- CROSS WORD PUZZLE | miyee 5 e |7 |® 9 jo 4% i=l The "W and M" puzzle has. sBveral dong words which will slow down for a few minutes. However, you will be able to make up on the many two and three-letter wonds. Horizontal. Protest. Halt an em. To regret ingly. | 13. Belt. 14. Rallan river, 18. Venomous snake, "18, To place. | 19, Combat fought with i weapons between two people. 21, Label. . 23, Had ont | '24. Hair of a caterpil- 38. a7. 38. 39. Verse. Wooly cloth. 11. exceed 42. 43. 44. 48. 48, 49. Within. Also. Heads public reaus. . Peruses er. Hodgepodge., To finish. Meadow. Constellation. Measure of area. Vertical. , 33. . To tollow. . Correlative of eith- . Squirrel food. . Point of compass. 9. 19; 18. 17. Musical drama, Short letters. House cat. Decorative sculp- ture. Sun. Lariat. Concise. Magnificent. H20. ' Pertaining $0 a type of architecture. An extensive plain, Portion of the month. To be sick. To daub. Rips. Silk worm. Game of cards. Part of verb to be. Like. Seventh note scale, . Upon. surface of 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. of various| 28. service bu- 29 80. 34. 35. 40. 41. 44. 45. LLE in RCE BOE AIL : 0 NIU TISIRDIAMEERIA | IN AMINA AENEEME [lL (Of LIF AIDIE IRMIOIPIS) DIE PIOfRITIAITH ION] LEW [RE RWIOINI TIC JAISIENE NF IRE MA SITIAICEISIAIRIRSIOIAIR) EIAERWIATIE REO AE) JOBEIVIEDIRPIAITIE IN| TJ Mrs. Nelson Méore, Milford, Ont, Bad heart and nerve #0 short of breath housework, and sound 1 ZUTOO Tablets and are of 'the Griping Pain and Headaches. . 3 enaders. RE ening at Farm House. 2 '. . 8 Mr. and M N granddaughters ay | RADIO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. KDKA (800.1) Pittsburgh. 3.45--Stockman-Farmer' report. 6.15--KDKA String Ensemble. 7-----Red Cross talk. 7.25-- 'Stockman Farmer" and markets. 7.45---University of Pittsburgh address. y §---~KDKA String Ensemble. 9--Teaberry time. news i WJZ (453) New York. 7 pm.---Commodore Concert Or- chestra \ Sundial Serenaders and Beatle Ladies. * 9 Brédver Hour. 10 Baldwin Piand: Hour. 11---8pecht's Orchestra. WHAP (431) New York. 7 p.m.---Sacred programme. 7.15--Vida Milholland, soprano. 7.25---Kitty Cheatham, recital. 8.15--American String Quartet. 8.40--Franklin Ford, "Romanism in History." 9.05-----American String Quartet $.30==Violet 'Watson, speaker. 10.15--Mixed quartet. WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 6.30 p.m.-- International Sunday Schogl Lesson, : 7--Van Curler dinner music. 7.35--Violin solos. 8.15----Bridge Lesson No. 1. 8.45---Farce comedy. 10--Baldwin Hour. WBAL (246) Baltimore, Md. 3.30 p.m.--Recital, Elsie Nelson, contralto. 8.45»-Talk, Books." 4--8alon orchestra. 6--Sandman Cirele: -- 6.30--Dinner orchestra. 7.30 Mixed quartet. 8--Trio. 9-----The Fitz sisters. 9.30--8tring quartet, 10--City Colored band," . 11---Dance orchestra, "In the World of WTAM (880.4) Cloveland, ©. - 6.30 p.m.--Horwitz Collegian Ser- §--8tudio programme. $.30---Harmony half-hour. 9--Studio programme. 9.30---La France orchestra. 10---~Whittall's Anglo Persians. 10.30--Studio programme. 11--GIll and his Bamboo Garden orchestra. WLW (422.3) Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 p.m.--Thy Variety Vagabonds. KYW (586) Chicago, § p.m. --The bedtime story. 6.30--Congress dinner concert. $-10.30--Edison classical concert. 10:30-12--Congress carnival. Complete radio programmes at Canada Radio Stores. TOLEDO TIDINGS Sein, 2 12.15 p.m.--Sunday school lesson. | | i i | | i i | | { 1 i factor of ter. ham, and her sister, Mrs. Wolte. A number of young people went over to the Henry Crummy farm which Mr, and Mrs. Roy Jones have just purchased and enjoyed a very pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The 'evening was spent in mu- Lloyd De- 3 ' E LUXE CAB LIMITED and De Luxe Drive- Yourself, Limited, buy motor oil with a : single idea in mind--namely, results. Asa highly-developed business organization, o automobiles for profit, they appreciate the cost lubricants. They approach the subject of lubricating oil on a business basis. They do 2ot buy on color, guesses or rumors. The salesman who approaches them with extravagant claims is promptly asked to prove them. Whispering campaigns do not regis- With $500,000 worth of the highest-class ating equipment at stake th_y cannot take a chance on inferior grades of oil. The carefull : considered endorsement of Marvel- ube Motor il by this organization may be ac- cepted by the private motorist at face value. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED MOTOR OIL ! ste and dancing and a nice lumeh was served about midnight. Harry Ciow of Bockville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Rev. Mr. Gardiner' exchanged pul- pits with the minister of Philips- ville and Elgin cirenit. Mr. Gardiner preached anniversary services up there and the other minister preach ed a temperance sermon bere. Joha Phillips has recovered from his very { Sanday visitors at Roy. Willows" | Miss Irene Gray visited Brockville Disease germs may be made to change their forms, just as Burbank changed plant forms, according to the International Congress of Plant severe cold so as to be able to bel ¥ | about again. Merrill Phillips was a hours straight without blinking (ts light, by injecting a tiny hypodermic f A firefly can be made to glow 241 i i F iat William Riddell's. E. Bolton, Wat chil if * dic *I'W. A. Geddes have gone on their -e Mississippi, Nov. 9%---Jack Barr also Jack MoCuliough of Toromto, who are visiting with Mr. and Mrs Banting trip to Red Horse Lake. Mrs. William Francis, Oso, visited a few days last week with Mr and Mrs. Willlam Hanna. Jack Geddes, Perth, visited over the ' week-end with his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. W A. Geddes. A. Cassell, Rokeby, also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cassell of New York visited a few days this week Marvelube is uniform in quality everywhere. Used in the right grade, it will results as it is giving the De Luxe Cab Limited, De Luxe Drive-Yourself, Limited, and other ex- pert judges of oil who have adopted Marvelube exclusively after rigid and satisfying tests. give you the same - day to see the rugby game played by Kingston and Perth, Kingston oeing the winners. Mrs. Wm. Steele Iald up with a sore leg. A new leas, composed of a liquid container of concave shape, adsorbs heat rays and is declared to be ad- mirably suited to the projection of motion pictures and treatment for tuberculosis. : ja GI son's Corners, spent John Falr. Mr. and Mrs E. St. Pierre and son Sharbot Lake, are visiting with | i Sunday with { friends in the village. Mrs. BE M bas retarsed Raving sovent Thanks | 1 Evid THE Ber parents ai Lampell- | Ie > A. Geades and Thomas oil motored into Perth on Moo- SYRUP of Tar s Cod Liver Extract =o -- e- - is