BOYS' OWN ANNUAL GIRLS' OWN ANNUAL Place your order now at R. UGLOW & CO. "HANLEY'S (Established 1871) Steamship es| TO USE THE booked to all parts of | Alarm the world. Pass- Clock ports arranged. We carry only reli- Througn tickets msued over all | Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pscifie, Alaska, | able and guaranteed makes. 15150 wp to $6 Kinnear & d'Esterre . Linea. ¢ Prepaid passages arranged for it Jou desire to bring relativas or JEWELLERS 168 PRINCES" STREET fo friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. ey, C.P. & TA, CN Riys. Canadian National | Ji Rlys. Station, corner Johnson and | Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. O per | day and night. 'Phones 99 or 2837 | COAL We fre mow taking orders for Seranton and Virginia Anthracite Steve, Nut and Fea Coal. Also Bisck Gem snd Pocahontas Semi Hard. Our 1 is all weighed op the Si You get twenty hun- area at i 5 Let ve I ut 6 p.m, ATHENS CREAMERY GOES UP IN FLAMES Poultry House, Fi Fifty Hens and a Dog Were Also Burned. Athens, Nov. 9.--Again has the | tire-flend been busy in our midst, { and, ony Saturday evening last, per- | petrated an infernal prank reduc- Ing to a heap of smouldering debris, the splendid creamery just east of the village. | At about 8.30 p.m. the clamor- {ous fire alarm announced the dis. ; covery of the conflagration, and . || presently the lurid gleam on the | evening sky indleated to all, | a wide ares, the } | blaze, Soon, numbers from Jown and over location of the | countryside congregated to witness the woeful waste, and render what | nesistance they could, as the pro- | prietor, Willlam Wright, ana his | tamily had gone to Brockville at leaving everything arently in good condition. { Since the purchase of this pro- | perty, a few years ago, the owner | has made alterations and improve lj | ments, until now it was one of the | best equipped creameries in Eastern | Ontario. - In addition to the loss of the | building and machinerqg, it is sald | that a number of cheese and a | quantity of butter were consumed, { together with an adjacent poultry | house and some fifty hens, also an | Airdale dog. The dwelling, about three rods distant, was in imminent {| danger, but the wind, blowing in a | favorable quarter, carried the | flames in another direction, while | the garage was saved only by the | heroic efforts of the voiuntary fire- | fighters. For many years the late Horace | Brown conducted this business as | a cheese factory, and later Richard | Henderson, now of Moose Jaw, | Sask., was proprietor for many years, disposing of it to his cousin, | James Henderson, now of Kemp®- ! ville, who sold it, a few years ago, ' AYLESWORTH BROS. Or "phone U. BR. Knight, 1795-w, Mr. Charles O'Hara, Madoe, cele brated his ninety-fourth birthday on Tuesday. Mr. O'Hara believes he could still make a good showing in a foot race. chine. Atternoon Bowling Ladies and Gentlemen, Attention ! From this date, Afternoon Bowling of five pins will be at the rate of ten cents astring on all afternoons with the exception of Saturdaysand Holidays. Venetian Gardens Bowling Academy Harrison Bullding Phones 200, 2820 V BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newporl Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. "Phone 811, HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" JHALLIDAY E! ELECT [RIC CO. RADIO! RADIO! RADIO! See our window for Special Prices on Radio Sets. Your chance to buy your set at a bargain ! Come Quick and Avoid Disappointment. The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441. Rich appearance, W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET See us Tor all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on mew floes inld. Mave your hardwood floors cleans ed with eur sew floor cleaning ma. | only temporary relief until to the present owner of the prem- jses, William Wright, for whom much sympathy is éxpressed as he is a general favorite throughout the entire community. Corns Removed By Foot Bath Take a minute night and morning to apply Putnam's Corn Extractor. Follow later by a hot foot bath, and off drops the corn or callous. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor brings that glorious feeling--it stops the pain with the first application. Costs little. You will find it absolute per- fection. See if this is not so. Take only "Putnam's." Sold by all drug- gists. Quickly Relieved by Tanlac Mother of 7 Children Gets Back Former Vitality and Vigor. Rec- ommends Tanlac to Anyone, Mme Henri Beott, 7 Lecavas Her Street, Mont- real, recently said: * For three years my condition was such that I had no desire to even do the ordinary house- hold duties. 1 was troubled with indi gestion. Everything - I ate formed a lump in my stomach and at times I was unable to hold my food down, and would have headaches that lasted for hours. My nerves were bad and noises would nearly drive me out of my head. "I consulted a doctor who gave me some medicine which afforded I was ad- vised by a friend about Tanlaec. "1 began taking it and after two bottles noticed a great change in my condition. I can now enjoy my meals and work without any Il ef- fects and the pains in my stomach are gone. [am my old self again and recommend Tanlac to anyone." Tanlac, nature's own remedy made from roots, barks and herbs, is sold by your druggist. IF BACK HURTS FLUSH KIDNEYS Drink Plenty Water and Take Glass of Salts Before Breakfast Occasionally. 'When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a 4 and irritate the entire urinary tract. | Keep your kidneys clean like you keep | your bowels clean, by flushing them | with a mild, harmless salts which helps to remove the body's urinous waste and stimulate them to their = The fastivits ction of the kidm is to oy filter the blood. In 24 hours they kidneys active. : Drink lots of good water--you can't drink too much: also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Barts, Jake 4 tatieaponniul 15 4 las iot of drugs that excite the kidneys |. Makes Hair Behave But Doesn't SHOW! There's a way to keep your hair just so, without any of that objection- able, "plastered-down' look. Just use a few drops of Danderine-- comb it through hair, or use a - Danderine- dampened towel--you"ll be amazed at the way your hair then behaves, and its beautiful lustre! Any permanent wave or water wave | lasts much longer and looks much nicer when Danderine is used instead of water to "set" the wave. Of course, you know what Dande-| rine does to dandruff! Dissolves | every bit of it. Puts scalp in the! pink of condition. Invigorates hair | and hair-roots.- Why use anything else? . Ask Your Druggist Get a bottle of Danderine and start | its benefits to-day. Every drugstore | as it, for only 36c. .For the finest is you could find, and the! best aid to hair health yet discover- ed, just try-- ~~ Danderine | GANANOQUE J Gananoque, Nov. 9.--On Saturday | afternoon, the home of Mrs. Delmar | Ferguson, R.R. No. 2, umn wedding when the Rev. C. L.| Cross united im marriage her step- | dghkhter, Miss Grace Stafford, and Sthart Kelsey, cheesemaker, Sand | Bay. The bride 'looked very lovely | in a gown of sandalwood crepe eatin | and wearing a corsage bogquet of carnations. The wedding march was played by her mother. After the ceremony a dainty lunch was serv- ed after which the happy couple left for western points on their honey- moon, the bride travelling in a rose- wood coat, fur trimmed, with hat to match. On Wednesday there will be | a reception at the home of the bride's mother. Redvers Thompson and Bruce Ma- bee attending the O.A.C. College, Guelph, are home for the holidays. Miss Mildred Jackson attending "Varsity, was home for the holiday __A{ ¥ith her parents, J. Arthur and Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. George Dowsley is spending a few./days with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. H, A. York and Jack Beatty motored to Montreal and other eastern points, on Thursday last, and saw the game in Montreal on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Mabee who have been spending the past few weeks at their farm in Simcoe county returned home on Friday. Clayton Walker, of the School of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent 'a couple of days in town this week. He is spending the holidays at his home in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs, James Kane and children, Kingston, spent Sunday in town: with Mr. and Mrs. Conboy. CRIME COMMISSION. Members From New York State to Visit Kingston. The Crime Commission of New York State is to visit the peniten- tiary on Wednesday. The commis sion was created by the state legisla- ture, and ig headed by Bemator-Caled H. Baumes, Newburgh, N.Y. Its purpose is to follow up, on a broad- er scale, the work of the Baumes legislative committee, whose re- commendations were largely adopted by the legislature at its 19268 ses- | sion. The members who will visit Kingston are: Senators Caleb H. Baumes, Newburgh, chairman; John Knight, temporary president of the senata; Arcade _ Arcade, B. Roger Wales, Binghamton. Assemblymen Joseph A. McGin- nies, Ropley, speaker of the assem- bly; Burton D. Esmond, Ballston Spa, and Walter Gedney, Nyack. Col. George Fletcher Chandler, Kingston, formerly head of the state | police of New York state; Thomas | 8. Rice, Brooklyn; David 8. Taylor, Buffalo; Willlam Lewis Butcher, and Jane M. Hoey, New York. Hon. W. F. Nickle, K.C., has been asked to ating the hearing at To- roato. p To Do Stook Threshing. Kilmarnock, Nov. 4---A number of farmers have fialds of buckwheat in stook © waiting for convenient weather to stook thresh. Miss Ines Huffmann, Sharbot Lake, has re- turned home after two weeks visit with her cousin, Miss Mandy Haw- ley. Robert Hawley and William Huffman, of § t Lake, My, and Mrs. Charles Huffman, Perth, at Mr. John Hawley's, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Warren and family spent | Sunday at Baston's Corners, guests) of Evans Warren. Prank Tallman! farnisned electricity for the moving | pletare in Vanluven's .school, Wed- | nesday evening. A number from here are attending the dry ] | tion at Spencerville to-day. - Three homes in Stamford were entered by burglars and sixteen | Dominion bank shares, nine Victory bonds, watches, jewelry and cash taken. . , The body of William Manzer, Woodstock. commercial traveller, missing, was found in the Thames River. A clear case of suicide. i Defeated Intercollegiate Team | ij handed them a 12-0 shutout in the | wing, 'was 'the scene of a very pretty aut- { gether. o IFEX GRADIATES...|.. . WON RUGBY GAME! in Exhibition Monday by 12 to 0. ' Queen's Old Boys laid on the brush to the present day team and exhibition game staged yesterday in connection with the Queen's Uni versity Olid Boys' celebration this week. The "veterans" were the team of superiority almost through- out the game and only when "Irish" Monohan began to rip things up did the Old Boys have to slep off the top rung. The Old Boys' half-line, | consisting of Harding and Leadley, | Camp Borden and Tigers respective- | (rn were too much for Queen's and {much of the credit for the result belongs to them. Leadley booted beautifully and gave the crowd thrills by his daring returns and a field goal. The Old Boys, while they show- ed the effects of not being together made a remarkable showing apd they had a team that, with practice, | could step with any team playing football to-day. They pulled off a few trick plays that had the pre- sent day players up the proverbial tree and they tackled like fiends. "Smut" Veale, whg has been doing reguiar duty with Tigers at outside "Bud" Thomas and "Stew" McInnes were in the thick of the tackling and the other members of the team did their end of the work The Old .Boys team had the old fighting spirit all the time and | when they tired, fresh reserves were | Fushed in to relieve the situation. * Campbell at flying wing, Dr | rear Evans at quarter, "Unk" Muirhead and "Red" McKelvey | were in the thick of it most of the | Gananoque, | time and generally were relieved to- | Jack Bond exhibited some | { great stuff om the half-line while | "Tiny" Adams, Bert Airth, Jimmy | Saylor, Aron Carson, Eddie Dolan, | | Drew, Burns and Shaw contributed noble work. Dr. Johnny handled | | his team with the same grace and | | charm that marked him as of yore | Bond; and he was relleved by the "ever! alert Eddie Dolan, who assumed | the duties of quarter-back with' the ability of even Richard Dix. The! "veteran'" team played like present | day champions and might have | made the seore anything they pleas- | ed to make it, had the timers given them even more chance than they did. Queen's present day team was | minus the services of "Snag" Skel- ton and Carl Voss, the latter suf- fering from an injury received at| the game in Montreal on Saturday. i It was a good game of foot plenty of spectacular worl) That | exhibited and there was also plenty | of amusing situations that ¢id not" escape the crowd. The Old Boys were handled from the bench by T. A. McGinnis, who showed rare | judgment and foresight i The Old Boys ripped through | Queen's line at the start and made | them like it. Leadley's beautiful long kick was dropped by Batstone | and he recoveréd the ball to drop | on it for a rouge | Queen's lost 15 yards when no- | body seemed to know where the ball | was tb go. Batstone kicked to Leadley who returned the ball from his own 45-yard line over Chant- ler's' head. The ball rolled over the line and Chantler was rouged, Old Boys' held Queen's. at centre and secured the ball and Leadley booted to Queen's 10-yard line. Bat) stone kicked but Leadley returned to the same place again. An ex- change gave the Old Boys the ball twenty-five yards out and: from there Leéadley put over a beautiful field goal. Queen's 0, Old Boys 5. Queen's began to open up {he play and on a series of passes in which Batstone, Chantler and Brit- ton in turn handled the ball, made a great gain but the first one from Batstone to Chantler was a forward pass, which the officials either missed or. let slide. The Old Boys were not to be outdone; however, and a lLeadley to Harding run brought the stands to their feet | again. But again the present day team worked it, Batstone taking a pass from Chantler to make a gain of 40 yards. There was plenty of lively foot- ball going and end runs were fea- tured by both teams. After a run of 40 yards on a pass from Harding to Leadley, Leadley tried a field goal from 35 yards out but the ball went into the scrimmage and Queen's secured. Leadley kept up his practice of returning Batstone's kicks and did some great work. Chantler Batstone worked well for good gains and in the meantime Monohan steamed through the line for good grins. Condition was telling on the Old Boys and for a while they weak= ened. Leadley kicked to "Batstone on the line and the latter returned to Johnny Evans, who stood walit- ing for the ball A fumble by Batstone gave the Old Boys the ball at midfield and Leadley kicked to Chaatler who was grassed for a safety touch. Old Boys 7, Queen's 0. A Yumble by Harding gave Queen's the ball at Old Boys' 40- yard line but the latter were stop- Jed, On the exchange Old Boys be- to rip things and smashed through Queen's line for good gains. Leadley punted to Batstene and the Jatter tried an omside om the first down. Leadiey secured the ball, ran 2 short distance across field and kicked. The ball rolled along the ground and in the fumble, "Red" McKelvey picked up tne ball and went over for a try just as the final whistle sounded. Final Oid | Veale, { Innes, i vey; | insides, and | is the choice of millions. Brown label 75c 1b. Orange Pekoe Blend 85c¢ Ib. | Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK ral & GPupupupup, ELE] YY PY EY PEP IPRP EE AR Raid idld pr 1 © 6 +4 La JB er Yr ¥ Se WE Rpt +4 EI Soll did Lani ld. ld Se a (ges ne (4 f [§ Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand , ray on Our Spacious Floors. THREE PIECES FOR THE PRICE OF TWO--ONLY $235.00 | SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2" Walnut or Oak wood Nnishes. CONTINUOUS POSTS o DS | Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. 90 SPIRAL SPRING or ALI-STEEL wow. EN WIRE with heavy cable sides----soft and resent, SIMMONS' ALL-FELT MATTRESS in Shed strong" art Ueking, 4 perial edges. JAMES REID THE HOME OF PURE BEDDING po beli; halves, quarter, lor; insides, middles, Harding, snap, Say- Muirhead, Adams; McKelvey, Airth; outsides, Thomas; esubs.. Carson, Me- Dolan, Drew, Burns, Shaw, Leadley, Evans; Ada. Queen"s--Flying wing, halves, Batstone, Chanptler, quarter, Baldwin; snap, Nagel; Hamilton, Shaw; middles, | Monohan, Howard; outsides, Walk- ler, Wright; subs, Durham, PF. | Wright, Young, Handford, Macpher- i son, Agnew. Officials--Prof. J. F. Macdonald, Jack Delahay, E. O. Sliter. ROAD RACES WERE HELD ON MONDAY Stagg Shield Won by Brown and Hoag Shield by Kent. Britton; McKel- A - great deal of interest was shown in the Y.M.C.A. road races which were run off on Thanksgiving Day. Only four boys were entered in the two-mile and five in the three-mile race Enough entries could not be secured for the five- mile therefore it was not run. The 'two-mile race for which the Stagg Shield is offered resulted' as fol- dition, a them, to ~a medicine and so bring quiet and rest. Fletcher's Castoria has been Those mothers will pecially prepared for boys 12, Queen's 0. : Olid Boys--Fiying wing. Camp- | finishing with a sprint The ills of infants and children should be so well known to the young- est of mothers that a reminder or a repetition of the symptoms of illness seems unnecessary, yet theré are some mothers who overlook a feverish con- little colic, or a disposition to be irrfallp. 14 not corrected they may lead to serious sickness. And to correct bring Baby back to its happy self, is so'easy by the use of Castoria prequel just {oF infants and children. will regulate the bowels (not Jace theft} aid digestion --~---- lows: Stuart Brown, V, Sherbino, 8s Moore and Jim Thompson. The 3 was 15 mins. 2-5 secs. The fink of Moore and Thompson for third place was especially keen, the Tacs The Hoag Shield, which is of &d for the three-mile race, was by "Joek'" Kent who came in al most "neck and neck" with Darling R. Darling and Ashby finished third and fourth. | The time was 17 mins. 4 2-5 sect E. Allen who entered the three-mile sprained his ankle and could not finish the race. The timers were; | James Bews, Frank Treneer and Ju Honsberger. T Son so -- ALL TIED UP, Varsity Stadium, Toronto, Nov. '. ] Varsity's English rugby team des feated McGill here Saturday afters | noon, § to 5, and evened the round in games and points The contest was featured by the work of the Varsity three-quarters, Batiye and Wallace in particular. the formes running 30 yards for the winning points after McGill had taken the lead in the second hdlf on a try by Noble, which Graham convertedy | Varsity got an unconverted try in the first half when Ramsay's kick was blocked pear his own line. V3 Certain natives of Australia puff | hobnails in the skin of the soles of their feet : doing this for over 30 years; lating the stomach and bowels of infants and children. It Castor Oil, so-called Soothing Syrups, SA rien' éoptnctivha in. The Hotes of their babies foods and medicines heir Sabies | -* To avoid imitations always look for the signature of Ztail -Regven directions on sach package. Physiciany guerywhere it