bd A Nw preps PATE YL SNE ERNEST Seal SISTER TREE 6 J. BE PRPC PSII RESINS Se SEE ESR PSP ELE SSEREEL Ll in ® ' 1 * a * - - 5 os ' s - ET -- Ny £ i % er a Tusiday, November 9, 1926. pike THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 8 -- ree oh etre er ----------r-- . : -- - -- "> > . = 2 = Whigs Classific 1 Page Is Public F orum and a True Market Place - - - - 3 ~ . : : : AL [oom conn ARHIAGES. lem wa wma 3|QUT OUR WAY | BY WILLIAMS. ._BSusnos Services J The British Whig BO In a a. POTS WAGES--Lost between Part-| 3 : . ' N £1 'Barristers and Solicitors 21% - n Y y KINGSTON, ONT. 1526, Amelia Anoitnetie, youngest riggs Iron Works and Albert St. Finder - | REY OLDS " - DONT SHH ME! (T | 'tor, 81 Brock Breet NerunSSolieh FIED TWEING daughte f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph indly 'phic 1428-J. e an re, Testricted to elt Compeas, to William Andrew, only] -- ooo Pons I tangis Brock Street. Mer dil ads 479 and to tbe ads of Mr. and the late Mea. Alex-LuLACK CLUB BAG----Lost betwaen Gan Z MAY BE FUNNY FOR YOU, | Fitae alas." Fad farm pi Whig otyle of type ander Bogs. anoque and Kingston, containing chil- 77 = h he i CARPENTER --ZUFELT--At Cambridge dren's clotnes. rinder please leave ai Z HAWG HER SQUAWHINGT i ladies Dan rarer ES N. ¥., Oct' 36in, Mise' Vera W. Zu-| 34 Ellis Street. E a4 AROUND HERE -- MAAY \ -- wis , felt, dmsughter of Mr. and Mrs KFor & McLaughlin car, found. 5 Ladies" Bam Insertions: + ; ) Minimuns : Prankiin Zufell, Consecos, to Mr. + VaaLuven = | 1 . " i TIALS Daily rales por ine = CHRrge Felson H. Carpenter, Cambridge X.| gwier may have gids ac Vesluy 2 MA UR! LOOK WHAT Nt 3 hays iin 3 TH OP ah Xingwton op FUR NECK PIECE--Found on Johnson . 7 HE DID TOME ! | ou $15.00 FULL BRAD. ta sthe 2aiesséuisa ov, Sth, 196, Beatie DI. PAI 4 , ? > Dea the, Births, Engegements, Mar Compson. Kingston. to Mr. Vietor L. So eongay., Dwner apply LUKE THAT--=1 DONT 1 a roop, © oronto. " ; LADY'S PEARL NECKLACE--Lost Sat- : THROW THAT WATER INTHE : A. 8B. RINGSBURY, | 309 Princess Street. Phos _ emsa, $1.00. - s # Card of Thanks, and' Memoriam DEATHS. rday afternoon; valued as a Keepsake. a) CANTY Ee Potlces--~Charged, $1.49; cash, §1.00 Yindor please return to 188 Union SR. ) a SN . I SE . ' Ak oe RET LAS HAIN, ARDAGH on Kisgston an Nov. nn and receive reward. 'Fhone 36258. 7 : . : Nn ouris, Sach Mnagetien dered irregular A e Henr » , & = A Bertin Cakes the a tee inger- 32 Jens, * : . - NEW YAL k key, found on corner 4 ; h " &lidren a Tion rate; wo Ad, tAken for Jess tasn | Funeral will take place from his iste! "of Arch and Union streets. Uwier may 8 | aingnam. 6% Bay Street. XK basic of four lines. % fanh] ene. 37 Aton Street Thursday ave same St 55 Arch street. Reisonone. 1008 fount sla averafgy .W thedral, where a solemn requiem ONE HEIFER---1 years oid, dark red 1 . . Coarged will be recel ass will be sung for the happy re-| roan, white star, detorned. impound- 7 A i RR 3 } i MARCEL WA lephons rut pose of his soul, od Pound-keeper, Burton Geage, / 5m) 1 Waser Waving Round telep Friends and acquaintances respectfully] Hinchinbrooke township - { Curing, Hair Bobbing aad ish Whig os javited to Attend the m : nv --- N Fucial and sSoalp Treatment. the date inser eral private, AIR OF NUT CRACKERS Found on | attention giv to Hair Dy : Ads ordered or mi Pah Kingston, on Sunday, Nov. 7th, PAL or Street. Owner may have FIR : pr Rog rg . "Se - , ry Ann, daughter of the| same at 251 Divisien Street St gh late Joseph Dix = A 3 mA Rr Sem arson Nor. Yo | esate a tie = 0 ia a Tr Jemet A able information, ed i i GILMORE-- 9 a ow . Superior of the Hotel Di Finder 3 ' ¥ ; : : AUCTIONEERS Expert; servios, te per line for © Parthenn Spafford oi OCt 38th Lindly return to the Whig Office and b A 1 : | €% rate charges 'Withe sams 8s & line of tYDS. the late pardon, beloved wife of] receive rewahd. py - % i I | anywhere, any F Bpecial rate for yearly advertising he Inte Thomas Gilmore, in her A a 4 ) { i Murray's Auction Rooms, ~-----Npuh request. avr. or -- -- RIF--Left in the Odd Feligws' ; 5 ; wu - (5 i are = Publishers reserve the right 6 88It I HOWE_At Green Point on Nov. 8rd, HR OAT nay have SoS pd : J a 5 i i = or Jejaat all classified advertising Jennet Rowe Ying to Caretaker, Odd Fellows | * KEMP--At uw ¢ h ) Toltinone 248; ask for a wsat ad. ath, DI a hatation, on Navi ample a years : g ~ [ } : all branches of insurance in © eral took place from his late resi-| ton Street. Owner y fod EX Vi by 3 { } i companies of highest hw nolal Classified Display i 30 Tuesday afternoon to] 163 Stuart street or b b c : jog. asl Ring Fire Bast - ge's Cathedral. eee a 4 V i | is i (Sew, on 1134 Cataraqul UMBRELLA-Left at 500 Princess St E F , i RDI. o ; Saturdey night. Owner may have : 3 i } | FIRE---Automoblle and Casualty Mc RDH In Bloomfield on Nov. Ind. | ame at above address. a | ance. B. M. Crumley, 430 Earl iy B. Morden, in his 61st year. ! j { i. . 4 k » .{ "Phone 1783-M . NO aay comand on Ot, 0th | YALE KEY -- Found, : . 1. FE | . 9 and Insurance. h Tripp, belov wife of Caleb! Montreal Sat a morni * a Fire, Accident on | Writing All Kinds of we Noxon, aged 77 years. may have same at Whig Office. / . ! n n retiable companies, diss LKINSON----In North Maryasbu on 5 m r Imperial Life Insurance, Brock and Wellington Sts. Oct. 30th, Rose Cragg, wife of John 3 8 ; Phones: Dice Iie Bu 010m 'Phone 2051 Wilkinson, in hes 650th year ht in A h e. Mono 7 . 4 - 4 ---- YELL BY. LM. 8. Y x y 'pho 1 -d d . SS % > - INSURANCE-Only the most rell AOWLEY--In Kingston at the Ho-| T° an mie & - . -- > od. tel Dieu Hospital on Nov. sth, 1926.1 82 de SRie sod , « 3 Bu. N = - > ery Sihod In ¥ 6 ORiee § Anne EMaabeth Yellowiey : Ss 3 ! a abianed In Iv Post Oten 8 reofri Funeral Trem her late residence, 69 YY EY 4 . ----_ : » ERR dower Union, Thursda: - po { RE eg 1 4 Perfection oll cookers 10 am. to Bt Marrs TCatnDE at : : E | Decorators Ba Also cheap congoleum Where a solemn requiem maas will be yung for the repose of her soul. : . - 2 na | A. ANDERSON--Palnter and Funeral private. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY rugs. Shop and residence 'phone 1986. i . flee 255 King St Turk's Store IN MEMORIAM, to sam $180 to $ip0. Selling Personal = ; at dresting Cards. Biggest SeASOH ROW | ie ------ 4 { ---- - A . 5d § ! { | : | ERNIE D. SLITER--insurande § 51 SUM OF MONEY-- ound Welling- . i B #1 - In loving memory of Harold Will Samples free. Hi tence : EE Cay " "SER TUR PAN TING--ARG DApeLIng : lo ¥ 0 olé tam | on amples free. Selling experience] ' A 'tices reasonable, PHONE 1705. (Cordon, who died November 8th, 1523, GBheceastury Write to-day "Master Help "Wanted : A > EC Sr -- Kraf 5 ac 7 pi A for Me pllomion, i Lraft Greeting Car + Toronte. EN eT r= wood Street "hone 3984-J. Deep tn our hearts lies a picture, esting : : Positions Wanted ¢ 11 . - Of & loved one laid to rest; ' ---- SIGN PAINTING=J. 5 Rod rear in memory's frame we will keep it ELDERLY MAN--Very active, respect-| poo sro nota eed for atu-| ANTHRACITE CO ve. Chestnut! _¥(5 bagot Street _----_ MARINE Because he was one of the best. A FEW SALESMEN-- With ability £0} 'abie and reliable, would like to adtend| gol" (Ura of Princess Strost prefer.| 8nd pea coal. The nut and stove af == - % fan Wily missed by mother, father and] develop to managerial positions. are| furnaces in any business house or red. Apply Box P-§, Whig Office $15.25 from car, delivered. Car of pea amily. required by the Montreal Life lngur. - residence. For further informhtion Jul. Amy eo ---------------- » rriy Off the urs $11.60. Or-| ance Company. Insurance experiend 'phone 2188-w or apply 2 Cooper St. NTE -- . -- Apply C '. Neville, 159 | FRONTENAC . AN ND The tug Muscalonge of the Sinmac IN MEMORIAM. not essential We train you. An op- : = WANTED BY SENILENAN Sarm.| nay EDIT Satoh jFRUNT 2G 140 KN ANE ' y portun! sr men with ambition tol SEK EEPE - < ton o e ) y ard, rier eesa---- -- 1 A 14ne, arrived ut Richardson s sieves Roy ahd Who ¢ od a rg row up With a young. aggressive com- | Harn excellent. references eh, a Jocasion. & i DRY HARDWOOD 3400 load Dry i I LO ee 4 tor Sunday, and cleared for Montreal | 1515, at Mowat Memorial Sanftoriom ny; Apply for interview by lelter to] Write to Box M+, Whig Office Apply Box Fs, Walg Office. Wil softwood siabs; $3.00 Hard coke, Stove | Ion on cit) and farm properties; In @ with the barges Burma and Redding- > Box 0-3, Whig Office. n-ne m-------- Ry All I . | size $10.50 ton. Hard pea coke, $7.09! vestment. Bonds bought and sold, & Though othe forge 25% YOUNG MAN--- Owning a good truck, # ton. Peat $12.00. 'P e 2440 iw. W.| posits received interest = ors may rget you, . > 2 ton. As pass the flying years, HARE TONEY AT HOMEY ou tan desires a position Phos i a4 frm where C. Bruton, -290 Wellington Street. minimum monthly ba OM : 4 earn . 0 3 &n hour in you hp may obiadn steady Smployment. Ap. = # --- | Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence The Sinmac tug Eureka passed The friends na rly Somainber spare time writing showeards. No can-| ply Arthur Calver,*Bath, Ont. Box 14.| FARM, 30 ACRES---More or less, town-| LUMBER--Rough and dressed, iso |: . ARE Hi Cas down Sunday for Montréal with the 1 Mine you stil} t h . wvassitig or soliciting; we lastruct you {sree r ee cx == | ship of Storrington, 3 miles south of| shingles and lathe satin finish harg-| barges Compton and Ashland, which " and supply you with work. . Write to- Real Estate For Rent Battersea, with or without stock and] wood flooring, all kinds, stovewogod | Borage . . Though all the friends knew of 61d. day. he Menhenitt Company, Limit-} ____ "" ---- ee | 'implements. For pariiculars apply to] Resawing and planing. J. Peters & bad been loaded with coal at Sodus. | SIORE0 SH the friends you knew o "| ed. 31 Dominion Building, Toronto. | we Piat Melvilie Ritchie on premises. Son, doraer Brock and | Toronto | STORAGE---For furniture, The lighter Warrenko of the Pyke | Forget, in the re. o ft 4 | Aparuncats and Vere ee | Streets. "Phone $89. Alry rooms and spaces; you Sowards', | 1 will remember th y ean AG SMART. RELIARLE BOY... Wanded far) Real Estate For Sale rag ce | aud key. Frost's Clty fleet, is unloading coat at wars * | Doing His will, 1c Years You spent, | Richardson Laboratory, Queen's Uni-|3 ROOMED APARTMENT--Private bath . --~ GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD-- 3¢5 Queen St ° baring brought a cargo from Scdus Remembered b versity; with some knowledge of ele-| in the downtown section. Telephone: ¥ Mother. Saturday. Concession street, for used lumber at! or 1833-J. mentary chemistry. Salary _ 00 per| office 1878 or residence 1533-w. Houses 14 $ "- ftouth. Apply to Dr. James Miller. i ¢ The steamer T. S. Hamilton is"tied CARD OF THANKS. tetramers seen. 1 thousand, new lumber and! ~-------- ---- a les, lowest price possibie; hi {BOYD'S STORAGE WARKHOUDS - | ROOMS AND APARTMENTS For rent ROUSE POR SALE-LARG to let in CH and mixed wood, Soft an re alaba | tutniuire oF Any ercnsadias, 1 YOUNG MAN - Experienced with!' in Whitney Hotel block, 29 Brock St.| parts of the city. wo farms, wou Phone for prices. Phone 2753J. proof bullaing. 'Facbe | or 8p at the M.T. dock and will likely a ~ 3 Joe aun Samily wisn hd Neils fing and Putin groceries or Rent Yate Apply 69 Brock St exchange. Beg List at office. Insurance. - a ------ : aE EI -- be the first of the C.S.L. boats t0 be | kindness and sympach oS OF the| i delivery department. Light, steady] me srsma emo | Mobey to loaf. PARKER'S WOODY ARD-- 660 Johnson Misoccnancous ald here for the winter so the Spay hon them, al- work. References required. Apply| Sa J. O'CONNOR, Street. 'phone 1433-J. For good wood | Be up thi i No 105. 5.48 | Dutes received @uring their recent sad| Anderson Bros, Princess and Division | 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1183-J. | try Farkers Best dry hardwood 33.15 | ASHES--Cieaned out of cellars and xr Nev 101 £.35 ? m : Nov heteavement, : a | 230 ACRE FARM---To rent or ou shares, | gg per load, mixed hardwood, $3.50; slabs am. No. v 3 mL; Nov. 000. SiE--17 rooms. 3 plece Dath qt yards, clean job done. A. M » : JAMES REID Female Help Wanted gi '1owhanip of beditra, Tossession 1st' snd AN Tent, stable 3 i0ce ath $2.1 34 Russell Sirevt. 'Phone 2356 h, Ili No. 103, 4.15 am.; ordon- | . i {| of March. One mile from ohpese o~ 430 em.; Daniels, 8.10 am.: i Newly decopated. A bargain for Lime-| SW ¢ The oni pS-- od ftom yard and eels whmmemm---- | y, store and church, aise near Py ly Geo. Batemal 11 v isi ARE rr ont ORiy ASHE Remov ¥ . EXPERIENCED C0OOK-- General, with | Apply Box N-§, Whig Office. J male pix, Gea e LL 111% yan ope Fats Eh rE Sw b ish. | jars; general sarting fray Slaas J Mapleheath, 10 p.m.; Winnipeg, 11 CESS references. Apply betwedn 2 and 3 SEER A EE SE - f always on| Buckies Trenster 133 Tors y $ i H : x Mixed and soft slabs always on | Buckley Transfer, 143 York i pm.; City of Hamilton, midnight. . Bae Johnson . Street or ties] Houses » For o Lar "| 'Phone 291 and 3516-M. 3 a stt------ - emt - ou Arti hy ticles # Or Sal - e-- 3 ---- i ---------------------- Down--Nov. th, Kampioops, 2.30 \ * > x | BRICK MOUSE--Cor. Princess and Al- ra LW. Hl. NORMAN W ance | RADIO SERVICE---Just 'phone 1207 fog a.m.; Lethbridge, 5.15 a.m. Maple: The Undertaker Agents anted 4 bert streets, all conveniences, gitetrie Miscellaneous wl U « . "0 3 ood} radio service, supplies; sets. Oped day gston , ights and gas. hot Water eating a @ t n nd annda Radio Stores. ton, 6.30 am. City af Kin - RELIABLE SALES AGENTS---Winted| combination furnace, fireplace, garage, | - - Ee le o 4 r. i} A 0 p.m.; Nov. Sth, Pillsbury, 12.35 now for ¢ unrepresented district;| large, diy celiar. For particulars ap-| ANDIRONS -- Fenders, fire gereans--| $3.75; hardwoc d, $3.50 Exper: Plane Tuning, : lebrooke, 3.45 am.; Nov isrgest and complete stock. six hundred! piy 578 Princess Street. Phone 1421-w.| everything for frepiaces. - Partridge ft wood xpe 0 «+ 'Map! By Sh 2M : NERAL HOME acres. Nursery established forty, Wire and Iron Works, plating in sii- 5. Deliv o 1845:F | Piayer-Plane AQjusting. Richards, 3.30 am.; Langell, years. Our agency is valuabie. Write SEVEN ROOMED--Cement Block House| Ver. nickel, etc, Kiug St. Phone 380. Sl i Phoné ' 49 COLBORNE ST now, and secure territory. Jelham furnace, ail improvements, on Sixth | hed. , ory. hd 5 iw am. AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. Nursery Co. Teronto. Strést. Newly decorated. $2500 per| BRECK~--Stock, pressed. Rug Rusti | C. W. LiNUsSAY, LIMITED pr re eee | month. Apply H. F. Norman, 68 Pat-| wire cut, building Me and drain tile. | . -- | UPHOLSTERIN --ARd general To a TAKES GIRL FROM SCHOOL us NOTRE DAME ALUMNAE Fick Sureut. an A. Reai, S14 Sunsion > ins BU [reusamy.we Are now open to buy all | lag. Leave orders St or drop & CAR i 4 4 MNAE. - . i See < Ve Or dressed poultry.| to FF. W. 0. 104 Cler Sureet, te | Parlors: ¥74 : Kn 0 FLL pussy sui good congiion| fileuen cas pricee' SL oa 'motugi| Ekie Soop 1 OU CiareY Suieebf And Places Her in the Bellew ors: Princess Street Rev. Father Callaghan Is A ae i | returns rite or 'phone for prices to | Emsam Children's Shelter. Ambulance Phone 569 . 2 FURNISHED ROOMS -- Suitable for vd, 331 . 1 taken from Yarker | Chaplain. light housekeeping. gas and electric i.» A girl was od dt = H. a At the monthly meeting of thé light, £3, bathioo Nat; use of tele-, "71.3 cotaves, ebony Keys; in excellent' .F EA pi 21 I by Chief of Police po ANNER AKER AND BuBALMER Alumnae Association of Notre Dame 2 wo. - - voanditive. i ise Se. ems; $30 ------ = i ' : ; Barrett of Napanee The girl, who is | Sad Batterses. RR i] er ae Convent, held on Nov. 4th, the mem-| FURNISHED ROOMS-- Good locality] oy, "Lid. HY Princess Sireet. | KinasToN-AvTO TOF AND BODY OO, . r . hot and cold runnifig water, in each --Makers of Auto, Buggy. Boat about twelve years of age, had been P. H. ROBERTS, bers had the pleasure of greeting the| room, well heated. Reasonable terma. i b 3 STONE DIAMOND RING--Modern set- mss | and | Cushions. | Coumumercial, 3 newiy-appointed chaplain, Rev. Fath-{ 182 Johuson stress, corner Frontenad| tng, natural gold with white a Coupe bodies, Californie Tops and n the limelight abofit a week before, Undertaker and Embalmer or Ih: i 'wh 2p int ib Phone 997-1 Wn Dios $18 Worth. twice That 21! hoistering. Awnings and Tenis when she was "kidnapped" from the ? AMBULANC! ' Shan, 0 Was introduced by - - amount. Apply Bax K-5, Whig Office, i . ; E, the president, Mrs. F. J. O'Connor. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS -- oni. © | DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER W A egal, ; ed out to be . -! On behalf of the association and in & ign: ahd an TAPS T5i| TIVO, TRACTOR PLOWS. Furrdwy | Maloelin Corner of Bartie ang Fin. | The "kidnapping" turne o ' e electric s . ke ply 318 . . , one ajmiost new; Beatty Stalls, Stanvh.| Sess Streets. Chiropractic , adjum- || Ww I oe L ¢ farce. but the last adventure isl] w= | yory tordial manner, Mrs. O'Congor| Di¥Siua. Street. " tony and Litter Carriers, Do LAVAL sep-] Menta, electric trestmvents aid hand- Auto recking Co. p En massage. X- . % oentainly not. According to other CUT FLOWERS welcomed Father Callaghan, referred | LARGE, ROOM--Suitable for two peo-| hinio sand Engines A few used En-| {10 free. Hours id mm at | Que ton bard Tr teand | school child: the child came to WED! ETS to the fact that the Rev. Father's rep-| Pie. iadies or géntiemen. 243 Sydenham| jrost & Wood Agency, 31 Brock St | Evenings » Appointment. Office tele- | 4oiumoblic Parts for all ay » aorntes very wéak || ARTISTI DN TS Gi(B utation as a teacher was already firme | sae so Phone §35-J or 1317-F. phone 833-J. Residence 'phone $41-J. sohool in the a C i 8 3 Ss EE --- care. ! . . == LUCYw=lito. F. and Jeunie A, Chi Secalifh, ang ly - un, badly bruised from being KIRKP 3G - ||}v established and also to the plea-|chapel of the Convent on Sunday, Furniture 18a so GRIF [| peter $4100 to 36.00. conditio! y : ATRICK S sure which the congregation of - St. pe ¥ gree Registered Nurse, 302 Bagot » Fl : A ST OLLITT i AR : oh Nov. 21st at 3.30 p.m. also 'that a} Con viTURE-- Ant peel . . ry ROSEN & P ¥ When Ohio! Barrett went~to the EAAND Flo Ia gRE iMary's Cathedral has enjoyed from | series of three lectures will be deltv-| furniture sok ama bought « M. Cram: | orto Coneuliatios tree Phone 2T6-w, 140 RIDEAU ST. ac ds wirl, he was. not in s jime $8 Sime} in roaring Father Cal- dred by Father Callaghan = during] $5 507 Princess Street, successors to] SKIN BLEMISHES -- Fair, uniform and the teacher, not know- y | laghan the pulpit. Mrs. O'Connor : February, March and April. * SON AnLiqus BoD. esen Beara Pita ste Tomoven ls , Cancers, | == REE tng him, declined to allow the child | Kent farmers have been informed | felt that in appointing Father Cal-| pyrther arrangements were made Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. Ir. Stistectory Glasses fitted and| Automoniies Tor Sale ie . #0 go unless she accompanied her.|ihy the county high constable that, |laghan as chaplain, His Grace the|or the tea and sale which had 'been > -- Goltre ny withhe, ave faiied. | 3 She did not want to have a Fepsti- owing ta the backward season, har- Archbishop had bestowed a more than | decided upon at a previous meeting, | 'oan: Sie Cortina, Sip Carers Se) fou experince' Dr. Eimer age po Conarion: cans only Xpok bd "tion of the kidnapping trouble, She | yesters of beets on Sunday w ordinary privilege. A this gvent ar .| dan uphoistering and decking, wind- ° Usiversity Avenus, between § and ge the child t¢ Belleville | ha prosecuted under the ion Day In his reply Father Callaghan ex- the date of this grent are to be ad-| [LL ,J%nq beds Siass put in Wars you] esol Sirest. Phone iw. House 11385 | 5 The i s Produce Co, fad. PIANO- Morris upright, walnut case, | oo 8 treet, Kingston, Ont. Tele- | 347 King atreel. 'Phone is. red, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 288 | in good condition: cash only. Apply vanced to the 16th and 17th of No-| wait, linoleum and edging for rum- ren's shelter and when the girl set pressed great pleasure at meeting the | yamber. Ring boards, Waterproof truck thrpade a------ e-- 1 b | "wood tires and finksh Good mecha ' : dition, extras, very o ortable CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers! cori No . Princess Street. 'Phana 1840-F. was overjoyed. . The parents are | ypown Canadian newspaper woman, | those present for their cordial wel- Sa their troubles in court. ; | member of National Council of Wo-|¢ome, but thought that the president! Snows, Spys. MacIntosh, Sweets,| = Barley sugar for children, GIS Kagsion AB. naa Strew, : ie---- . men, afid former editpr of Catholic'|had been altogether too generous in| Baldwins, Kings, Greenings, etc., at] son's. \ Cyril M. Smith. | FORD TOURING CAR--Chesp for quis . Register, is dead ia Toroato. + {her complimentary remarks. He add-| Carnovsky'ss Hamilton police started out to ce. OAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and sale. Apply 10 Colborne Breet Crime cost Wisconsin takpayers |éd that It would afford him much round up Klansmen who they had| Solicitors, $8 Ciarenca Street, King- - " | ON CHEVROLET Oot $5,500,000 in 1922, according to pleasure also to co-operate with the! Primcess Astrid, of Sweeden,| been informed were about to burn Do as aah Aen fave | "ogpped Apply King Baitery yy Prof. J. L. Gillin, University of Wis- [association and to support, as far as| bride of Prince Leopold, of Bel |a fiery cross on the mountain. When i Yve . consin sociologist. in his power, the objects for which it; gium, was given a tremendous popu-| they had surrounded the party they SHEACAmUI, DA 2 Hater Khel SALE OF SED--Open and closed 1 "To give work to the army of un- [had besa organized. lar greeting when she arrived herg|discovered that it was a Y.M.CA.| 8nd Brock ever Royal Bask. Money |_Aeply King St) derage. Thoms employed in Cadchoslovakia the gav-| It was then arranged that a sermon! at as on Monday and was|camp- ~which . was being held te loan. "Phone 1384. | it makes it Sauder Tor readers to ernment is starting an extensive [and benediction of the Most Blessed miet by her husband and members of! with the authority of the police. W. HERRINGTON Darriaier, Soil: Be Jour telephone Dumber sad road building progranime. Sacrament would be given In the the Belgian royal family. Barley sugar sticks at Gibson's. ton Strest "Phone S48-w. street ad i -. ' Barristers | COUPE = Two passenger, six eyll thet she was to be left there! Missy Margaret I. Hart, well | members, thanked Mrs. O'Connor and iins and awnings made to order. 381 anil Soticitors 81 ve Bushel Hampers of Apples. BA, BRINGING UP FATHER © = #e-m bu & a Hl 8 QUERSe RAST RE Mon 1S TOUGH. Ve Fo O00 IT! Al | u I 70 1928 ov tars Feanme Sowell ha? Crt Bowen cht survey;