on fry He fr on ue Een ar | Har Flooring mins; subs. MeAlear, Burke, Cum- mins, O'Connor, George, Power. Officials--Eddle Hanna, Joe Cam- y , £3 i 3 Epuated from Push ry oe simapbers tor he sre eron, Jack Little of MeGILL 3 Wy An excellent stock of 3" Oak, Maple and plunging was in re- s , . tas : . He Was used to a great! Playing, etc. all helped to make it Wi 35 23 : ! © Birch to choose from. sot and worked like a fiend. | 80 occasion that will mo} soon be ard Stollery and Carroll were lost on those who were present for arsit , repeatedly In plunges and were |i. The only regret is that King- 8 at ground gainers. Bales, who is ston will not have another like it i. Ae . sreosat Talos 10d hows | ae 1. Montes ad Toronto, Kins 2 = ALLAN LUMBER CO collegiate Union and whose | Te in Montreal a yaronts, King- arrier ee 4 k = . . : e 4 ronto d here Satur-| ston being passed up in the final 1 io SOF - ; > g . ~ - aroused the Ire of many fans, | DlaYGrts. id de Te | Phone 1042. Victoria Street his strength to advantage in The teams took thes field on Sat. The R.M.C. and Queen's Run : 5 = « ng and plunging. Snyder was |urday as follows: ! p-- -------------------------------- . ners Took Second and me : as effoctive as he might have 2 \ " The outstanding play for Var-| QUEEN'S: VARSITY. Third Places. pI - ly was made by Trimble wliose §5 Flying wing. - oh TH . bd sprint was one of the most | Britton - Carrol! The Intercollegiate Harrier meet ' a ; : BUCKWHEAT NO 1 OR SPLIT PEA frig things that Varsity did. Halves. over a.six-mile course in which Mec- -- -- A . Blue and White are not dls-| Voss Snyder | Gill, R.M.C., University of Toronto | ' 6d in their defeat and when they | Batstone Trimble | and Queen's took part Saturday | - For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. 'to Montreal next Saturday they | McKelvey Sinelalr | morning resulted in a win for Var-| mm Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. be favorites to defeat MeGill Quarter, sity. The course was rather diffi- . i All Sales for Cash. ly's team is powerful and is to | Baldwin } Hargraft| cuit especially the half-mile of field . . much reckoned with. Queen's Snap. work. R. M. Mitchell of Toronto When the motor of his biplane went dead over Boston, have a real battle again on their | Skelton Morgan | went in first making the six miles | Sergt. Richard Cobb, Army pilot, displayed excellent judgment SOWARDS i OAL Co. in Toronto should they meet Insides. in 29 minutes and 1 second. Be-|j {in his choice of a place to land. Helplessly diving 500 feet, there. Local eympathy is Brown Marritt| hind Mitchell was Trenouth of | Cobb not only alighted in the Charles River, but also close to TELEPHONE i135 °* 3 ity Mea in Sent Satur Reynolds Siddles D>. Carrick LQueen's, She. made the course' in| \accachusetls General Hospital. However, neither he nor his UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. game bu Sars are - 4 . very goo 8. RARE ia Bua AR & a al i a : a ok ty 'will defeat the Shagmen.: sonohan / +' Stollery] . The teams and their rating of] Passenger TEqUIFS d he Joust medi a aliention. In the back : Howard Bales | coming in, were as follows: McGili-- ground is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Insist on Seaman Kent Flooring. S---- , Outsides, Rubin's. Balmer 13, Brodie 20. Cal- 1 ~~ eYf, mmm ™--mMmMmm™>@™mm>m>o championship. The winner of the|Balmy Beach Finish PLENTY OF COLOR. Walker Irwin | houn 18. Le Boutilier 11. M.AAA. Jundors Win. | tota point advantage of eleven| series meets RM.C. Kingston for Without Sing! While Saturday's game was bit-| Wright M. Snyder! Toronto Graham 3. Mitchell, R.| Ottawa, Nov. 15.-- Montreal Jrs.| points. They will now meet the|the Canadian intermediate inter-| ngle Loss. Hy-fought and most sensational, Queen's Subs.--F, Wright, Chant-Ly 1. Mitchell, W., 4, Baldwin 14, marched to the Quebec Rugby Foot-| Parkdale Canoe Clubs' Ontario tedm| iollegiate championship. N other points that go to make up|ler, Sutton, Nagel, Hamilton, Hand-| orogzier 8. ball Union title over a snow covered | for the Eastern championship. a nt, ov. 15.--Balmy Beach Intercollegiate contest were not| ford, Young, Metcalfe. . RM.C.--Smith. R.. 7. Groves 9, |gridiron at Lansdowne Park, Satur-| ---- -- Gas Tax Income High. Roledioe Varsity 4 to 1 in a senior ting. The game was attended Varsity subs.--Rykart, McFadyen, | gmith M.. 19, Price 12. Rodgers 10. | day afternoon by trouncing Ottawa | LOOKS LIKE WESTERN. Taxes on gasoline used in motor » game here Saturday. Tha over 9.000 wildly excited fans| Young. Wood, Dundas, Hutchison, Queen's--Trenouth 2. Twedell g.| Champion Rideaus 12\to 11 added | London, Ont., Nov 15.--Western | vehicles amounted to $84,939,377 jn | Victory meant nothing, as the Beach< enthusiasts from far and near | Roos Daly. Moore 16 Revelle 17. Thompson 15 {to their 18 to § triumph over the| University defeated St. Michael's of|the first six months of 1926, accord-| €rs had already clinched the title for there. Varsity brought down Referee--Joe O'Brien, Montreal The score won by the different | Purple and . White in Montreal aj Toronto in the first of home andjing to the bureau of public roads of the third consecutive time, but 1 strong contingent including the Umpire--S8ilver Quilty, Ottawa feams are as follows: McGill 47| week ago Saturday the winged | home games to decide the Western|the United States Department of Ag-|sent them through the schedules fine band which created a very Head linesman---Joe Breem, To- poirts, Toronto 18 points, R.M.C. 38 | wheeler captured the title with aiOntario section inter-collegiate] ricuiture. J without a defeat. slid ble impression here. There| ronto, points, Queen's 39 points. The low- TT . An : est score is that registered by Var- sity, thereby winning the meet ' . When Pirie, Cadet half, fumbled | R. M.C. came second with thirty, Hd Savard"s punt, when play was re- eight points, just defeating Queen's | +s sumed, Q. McCarrey fell on it, and | hy one point. This is a repetition | Loyola secured at midfield. of last year when the cadets were | Savard kicked on the first down, | just qpe point ahead of the Queen's and the home wings were well down : e ayo S on the RM.C., half who took the a : | punt. R.M.C. worked the ball to a midfield, and then Tremaine kicked | d Loyola Again and|to Bannon on Loyola's 40. i Took Round by 15-13 Savard booted once more, and the | play was on RM.C. 40. Tremaine Score. kicked, and Savard fumbled the high | : ------ punt to give the visitors possession Immediately after the Queen's-| Montreal, Nov. 15.--Royal Mili-| well in Loyola territory. On another| Varsity struggle at Richardson Sta- College Intermediates disposed| punt the Cadets gained 20 yards| dium Saturday afternoon McGill, To Loyola College by defeating the! when the ball bounded back and an|ronto and Queen's rapresentatives team here on Saturday by the ongide player secured. From his 30 | drew for the first game. Queen's i¥e of 8-7, winning the round by| yard line Tremaine kicked over, and | won the bye and Toronto will play 18 by virtue of their win at King-| Cummins was downed when he made | McGill next Saturday at Molson's last Wednesday by the score of| a good effort to run it out. It was| Stadium, Montreal, in the first games| Conditions could not have been another point for the visitors. f the play-off. for the game. The gridiron R.M.C. 3, Loyola 1. - pa) tovered with two inches of| At half-time the Cadets were lead- na was in a terrible slippery| ing in the game 3-1 and on the dition. S-------- 0. the Eastern Intercollegiate Third Quarter, implonship and they will now| After un exchange of kicks in the the western winners. About 2,-| third quarter soon after the ball got . People attended Saturday's| into action Loyola worked their way 4 to RM.C.'s 30 yard Hine. The first Tremaine of R.M.C. was the out-| down failed "and then on a rus ing player of the game and| around the end Tynan tore ove id all the RM.C. points, his! line for a touchdown, heh hel being particularly effective| Loyola team a long lead. It was a hout the play. run of over 30 yards. The try was| Hamilton ....... 0 n-- converted by Savard. Camp Borden ... 0 Pirst Period. Loyola 7, R.M.C. 3. Cadets broke into Loyola ter- When play was resumed R.M.C.! Interprovincial, tory soon after the start. Tremaine | 80t a break and held on Loyola's] a long one from Loyola's 40 | 26 yard line. Tremainé booted far Argonauts line and when the home halves| Over the line and a Loyola half was -- slow tg field the hoist Tre-| downed for a rouge. Intermediate Intercollegiate. tore through to gain posses- Loyola 7, RM.C. 4. St. Michael's .... 0 0 6 0--- £ his own kick. It was smart R.M.C. got another rouge when|{ Western. .... . .6 1. 5 6-13 Tremain then kicked over the Tremaine ran around the end of the| there Bannon was downed for| 20 yards and then kicked over. Loy- "Quebec Juniors, i Rk R.M.C. 1, Loyola 0. ola 7, RM.C. 5. M.AAA. 012 0 0-12] kick from midfield gave R.M.C. When the third quarter ended | | Rideau ...n..+.+"0 0 6 5--11 fon on their 20. Tremaine|loyola was leading in the game by | and Tynan was downed om | 7-5. { . Smith went through for on ! on the second down. Savard Fourth Quarter. | . ff to R.M.C. 30 and ran through 30 R.M.C. holding on Loyola's U.S. Rugby i t oO onic n possession. It was a dupli- yard line at the start of the last i B h --- h 0 h ph of Tremaine's play at the| period Tremaine attempted an on- Bh i y t at Ve mean t € new: r On the first play Smith tried | side kick. It failed, 'but went for a New Hampshire 3%: Maine 7 | kick but Tremaine caught! point when it bounded to the touch- oston U. 186, Tufts 7. i Vi 12 | ] | de owe ie Selaght line. Lehigh 14, Rutgers '0. ictro a princip ec is €XC usive y tle the score. R.M.C. 1, Loy- Loyola 7, RM.C. 6. Lafayette 68, Susquehanna 0. : When Savard fumbled a punt on! Brown 21, Harvard 0. broke through for a long| his own 30 yard line, R.M.C. secyr-| Wisconsin 20, lowa 10. r controlled by the Victor Company onal round 4-1. The victory on Saturday gave R. { Rugby Results ------ Sr. Intercollegiate. Queen's Senior O.RF.U, Balmy Beach .... 1 1 Varsity 0 | for the Cadets, and it brought| ed, and Tremaine kicked for a point| West Virginia 21, Ceatre 0 4 to Loyola's 30. Tremaine|to tie the score and gain a point Boston College 21, Haskell JIn- : and Tynan ran the ball out| lead on the round. dians 21. (tie.) ae a 5 : behind. After an exchange of| Loyola 7, RM.C. 7. Navy 10, Georgetown 7 THE most astonishingly "real" music ment, anywhere. You must be careful in between Tremaine and Savard| R.M.C. gained another point on a| Amberst 20, Williams § is now possible in your own home because buying, though, or you may miss the real - ti Marines 24, U. of De- " "" ou Dassen oom ge on Loy: ea ome, wien _Layels poe eg. Mar o this principle is applied correctly to the new objective. Look for "His Master's Voice ' { honic tone chamber. Scientists call tradémark,~and for. your demonstration, uarter--R.M.C. 1, Loyola|ed on the home team's 20 yard line.| Army 0, Notre Dame 7. Orthop : y R.M.C. 8, Loyola 7. Princeton 10, Yale 7. ' it "matched impedance". It results in go only to "His Master's Voice" dealers. ts 'The game ended shortly after with Pennsylvania 3, Columbia 0. " th flow of sound" --and the most won- ~ Models obtainable on ient \ Second Quarter. R.M.C. hold a 2 point margin on} Cornell 24, Dartmouth 23.° . then play was resumed the the round. Pittsburgh 0, Washington and Jef- derful music you ever heard from any instru $115 to $385 ts tried two bucks and failed,| RM.C.--Fiying wing. Darling, | ferson t) Tremaine booted over and | halves, Molson; Tremaine, Gordon: Brown 14, Harvard 0. half was "snowed" behind | quarter, Pirie; snap, Mather; in-| Amherst 20, Williams 6. ; i ~ | sides, O'Brien, Walker; middles, Os-| Holy Cross 13, Catholic U. 6. ler. Odlum; outsides, Fair, McLeod; | Penn. State 9, Bucknell 0. w N.Y.U. 10, Davis Elkins 0. The ™ Colgate 10, Syracuse 10 (tie.) Cornell 24, Dartmouth 23. i iS ™ Orthophonic Beaten by Argos 24-0 Trade Mark Regd Toronto, Nov. 15.--Argos broke ° \ Ottawa Senators' straight string of " victories in the Big Four by defest- 4 \ 1C TO ad x > a ; ' - to gain, didn't try a lick. They sim- ply came here to fulfil an official team started without Chariia| « ¢ Victor Talking Machine Company : of Canada, Limited and Joe Tubman, their star - A ' who are a bit dicky, and the . Sy the regulars did not stay in ' « ate longer than they had to or Made only by Victor any chances. Coach McCann z 3 used every available sub. and the re- sult was a one-sided, tame snd un- interesting contest. of