Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1926, p. 9

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AMUSEMENTS [ stock MARKETS TTT TL Lo Coming Attractions VOLGA BOATMAN AT CAPITOL. A gripping story of a great over whelming love, an uprising of grave perils, and of the strangely tangled lives of a falr-haired Titanic boat- nan, 8 beautifel Princess and a | Prince---fast moving, colorful, dra- i matic, thrilMng, appealing -- pre eminently the great achievement of the decade---suth is the Volga Boa! man, Cecil B. DeMille's great pic- ture showing for the lust time to- day at the Capitol Theatre. It is an absorbing theme exquisitely develop. ed against the super-dramatic back- ground of the revolt of an oppress. ed nation--a tremendous photopiay which none can see sand ever forget Kingston music lovers havé a special treat In store for them at the Capitol theaire this k when Miss Helen Huggard, espe Con- tralto, will present a repertoire of vocal selections, Miss Huggerd is not a stranger to Kingston audi- ences ak she appeared here las (Reported by Johaston & iy corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal, and Toronto Stock Excharges). ---- New York. Nov. 161.30 p.m. Amer. Loco. >a Amer. Can. Baldwin Loco. B. &0O. . Beth. Steel Chysler "a General Motors. Hudson Motors ... i Inter. Nickle .... Mack Truek .... NX ¥C .v Northern Pacitic wa Pan. Amey. Pete "B" | Radio Arrow .... . 108% 188% 104 5% "31 Teen Radio .... ... Sou, Pacific .. Sinclair Ol .s Stand. Oil of N. Studebaker .... Texas Oil .... IL OLD queers qT -- GEORGE 3 WEA Player Elected by Accla= mation. for office in the Ontario Hockey As- sociation closed over the week-end. Benlor officers were slected by accla- mation. George B. McKay, Kitchener, was elected president, having been pro- moted from the first vice-presidency. Richard Butler advanced from seo ond vice to first vice-president, and Frank Hyde became second vice president. Becretary Hewitt was re-elected for his twenty-fourth year in office, and Treasurer Paxton for his sixteenth HEADS THE 0.H.A. Former Kingston Man and | Toromto, Nov. 18.-- Nominations Dr. Jamies MoMwhon of Texar kana, Arkansas, 82 Years , of Age. The foliowing letter was received by the Re-Union Committee at Queen's during the big week." and | shows that while some graduates | were not able to be preseat In the | flesh their spirits again haunted the! campus on the "Old Ontario Strand." Texarkana, Arkansas, Nov. 4, 1926 Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. Canada. Attention Re-Union Committee. Dear Friends: -- It is with a great deal of pride that T am able to write a few lines to my dear old Alma Mater only re- gretting that I am unable to be there | with you all and be one of 'the old! boys again for I know you will all have a grand time at this~the eigh- ty-fifth re-unfon {rom November 6, to 13. I was in hopes that I could go to this Re-Union but this pleasure has been denied me. or write Banner Furnaces are made in pipe and pipe- less The to suit every style of dwelling. | Your 'Home deserves a "Banner F urnace Just as long as your house is not comfortable in 3% Jo able----you are not having the com- ray vu yu Wheid AB Banner Furnace, p nd a oad will give You uniform oh Sperty and rs with a minimum of labor Gnd fuel, Ask our dealer all about the Banner Furnace describing The Gait Stove & Furnace Co, Lad. JAN PE INA FURN ington BE. JLawrenson, 387 Princess Street. dover us direct for Bookiets BANNER Furnaces. Galt, Ont. ER aS Representative: spring with the San Francisco Opera 'Company, and those who have heard het beautiful voice will undoubted- ly want to hear her again. She will render to-night "The Volga Boat. man" in conjunction with the photo- play of the same name. year. Four old members are seeking re-sléction on the executive. The complete list of officers is as follows: President--Geo. B. McKay, Kitoh- ener. (Elected by acclamation). First vice-president-- Richard But- ler, Lindsay. (Elected by acclama- tion.) ' Second vice-president -- Hyde, Woodstock. clamation). A. A U of C. Governors --W. W. 106 Davidson, Toronto (re-elected) 36% Treasurer--Sheriff J. PF. Plaxton, 93% | Whitby (re-elected). 115 Secretary--W. A. Hewitt, 106% | (re-elected). 94% | Executive committee (four to be NH {elected )--J, Percy Bond, Peterboro; 108% | Geo. Dudley, Midland; Dr. J. M. Mit- TH chell, Collingwood; Alvin H. Sechle- 73 Igel, Preston; William Friend, London 67 land Frank Selke, Toronto Union Pacific .... U. 8. Rubber .... U. 8. Steel . Wastinghouse vA B. Woolworth . 'ed Yellow Cad .... .... Nothing would give me greater de- light than to go to Kingston as this is my old home city in which I was born and reared-- gradaating from | Queen's with the degree of M.D. in 1873. 1 wonder how many of those who graduated that year are now living and how many will he present at this gathering; Ldo not know any "TO THE ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC- LENNOX LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having been duly chosen as the Lideral-Conservative candida: Frome f thei aa CT . Send anhan at She convention in Odesaa, i bn rent I = r votes 0 elr addresses so thal cou and influence to Sra me te the Legisiar In suppo Gove. . . 1 | ramen: and the Ferguson policies. nture "of the Perdoscn i write them. Have been unable to piagtise for! nines Rh sundaes ant u------ uy ns poe Bo ean 4 about five years, having been paraly- ARAL ni as | strong advocate and susporter of every measure snd act $6 204-130 AROHROF Sick Spell In APHil} Tecan, PalD the seus Uf Teal tempsrauce for which fhe 1ierals 1925, which keeps me in the house | Rive nat fon tren iontinually Dut Keep up With. all of | Tr pr ant ge ave fo tals Province its frat sent Wmpersues leglaintian, the news at home and abroad from | tiem of the Province further TANIA Tor RiRhwaYe Sad Aol reads. va al reading all of the newspapers. Have | Ja%e alwars been vitally interested, and to obtain for Frontensc-Lennex I t recogunition tn all Gevernment been practising in this City of Tex- | heartily with the redone To fa a nts Wie cl i. arkana, Arkansas, Texas, on the] | a financial condition of the people, keep down expenses and reduce State Line, for 53 years, 1 would very much appreciate re- ceiving one of your new Calendars, as I have lost the one which wak | eas 180% TT Montreal, Nov. 16th, 1.30 pm. POWEE +.s sss «oe 31% oo 23% a 31% .. 138% Abitibi Frank (Elected by ac- s stood, for | am convinced hat the people of O dd will met forget that it was a Libeval-Os Can. Cement, Dam. Bridges. . Dom. Texte ... ... +.¢ +s Laurentide ... Mackay . ans Montreal Power . xs National Brewerdes, com, Ogilvie ... +: +. ---- A delightful harvest dinper and concert was held et Zion Church Monday night, at which ever two |bundred people attended. The la Toronto My record ia before you And the record of the Fergu € | neming before you. Om my own and the G > . -- Tenant re hetels Tou. Su = -- ¢ Govermment's record | accordingly NOV. 12.20th PE gw 197 Horse Show Supreme. Special Excursion Fares. *Godkins' Livery ' = 2 t a k 1 i LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI Saddle Horses. Bus te Oa Cemetery dally and urday at 3 Bm, Dh a rates for moter Tae QUEEN Tamer ONE 3 mmo me CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 Any piace in ity DAY OR NIGHT The cab that rorced the prices aay AR 5 and et ied mcm ics ee ml YELLO TANG can FREIGHT DELIVERY AND GENERAL TRUCKING, MOTOR TRUCKS J. W. LANE 85 York Street. 'Phone 2728. AA | MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop 858 Princess Street. 'Phone 881.w in Police Court on Monday morn Ing. n math who was up for being in- to leaded "mot guiMy," and was remanded a day. When the case was called on Tuesday morning, three police ol. ficers were called, who swore that the accused was "under the 1n- fluence." The accused then went into the box on, his own behalf, and te the surprise of the magistrate and court officials changed his plea to that of "guilty," blaming his dewnfall on drinking some homemade wine. He was taxed $10 and costs. 'A Kingston hunting party has re- turned from & two weeks' outing at Deer Lake camp, near Lavant Sta- tion, and brought home a 'number of deer. The panty consisted of Messrs. Fred Mathews, Bdward commissioner for the Canadian Na- tional Railways, died in Montreal on Suniday night, at the age of sixty- nine years. He was one of the vet- eran employees of the company. His |service with the Grand Trank Radl- on ta City Market wil} * undersigned on Te IV, Heh at one A A m C. BE. WILSON, [Ottawa Power . . . a an , |Penmans . .. . | Smelters 98 3% 180 .s 70 oo 171% 266 240 eo 104% . 115 110% 82% 59% Ont. Steel Products ... Price Bros. ... ... Quebec Power ... Shawinfgan . .. Spanish River, com. Spanish River, pid. Steel of Canada ... «.. T™wWin City «.o o:c <:3 4. LATE ALFRED J. ABERNETHY The Funeral Took Place on Tuesday « Morning, The funeral of the late Alfred J. Abernethy who died suddenly at the Varsity-Queen's game on Saturday took place this morning from his late residence, 152 Lower Albert street, to Cataraqui cemetery for in- terment. The funeral was very large- ly attdnded by friends of deceased, many of whom are members of the Knights of the Grip. Students from Queen's University of which the lale Mr. Abernethy was a strong support- er, were present in large numbers, twelve of the students carrying the many beautiful floral tributes that were placed on the casket. The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. W. TG. Brown of Sydenham Street United Church, and the pall-béarers were T. H. Btewart, John Wright, A. Denison, Joseph Newman, J. B. Cooke and J. O. Hut- ton. MOLDING A RALLY ---- Young People's Societies of King- ston Presbytery Are In Session. The Young People's Societies of the Kingston Presbytery of the Unit- ed Church, including Leeds and Frontenae are holding a rally in 8y- denham street United Church today. This afternoon the speaker was Dean Matheson,r of Queen's 'University. Principal H. A. Kent, DD, of Quéen's Theological College, is mak- ing bis First public appearance in Kingston, when he speaks at the rally this evening. Attended Dinner. Mr. R. Easton Burns, of this city, immediate past-president ol the Oa- tario Institute of Chartered Account. ants, was present at the dinner tend- *lered to George Edwards, F.C.A., by "1the Ontario Chartered Accountants at Hart House, Toronto, Monday night. Me. Edwards has _been prominent among Ontario chartered accountants for the past forty years. Nominations Saturday. Nomination proceedings are to take place at the City Hall from 1 o'clock till 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. As yet no programme of speaking or joint debate among the candidates has besn arranged for but these details will probably be dea within the next few days. -------------- A Case of Suicide. & Gurshem L. Patterson, Easton's Corners, was found hanging in his bara on Monday morning. Dr. C. F. MePherson was convinced that it was a ¢ase of suicide while tem- porarily insane, and decided than an inquest Was uURDECESSary. J ------ Le ---------- Director Resigns. It was learned on Tuesday that H Capt. Light, director of the Kingston Choral Seciety, had tendered his re- signation. Capt. Light has been at the head of this organisation for the past foir years. His successor has Got First Class Homors. The Hemlock Park Dairy, King- ston, secured first class honors at the Royal Winter Fair, Toroate, for 56 Ib. box of unsalted butter and for 14 Ibs. créamery salted. Canning, cooking pears only Sc for 11 quart basket at Car Willlam Easson, of Stratford, be- comes past president, and with Life Member Francis Nelson will complete the executive, PRAISE FOR TREMAINE, Montreal, Nov. 18.--Royal tary College produced one of best kickers seen on a local grid iron this season in Kenneth Tre- maine, an angular catching half. back, and the Kingstonians, en th» strength of his mammoth hoists, re lieved Loyola College of the Bastern 'Intercollegiate honors here on Sat. urday at the Loyola Stadium Mil. the HARTLEY GOT TWO. Windsor, Ont., Nov. 16--Hamiiton defeated Windsor in the opening game of the Canadian Professional League here last night, 2 to 1, after 18 minutes of overtime. It was a hec- tic battla from the first to last bell, with Hamilton's greatér experience, centred in Lockhart, Cain and Ne- ville, turning the tide after one of the greatest exhibitions of strenuous hockey even seen along the border Hartley and Patterson both played for Hamiiton last night, Hartley get- ting both Hamilton goals, getting the first alone and the second on a pags from Neville. -~ MARINE The tug Joseph L. Russell, which was in port with the barge Nedine returned to Brockville last night, to assist the steamer Thompson of the George Hall line to Ogdensburg. One of the Donnelly tugs also assisted the steamer from near Alexandria Bay to Ogdensburg. The Thompson had trouble with her steering gear and had to send the call for assist- ance. The barges which were to clear better weather conditions before venturing out. The government boat Concretia cleared from the causeway this morning and arrived back at noon. s Up--Nov. 15--hunuey, a.m.; Nov. 18.---Kenefich, City of Hamilton, 10.30 a.m Down--Nov. 15--Canadian, pm. 11.45 7 am; 6.30 ------------ Conservatives Organize. An organisation meeting of Con- servatives for Sydenbam, Ontario, Victoria and St. Lawrence wards was held last night in the Conserva- tive headquarters and several! mat. ters of importance were taken up and acted upon. Previous to the organisation meeting, Dr. A. E. Ross, Dr. J. BE, Kane, and the Conservative candi- date, T. A. Kidd, addressea tho gathering. The first two spoke roundly concerning the Ontario Temperance Act and stated that the doctors would be well rid of it The candidate spoke briefly thank- ing the Conservatives for having chosen him to contest this riding in their bebalf and he declared him- self as standing soildly behind the Ferguson policy. Benefactor of the Publie. Offering big baskels pears 50¢ and basket bine grapes 40c or we for 76¢ at Carnovsky's. The Y.M.C.A. Men's Supper Club is holding, their regular meeting in the Queen'$ Cafe to-night as the King- ston Chapter of the Eastern Star is having a supper at the YM.C.A. Mr. Harold Trotter will speak to the club on a matter of commercial interest. Viscount Willingdon, : Canada's Governor-General, vis'ted the Roya Winter Fair" at Toronto, ay a deputation of the LODE. Mr. F. J. Hoag is in Toronto at a meeting of the Ontario College of Pharmacy executive. Jrom here last night are awalting morning. Lady Willingdon received) sent me. To all of my old friends, gradu- afes and alumni of dear old Queen's, | I send greetings and wish for you the best re-union and most success- le ful one that has ever been held. I shall be glad to hear from any | of my old friends who feel like writ- | ing to me, as I am now 82 years old | ~=my address being 518 Pecan street | Texarkana, Arkansas. Wishing for you a most success- | ful and enjoyable reunion. I am, your old graduate, (Dr.) James McMahon. NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Forty thousand acres of Jugo- Slavia have been flooded by the Dan- ube. A fourth White Arctic owl was shot yesterday in Yarmouth town. ship. i Clackmaker in Goslar in the Hartz Mountains has made a clock entirely of straw. Lord Williagdon aceepts honorary patronship of the Army and Navy Veterans, Son of J. P. Morgan has the finest collectton of antique ship models in the world. Hamilton O.T.A. prosecutor says more alcohol Is drunk now than ever before. i Casadian lady with American mis- gion Is detained on boat captured by Chinese bandits ! Drugless healers of Ontario will ask for right ¢o use prefixes and, affixes to thelr namés i Locomotive was gerailed near Ion River, Mich, by a bull which | was ground to places. « 4 Goderich man was killed. when | crushed between a steamer an@ wall | of the Cornwall canal. plosion at Hercules Powder pany plant at Pinole, Cal When a gasoline tank exploded, | Henry Frederick, truckdriver -of East Liverpool, Ohio, was killed Twenty-six hours after tosing | schooner, a New England fisherman' reached shore in a Ieaking dory. Six 50 gallon drums of algohol were sfolen from University of Ili nois research department in Chi: cago. ! The coasting laws are suspended | and United States vessels may load grain at the lakes' head for winter | storage. i Brantford police reported tha: a| veritable apidemic of auto thefls hes | psoken out im the Brantford dis trict. Com-| London Council promised de | street car tramsportation in thai sews | tion would at otce be Improved. i "Honey "Boy" Flanigan decisively defeated Chuck Suggs In ten rounds at Boston on Monday, and wing the | the Attorney-General, the men held fa connection with the dope ring ot) Four men were killed in am wl putation from West London that ths b world's featherweight champWnship. | | Socket destroyed three make a persons canvass of the Ridin 1 ig snd hemew | take this means of maks ing this personal appeal to you through the columns of the public gress. ANTHONY | M. RANKIN DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO GET A FOR RELIABLE WEATHER PROPHET CHRISTMAS couron GQ Good for One $1.00 - Weather Prophet AN EXCELLENT GIFT FOR 3 ALL OCCASIONS Made in Canada--Better Than the Imported Kina It fa surprisingly. reliable « Jon striotly scientific what it costs us to retall them When the weather is to besfl out; out from § to 2 hours ahead or principles On A Guantity and as long as they when stormy weather is ap n local weather conditions. Made Wa have secured a special price Hast will sell them for exactly ~ only &8c If you bring this coupon ie the two children will come roaching the witch wili ¢ome all or show The house Is made of har decorated as house and bird, ete Limited Time with the Coupon wood in the picture, Ww ah It has four windows and two doors Advertised tor nh. 00-Our Price tor n '69 . C n Swiss cotta age a0) style, and is ther mameter, head, bird Mail Orders 10c. Extra. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE OR TE LIPHONE PRINCESS; A? st Bi ND BAGOT STREETS KINGSTON GENTLEMEN! Our stock is heavy. Our shelves are loaded with the best flavored and seasoned Tobaccos that will appeal to every particular smoker. We invite you to Join our list of satisfied patrons. Our location is central and convenient--a handy place to get the latest news or your favorite tobacco. service is second to none. Our Cigar Smokers--Every leading brand awaits you here--our assortment is complete. Smokers--We havé hundreds to choose from. Very lal lines now on Shipment of Canadian Leaf just In, tied up in Ibs 'only, 50¢c. per. sale. i ELD ER'S » : -- fig «Ardoch, Nov. 15.~--~What might bave provid a serious blase occurred in the Jandy of the Anglican church in Plefna. During the evening ser- vies, a fire thought tg be caused by a lighted pipe being placed In a valuable 'overcoats and several hata Coa- siderable damage was done to Lhe building. Had the biase not Deen sotiosd as soon as it was the con- gregation would bave been com pelled to seek escape through the windows. Joserd Heimer font to-day tor Snyder Depot where he has ace ed a position Michael G. Weber made a ueas trip to Hopetown recently. Mr. Woodman, 'of Flinton, Is opening a mine here. It is um once. Mr. asd Mrs. Guy W made a flying trip to Tweed. tors: Mr. and Mrs. George / and Mr. and Mrs. John Myers family at Mrs. M. Weber's; James Hartman at M. Seullie Robert Munro at J. Derues. Mr. Mrs. Clifford Bmith of Bareh with the former's parents; Mr. Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mes. den Watking at J. P. Watkins New York City has twenty. playgrounds whete children mothers work, may be cared tor day. s100d operations are 'to begin i i A

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