doors on Saturday for the titanic] struggle. Reports from Toronto, Ot-! Tigers did 'not tawa, Montreal and Hamilton are to} place team. Their backs displayed | the effect that special trains will be soq100 of speed and tricky play run here and the student body of the | while the lina. was all over Argos, University of Toronto, the band and| , nq sside trom the tirst 15 minutes all the trimmings will be alopg fori oe niny when the Argos had a strong thig great game. | wind at thelr backs and Tigers on Varsity has always played its best} yp, defensive, the losers were never | football against «Queen's, right inj} in the picture. While évery member | Kingston, and the Tricolor expect|of the re played an important | their worst time of the season. Coach | part in the lopsided v ary, Leadley i Hughes will drive his men hard this was most outstanding in that he! week in preparation for the big strug-| kicked four f Put! * afternoon, look Wke a second- | line field goals and account- gle and he will receive the assistance { ed for 12 ofthe 21 points. None w of several graduates here for the Re-| fmm a 4 1lt angle, but the grace | union. | and cofifidence he showed ir®evers i attempt stamped him as the best | { drop kicker in the Canadian el QUEEN'S ASSAULT [irre t was a case of Argos being out- SLATED T0- NIGHT. oh i aad outscored. Timmis, Bak- | | er. French and Cox broke thro ugh {J | the Argo line repeatedly to break up |: Programme Arranged for old! Argo plays before they got properly | | started, while the Double Blue ap- Boys and Citizens in | peared to be helpless in the last half | Grant Hall. against the plunging of the Tigers, Only on few occasions dia § To-night In Grant Hall the Queen" | Tigers fail to gain, and once was assault team will perform for the| when they secured three yards out | visiting graduates and the people of | from the Argo line and failed to go Kingston. Mr. James Bews, the popu-|{ over for a try. The teams: lar physical director, has arranged a4] 'Tigers Flying wing, Wright; most attractive programme and there | halves, Gibh, Languay and Walker; will be a great assortment of bOXDE. | quarter. Coleman; snap, Cox; in. | wrestling and fencing events. | sides, Baker and French: middle Amongst the boxers, two welter-| giford and McBridd; outstdes, Sn all | weights, Bd. Goodman and Max Feil, { and Vale; subs, Timmis, Robinson, ! will, no doubt, furnish 'some real! peters) Leadley, Chéyn8, Willard and | action. Chambers and Honsberger| pawards. ] will be om the programme for al Argos--Filying © wing, Barreit: wrestling bout that gives promise ofl y,1vee, Sinclair, Broadway and Ham- being something Well worth while bly: quarter, Cook: snap, seeing. Chambers is a Kingston boy | \yxides, Hysiop and Wilson; and ,he wrestled the Queen's ace] Dougles and Miles; three times last year. Neither man | ang McLean; subs., Scott, Bradley, has as yet received a decision. May-| opjieott, Foster, Brown and Shaw bee and Robinson will provide the| "poperce Rily Mallett, Bagling- followers of the fencing game with} , = y enty of speed and skill. | Ts hs k . Pleusy foMowin® Is the programme | Umpire---Jack. Maynard, for the evening: Boxing--115 pounds, Jack: 135 pounds, .C. Murray; 145 pounds, Max Fell: Pitts; 140 pounds, Fencing--Maybee : Wright; middles, outsides, Stewart i Varsity Defeated I The Senators 12-10 Bartels Bafteis Goodham 158 pounds, Grant Nale vs. Ellis v¥. Robinson; VE Vs ves: vs. boo Ottawa, Nev. 9 Varsit} defeat ed Ottawa here Monday in an inter esting exhibition of rugby in which Start vs. Cohen. { both teams used thelr subs in pro- | Wrestling --Keoteladze vs. Davis: ! fusion, the score was 12-10. Vie. | Barrett vs. Eamons; Honsberger vs, | tory went to the students four min- | Chambers: Ide vs. Roy; Craighead | utes before the end of the game vs. Connell; Inman vs. Hall: Stoddard | when Ottawa wings failed to give vs. Walbridge. yards. to Trimbie. After two downs Stollery raced over for a touch down. Ottawas at the time had on the! th substitute line with Kehoe and Mui- | roney subbing on the backfield tor | Miller and Lynch. Varsity had their] regulars in action. They play was a very smart bit of offensive football ------ Loyola College and -RM.C. Teams Meet Loyola College, Montreal, with is powerful intermediate Yeam, will be represented at the George Richard- son Memorial Stadium to-morrow afternoon against R.M.C. in an Inter- collegiate intermediate semi-final game. By virtues of winning the round against Queen's, RM.C. gquali- fied to meet the speedy Montreal tea and dhe Seat gto: han Seep biljed for here. ~The Loyola team are a fast and tricky Bune of rugby players, con- sidered fastest imtermediate team in he province of Quebec. To morrow's game has attracted a great deal of attention and there is every indication that there will be a bump- er crowd ou hand. S KING BOOHOD WAS ~ SECRETED AWAY McGill Students Queen's Mascot and Took Him up in Mountain. 3 een i Queen's. bear mascot was in ate tendance at Monday's Old - Boys Ben's game SUI sullering from }étfeety of the red and white paintings administered by McG students on Friday night at "Mont: real. The McGill & ts sue the bear on Friday night and kept ; away from the game on Saturday | aftergocn gap to ride through. alternating thelr semlors with O. R. F. U. squad and they gave 2 finished demonstration of tackiipz.. and there was moré snap to their line play thin Ottaway Tubman 310 | used but little. At that there was no! sive strength on the part of Varsity. | Se nse Montreal Viotors Over meaill Team | Montreal, Nov. drives by Captain Gordie McCaig and Fred Crowler. | sneak thrusts through the ceptre by Ralph Harrison. and punting by Keatie Bursham were { the chief weapons which the Mont- i real Imterprovinsial Rugby squad utilized in tearing to a 7 to 2 vie tory. and clty champlenahip lanrels over MEG yesterday sfwraocon of the - Percival Stadium. against Ottawa om Saturday throwing four star plavers into fhe fray which had deen savad from the tilt at the Capital, . iduight. Some enthusiastic iand bi {have { urday | beating as nothing right, { took advanta { when they drubbed Argos by 21 to 5, | § {a near-record for qu ter of Mr. and Mrs, { Roman Catholic ul st William Yellow! | by two si Re | Mies { The raday | Cathedrs { mass w Toronte. | | Messrs. Alexander ! Loucks, { Clarke, | Reld | Messrs, and the Vardity lin: caved in Ot- |; tawas flank to give Stollery a huge | ili Varsity used two completé teams | Hi the | mmrzin of difference on the back il more than made np for any offen-| i 9.--Smashing | 1 * Foraz, | i cousistan' | 1 Molson ° Memorial | : Coming out of a fairly easy tussls |] 'and | Montregyl had =| Eo gruelling against Queen's Fad ag a = A stafid the rippifig attacks of Montreal line plangers. Grange's Team Won, Toronto, Nov. §--' New York washed "Wilda Cat" fornians 28 to 0 ia can Professional League ' football game at Maple Leaf Stadium, Mon day afternoon. The count was made up of four toue and the four Subsequent goals they Yankees white- Wilson 5 Cali | made. 'Red's" pame and fame drew 10. ego spectators to the game. LOCAL COLLEGIATE WON. The Kingston Colleziate team went | ito, Perth yesterday, w led a game against The Intercollegiate Harrier meet. |S. here they play- the Perth High hool team, winning out by score of 17-5. {particularly outstandi ng player for | |she Blue and Whi te tn 4 VARSITY TROUNCED, ' Played at Worst and Lost to Borden | Birds 26.9, Nov. 9. the worst games of football shown this season, University )f Toronto were put out of the run- ning in the O.R.F.U. senior race Sat afternoon at the Stadium by Camp Borden, Toronto, | White the Birdmen administering a 26 to 8 de-| feat to the student teamm and Aviat ors deserved the victory. U. of Kéltn nothing Hke the team of I foe games, and deserved the they received They and Camp Borden of their mistakes The victory gave Balmy Beach the | O.R.FP.U. senior title, The game, despite poor football by both teams, was well worth see- ing, and until it became a rout J.ofT. § If was deci res Fu ed balls, loose play 1¢ was responsible rambles the crowd the idedly icks and atong for some w which found favor Saturday's w game holds ick scoring. - ¥ of T. had scored 6 points and Camp Borden § within the start of the game, one score be- ing due to a misplay. [ OBITUARY Auna Rose White, The death Anna Rose Whit occurred in the Kingston General J Hosbial this morning after illness. The deceased twent v years of age and jad lived | the greater part of her life at Wat. son's Corners, She was the daugh- James Alexander of was | White of that place Miss Anne E. Miss Anne the Hotel Yellowley. E. Yellowley died Dieu Hospital Mond at | evening, after a Somparatively brief | | {ilness Deceased, known in the €lty ho well nad a great maay was | friends who learned with regret of | she was all her death. In religion and a me Cathedral Nowley of the mber of Mary's Miss Ye laughter was the Jate-Mr. and Mp and i survive and four brothers Oldfin, Mantr ani at home oH | Walter W., Charles BE, {and Robert V.. of Detroit The funeral will be hel morning St. al, where a solemn ill be sung for the her soul ey, Mrs. L. J Eniily eal, to repose of John Joseph Kemp. "The funeral of the late John Joseph Kemp, who died Saturday inight, took place from his late home {at the Outer Station Tuesday. aftep<] noon To Cataraqui Cemetery. The { funeral service was conducted to St 3 George's Cathedral by Dean W. W Craig. The honorary pallbearers were Abbott, Charlies Clarke, Albert Mayhew, Actual pallbearers Alexander McDonald, O'Driscoll, Charles Kemp, Thomas Marshall, William Winsley The late Mr. Kemp died suddenly, having been troubled with heart di- sease. He was a C.N.R. car inspector Benjamin i tor several years. He leaves to mourn | Br a regalar Ament : New Yorkers | hes | the | The local boys played | been moved forward to Friday on great football, Harold Buck being a! Playing ome of} they | Blue and | of | block-| 1 three minutes of | eldest | 4 corner King and Clarence 3 & New York. requiem ! Kenneth | William | were | Jack | re OAT HE I WHEE HEAT a O Rod" Grange | UNDER AUSPICES ROTARY CLUB TO-NIGHT L and Wednesday GREATEST AMATEUR SHOW { Tut-Tut-Tuttle--an Hilarious Skit at the North Pole -- Pretty Girls -- Brilliant Costumes bo Tuneful Tunes -- Gorgeous Scenery -- Large Cast Tickets on sale at Best's Drug Store or Lindsay EVENINGS . .. BOc., T3¢., $1.00, Show no Company. = at. BAN i | "The Ontario Voters' Lists Act ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KINGSTON: NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS could | i TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officer for the | hearing complaints or appeals wish regard to the Voters' Lists of the cipalities hereinafter set out, to be used in the pending election of a of the Legislative Assembly for the Electoral District of Kingston, will | held at the following places and times: CITY OF KINGSTON : At the COURT HOUSE, on Monday and Tuesday, November 15th from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m, and on Wednesday and Thursday, Ne 7th and 18th from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., and from 7.00 p.m. to 8.50 VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH : At the TOWN HALL on Saturday, November 18th, from 3.00 pan {5.00 pm, and from 7.00 pan. to 8.00 p.m, To hear Capi ainta as to lists of voters for all Polling Sub-Divisions | the City of Kingston and Village of Porfsmouth, respectively. | That Judge H. A. Lavell will be revising officer for the City of Ki ston, and his Clerk will be W, W. Sands, Esq., M.D., whose address Is © Hall, Kingston, Ontario. 16th, | Portamouth and his Clerk for said Village of Portsmouth will be | Scally, Esq., whose address is 1006 Union Street, Kingston, { And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain j his or her name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on list has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons | are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may on or | the THIRD DAY (exclusive of Sunday), before the first day fixed for | sittings as above set out, apply, complain or appeal to have his or her { or any other person catered om, or removed from the list of said Olty © © | Kingston and said Village of Portsmouth. i And further take notice that such appeals must be by notice in 4 | In the prescribed form, signed by the complainant in duplicate and | the Clerks of the respective revising officers for the sald City of { and Village of Fortamouth as the case may be, or left for such derk at | address as given above. i i» H. A. LAVELL, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Fron Dated at Kingston, this 21st day of October, 19286, NOTE.--~The Voters' Lists to be used in the pending election will be ¢ 1926 lists of both Kingston and Portsmouth, and these may be the office of the Clerk of the Election Board, Sheriff R. F. Vair, Court {his loss two sons, Merrin and Alfred | Brompton at home, and two daughters, Cora at |B. C. Fish | Belleville and Catherine al home. |Can Cement, ] * {Can. Cement, Dom. Bridge i Dom Textile | STOCK MARKETS tnd. Alcohol Laurentide . | 4 { Mackay | com pid (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | Montreal Power National! Breweries, National Breweries | Ogilvie . | Ottawa Power {Ont. Steel Products | Penmans . i. Price Bros Quebec Power ¥ Shawinigan 104% Smeiters 43%, [Spanish River 34% [Spanish River 151 4% {Steal of Canada {4% {Twin City 44% [Winaipeg 35% | Streets, | members of the Montreal and Toronto j Stock Exchanges). com .s . PRA. as Nov. 5.--<1.30 p.m 107 52% Amer. Loco Amer. Loco Baldwin Loot | B. & 0 Beth Bteel FEqrysier ."s | Glue ral Motors. . kifddson Motors i Inter. Comb. Eng {Anter. Nickel Mack Truck IN-¥. OC . Northern', Packie Pan Amég Pele Radio Paci tie inclair Of! Stand Oil of N ad co = pid John MeKee five years ago died at Wate IN Y.. on Thursday. He passed a ! suddenly. He waz a blacksmith | trade : The confederate half-dollar is | rarest colin tn the world. Only # { wore minted, of which only twe | known to egist {! Twice as many American threshing machines wera sent fi this to other countries last A a2 ig thé same month in 1925, Balmy Beach defeated Hamilh 18 to 7 on Monday and won the § { RF.U. championship. Sou J R- . oy } Montreal} i { Nov. 9 {Abitibi Power . | Asbestos, com Asbestos, pid. ... Bel Talsphoné . azil . s grown-ups. | START EM YOUNG] v MacKey's baking combines the keenest appetite - pleasure with good health and should be.given to the children to-day and every day. | It is full of abounding energy that not only the kiddies require but the _ AT YOUR GROCER'S OR 'PHONE 834. MacKey' Bread Limited 9 Ss That J. B. Walkem, K.C., will be the Revistiy Officer for the Village : le "porn at-Pleton sini