Wednesday, November 17,1 - 3 ' 3 L sie} - 13 in ~The ig's Classit "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG » lic Forum an da True Market Place ¥ ee British hig The Pg a rate; no ! BIRTHS. FOURNIA~-At Picton, Oct 23rd, to Mr. year. on Clarence, Street Wednesday morn BY WILLIAMS. oe KINGSTON. ONT. warld Mea. D. A Fouruia a on. | 4 DA Oy mer can' have Same! X AS Tar 5 On Nov. 17, 182 Dae b piyin h wrch in the evens & { CLNNINGH) --- 3 All ads FISD ADVERTS thelr Mra. J, Leonard Walsh, a daughter. | by applying &t the church in the ever OUR HONEST NOT SO GOOD EM? WELL. i phd Solicitors, in Sama CLASSLY] 77 ° Kingston, A Cunnningham, Ki Beapet daasts MARRIAGES. A LENS OF PAIR OF GLASSES -- oPINION © TY TLL MAKE A BET WITH "YOu | Cyril M Smith. " Be) WE - At Trenton, on Foun in ritish Whig. Owner may : pw ES REESE II oi ssi STORMS-POWERS At Trenton, an! Found in Brin Whig 1 "HET STORY INTELLECTUAL GINTS! EF T Barvisters and Solicitors 21h EN ee oh to Francis Neison | EVERSHARP PEN Li--Found between Oo HOURN THIS STORY Dont SELL Fus | a a rE Minimum COArE®, Scorms, son of Mr. and Mra. John| Bro k and ool: sul Streets. Owner CURLY * OF COURSE = PLACE 3 SEND TT vo WALK | Solicitors, $9 Clarence Street, . 3 De Storms, North Marysburgh may have game ut $33 Aly eet | WELL-UH = || ug 1S - | wut H CLEAN T' TOWN An BACK ON | MSrigaiss Sivansed dian, av | as VANALSTYNE- -- On. Nov.i PEN-- : \ ' | Sa one we 3 GAYS. wayeras + ind. at Pic Barat Wad: Bou-| VOUNTAIN PEN-. Pung, at Stadulm Hl YOUR VERY | 5 PAPER | ALLL MY HANDS AN' KNEES: AN | SMEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barriste 5 * beatha, Wirt ham, Bophiasburgh. to Archie Alli-| 07ICF : A FIRST OF A IF 1T DOES SELL YOO ALL Solicjtor. Law Office, corner of 3 riagss, one insertion ¢ son Vanaistyne, urgh. - wee I'\ fo | . and Brock, over Loyal nk. M 3 as 3.08. ds DEA FOUNTAIN JFEN--Found on Earl St, DOES TH ACT! TAKE to loan. 'Phone i998. ya ; td © han and THS. rel Wee runt t _ : (ices--Charged, $1.50; cast, $1.00 EATON-~On Nov. 6th, at the residence] UWner may have same 3 THET ER SHET LP! a or an Neary D ierriater, Salicts 3 insertive. i of her dgughter, Mrs. Geo. T. Ham, ot ing~ Baris hy for Jrres a away, Uosuia Eaton, in her 8ith| MALE OF GOLD CUFF LINK--F i lon Strest. 'Pp I348-w, i a - tion one : i wd. taken for less LARD of four | | tor. 51 Brock Street. Morty be lines. . 3 TlEAges are Bai words to the George Beason, aged 30 years. . Fanged on ¢ity snd farm property. Pum aly. .sveragy od by |PALMER--at Bloomfield, Nov. 7th,|LEATHER GAUNTLET-- Pigskin, found = | Phone 2803. Tr Charged ods. will be receiv y Della Palmer, aged 51 years . on Clarence Street. Uwoner may have i be wiephone snd If paid at The Brit [ppoppns gy Kingston on Nov. 15th | #eme at Whig Office i Ladies' Har rarior nN within § days fro. 1928, Iris Pearl, infant daughter of bo ish Whig Ditice © the first date of insertion, cash raie Oo Owe " hy BENSON---At Picton, Nov. 7th, . Mrs] WEio Office ™27 have same at the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peters, aged 4] HADY'S WRIST WATCH--Yellow Goll, 2 5 ¢ biack ribbon band, lost possibly at ii be allowed months and 15 days. pon Rd, ig Pr ¥ nda orders d tor more than one 88Y | puneral from her Mate resbdence, 586 Stadium Saturday. Finder please tele- and stopped before jon will Montreal Street, Wednesday after-] Phone 535-m. Reward only be charged for the number of tives ihe eg or and adjusts men: made at Lhe rate earned. » Mate per line for Shits specs sane as & MDs clal rate for yearly advertising n w a Ublianors reserve the right to edit noon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Syd- enham. Friends amd acquaintances respectfully invited to attend TERRILL In Hallowell, Nov. 4th, Emily Terrill, aged 75 years. CARD OF THANKS. NUMBER OF TICKETS -- For the Queen's Varsity rugby game, found in Old Arty building. Queen's University. Owner apply to Caretaker, SMALL PARCEL Containing dry goods, found on King Street, between Earl and Gore Streets Owner REYNOLDS, J. Co--Barrister and Sollels PERMANENT WAVING | $15.00 FULL HEAD, NO EXTRAS A. B. KINGSBURY, | 208 Princess Sweet: Phoue 3018-3, [ALL FIRST CLASS MAIN WORK | MADE 10 URDER --Ladies Transfors m or reject all slassified advertising . have same at Whig Office. ny a bd sur fn and : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. White, Wolfe | eee = °° as: a pEung. tutling, Ca r- bons 243; ask for a waat ad. Isiand, wish to thank their many | VALUABLE STAMP BOOK. rund last k Dqfen's bau cutting. Mia. ton. taker. friends and neighbors who so kindly | week In Capitol theatre wner may ate Tqay Wiel, Kings pn isted them in their loss by fire at! have same at Mrs. Delin Ports- Classified Display r, Henry Hinckiey's farm. mouth -- B-------- pn Telephone 198% Turk's Store PHONE 705. DEALING WITH CASES OF THREE CONVICTS ----- Who Assisted Guard When At- tacked--Effect of McCos- | ney's New Trial. ---- | It is thought likely that the fact that McCoskey has been granted a new trial will have some effect on the | parole which it is understood was to have been given to the four other | convists who raised the alarm at the time of the murder. At one time it | [was freely predicted that these men | would be given their freedom before Christmas, but the new trial has changed the conditions somewhat. | The Parole Board is dealing with | i e cases of Dickinson, Medley, | | and Davis, but as these men will be material witnesses at) the new trial, it is hardly likely th i they will be given their freedom bg- fore the spring assizes. The four men know that MeCoskey has been given a new trial and they are not ex- ing to get out until it is over, | e of their sentences expire before | 'ebruary next, when the trial will probably be held. PRINCIPAL H. A. KENT ADDRESSES A RALLY of Young People's Association of the United Church, Kingston Presbytery. } Principal H. A. Kent, D.D, of] Queen's Theological College, made | fis first public appearance since his fnduction as principal of the college, hen he spoke to the Young Peo- e's Association at Sydenham street! United church Tuesday night. Prin- cipal Kent dealt with young people's k. He stressed the fact that the ng people should be taught how to live. In outlining work with young people he said that spiritual values should be introduced into their lives. MAN TO SELL..--. .Furnaces to Home Undertaker and Embalmer Owners and Contratcors, on cash or Parlors: £74 Princess Street credit terms All year nd } el - tion. Protected terr = did Ambulance Phone 560 : tory. Ny opportunity for high class man build up permanent and profitable bus- to| BS | BUNS RANCH FOR THEM.~ STORY WRITTEN BY. CUR HIMSELF ve ov ses semvce me. J RENOH MARCEL "WAVING JAMES REID WHITE GOLD WRIST WATCH-- Lost IFRENC Waving, Round aad ving The Old Firm of Undertakers on ¥ TinCeas Street or Montreal. Finder i Curing, Hair Boblung sand Trimm) of Please return io 11 Thomas Street ands | Facial and Soslp Treatment, 3 KENT MAC 254 and 266 PRINCESS STREET ' A "Phone 147 for Ambulance atosive reward. _ an Ye iis ring. "iis mse g er, i ue Slree vor Writing All Kinds of Insurance. ROBERT J. REID ~- Help Wanted 3 oa PA Cd 1 | Bointmes: 'phous 301 Brock and Weilington Sts, : The Undert Male Help Wanted 2 oT 0s ES . » o a : Auctioneers 24a. "Phone 2061 Thane 577, 200 Princess Siw | akn mow -- A WAIF 1S REFUSED JOB ON THE RANCH~ CURLY QU 5 Hi | AUCTIONBENS--Expert service. modes M. P. KEVES CR A RETR AND THE TWO SEEK JOB ELSEWHERE --TRALED 'BY = i | Ate nape We aah hall anribine: p---- --- FUNERAL HOME: or Api A LR STRANGERS ~ARE. "TRAPPED ~CURLY PUTS UP TERRIFIC 1 2 Ailuion Rooms Market a 44 sin or citing, we Instruct you uotio 00 he 49 COLBORNE STREET and 1 v rk. .W - BATTL TT PR --- IN THE MARKET FOR AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. day fel Reni iyrne be = OTECT THE HD RCH MAN EXPLAINS KD ; a aT FURNITURE STOVES i ed, 21 Domini®h Bullding, Toronto. 1S MISSING DAUGHTER "THEY ARE MARRED AND OAD JRwiLLiams Tnsurage Be and JOHN OONXNELIUS | ERNIE D. SLITER--Ins\rance Broker, | all branches of [insurance li old Line | companies of highest Lp uelal stands Help Wanted _ H. J. KNIGHT ness. Give references. Box X-16, RT I TR TE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Whig Office. ' Agents Wanted + PARLOMS--Sydenbam, Varker, \erons, A re and A » 3» OPPORTUNITY AGENTS--Get in a profitable, all-year| commission business of your own.| P. H. ROBERTS, | . Jaca) representati wanted by Every property ower is a SQAtOmSE ria {§ 'aTRe gntreal ng House. Re- or prospect. Nine undred varieties » Unde ker and Embalmer, {§ PIY In own handwriting staung age, of hardy Red Tag Nursery products |. FRE itis . } experience and, if free to devote Cash every week. Complete equip-| Sydenham, Ont, Phone 20. [§ whole time ment and instructions free. Write] } Unusual opportunity for energetic Dominion Nurseries, Montreal } | man of good standing Reply by}! | _ 1} totter to Sales Manager, Room 5: | MAN OR WOMAN-To travel and ap-| CUT FLOWERS Hl INSURANCE EXCHANGE BLD poly agents. Yearly guarantee $1083: WEDDING BOUQUETS MONTREAL, P. Q. | '(being $21 weekly average), and ex-| ' ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORB 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. Female Help Wanted COOK GENERA L--Iteferen no washing A Sydenham Stree es required; ply in evening at 21 LADIES WANTED-T, light sewing at home, time; do plaiy ana whole or spare THE LATE JOHN MANDERS. : #eod pay; work sent any dis- ' ance. charges paid. Send stam Who Died at Perth was Formerly of | particulars. National tanD Jor Maberly. Company, Montreal | penses, Experience unnecessary. For| particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. REAL LIVE AGENT--To sell Radios in| | full or part time. Experience unneces- sary. Apply Premier Electric, Lon-} don, Ontario. { RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted largest and complete stock,.six hundred | acres. Nursery established forty | years. Our ency ls valuable. Write now and secure territory. fYelham Nursery Co; Toronto. i Perth, Nov. 15.--The death oc- curred at Perth on Sunday morning when John Manders passed away at his home on North street. Mr. Manders, who was sixty-one years old, is survived by his widow and hree children--Mrs. T. Meldrum, of Perth; Vera, registered nurse, and Ila, nurse-in-training, both of King- ston. also two brothers, Thomas ana William, of Smith's Falls. Bora in the county of Lanark deceased had spent a very useful life, conducting a general store in the village of Ma- berly. He also held the most trusty offices of that township and village. | In 1919 Mr. Manders and family came to Perth, conducting a business --- 1 on Foster street for three years. Al-| Mi Mamty Duwsey though retired he still held an ac-|g 0 of the bunismen BYE Toran tive interest in church work. The ho ed and report it a fairly good sea- funeral took place on Tuesday after-| = ye. 0 Pearl Gdy, Elgin was at hoon from his late residence to St. her sister's, Mre. Harry Blackman Paul's church thence to Elmwood . ! for a visit. Miss K. Myers, RN, is cemetery. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson and nursing at Charlest M ' Rev. Mr. McKinnon officiating. The ston. Mr. and . Mrs. Fillo Haskin and Miss Ina pall bearers were R. Munroe, Joseph i Elliost were in Athens on Friday. Peppewell, H. Buchanan (cousins), + : , TE Joseph Butterill, Thomas Butterill Miss Pearl Aimer, Brockville, is at ' her home hen Frederick Atcheson (brothers-in-law), and R. Stenhouse. shipped a carload of cattle and hogs The relatives out of town attending on Saturday. Mr. McGuire. 'Wet were Donald McArthur, Renfrew; y Mrs. Rowatt, Manotick: Joseph But- port, inspector of public schoole, was -- ahs : . . ai in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. terill, Kingston; Thomas Butterill Bla Guthrid Fort and William Shellington, Cole Lake; | on » io . or t, 4 were at George Butterill and son, Clifford, | Mm, lackaterry's, Sunday oven- ahd Mr. and Mrs. C. Derbyshire, Fer-| 08 ) moy. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER bachelor living alone, Must be aes cook. Apply with ref V-15, Whig Offlos. . ices to Box Philipsville Tidings, Philipsville, Nov. 17.- The snow storm of late has left the passage in bad condition. The weathér at pre- sent seems quite settled. Miss Elva Chant has been visiting for a few days in Harlem. Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Carty were Sunday afternoon Miss Anna Myers, of St. Edwards schoal, Westport, and Miss Helen Elliott, of the Continuation School, Bigin, were at their homes here for Late James Connolly. visitors at Dr. J. M. Dunns', Elgin. | now for every unrepresented distrie:; J. Real Estate For Rent. | =a "Farms and Land a Se - - ing 281 King VPireet Kast. 'Phones Arucios Fur dale. | 23i8-w. Res 113 - somes | FIRE==Automobile and Casualty Insurs Auto Tops and Cushions 16a 1 Anes. 1.3. Crumley, 420 Karl Sweet 5 er ee ens 185 ACRES -- Good land, % mile from] Sydenham. Lots of wood, good build- Ings, well watered. Apply on prem- James Soott, Sydenham. For sale in City of St. Catharines. Price right. Must be sold in 10 days. Terms if necessary. GEO. MACSWEEN, 43 Geneva St, St. Catharines, Ont . TE Butcher Business { | 1 a ---------- 14 AO Bungalow; 4 rooms; ments; terms. $0.700--Brick, 7 rooms, modern, south. improve- | ANTHRACITE COAL--Stove, Chestnut L G. PAUL-- Specialist for new Or re- J. B. COOKB--Lifc Accident and Plired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, Be- Sickness, In re ipanies, digs dan uphboistering and decking, wind triot manager Lx | Life Lusuranos. shield and body gleas put in while you Phones. Oftice Kes. 1731-m. wait, linoleum and edging for runs! s------ - - ws -- ning boards, waterproof truck tarpaus | INSURANCE---Only the most relisble libs and awnings made to order. 393 companies represented. Strange a Princess Stree 'Phona 1840-F, | Strange, estabiished in 1560 ORice: § TR aa SARI "lareuce Street, opposite FP Oftion BR SR Radio and Musical 17 Decorators 25a -------------------------------------------------------- BANJO-UKELELE--AImost new, cost] - -- $14.00. "Will sell for haif price. Be | A. ANDERSON--Palnter a2d4 Decorator. Shop and residence 'phone 1968. Of , Whig Office. > a flee 283 King bSireet. Fuel aug Mee 18 GET YOUR PAINTING--ADd paper | done new. Frices reascnable. We paper for sale. Horton, 146 Colling« wood Street Phone 2954-J. and pea coal. The nut and stove at! 25 from car, delivered. Car o p41) 3 om, cars YY or Or- | SMGN PAINTINGS. 8 Roblusen, read Apply C. W.. Neuville, 159] 345 Basot Slreet : an wood 8 Telephone nda. ri A fod DRY HARDW -§4.00 load. Dry + sOftwood slabs, $3.00. Hard coke, stove | FRONTENAC BRIGHT AND SUNNY APARTMENT -- nicely furnished; all conveniences. Ap- ply 382 Alfred Rtreet. Real Estale For Rent Houses 0 SEVEN ROOMED---LCement Block House ~--furnace, all Lmprevements, on Sixth Street. Newly decorated. $2500 per month. Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Pat- rick Street S ROOMED HOUSE -- Corner Colborne and Sydenham. SIX roomed house 56 Rideay Street, all improvements. Five roomed house, 45 Concession Street Apely at 185 Queen Street or 'phone -W. T™ooma 0 FURNISHED---Or unfurnished rooms, heated, for light housekeeping, on bath room flat, electricity and for cook- Ing. Apply 475 Princess Street TWO ROOMS---Furnished or unfurnish- od; quite reasonable. 'Phone 30%0-w. BRICK Stock, Jresssd, Rug KRustiq, wire cut, building tile and drain tile A. Neal, 624 Johnson St "Phone 3041 ENSILAGE CORN CUTTER -- (Massey Harris), for horse or engine power, sot single harness. Apply 418 Victoria St GOOD GRADE COW--New miich. ply to C.F. HEAVEN AND HELL --- Swedenborg's great work on the life after death and a real world beyond. Over 490 pages. Only 25 W. W. Law, 454 Ap- Nicholson, Collin"s Bay ONE PARLOR SUITE-Settes, 1 small table, electric lamp. Main St, Portsmouth. PERSIAN LAMB CAPE-Large, Black, Hudson Seal trimmed; also large black lamy muff . Almost new. Apply Box 351, Gananoque, Ont. § chairs, Apply § PULLETS--April hatched Rhode Island Reds, prices reasonable. Apply to Wal- Jer Compton: Harrowsmith, Ontarfo PIANOS TO RENT We will rent you a Piano for six dollars per month for a Positions 1 rn city, size $10.50 ton. Hard coke, §7.00) MENT BOCIEYY ~~ Incorporated In Wanted 8 Inve Farm near sity. would exchange. | JER LD STR0b, bhone 2th.' Wo HO ee Ae Da aah - . rig T. UCONNOP, "1 C. Bruton, 139 Wellington Street. vice-president J. 3M. Farrell Money to EXPERIENCED WORKING HOUSE. 351 Prin "Street. 'Pho 1189-3 loan ca city aud Iasrm properties; ins [ KEEPER---Wants a position November oe Street = | LUMBER--Rough and dressed, also] vestment Bobds bought and sold, des 35th. First class cook; good references. Wanted To Bu 14a! Shingles and lath, satin finish hard-| posits received and interest paid oR 'Phone Miss Ingram 267. 0 y wood flooring, all kinds, stovewood | minimum monthiy balance. x a ResAwing anc planing Peters &| Cartwright, manager, 5i Cisrsnce St. STENOGRAPHER--With experience in| DRESSED TURKEYS WANTED--From Resi ving a Bras ana Toronto | ---- . : m---------- general office work, desires positions Nov. 1th to Nov. 3th, 'Phone or! Streets. 'Phone 858 | WANTED 1T0 BORROW -- $3000 on Box W-15, Whig Office. write for prices. J. ¥F. Cramer, 31 | mortgage on $5.000 property in city: at a Brock Street. §85-J or 121%F. GO TO TALBOT'S LUMBER YARDew| 6% ihicrest Apply box T-18, hig WOMAN DEsInES aVASHING = 40d = I === Concession street, for used Jumber af! Ulfice roning to do at home. Apply ox Artic Sale. $25 per thousand, new lumber an eee CR = = Z-17, Whig Office. os For shingles, lowest price possible; bard | Storage 208. AR RRR EH and mixed Wood, soft And mixed siabs YOUNG MAN -- With good education, Miscellaneous 15! Phone for prices. Fhone 3753J - Ee & . 5 wishes to obtain employment. Good NE ---- BORAGE Aursiture, Sean Sey p 7 "hi 7 - 'RY c y Se 3 : FO feferences. Apply Box Y-17, Whig Of-| ANDIRONS -- Fenders, fire screens -- BE on A oe Joe Johnson | 'd key. Frosis City Storage, 388s a a i a mas everything for fireplaces. Partridge Teet, phone 14 iy herded 128! 306 Quesn Sh thous 516. ies SVI-W. Nn Wire and Iron Works, plating in sil-| try Parker's. Best dry hardwood §3 or 1 iy Apartments and Flats ¥!| ver, nickel, ete, King SL. 'Phone 350. Per load; mixed hardwood, $3.60; slabe| OF eee $2.15 SWAIN'S WOOD YARD The only wood-yard operating their own bush. 'Phone 25i6-w- and save middieman's profit. Mixed and soft slabs always on | hand i | BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSB---iof {| furniture ur any merchandise. Fires proufl bullding. 'Phone 1000 or 11TV. TR A. 4" GA 5 a a celinrs and' A. MacGregor, i ASHES..Cleaned out of W. Hi. NORMAN. Wishes to announce | Yards Giean job dose. the opening of a new Coal and Wood | 34 Russell Street Phone 2255. Yard, 200 Montresi Street. Reasons] -- aso -- --- able prices. Hardwood, per load, | ASHES--Removed from yard and esis 3.50; hardwood siabs, per load, $5.25. Irs, general carting, first class drys ixed Wood, per load, 33.00; Softwood | Weed for sale, ig Fhe Slabs, $2.75. Delivered. "Ph 1549-0 | Buckley Transfer, 143 Lreet. Yor === | 'Phone 191 and 2516-M. Wanted To vuy | RADIO SERYIUE--Exids § Batters a ------ ae | des ¢ hagdie only tie better equips POULTRY We are now open to buy all! ment h is one Canada Kadio classes of live or dressed poultry.! Sores Open day and night Highest cash prices paid and pr | em ---- - -------- returns. Write or 'phone for prices Expert Plano Tuning, The Frontenac Produce Co, Ltd. Wellington Street, Kingston, Oat. Tele- | Player-Plane Adjusting. i PFhoue 1844 C W. LINDSAY, LIMITED i -------------------------------- UPHOLSTERIN GADD gogeral repmirs ing. Leave cider At ur drop & cand 10 F. W. Harold, 1634 Clergy Suresh 'Phone 1600-J. Business Services rn pi Lo PRA - RS A HE iri da == period of six months. At the expira- roe Pcorner of | Pele and eine | His address was very inspiring an The funeral of the late Jamas tion of the six months we-will allow{ cess Streets. Chirepractic sdjust-| Automoniies the gathering derived a great deal of Gave a Lecture. Connolly took place on Monday Are Journeying to Florida. J a Manits Did 3s rental to on] ments, Slectrie Sediments and hand | mmm i en wa he sce sama 1. Tocuro8 Dior mt | Brea crates on eben Kine Onno | des: TL 1 Sesttn | Gt Gls HII FT| Awe deme R meeting was the secon nua ' » Y.P.A.| wo and to the Sacred Heart ane 08- ve a tele- | N ALTO TOF AND BODY : Tally of the Young People's Assocla- | of St. John's Church, Portémouth, | Church, Wolfe Island, where re-| Pital for treatment. Dr. Dales is im-| *tuars oid. belongs 3 aside. 10] phous 8-7 Rana none Tatty: | KANAITON oF auto Dukes. Hous Tops | jflon of the Kingston Presbytery of jon Tuesday evening. The subject of | quiem mass was sung by Rev. Fa.| Proving after a severe attack of| Apply J. Eves, Raglan Avenue. Tele. | LUCY--Geo. F. sud Jeunie A. Chiro.| and Cushions BHicinia Toos ad U e United church of Canada. Ow-jthe lecture was "Palestine" and It|ther McKiernan. The pall-bearers| Pneumonia. Harry Freeman is very] Phone 3580, Bor, a oa sa Solsering. Awnings and Teuts ing to the inclement weather, the at- | was beautifully illustrated with lan-| were James MeAllistor, James O'-|ill at his home here. Miss Mossie| ! : Furniture 18a] 15 $-1.30. Consuliation free. 347 King street. _Pbone 2946. tendance was not quite up to the ex-| tern views. Rev. A. E. Smart, the rec-| Rielly, Jeremiah McDonald, Michael | Hammott is visiting friends in King- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair ls 1 - he hairman. © i 1 A FURNITURE~ Anti 7 Bi - - pected number. Mr. Gordon Cum- | tor acted as chairman O'Connell, James Daly, Thomas Al-|'ston. Harry Blakely, Kingston, | FURNITURE Ant % grind modera] Warts, Birtamarks kin sien || Auto Wrecking Co. ming, president of the association, ---------------- lam. spent Thanksgiving at his home here| or, 407 Princess Street. successors to i. Sau. Gissses fitted and] ton bord Truck. occupied the chair during the atter-| 'Red Roger, Black Roger Grapes, Mr. and Mrs. Fawcdit and daughter, | Lesses Antique Shop. traished after otiers have failed.|| Sim aii kinds of Second Hend{ nook and evening sessions. Dean |85¢c. basket, at Carnovasky's, Late Iris Pearl Peters. Myrtle, deft on Saturday, by motor, ' Tou en Bal Bi ion, 3 | sutomoblie Faris for all makes of | Matheson, of Queen's University,| Arab tribesman who shot and kill-| The funeral of Iris Pearl Peters, | for Florida where they will spend| The manuseript-of Charles Dic- Ker, Nose, be Skin. 3081 | ""ieond Hasd Tires, all slaes = spoke in the afterncon on "The|ed Alan Cobham's mechanician gets| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd|the winter. The tea given by the la-| kens' first literary effort--s play ot Breet. Fhone 301iw. House 1134J | 86.00, Spiritual Challenge of the Young | five years. Peters, 586 Montreal street, took: dies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian] written by the great novelist at the i e of to-day." Buy hot water bottles, all sizes-- | place to-day to Cataraqui cemetery. | church, on Thursday last, was a|age of 16--has been purchased -5§ You are missing the best opportuni.) » » . Rad ax 3 ties if you miss reading the ig Clas- 3 The meeting passed a resolution | Medley's. Very Rev. Dean Craig officiating. great success. an BEaglish collector. sited Page ' . _ 8 ------ endorsing the Ontario Temperance z : -- - - Ast ot being the most sdvancid les BRINGING UP FATHER 1 i 33 i i a i 3 3 3 3 - &# un BY GEORGE McMANUS fslation province has ever had. ; i "They also resented the assertion that 2 0 ng of hip flasks and the L JUST CANT MAKE UP KIN | SPEAKTO A DINTY= | HAVE MADE liquor 2 prevalent among ME MIND THER TO YOUR REPUBLICAN! Le) Hh DON TIVELY- wo-day. « NOT REPUBLICAN! we Fun