¥ Steamship passages en Wednesday, November 10, 1926. Rd PR WRLY a x YLT ih ws ull Dress Sis For the Dance and Social Events See our Tuxedos, Best quality cloth." PCE . «vise aZis ain sis oa +2 « awn + 340/00 FULL DRESS ACCESSORIES The very newest in Shirts, Collars, Ties, Silk Hanke chicts, White Silk Scarfs, Hose, etc. George Van Horne 213 Princess reet. 'Phone 362-w. | col in omens EL PRI a HANLEY'S * (Established 1871) We sre mow taking orders for Seranton and Virginia Anthracite Stave, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Blsek Gem and Pocahontas Semi Hard. Our Coal is all weighed on the elty scales. You get twenty hus. dred of conl for a ton. Let us have your order Tor your winter Coal. booked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports arranged. mean itntic tase pune smate || AYLESWORTH BROS. Bermuda, West Indies. Mediterran- | , ) oun. Rend os Woria Ban Or 'phone U. R. Knight, 1795-w, nes. Prepald passages arranged for 1t|™ mn you desire to bring relatives or friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N Riys. Office, Canadian National Rlys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. 'Phones 99 or 28537 The New Msg Shan ng Stick ForTender gos EMOLUENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC PIANO TUNING Walt er Cannem Tinsmith, Or and Furnace Work Jobbing a Specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired Afternoon Bowling Ladies and Gentlemen, Attention ! From this date, Afternoon Bowling of five pins will be at the rate of ten cents astring on all afternoons with the exception of Saturdaysand Holidays. Venetian Gardens Bowling Academy Harrison Bullding For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. » 'All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co, TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. "Phone 811, HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work 'at reasonable prices. . "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. | Betty, of fll | « Mrs. ll | from spending | Passed away on Saturday last in the | person of | The funeral services were conducted | The monthly meeting of the Woo The San Corner King and Princess Streets . RADIO! See our window for Special Prices on Radio Sets. 'Your, chance to buy your set at a bargain ! Come Quick and Avoid Disappointment. unders Electric Co. TELEPHONE 441. RADIO! RADIO! ' W. F. COURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET £2 E aaid 1 DIED- WHE STNG 17 DAUGHTER AT NAPANEE Late Mirs. Emma Weis} | Skitch-McKend Wedding te, at Cobourg. Napanee, Nov. 10.--~There died on. Monday morning at the home of h soti-in-law, Percy Madden, Kingston | Road, Mrs. Emma Wells in her 75th | | year. Deceased had been visiting ! her daughter tor the past six months | and only complained of being 111 for a few days. Heart trouble was the cause of her death. She leaves three daughters, Ms. Percy Madden, Na- panee; Mrs. J. Carr; Toronto; Mrs. Mary Grams, Bremerton, Wash, and three sons, Stanley, Ezekiel and | William, all in Elgin, Montana. The | remains will be taken to St. Mary's for interment in the family plot. She also leaves to mourn her death an aged mother in her 94th year in St. Mary's. Her daughter, Mrs. J. Carr and son, Harold, of Toromto, had | Tha come down to visit her for Thanksgiving. Deceased Was a wo- | man of many fine qualities beloved | | by her children and had many { friends who will be pained to heay acres, | of her death. A marriage of interest to Kend became the bride of Mr. Harry Skitch of Napanee. The marriage took place at the kome of the bride's mother, Mrs. George McKend. Rev. | Hon. Henry Cockshutt. near to Macdonnell street. The cost of the plant is $120,000. Bary nd A = THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG Pe -- ---- i -- ee RIDEAU PUBLIC SCHOOL Recently opened by the Lieutenant®iovernor of Ontario, It is located on Durham street, and The krounds minutes The recognized source of infor- mation towhich, by common con- sent, the com three munity turns, cover over | i i | Napa | neeans took place at Cobourg on No- s N i Yember 1st when Miss Violet Me-| : 1 i | IN ELECTRICAL RATES { T. W. Goodwill performed the cere- | | Utilities Commission to Ask { mony. The bride was given away| by her brother, Mr. Thomas McKend, of Toronto. She wore a becoming | | gown of bois de rose crepe with | pretty hat to match and corsage bou- i quet of ophelia roses and lily-of-the- | valley. Mr. and Mrs. Skitch left for a trip .before taking up their resi-| dence in Napanee: Major G. E. Hall, who has been | spending a couple of weeks duck! hunting at Hay Bay, returned to] Montreal on Sunday, Mrs. Hall spent | the week-end in town and accom-| panied Mayor dni! to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Atkins of To- ronto are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Scott. -~ Miss Celestine Daly, who 1s at- | tending Havergal College, Toronto, is spending Thanksgiving with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daly | Mrs. Fraser Holland and daughter, | Toronto, are with her mother, Mrs. John Fraser, for a few! { days, {| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roe and Mise Otive and Bert McMillan left on Sun- | day to spend a few days with Iriends| { in Rochester. Miss Nesbitt, of Robinson staff, spent Thanksgiving at home in Rort Hope. Dr. and Mrs. Beattie motored to] Toronto to spend the week-end. Miss Beamish is spending holiday at her home in Renfrew. | Miss Ethel Preston and Dr. H. F. Preston, of Toronto, spent Thanks- i giving with their father, D. H. Pres-| ton. ' Mrs. Willis J. Campbell, of Hamil- ton, spent Thanksgiving the guest | of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daly. Burritt returned this Co. | her } the | week | a few days in To-| | ronto. Miss Mildred Brown, of St. Anne | de Bellevue, is visiting with i parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Brown. Harold Jones, of Toronto, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Percy Madden. One of Napanee's oldest residents Wellington Mrs. Sarah Jane Parks, wife of Thomas Parks, Centre street. Deceased wasdn her eighty-first year. by Rev. W. R. Tanton at Trinity Church on Tuesday afternoon. The remains were interred in the family plot at Riverview cemetery. jmen's Institute was held on Tuesday |afternoon in the agricultural rooms: The president, Mrs. Alpine Wood, | the president called on Mrs. Mabel Kelly, who gave an interesting talk on her trip to England and France, where she | visited the battlefields of France and | Belgium. The Institute decided to] give 'a two-weeks course In home pursing the last two weaks of No- vember, and no doubt a great many twill take advantage of the classes. Mrs. M. O. Fraser of Syracuse is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. A. Gra- "ham, Mrs. Arthur Caton entertained »m Monday evening at a delightful bridge party. yo E, Keep Bowels Res and Stop Colds Colds-- whether in the head or any part of the bodyv--are guickly over- come by urging the liver to action and 'keeping the bowels free of Take Cascarets to-night and you will wake up with a clear head and no doubt you will wonder what became of your cold. Cascarets work while: you sleep; they cleanse and regulate | the stomach, remove the sour, undi. gested food foul gases: take the | excess bile an the liver and carry! off the the ed waste matter and poison from the bowels, : Remember the quickest way to get rid of colds is one or two Cascarets at night to cleanse the system. Get a 10-cent box at any drug store. i forget the children. They relish this Candy Cathartic and it is often all ihat is seeded to drive a cold from their little systems. | and domestic Hydro to Allow Ten Per Cent. Cut. Believing that the consumers! should derive a benefit from a sur- { plus in the electoral department, the members of the Public Utilities Com- | { mission will ask the Hydro-Electric | Commission for permission to reduce | rates | { the commercial and domestic by ten per cent. This was decided on at a meeting of the tommissioners held on Tues- day afternoon. Chairman R. N. F McFarlane and the general manager, | C. C. Folger, will wait on the Hydro- | Blect ric Commission in Toronto and ask for the reduction. The cost of power and street main the same, mitted some time ago, whiff a sub: stantial surplus was reported in the electrical department, the commis- sionerg felt that if possible a 're- duction should be made in the rates Following out the instructions of the commission, Manager Folger at Tuesday's meeting, submitted statement rates, charges now in force and comparing the relative consumption in each case over a period of five months He suggested that a reduction of ten per cent. b® made in commercial amd domestic rates Members of the! | Commission felt that this was a fair proposition to be put to the Hydro | Commission Halliday stated that in view of the shortage of power that this basis was a most reasonable one, On motion of Commissioner Har- ris, it was decided to have Chalr- man McFarlane and Manager Fol- ger go to Toronto and wait on the! Hydro-Electric Commission and ask for the reduction. . . The chairman, R. N. F. McFarlane presided at the meeting and also present were Mayor Thomas An-| grove, James Halliday, J. M. Camp- bell and James Harris. May Purchase Property. A deputation composed committee, waited on the commis- Driscoll pointed out that bad arrived when the city would have to secure a new plant for the ll was in the chair, and after the read- | disposal of the city's garbage, and | jing of the minutes, pointed out that at the last meeting | of his committee the sale of the | present property to the Commis- sion had been under consideration. | | The present plant is inadequate to! meet the demands and it is felt that | a new location must be secured for | the incinerator, The Health Com-| mittee is anrious to get an offer from the Commission. so as the mat- ter can be brought betare the counctl without any unnecessary delay. Members of the commission ex- pressed themselves as being in favor of taking over the property and the matter was referred to Managér Fol- ger for a report. Strong objection has been taken to the placing of an additional elee- tric light on Frontenac street. Deputations both for and azainst the new light has been heard, but now it appears that the war is over, ds those opposed have signified thelr Intention of being in favor of the light. At least this is the report the members of the Commissioners re- celved, Howéver, the matter is now before thé council, so it looks as if the light will be placed. Mr. G. A. Bateman appeared be- fore the commission and asked for a!. water service on North Bartiett street. Manager Folger was asked to submit a report on the request. The commission received a lelter from Mr. R. J. Bushell, magager of the Kingston Industrial Fale, asking for x rebate on the commission's ae court tor 3415 for electrical service at the fair. In view of the bad weather. Mr. Bushell asked that-an cut be made on the dil. On motion of Mayor Angrove, it was decided to cut the account down to §300. Last year the commission also gave the fair a substantial cut in their ae- count, in order to help out fhe di rectors in their Bard (uck. The commission also decided to Toronto, spent the holiday here wi onl the week-end with Miss Mary LaQue. lighting will re-! | spent Following the amnual report sudb-| a re-} | port in which he gave a comparative | covering the commercial | setting out thew iting his parents, of Ald. | Driscol] (chairman) and Alds. Crow-! ley and Bennett, of the civic health | to the qualifications that are neces- | | sary. sion to open up negotiations for the | as revising officer for the city, states sale of the incinerator property. Ald. | ie time] | years, submitted by Ernest M. Lee, of About Portsmouth. His car suffered dam-| age as a result of an excavation on a | city street. | GANANOQUE | " Where Gananoque, Nov. 10.--Miss Min- | nie Benneit of the public school staff, her parents, Mr, Bennett. Miss Mary Donald, and Mrs. George | Oshawa, spent | Alexander Hargraft spent ' the { holiday here with his mother and | { brother. | C. 8. MacKenzie attended the Ki- | {wanis luncheon in Kingston yester-| day and says it was one of the (olli- est luncheons he has ever attended. He was particularly impressed with | the joyous enthusiasm of the mem- | bers. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Lee, Osawa. | | the week-end here. | J. J. Curran, Brockville, called on | a few friends here on Thanksgiving | Day on his way through to Kingston | to pay his sual visit to some of his! old friends in the Limestone City. | The pupils of St. John's school are | { practising diligently for a concert | which will be given in December. Henry Cochrane, Toronto, is vis- } Stone street north | Miss Louise Bates, Kingston, is | rith her parents, First street, for al week's holiday. J. P. Byers, Chatham, was in town for Thanksgiving Day with his son, E. 8. Byers, and sister, Mrs. Byron Heaslip 'real. Mrs. W. and Miss Corboy Dot Mrs. W Heffernan Wing | spent | friends. | Tod King, Montreal, spent weok-end in Gananoque 'with friends. | Walnut or Oak wood finishes. | SIMMON 5 QUEEN'S STUDENTS WHO MAY VOTE HERE THE HOME OF A famous educator said that 15 intelligent reading of certain books would give a man the equi valent of a liberal education. The habit of studying the Tele- phone Directory frequently, and intelligently, should be part of . every business tion. His market is constantly widening, changing. 40,000 new added in Quebec and Ontario | every six months, and the classi- fied pages afford him the quick- est answer to such questions as "Who will do it best?" and a day devoted to the man's, educa- names are can I buy it?" , A.J. EVANS, Manager. ~ Kingston's Biggest | Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK He, left to-day "for Mout) Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand Ar. ray on Our Spacious Floors. THREE PIECES FOR THE PRICE Commissioner James | Thanksgiving Day in Kingston with | SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2 OF TW O--ONLY 825.00 'P CONTINUOUS POSTS BEDS--ly the | Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. 80 SPIRAL SPRING vr ALLSTEEL WOW: EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft and resent. ALL-FELT MATTRESS in fancy, strong art Heking, v with ime . 88.50 JAMES REID PURE BEDDING - 2 | perial edges. | | | | Must Have Left Their Former! Homes Not Intending to Return. ~ ' Enquiries are being made by vot. { ers deeiring to be added to the vot-! ers' list for the coming election as! Judge Laveil, who is acting! that these qualifications are, shortly, | that the applicant must be a British subject, of the full age of twenty-one! and that he has resided in -BANTAM 5 Preferencia Cigars Bui Doc size - 2725¢ I O" Srncnr pay an account amounting to $5.50, Canada for twelve months before the | date of polling, and in the constitu-| ency for two months before that! date. Anyone coming of age before | polling day may be added although | the date of revision comes before! he attains his majority. Any persons who have moved into | this constituency after the 1st of} October may apply for and obtain a certificate from the judge entitling them to a vote upon an oath belng | 'taken by them that when they came! te Kingston they were already en-| titled to vofe in another Ontario | constituency, which they have de- | finitely left to take up residence! here. ! i Students at Queen's who have | come here from other parts of On-| tario are entitled to be added to'the | list upon evidence that they have | left their former home In such a! Way as to make it clear that they do! not intend to resume their residence | there except for oceasional visits ¢ For Instance, any student who has! already spent ome year at Queen's, Intending to continue until he ob-! 3 PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Sse asst ees { Instantly" Stomach corrected! You! never feel the slightest distress from | indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy | stomach, after you eat a tablet of! "Pape"s Mapepsin" The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, | flatulence, heartburn, gases, paipita- | tion and pain disappear. Druggists | guarantee each package to correct di- gestion at once. End your stomach trouble for few cents. for { notwithstandihg - a A -- 1 tains his degree, may be regarded as a resident of Kingston if he does] not in. vacation return to his home | and resume his residence thers | octupation elsewhere. In such cases' since the greater part of the year Is { spent in Kingston and his aly 66=] Mr. and Mrs. Moran, their son and cupation is that of a student has no other domicile' it is obvious {that Kingston should be considered { his resldeénce within the meaning of the Election Act. case even though such students had! not returned to the university until after the 1st day of October. since | { Kingston is considered to Be their! residence throughout the whole year temporary absences Freshmen fay have some diffi { culty in establishing that they have | permanently and definitely left their former places of residence. a question ! the facts, but if it is made clear that! they have so severed their connee-! { tion with thelr former home as to | make { expected that they shall retarn to it] it clear that it is not to be except for brief visis, then upon showing that they were actually in| Kingston on the 1st of October they | | would be entitled to be considered | residents of this city. The revisiow of the city lsts is] {to take place at the Court House, ion the 15th, 16th 17th and 15th! Inst, during the hourg set out In | the advertisement which appeared in | { this paper last Saturday ard will} appear again. No person is entitled to be added | except upon his oath of gqualificktion or upon the oath of some other per- { son who swear that he is fully se- quainted with all the facts to bis | Parsons] knowledge. Milk, frozen in huge blocks, is be fog shipped from seattle to China. but | { employs his time in some tempor ary | This will be the| That is! for the revising officer upon being put Into possession of all! Home Damaged by Fire; Family Had a Close Call Fire of unknown origin did sem fous damage to the home of Bernard Moran, Sr on the Middle Road, about § o'clock Tuesday morning. y hix wife and two children and a hiv | ed man made: a Shetiling escape, Where. Is = Alwar Summer, If you would golf all {bask in the sun on warm sandy | beaches, or motor for miles through | smooth, i take your winter vacation in Floridg = jor along the Guill Coast. "eg You'll never regret such a holiday she climate [the people you meet, the sights you sep--all will far exe icesd your anticipations. »* Bring the golf, clubs slong---and the tennis vecqust---aad your baths {ing suit There's fishing, shootiag, yachting and motor-bosting too. From Jacksonville to the Mexican border there are hundreds of resoris that will help to make your holiday perfect and hotels and boarding {houses to sait all pocketbools. J. P. Hanley, Clty Passenger Ag ent of Canadian National Radiways, | Kingston, Out, will gindly help you {to arrangs your eineraty, besides iving you all other informa';on you Frequire: i | Three Michigan automobile come | panies contributed $4,060 each to ee ftablish a library of transportation {at the University of Michigan. ---- can rely on Bina winter of orange-bordered highways,