Thursday, November 18, 1926. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | S---------- . style, as against the aidw w % 1 " . ; 3 : ; . . ; . : : rk ¥ whe 7% 1 GREAT FOTORE FOR- STOCK MARKETS | SPORT FE a he Juttar s - hy : 5 ; ; ne GREAT LAKES PORTS ------ {amr sent -- ~ - (Reported by Johoston & Ward, I» Uo Sas] qeAriSr Ywagh lowe. . Kingston, November 17th, 1926. Y | -- | FLORENCE VIDOR |/Ohicago Diversion Termed ravers aft Mestre: and Toroata M cll . JR Cm = | iunder and Its Perpetra- Stock Exchanges). Lin A RECORD CROWD, : : : Ny Corrupt Gang. ~ . ere : € Tweive Hundred Extra Seats = To the. Electors of Kingston ea " ' , Montreal. Been McGill Stadtum You Never »l | pe-- . aw Nov. 18th, 1.30 pm. s Bean Pug "» dhe » y | . now Women Buffalo, N.Y. Nov. 18. <~William | Abitibi Power ... ... ... . 90 0 . presented a bop - gh Pale and of Portsmouth : The Lovely Orchid of the Sic ' { George Bruce, of Milwaukee, was | Asbestos, WOM. .... ... <.. Vv 23% e tend: usy sight all day yes. ] y reen chosen for re-election as president | scbectos, pid 8 ay, When ihe holders of season {of the Great Lakes-Harbors a awh Telaphons ... 4. =. ran Ea Sept Hie sufby Malthe 3 | ne Ce amd States md |Dok Telphons ..x &: vx- 130% (Showed Great Form on the} 12 Pareival Muitul memonal sad-| A short campaign will make a per- Frida Se turda | Canada by a nominating committe: . oh lam, exercised their privilege of, . y 4 rpg lb sg eed eR Front Rank Against Loyola | having the preference In the sale of sonal canvass of each of you im- ' | Nomination is regarded as equiva- |; hart Yesterday. seats for the play-off series game ou | . as HE'S LIER E.| Nomination 1s : Con. Coment, oom... ..-- 13 y Saturday. "Almost every Book Bold: ~ possible, but I shall have opportunities | Vice-presidents mominated were" Can. Osment, . mas Montreal, Nov. 18. Yesterday|®' PP for tickets for the game, | . p 3 | Vio smesdents mominied were, Dom. Bridge -.. -- ;- 1+: 138 | he Moll savad wae elven one 5+ SPUiieg Sur Hck 207 he game, from the platform of placing before | eS ee. 03. Fake, Dou: Jeatlly +'. «+ 38. hour of the fasiaet type of crt, \SUNSd S% the olher mapalios. | you my views on the political issues of | Cleveland: W. 8. McCormick, Du-|imurencide far san ri 23 maging, for half an hour first The sale of season books this the day iuth, sad Is G, Macomber, Detrot'. [yioryay re Seye rea 1108 ers the hustling Loyola College |700F Wea » rosord ous, which gives f . ; Raymond H. Weins, of Milwaukee, Power .. ren intermediates and then against every assurance of a record-break-' you think : correc wag re-lacted secretary-tredsurer by omen thas. vat 1% all-star team of old boys and a a. ag arowd for the Varsity-McGili || and , my P osition t, | che board of directors, *" 7 |Npcionad Breweries, com. 64% |'s. "A" players wnt darkness wt in | 24IED Ou Saturday. Twelve hundred | believe that as member for this in es 3 { L. G. Macomber, 'chairman of the GE ery There was fight and scrap in ever: | °XU® seats have been placed In aby: a 'One WELL | committee on port development, in Br us serves as 3 minute of the play. Loyola put up| Font of the two stands which will Electoral District | would be of service | presenting that committee's report. 0 (38 |a stitt argument as he baling | Sive 4 seating capacity of 12.876 for, to this community and the Province, I | predicted a wonderful future for the Sar tr young marcon-clad team always |'he m 4 | Great Lakes ports, "particularly in PHS Bea 13Y does. But they could not withstand request your support. The Masterpiece of all} tne connscting of the Great Lakes |Z oo Toeee eee oof 007 [he line crashing and end runs which Practice With the Y . College Dramas Wiel tho Atlantic Soean Dy mt Ol LE a 12s 438 Yee launched at thew 12 bewpe Argos Fell Through ours sincerely. . J . . : Spanish River, com. ... .. 104 . --- . -- i ° The RugbyJictave of all time, The convention adopted a resolu Spentsh River, td. ... ... 114 The red team ended their half Toronto, Nov. 18--The ex 1! with the most famous of all foot. tion urging defeat of the pending ' hour's workout against Loyola by poeted | ® e bail players, and a suppordng]|7ivers and arbors bill now before Sah ot Cudd «e+ 112% | pucking the line for sv ywros--a ba Spice game betyoen Argonagte, 4 east of wall known: star the Senate of the United States, un- [he "oY °° stained drive. whic ugrosts that] ond the URIviSiy of coral tum 1] ~ STE Oe, aan ie TG, , . : 4 less 1s amended to sk all velar Rav the-Tunt Sima this season Var- falled to materialize yesterday. | . ing Street (between Brock and Princess Streets) HELD OVER ! Chie lor The Teso- Saturd, jug te a Sw foam nComch Mike Rodden, of thé Argos PHONE 8200. TELL US HOW WE CAN NELP YOU. r vy Jution said that enactment of the » 18eh, BE Ne iy \ A vt 1 10wn with 4h St. Pet. Joint Secretaries. ; HELEN HUGGARD J] vu as it stands might "compromise LL ce sas vases tie Of he i a | riche hockey team und wost-of the | ALLAN LEMMON - PERCY CHOWN The Popular Mezzo-Contralto or affect the result of the final de- * daa ya Rann ul first two games. The improved work players have had enough football. i > » Pog » cision by the Supreme Court of the 'LOEO. aes see ane of the McGill line was the pleasing Varsity can see nothing to ft bu: . I o-- United States in pending actions |>- ha ue tidbit of the AMerncon's § Rags the Intercollegiate title, and they a ------ - g arising out of the Chloago abstrac- Fan sams tar the McGill supporters, who have Wil Sars a} Yhe xouligbnce 8 Hie ! tion of the waters of the Great Bat Xan kan wry 4 been nursing apprehensions as to pn i Samo Satur. Lakes." ' tay nw iva what the hefty Varsity plle-driving ROY Al Meyor Daniel W. Hoan, of Mil- : rrr 0 4 Tha od ITU io, JOC ORG0 SuSIgRd from leat SOIRIY | wankee, characterized ghe Chicago xvs rank in the play-off game. McGill Says SiTueE'e with Quests with ne} » dreimage canal as the greatest en- : Rar ax ate sar has vivid recollections of Varsity's ed ge mj a " ei 0 e ectors 0 sto WINTER FAIR gineering blunder of recent years, |! cee are iy vee a ovine atyle of play and ibe yards [Die wete never bet er and hese bril- | TORONTO and called Ms operators "the most |N- ¥. Cope vv aur oon gained by the blue team in rushing lant Halves it be hard 40.900. Thu; notorious and corrupt gang in the | the line here in the opening game of plunging of Stbilery has u @ | " He ridiculed attempts, "Br % | the year. line work in this week's practices, | A Bor were being my Sain she tea mun ww the while every man on the deam 3) il tackling well. change the name of Chicago's "open . baie nt wie wei "'to 'the lakes to the gulf | oo eines oo 17% Western Quall LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: -- NO 12-20th ar " o ed TO PRESENT PRIZES. : % waterway." z : Morne To Meet the RAM.O.| 71 prize winners in the Colle | Having been chosen as the regular hominee of a ------------------------ ces isen may ie ------------ glate cadet rifle matches, which were | the Conservative Party, | respectfully solicit your West Point to Play RM.C. ? aE Toronto, Nov. 18.--University of| held at the Barriefield ranges on Horse Show Supreme. We Plan, Nov. 18) -The hockey |U. §. Sis ae ena Western Ontario qualified here yes | October 16th will be presented with votes and influence to elect me as your representa= Special Excursion Fares. team of West Point military academy [U. 8. a aa terday for the right to meet Royal|their prizes, at the meeting of the] tive in the Ontario Legislature. will meet the Royal Military College |W Six ke vee ens Miltary College of Kingston in the Literary Society at the Collegfute | . meses'. {in gp international Intercollegiate Tih ieee % intermotiate. Invarcollesinia Jona Institute Friday afternoon. The |} 1 am whole heartedly in favor of the Ferguson a fixture st Kingston, Ont, February y y 8 ichael's | winner of the Strathcona Medal this| Government and the Ferguson Policies. 19th, it was announced to-day, of this city in the second game of the | year is Cadet Cecil Clarke. Capt. | CHECKER 4 series by a score of 9 to 0. As West- | Heron, district cadet officer, will Yours Sincerely, [axicabs | rt ern vanquished the Saints in the|meke the presentations of the} The death of Mrs. Lois Toppin, first game played at London 17 to| Strathcona medal and silver spoons. | ® widow of Thomas Toppin, occurred s | 0, they captured the round by 20 | - on Nov. 10th, gt her residence at points to nothing. BOWLING. { . . 1 : Algonquin. ; Mrs. Toppio. was in her Bois-Compeau. Western displayed a fine brand of | The Industrial Bowling League A pretty autumn wedding took |the fall pastime and after securing | held sway at the Venetian Bowling place in the Church of he Gypd a try in the first few minutes of | Acedemy Wednesday aight. Tha| =r er mera -- Thief, Portsmouth, on W Y.| play the issue was never In doudt | Wholesale Bakers took two games | in F------------------------ | Nov. 3rd, when the pastor, Rev. Dr. | and only on rare occas.uns wes the | from the- Dominion Textile Co. and | | Travel the Motorway Between |! g DAY OR NIGHT Kingsley, united én marriage Wil-| London goal-line threatened seri-|the Blks took 'two games from c A a The eab that gorced the prices ¥ liam A. Bois, son of Mr. Alexander | ously by St. Mike's. The brilliant] "Dodd's Five." ston and / aman setunel} Bois, of this city, and Amelia An-|piay of Western's half-line was REPAIRED J 5, Special ates for Danoen: . onette Compesu, youngest daughter | {argely responsible for the inability HOCKEY SCORES, * ! Be tn on on a 0 0 . of Mr. and Mrs. Opmpeau, Pofts-|of the locals to score. Haugh, Ken-|. mii Belleville Recharged and Stored i ~~ Supp mouth. The bride }doked very love-| nedy and Warren formed a rear N. H. L. i pcharg . 3 YELLOW ly fn & dress of powder blue flat| guard trio thet combined in brainy | Chicago 4: Bt. Pats 1. Leaving Randolph Hotel daily Electrical Repairing, Sup=§ \ orepe, trimmed with silver, and grey | fashion to run back the punts "of Canadian League (Sunday included) 8 am. and plies, etc. +4 ! HARD AND SOFT SLABWOOD § bet, shoes and stockings to matoh. | thelr opposition for numerous gains Stratford 3; Hamilton 2. 8.80 p.m. Leaving Belleville | | A B E AND BODY HARDWOOD, She carded a bouguet of white| On the line the Saints were nol so mens same time. . LEO Ww C0 C Also chrysanthomums. The bridesmaid, | badly outclassed, but they fumbled | Controller Frank H. Plat, for. wierhodl a. Cp . We. Miss Irene Bois, sister of the groom. | much more frequently than did Imer Mayor of Oftawa, will rua for chart it oe Phone 800 «= 25am tf mann sitcom mc How ammonts. mad, ce. su, | re The ie Se shen 11 ne es aun 1 "XGax miion. | || "Fol. 2042W. Row: 1870F" A "Phone 2706. We dettver. Jo " in sedd pearls. She|their plays into motion in speedy Ruy Scott's Emulsion. Mediey's. el. . Res. 1570F. : wore a large bimck ploture -hat and x rn carried pale pimk chery h ms FREIGHT DELIVERY. NOMIN ATION rk irom was supported by Mr. A. Afiter'the ceremony, a dainty wed- MOTOR TRUCKS ; ding breakfast was served at the J. W. LANE Jbome of the bride. The happy cou- -- ' ple left for a short honeymoon in ; 85 York Street. Phone 2723. the west, and on thelr return will * J fs reside in the city. \ : . A Nominstion Meeting will be held | 1, the evening Mr. atid Mrs. Com- MISS L UISE at JOHN WALKER'S HOUSE, Muni- {peau gave a Wedding dance to about "a O! + | eipality of Howe Island, on 150 friends of the young couple, to e Oo A . Any place in eity fe Ql enable them to view the gifts of the Beauty Parlor |e, Noy, 20th, 1926571" Soe At Elliodv's Barber Shop 38 a owt of felendy toltow the popu- ; | ig) | 350 Princess Surver. Phone 881w || Nominations of candidates for| The out-of<own guests were: Mre. It is understood that a considerable number of Citizens of Kingston, though willing - Reeve and Councillors 'will be ae-|BElmer Charboneau, Brewer's Mills; || copted from 12 o'clock noon to 1 o'- [Mrs. Wilmer Hampton, Oananoque: and ready to do so, for various reasons have failed as yet to make their contributions to ps 9 Li Miss Mildred Compeau, Gananoque. «Godkins very clock p.on., to serve the Township for , . . LIVERY, BUS AND TAXX the. year 1927. Queen's University Endowment Fund. Baa WILLIAM WHITE, pe CE tow Ok |. MARINE Some were out-of-town, or absent from their homes or places of busifiess when the parties to 1 QUEEN STREET | County of Frontenac -- canvassers called. Some have hesitated to subscribe owing to publication of the names { ' A ---- The C.S.L. steamer Simla, which yy has been tied up at the old M. T. of contributors. Some have not contributed because they felt the amounts they could dock for some years, and was recentl STOO LATE! Sir tt cris Ars Cham] se woud be to ull be of consegunes. 2 tug and sank. on , will v { Ewan calle on the 'phone fee EISEN 13 Sint, be 5 TR BOREL Dak Con' ANY CONTRIBUTION WILL BE GRATEFULLY RECEIVED, REGARD. days make repairs' been unloading col at the Colling' fe 1b re to an elec- wobd Shipbuilding Company's dock, Se rom. Dacom . > ; Cp phd Hace Mg oe aa gets | eloared this morting and is tied wp LESS OF THE AMOUNT. Names of contributors are NOT published if REQUEST 'windiog burned to a crisp, and the 1 'Oatmenl | COUSOWA;. © i Blac. 'sain' Pepper, 'Coffee. | © The steamer Maplehesth, weat- TO THAT EFFECT accompanies the subscription. | 7, ein 3 per L bound, this morning, was at the - lingwood Shipbuilding Co's dock for The | minor repairs, aud cleared on her Contributions of $25 or more may be paid over a period of five years, that is to say, n one-fifth now, and the remainder in four equal annual instalments. 330 Wednmtay lee, | siasion, 8, Contributors names are inscribed upon the Roll of Benefactors of the University -- 6.35 p.m.; Nov. 18, Glenmavia, 11.05 a lasting record of the beneficence of those who thus share their subs in the in a.m. Down--Nov. ¥7.: Foote, 5.10 pm.; . others McPherson, 10 p.m.; Nov. 18, Maple- X of : WE Contributions may be sent direct to DR. W. E. McNEILL, TREASURER, se Sale ot an a QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, or to the following: . NOVEMBER 6th-13th Dr.LJAutin - - - 84BaieStreét| A.C. Hanley - - 81 Wellington Street E.W.Mullin - - - 344 Johnson Street | Dr. E. Sparks - 159 Wellington Street - W. H. Herrington - 151 Wellington Street | Jack d'Esterre - - 170 Princess Street Jack Day" - - - - 237 Bagot Street | Harry Wilder, Smith Bros. Ltd., King St. : ¥ ' .