Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1926, p. 8

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ode alg NEWS LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 's Page Editor Phone 2618. | Private Phone 85Tw. } - . . - i " Miss Alma Smith, Ottawa, Is in} m for Queen's reunion. 5 se Rev. Bodert Laird, Toronto, will in town for the week-end. . . - . Fraser Smith, China, ¢ ls in for the big reunion week. » - id Miss Milne, Arpprior, is the guest the Rev. H. R. and Mrs. Cliff, Vie g street. : se : Mrs. George Hambly, Napanee, is guest of Mrs, John Matheson, _ - . Miss Dorothea Sands th Gildersleeve have Toronto. * » and Miss returned " Miss Palling, Barrie, 4s visiting sister, Mrs. 8. A. Lee, and Capt. g, Bagot street. » . Miss Joyee Plumptre, Toronto, Thanksgiving with Miss Alice , Queen's Univeraity. * . * Miss Jean Macfarlane, Ottawa, is " wisiting her sister, Miss Marion Mac- "farlane, Alfred street. ; . » . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, Ottawa, motored to Kingston, tak- ing Mr. and Mrs. George Darragh, 'Ring street, to Oshawa to spend the! holiday with O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 CR Rev. J. R. Fraser, Dunbarton, Ont; will be with Dr. and Mrs. W. Morgan for reunion week. . - > Mra. Frederick Etherington, Uni- | versity avenue, was a mah jongg club hostess on Monday. - * . Wajor F. Vokes, Royal Military College, has returned from Toronto, where he spent the week-end. - » Ld Mrs. E. W. LaChance, is the guest of Mrs. Hugh W. Jesmer, Lans- downe avenue, Westmount, P.Q. » . - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. King are now settled in their new home at 433 Frontenac street, near Victoria Park. . * - Miss Catharine . Wright, Gore street, will return to New York in January to continue her vocal stu- dies. . Mr. and Mra. Andrew Allen, Gana~ noque, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Johm McClament, Pitts- burgh. * 9 Mrs. James Bennett, who isin town for the Queen's reunion is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Derby- shire . The Misses Deacon, Brockville, are the guests of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. "ih : WEAR VIEWS FOR W OM VEN - -- a ane oe : 3 . & : £ W. T. G. Brown, Sydénham street eres parsonage. : AUNT HET Dr. A. Govan and Miss Jean Gov- an, who were with Mre. G. ¥. Chown "Sunnyside," have returned to Wil- liamstown. . - Miss Jean Tweddell, Richmand, Que., in town for Queen's reunion, is with her father, Mr. John Tweddell, Queen street. , . . Miss Betty Oswald, Lindsay, left last evening for Kingston to spend the holiday with her sisjer Miss Alice Oswald. . - Miss Florence Twinidg, who has been the guest of Mrs. Thomas Ritchie, "Elmhurst," returned to Montreal to-day. * "Cousin Sallie hay got a brother so ugly I always Teel like callin' his face a birth mark." Mrs. Sidney Kirby, Toronto, is in town for Queen's reunion, and is with her mother, Mrs. F. R. Phillips, at the Y.W.C.A. : Queen's. University. Mrs. Walter Windeyer, Toronto, is with her fa- ther, and Mr. Bruce F. Taylor, will come from Toronto for the Queen's Varsity match on Saturday. . » . A jolly dance was arranged by a . number of cpllege girls in the Vene- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willison, [tian Garden Hall on Tuesday even- Toronto, will spend this week-énd {ing. The tables were decorated with with the latter's sister, Mre. James |yellow 'mums and the pretty hall was Elmstey, King street. . Miss Margaret Wilkinson, who is in town for the winter, spent Thanks- giving with her mother, Mrs. R. S. Wilkinson, Stella. - . >» {present were Miss Jean Easton, Miss Miss Doris MoCleifand, Colborne, |Marion Macfarlane, Miss. Anella was in town for the Alunmae dinner |Minnes, Miss Alma Smith and Miss and was with her parents, Mr. and |Jean Macfarlane (Ottawa), Miss Mrs. R. J. McClelland, Clergy street. {Winnie and Miss Myrtle Law, Miss J .. on 4 {Margaret Farnham, Miss Lois Os- Miss Beatrice Grant, spent borne (Ottawa), Miss Doris Heron, Thanksgiving with Major and Mrs. Charles Grant, Bagot |Dr. W. Campbell, Messrs. David and streot, has returned to Branksome |George Elliott, Archie Wilson, Fred Hail, Toronto. i pavies, Pert Aird (Red Lake), Fred . | Joffrey, Alse Bdmison, Allen Broad- Cadet Jack Stanfield has returned |bent, Grant Minnes, "Pep" Leadley to Royal Military College, having land Donald Yeung. who i land a mild air that made the various {a most attractive place. Amdng those | her parents, Miss Phyllis Bryant, Miss Amey Lee, | | The Editor Hears | That everyone who like Rt had pumpkin ple for dinner on Thanks- {giving Day. And such a day. Real {Indian Bummer, with the soft hase, {the blue sky eeked with fleecy clouds Genuine foutings a delight. In the city snd {in the country family parties gath- ered around the dinner table and the boys and girls home from school or college from the business and pleasures of their daly life, found} that home is a fine place after all and that the dinner mother can 000k is better than the most elaborate feasts in up-to-date hotels. is a rare treat. Substitutes never satis nowned for giving an evening's amusement to their audience. Miss Alice Roy will appear as "Tilly" in Grant Hall on Wednésday evening and Mrs. James Miller will de her mother and is sald to be one of a galaxy of stars, Mrs. T. Callander, who is an amateur actress of un- doubted merit, will take the part of Lady Marian Mainwaring, and so on through an excellent caste which includes among the men Messrs. J. A. Roy, J. L. McKeo, P, M. Mac- donell, Dr. R. R. MoGregor, H. Heaton, B. Flamm:: and G. 8. Mel- vin. The furniture and draperies THE FRANK ROBBS BEAUTY PARLOR The New Nestle Permanent Hair Waving $15.00 © -- That we are right in the dig Queen's week and are ready to wel- come home the Oid Boys and OM Girls. Some of them will find a great change and will hardly believe that the Douglas Library can be standing on the old campus where they watch- od the rugby games that went toward the winning of the first Dominion championship. Others will have ten- der memories of dances in Convooca- tion Hal and of band nights in the old rink. The stately pile of build- ings will fill them with pride and they will see that Kingston has {grown after all and that Queen's has helped her to do so. -- That once more a Kingston lady has been elected as president of! Queen's Alumnae Association * and} the secretary is also a Kigstonian. | Miss Lillian Mowat was the last | Kingstonian to fill the infportant of-| fice of president of the General] {Queen's Alumnae. | y Tr That we have been asked to --- gest that more Christmas cards that are loaned by James Reid and Som, D. A. Shaw and William Linian. - Brilliants. Crystal bugs, more or less realls- tic, and bugs and animals composed entirely of brilliants much. glorified, are very popular for hat trimmings and corsage pins. No fur is more popular than badger for sport coats and for youth- ful suits of rough materials. refer to the religious festival of the Full Head Lanoll Circuline Process. 185 WELLINGTON Street, Phone 5784. Bitth of Christ be oftered for sale. | Santa Claus is all right, and we ali | hope for a visit from him, but after] all it is the Birthday of the Babes iroceived on Friday®last at her &t-| . poihelem we keep of December! Mrs. J. §. Gilles, who was with the [tractive suite, "The Lindens," Queen | 35) 4nd we are told it is difficult 0 | Misses Ross, Alfred street, for street, for the first time since her | oor Christmas cards with any refer- | Queen's Alumnae meeting and din- location here, many friends calling | 0 0 to that stupendous event. { ner, will return to Breaside on and among the. guests being noted | Thursday. | many musical people. In the draw-{® .* n> |{ing-foom the flowers which provided Three boxes at the Grand Opera |the decorative touches were chrysan- House were filled with prominent {themums, long stemmed and of a Kiwanians on Tuesday evening at the warm gold. In the dining-rooms Rotary Club's performance of 'Min- there were flowers «of the same strel Chuckles.' {species, but of a vivid plik, and here | . |there were pink candles. Mrs. Hees, Principal Taylor and Mrs. Hall [who was assisted in receiving by Mrs, will Deut Eame to cut of town gra- |A. L. Melvin, president of the Hali- duates and triends of the University {fax Ladies' Musical Club, losked on Thursday afternoon from four'very attractive indeed in a gown of| to six o'clock. {pink creve romaine--her wedding | 5 @ igown----with cream Chartreuse lace | Miss Beatrice Milne, B.A. and and pearl trimming, Mrs. Melvine's | Mr. B. Milne, College of Pharmacy, [sown being of powderdlte flat crepe. | Taronto, spent the week-end with [Tea and coffee were poured by Mrs. | their parents, Mr. and Mrs: T, G. (Harty Dean, Mrs. M. B. Dreyer and | { Milne, St. Catharines street. Mrs. Evans Feetham, those who as- | Fanc i each | harin i ET mace. Bator | y Plaid Blankets at $5.50 each. Mrs. John Waddell and Miss Lucy [Tanner ahd the Misses Joan and | Warm Comforters, Cotton and Eider- | Waddell, have arrived in Montreal | Dorothy Fraser, little Miss Elsie | If you have a severe cough or chest cold, h add a tnd will Be at he [Tanner making & Pretty portross | with soreness, throat tickle, hoarseness of (fl down filled. Pretty patterns, from $2.95 to » : ag, or if your child wakes ! Ritz-Carlton until thelr apartment |Mrs. Hess, who was Miss Muriel Mc- {up at night ih | Comforters for Children's a hoarse cough in the Acadia is ready for occupa- | , is a daughter of Rev. Dr. P. A. | $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 each. want quick Help, try this reliable old tion: | McLeod, now holding & charge. in Warm Underwear for all the family, com- { ome-malde cough eth y. Any druggist | i a | ontario. ot coy time of Trate: can supply you with 2% ounces of Pinex. | i} Mr,J. Sinclair Hili, pharmacist for [She 18 repidly making friends binations and separate garments -- all the best makes at reasonable prices. spent the week-end here with his | . . parents, Senator and Mrs. John Stan- | Mrs. Ernest Hees, of the staff of | field, Ottawa. . {the Halitax Conservatory of Music, Ld * That the 1.O.D.E. will have thelr annual Armistice Day service at the cenotaph when the two minutes sil- ence will be observed and the peo- ple stand with bowed heads. Two minutes! It is not much to give from our work and our play when more than sixty thousand young Cana- dians gave their life for the empire. Cold Weather Specials Warm, Woollen Blankets in White and colors at special prices. -- That the Faculty Players are re- -- Home-made, but Ends na Hurry family A gusply of depundable cough saves cbout $2 % Grey Wool Blankets at . . . . $3.00 each. White Wool Blankets at $4.50 and $5.00 each. & Beds at into a 16-0s. bottle and fill the | If and | bottle with plain granula Stein's Dfug Store, Niagara Falls, has already become a favorite. N.Y., has returned home after spend- {has chosen for her first recital Dee. | CUBES | Goodness of Beef The Tin of 4 cubes, 15¢c. tin of 10, 30c. 7 { Or She | agar syrup, if desired This makes 10 | | : ounces of really remarkable cough remedy. | |} ing the past week With his unole|1st. and all who know the lovely | It tastes good, and in spite of its low |i and sunt; Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, quality of her volce anticipate a cod, oo ae nded upon to give quick | Jf Johnson street: gen Hie musicelaRPOREENY. Halt You ean feel this take hold of a cough | | - - {fa A 4 2 . 3 : 3 hlegm, stops | Dr. and Mrs. E. Twitchell, Bur. | --_--e i tickle | lf lington, Vt, are visiting Mr and] Inverary's Garment-Making Club. I ea tt Tabed ! i 3 Mrs. Perey B. Chown, Frontemac| On Saturday evening. Nov. Sth, | with an Sing aid promptuess that is Hi " i street. for the reunion at Queen's. | Mrs. Ira Darling opened her home |realy astonishi i ton & Dr. Twitchell is the son of a former 8 the Juung adios ot. Taveras, Ard So ou oc pd > i Aeod ® ° \ 1. 8. Consul, at Kingston. where her grand-daughier, 88 {extract and palatable guaiacol, which is |} t . ss Dalsy Lake was the hostess. There probably the best known mens of over. |i THE IRISH LINEN STORE Mr. George and Mr, W. Patterson, | Was & complete surprise in etore for | CHg® WY Suupim, Torost aud Ghent ? : Mr. Laurie Stark and Miss Audrey | the girls and they were very curious Mig A map worthlems imitations of | : Crawford, who will motor from To- | to Know. Miss Olga Arthur in a few | this mixture. 1b avi ppointment, tonto tor the Queen's-Varsity muted, [well chosen words. made an earnest | --- Jo tg a ites; will-be the guests of Sheriff Vair and | appeal to each and every one of the |lute satisfaction or money prompt. Miss Harriet Valr, Bagot street. { girls to help her and Miss Lake or- | Jelunded, The Pinex Co, « * = | santo a garment making club. The | orouts, Ont. G At the Tuesday meeting of the ; meetings are to be held every two RFA I' Girls' Fellowship Club of the Y.W.| weeks at the - different homes be-| i NUS for Coughs... : the girls. There was a real bed and | garments are to be made, and in| a real patient aed the girls thorough- | April the government sends out a iy enjoyed the demonstration. {lady who judges the work and Le Lv | grants certificatesta'the girls Who! yy civilized countries, 1 in 10} Mrs." William McCormae, Long | have successfully completed their | deaths after 40 is due to cancer, and | Point, and Mrs. James Kilpatrick | sewing. It was decided to hold soc-! the rate increases yearly, a terrifying | and her little son Stuart, Amherst is! evenings' in the Agricultural | tribute we pay to the God of Un-natu- | jsland, returned home on Priday | Hall every month. A fee of five |ral food. Simple races eating natu-| after apending a few days with Mr.! cents is charged for membership. & [ral foods have no cancer. tuberculosis, | and Mrs. Edward Kilpatrick, Pitis-| fine of one cent for those missing | 0. pneumonia, appendicis or other | burgh. anelinga. ond ton conts 10r lunch, -| 1orTiying disease. Such Tates roo) - -. * . "of i The following officers were elect-| large. iy and fe aly . id A marriage of interest took place ; ri! foods, one may! at Rochester, N.Y., on. Wedneaday, od: honorary president, Mrs. F. 8.1 "py eating natu Ferguson: president; Miss Daisy | avoid most diseases, even colds, the Nov. 3rd when Rev. Father Purns, | Lake; secretary treasurer, Miss starting point of so many serious united in marriages Lyla Wanda, | Zella Darling, press reporter; Migs | diseases. Dr. Robert G. Jackson has youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olga Arthur, sewing leader; Mrs. [not had even a cold since 1913, while B. Snyder and George R..Tetro, for- | Ethbert Lake. The first meeting will previously he suffered constantly from merly of Kingston, a son of Mr. and '* { Mrs. James Tetro. Kingston. C.A., Mrs. J. K Robhartson gave a! tween the months of November and | demonstration of home nursing to April. - At these meetings certain | ONE IN TEN DIES FROM CANCER, FCT Nov- colds. Living largely upon natural 36 REQ Neavuda). ait Srneen: a foods, nuts, fruits, vegetables, Roman : Meal, milk, has kept him free from Olga Arthur. . every form of sickness, by making normal blood. His detary will do the same for you. : Dr. Jackson is dietetie editor, "Archives of Therapeutics," New York, a physicians' journal: advisor to "Defensive-Diet League." a phiysi- cians' association. Sead for his free leaflet, "How to Keep Well," to Rob-! ert G. Jackson, M.D., 321 Vine Ave, | Toronto, Ont. GALLAGHER'S | iJ Toronto st the end of November attend the National Council of the Red He will come to Kings- ton while in the east, and will be | he guest of his nephew, Rev. Jo de {Pencler Wright, and Mrs. Wright, St. Luke's rectory. i , - Kingstonians will hear with Ye Olde Firme Heintzman & Co. The "Tonic" Style Upright Plano fllustrated shove, Is a Cabinet Grand of great beauty, in tone and construction rion 4 EASY TERMS ARRANGED, plea- . 24th at $5.30. Mrs. A. RB | Williamson will be her accompanist. Miss Wright has a full, plch volee, seantitully pisved and her recital will be looked forward to by music A gorgeous dinner ring is made of alternating rows of diamonds and emeralds,

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