wher COMMENTS Much Speculation on Outcome : | Of Next Saturday's Rugby Battle McGill Conceded More Than Fighting Chance to Defeat Var- | sity--Biue and White Have Hard Row to Hoe--McGill | Authorities Make Extensive Preparaticas and Look for Record Crowd---Many Going From Here-- | Queen's Resting Up. Who i to win at Montreal on Sat- urday? This is one big question be- "ing turned over in the minds of foot- ball fans, not only in the centres affected, Toronto, Montreal and Kingston, but throughout the eoun- try and speculation as to Varsity's chances to win, after a - gruelling 'Bame here last Saturday, are rife. Truly; Varsity gets the rough end of | the deal all round with regard to the playoffs and should they survive what is before them, none will be- grudge them the championship. Coming out of a hard game here, ~ Varsity returned to Toronto and this 'week they have to make the jump 10 Montreal again, travelling all day Friday. On Saturday they will meet | MeGlll, fresh from a two weeks rest. | Should Varsity win In Montreal, | they have another heavy task on| thelr hands of meeting Queen's again in Toronto next week. Should they stay above water, Varsity's road is & hard one. Defeat in Montreal will, of course, relieve them of all that. Varsity players and supporters are confident that they can handle the task ahead of them and they have every confidence of trimming Me- Gill at the Molson stadium on Satur- day. McGill may have something to say about that, however, and there are many who believe that the smart bunch of youngsters that Shau- ghnessy has under his wing will be very strong contenders. MeGill showed in the two home games that they won that they have a real foot-| ball team and it was no fluke that | gave them their home victories. They should also have won in Toronto, from all accounts. MeGil] will face the barrier at an advantage on Saturday. They have had time to recover from injuries and they will be able tb field thelr strongest team against the Blue and White. Then again they have the advantage of playing on their home lot, and that factor has meant much fn the Intercollegiate this season. It will be a merry battle on Satur. day and the bets are not running wild either way. McGill is conced- ed a good chance to win and just a8 many can see a Varsity vietory. "It's a toss-up either way. All three teams in the Union are pretty evenly matched this season and it would not do to stake the old homestead and all the trimmings on the result of any of the games. McGill authorities have made | greal preparations for keeping the! Held as dry as possible this week and | ff the gridiron is in any kind of | shape at all, McGill's open attack | will no doubt have a telling effect | on Varsity. A wet field will be a decided advantage to the Blue and | White with their powerful line and against the lighter McGill men will make great headway, Much wiil de- pend on the weather of Saturday and the conditions, as to the out- come. However, Saturday's game wil] at- tract a record crowd for the McGill stadium and arrangements are being made to have extra seats placed around the field. The seat sale open- ed in Montreal this morning for those who have held season books and the remainder will be put on sale on Thursday morning. McGill officials expect that every seat will be taken long before next Saturday afternoon, the time of the game. Coach Shaughnessy has been as- sisted in practice this week by old graduates of McGill and members of other present Montreal teams who have rallied to the support of Me- Gill this week. Prospects of an In- tercollegiate. championship for. Me- Gill have spurred all Montreal and the Red and White team are recetv- ing every encouragement and sup- port this week. Quéen's have not attempted any- thing yet this week but it is expected that work will be started very shortly. The players came through Saturday's game against Varsity sporting many bruises and stiff joints and Coach Hughes has decided not to rush the boys too much this week. Next week's programme, however, will bé a serious one and hard work will be the order of the day with morning and afternoon practices. Whether Queen's will meet Varsity in Toronto a week from Saturday or McGill, remains to be seen but whichever one it is, will find the Tricolor machine back to top fighting form again after two weeks rest. A record crowd of fans will go to Toronto to see Queen's in the Inter- collegiate final against the winner of the McGill-Varsity game. Many be- lieve Queen's will meet McGill in To- ronto a week from Saturday and con- cede them more than a fighting chance to down the Blue and White ia Montreal. OUTSIDE COMMENT Mike Rodden the other day said! that though Argos didn't win the | Big 'Four title, they were the only | team to defeat Ottawa this season. | Come again Michael. Think it over. | Now wouldn't it be funny if the) McGill-Varsity game at Montreal on w" | | Balmy Beach go to Ottawa on | Saturday to meet the Ottawa Sena- | 'tors in the Eastern Canada semi. | final. The Beaches have a powerfid team and aré picked to defeat the . Senators. The Ottawa teant will be without their big ace, Joe Tubman. That is a big point for Beaches to) start"with. Saturday ended up in & We? forming a junior hockey league herc ON THE BIG GAN | Buck, Hewitt Smith, Ed. Comnolly and those boys are certainly making their mark in the rugby world. Nobody seems to be interested in this winter. Are the juniors to be allowed to let slide this winter merely for the want of someonc gotting the boys together? A great many local fans, keenly interésted in the Intercollegiate race, are going from here on Friday to Montreal to see Varsity and MoeGill battle it out to see which one will meet Queen's in the Intercollegiate final at Toronto. The interest .in the race is at fever pitch and nc move is being lost on the fans. 4 ars Globe--George B. McKay of Kitch- ener a hockey star of twenty-five years ago, is the new President of the Ontario Hockey Association, having been elected by acclamation when the nominations closed Mon- day. Mr. McKay was one of the play- ers who helped to make the early history of the association over which he now presides. In the O.H.A. and For over seventy {; & years Dominion Rubber Footwear has carried Can- adian men, women and children through the wet and cold which is one sure feature of our fall and winter season. Dominion Rubber Footwear is winter equipment for every It is health- ber of the family. saving at the lowest cost.... meme- because of the longer wear. Ordinary rubber footwear will not stand up under the gruelling strain of winter weather. Dealers who carry will of their customers. That why they recommend and sell Dominion Rubber Footwear MADE BY DOMINION RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED gp Toronto Star--Varsity would be well-advised to improve their kick f ion before the game at Mont. tion. . With inexperienced materia! the McGill coach has again con- founded his critics. Not only as » tutor, however, did Shaughnessy en. dear himself to the students and wellowishers of Old McGill. No hand of suspicion has ever been pointed his way since he entered Intercol legiate sports in 1912. Few sta players have found their way to McGill since the war. It will be = great spectacle and a thrilling battle S----_-- oi - a DODDS lh Dominion Rubber Footwear value the good- is LOOK FOR THIS TRADE MARK IT'S STAMPED ON THE SOLE 4 - a» that the clever U. of T. and McGill] Senators, wiil not be in the game |daily. Arrangements are being made teams will wage at Molson Stadium again this Fall, other members of | to handle a bumper crowd and many the team are redonbling their efforts | out-of-town requests have already next Saturday. The Red and White appear to have the better attack, U of T. the stronger defense. ..., ., Globe--While the records show that U. of T. seniors have the best defense, and Queen's the most ef. fective attack in the Intercollegiate Union, McGill remain the dark horses of the race, and it is certain that records of past games will not bother the Red and White next Sat. | urday. However, University of To Toronto appear to be slightly the stronger team. If they stand up un- der fire they will likely defeat the Shagmen at Montreal. In comparing the teams in regard to the class of material, it is admitted that U. of T. rank first, Queen's second, and MoGill last. . . .. x Ottawss Preparing to Meet Baimy Beach Team -- Ottawa, Nov. 17.-- With each hour making it more certain that Joe Tub- man, star kicking half of the Ottawa to take the field next Saturday lu the finest possible shapé. Connell returned to the fold i i reached football headquarters bers Charlie | for reservations. It is expected that this [the Excellencies, Lord and Lady week when the Dominion champions | Willingdon, will atitend, sf fmvita- reported for practice to tone down tion having already been extended against Balmy Beach here on Satar- day afternoon. The kicking quties will likely be handed over to Joe Miller. Miller has shown more than any of the other players in the way of booting, though Harry Kehoe put on a good display against both Varsity and Argonduts. Kehoe can boot but he has not the hands of Miller. Lyneh will likely be the second man on the rearguard when Ottawas are on the defensive. With the sxception of Taubman and Connell the team is free from injuries, having come out of Saturday's game In Toronto in good shape. Lana but Wintry weather has put downe Park in bad conditien, measures are being adopted this week in the care of the gridiron whicn 'it is hoped will put the play- ing field in good shape for the big contest, sand and sawdust will be ap plied and a roller will be utilized to them. 6 . ONLY JUNIOR TEAM. Trenton, Nov. 17.--At & meeting of a number of citizens ia the town hall here it was decided to form a hockey club this winter.. The follow. ing officers were elected: Honorary presidents, W. H. Ireland, ex-M.P.P.; Mayor W. A. Fraser, and H. F. Whit. tier; president. Dr. W. Johmston; vice-president, Dr. E. A. McQuade; secretary, W. Blakely, 'treasurer, Ted Lee; executive commities-- Wile liam Chapman, H. Gray, Howard Jarrett, Mr. Stuart and C: Aliore. ~ After considerable discussion 1% was decided Dot to enter an fntere mediate hockey team ip the O.H.AL this 'year. but to put sll possible efforts into the junior series. executive will also undertake manage a town league, the ga ta be played in conjunctidn with the funtor O.H.A. games, LL A