Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1926, p. 1

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RED GRANGE FLORENCE VIDOR 'Ia "YOU NEVER In "ONE MINUTE TO PLAY" KNOW, WOMEN" SAA AAA ' kage - CONSERVATIVES _ The President of Ge Fs Conservative Women remem sda's 'most prominent Conservative | ing to the fact that he has to "or- Statesmen, is to take the platform | ganize™ a gampalgn organization, he . . 8 » h in Kingston in benalt of the candi-| will have to confine himself almost ; en ers es on «~ of the Hon. W. P. Nickle, . {K.C. He will speak with Mr. Nickle entirely to his own riding and will not be able to take the platform in at a big rally to be held in the city other places as he would very much . memorial hall pn Friday evening of | like to do. Mr. Nickle is runping as uy g ] GCM K y S ys She Is for tl next week. Sir George has for years | an Independent in support of the O. ~ O.TA. and Says She Intends to Lend H 0.T.A. and Says to er » ia Ww '. Assistance to Elect Hon. W. F. Nickle. been a great temperance advocate T.A., and has no political party back There is a very serious split in the ranks of the Conservative" pair and is one of the strongest support-|of him, but a flocking td his stand- In Kingston since Hon. W. F. Nickle, K.C., announced that fe was offering | Conference To himself as a candidate in support of the Ontario Temperance Act.' Ol ers of the 0. T. A. ard is already noticeable. His old time Conservatives refuse to take any part in an election against Mr. (] T d Mr. Nickle is to speak at the nom- | triends are going to stick with him ination meeting here on Saturday | in the great fight now on. Nickle, and announce themselves as Mr. Nickle's supporters. The follow ing letter is from Mrs. Gertrude G. McKay, president of the Kingston. Plan for the Governor-General to Merely Represent the Louisville, Ky., Nov. 18.-- Queen Women's Liberal-Conservative Association, resigning that post and an- uouncing that she fs going to assist in the election of Mr. Nickle: Nn. Marie of Rumania will abandon her EL ------ tour at Detroit, Mich., on 'Saturday, Will Sail for Home on Nov. 24, Owing to King Fre dinand's liness. - London, Nov. 18.--The Imperial | because of the serious turn in the Cont: ce plans to formally close condition of King Ferdinand. She next Tuesday. Betwaen now and| Will arrive in New York on Sunday then there will he hurried days of morning and expects to sail on NO- Plenary meetings and a. final re- | vember 24th on the S§.8. Berengaria Vision of committee reports, the {Queen Marie authorised this state- > GIVES ADDRESS AT SUNBURY Be Defeads Gorenment Couto of the See of Ligur md Ct _ cites the 0.T.A.--Anthony M. Rankin and Dr. A. Ross, M.P., Also Address the Audience. Hon. W. H. Price. attorney-gen- | Government was borrowing pol eral in the Ferguson Administration {10 carry on the business of the prov. Spoke in behalf of Anthony Rankin, |inoce at 4 1-2 per cent. instead of at Conservative candidate for the rid. higher rates paid by other governs ing of Frontenac-Lennox, in the , Menls, township hall, Sunbury, Wednesday] When speaking on the question of evening, On account of many!the amendments tothe O.T. XK. farmers being very busy at home, | Which the Government intended to the gathering Was not as*large as make if returned to power, Mr. Price Was expected. During the course ofl stated that General Ross could see his address, which lasted over an | the position from all angies and he hour, the Attorney-General did his, agreed that the lawyers had made a best to convince his hearers that the | lot of money out of the bootleggers, Ontario' Temperance Act had been | but they were entitled to it fs they a fallure and should replaced by 'had to spend a great deal of time ---------- a temperance legislation known | and thought and they were entitled RE a 4s Government Control. Mr. Price to good pay. : SNow IN SASKATCHEWAN. told of the bootlegger and how the! e Cost of Enforcing O. T. A. HON. W. H. PRICE Who spoke at Sunbury Wednesday evening on behalf of Mr. Anthony Rankin. XN . ; {act had to be enforced with spotters | Farmers a ose Atle to Finish | great cost to the province | According to Mr. Price, in 1018 Regina, Nov. 18.--Snow has fall. | He also dealt at cossiderable|it had cost the province $60,000 to en all over the province, and in length withthe financial situation in enforce the laws and it had never areas where threshing has not been | the province. He Stated that when been over $100,000 even during the completed the etooks are covered |'D® Ferguson Government was! war year. The cost of the enforce. with snow, according to telegraphic | ®lcted over three years ago, it was ment had increased until at the | reports received by the statistics | f0und that the Drury Administration | present time it was up to $350,000 branch, Department of Agriculture. | 18d allowed the province to go in-| not {ncluding the O. T. A. The O. 1. Threshing has been halted m all |! debt to the extent of about fif-! A. cost the first year $185,000 to parts of the province, 'and whether | !9e0 million dollars yearly, and his| administer and it had or not it will be resumed this fall | Chief thought as Mavineid] treas- | from year to year until chief of which will be that of the| ment early to-day. She will spend | 9ePends upon the Weather. ns oid Be a agetltedive wontis it ey . premiers' committee on inter-em- to-day in Louisville and to-morrow in So oe Suiher And Sop a red had been done without adding fur-| Mr. Price stated that he would I pire relations. The report does not | Cincinnati ther taxation. He stated that as a} A ! t L Side: nt re-t t fon. eave it to his audience to decide | presume to draw up a new form o! Returning to her train at Indian- Bo wild te i ned as a | result of this good financing, tha!whether respect for law and onder constitution for the Empire but dis- | apolis, Queen Marie summoned Col. | "DDE, rN 4 recently. He also hala te moh 4 cath) s » | Ferguson Government was now in {had e down cusses various questions submitted Carroll and sald: "I want to go! vole 12 aot Froat. DE on irs 14 position to lower the price of a question why # was that to the committee and gives the{home." There were tears in her! ro ws Jai : a sent. of the Wheat | MOtor licenses, income taxes, and one law should cost more to enforce committee's opinion there on. One eyes, as she explained that new cable read an [Ye per © amusement tax when the price of than all the others: He said be did ot the mont important of these deals [advices had come from Bucharest] op. admission was under twenty-five not think amy law shouid have to be with the definition of the British concerning the health of Ferdinand | cents, [enforoad by use of spotters. Ale Empire and the status of the Dom. {though the Government had a very | Bie opinion of the nationality mm A VANCOUVER WOMAN LR pore i a that tae SHOT HUSBAND DEAD Kingston, Ont., Nov. 18th, 1926. Miss Mabel Hewitt, Secretary Kingston Women's Liberal Conservative' Association, Kings- ton, Ont: . Dear Miss Hewitt: . As the policy of the Ferguson Government regarding the sale of liquor dots not meet with my approval and will, I am convinced, be to 1h disadvantage of the people of this province, 1 cannot support the nominees of the convention. Will you be good enough to consider this as my resignatiop. My intention is to lend what assistance I may be able to give to Mr. Nickle. : : . Yours sincerely, ~--GERTRUDE G. McKAY, President Kingston Women's Liberal-Conservative Association. "Ontario Is Sound at Heart and | Have Faith In the Judgment of the People." Says Nickle Asked for a further statement, re- A Faitliful Servant. Mr. Price in opening his address took- occasion te state that Aathony Rankin had been a faithful servant and his advice had been valued by Causes No Anxiety. Bucharest, Nov. 18. --King Ferdi- nand's condition causes no anxiety, committee of the Conference, inter- rople whe should h id assist in ational action will be the only ef- the 2 Suiza 3 ould We fective method of remedying the not asvist the officers in "The welfare of the people de- : difticulty of w being withont pmands that everything else be pub. "As | have previously stated, in -™ Judgment the great issue which tragscends all others is whether or not the so-called contrdl policy of the government is better or worse for the people of tha province of On- tario. Ad a protest. 1 resigned as at- : torney-general when the government reached a conclusion that the aban- onment of the O.T.A. would be one of the planks of its political plat- form at this jelection. I have been bombarded with requests to be a candidate in this \eiding or in 'that. After careful consideration I deter- mined that the Issue merited full discussion in Kingston, 'which has been loyal to me for almost a quar ter of a century. Moved by that con- viction, I have entered the campaign in 'opposition to a Ferguson candi- date and an Independent control candidate. oA merged except consideration for |® what Js in the best interest of the people of the provine®. T have faith that if our people will but think they will not depart from ways in which they have found social pro- gress, domestic 'contentment and econbmie advancement. All admit that Ontario has enjoyed these ben- efits, and I cannot bring myself to believe that the people will forsake that which they should value highly merely to gratify the avarice of those who would profit by the ap- petite of the relatively few. dropped the bome td grasp at the | shadow in the water, he warned us not to give up .the real for the im- sginary. Ontarid is sound' af heart and I have faith in the judgment of the people. Ik is theirs to decide." "Squnbry ie The 1 an allen. The plan for a kind of diplomatic exchange as between Great Britain and the Dominions is understood to be receiving consideration from dele- gales to the conference. Under scheme, If adopted, General would be purely sentative of the Crowu, not ? Communica- practically pass British tions would then direct to London with the Dominion exercising function * and high semi-diplomatie British Government would be re- 01d | presented in each Dominion dy Aesop wis wise when, In his Table ehecini officer who would kaep. the 1 minion Government infor a of the dog crossing the stream, whe | o ROUT OF the Satay or ite Testifies on Sick Bed Against Mrs. Frances Hall Government. commissioners policy. nm, Somerville, N. J, ui or the Governor- Nov. Brought from a Jersey City hospital long standing, the cure ds necessar- ily slow. RENTED AUTOMOBILE: FAILED 'TO RETURN Young Man Pleads Guilty to Securing Car Under False Pretences. A youag man who gave the name of Harry Holmes Austin, and his home at Ottawa, was taken into cus- tody by the Kingston police, on a charge of seeuring an automobile under false pretences, and in the Police Court on Thursday morning he pleaded "guilty" to the charge sentence. It is alleged that t young man rented an auato. from a local livery on Tuesday evening stating that he the premier evening, ER being of ths] and was gemanded until Monday for] atory to Leaving Her-- Policeman Present. Victorla, B.C., Nov. 18. --Mrs Margaret McRae, of this city, shot and instantly killed hier hubsand, H F. McRae, while he knelt to pack a suit case preparatory to leaving his home here yesterday morning, in the presence of Constable James Strong, | who had been sent by Chief of Po-| lice John Fry to see that no trouble arose between the man and his wife, between whom a separation has been recently drawn up. The couple had { lived together for 23 years | Chief Fry stated that for the las: | few years the couple had quarrelled { much, and often seriously McRae | | who was an 80 per ceab pensioner | evidently feared violence on the part | | of his wife, for he had asked for po- lice protection. - | Abolish Submarines and { duty after being | vincial treasurer was to get at the the heads of the various depart ments. He stated that his first appointed pro reasons for the deficit and to find some way of getting more money into the treasury, without adding taxation. Col. Price said there was a deficit of twenty-five million for the four years of the farmer ad- ministration. The first year under Tory rule seven million of the de- ficit was covered, and last year the budget was nearly balanced tended to do was to debt of Ontario by yearly instal ments. Mr. Price sald uo. had been suggested that the motor license. income and amusement tax reductions were a sort of bribe but he said that it was good business, just as the Robb budgst was. interest on farm loans had been re- duced to 5 1-2 per cent. and the pay off the One of | the things which the government in- | the pore [formative of thelr. dutles. & { "How can you enforce afi act when the people won't give the necessary information," asked Mr. Price, who declared that public opinion reached a point where it did not think that it was a crime to have 8 jbottle of liquor. The speaker said {that you must have moral support behind any act which was to be ene forced and he did not think it was | behind the O.T.A. . i i s-- Hold Balance of Powks. Mr. Price, when speaking of the abuses of the act. stated that the Government had control over only one-sixth of the liquor cossumed and the bootleggers held the balance of power. ke The Attorney-General stated ome phatically that we have a situation | at the present time Which has gotten beyond the comtrol of the province, | (Continued on Page 7) fn an ambulance, Mrs. Jane Gibson 'was driving to Cataragui, and that { "8 ; y lay on the court room cot to-day, and he would be absent an hour. In. Shomfisaly '" Wartare Henry MacRow, of Cataraqui, Meets NICKLE'S DECISION ! i while a nurse kept watch over her! gieag he drove on to Colborne. The, London, Nov. 18. Universal abo-| GLADLY RECEIVED} : * ; hearts beats, testified that four years| Kingston police communicated with |Ntion of chemicals and submarines | Death Wh His Dashed Into Ba the Chief of Police at Cobourg, ana | WSjOmS Of Wat Wag advossted = en : dr y "Miners Vote To * Reject Terns 2g0 she sdw Mrs. Frances Hall and her two brothers, Heury and Willies the latter had Austin taken into cus.| 0° House of Lords by Lord Oxtord, | Stevens at the sceme of the murder tody. Police Constable Thomas Gar. Yo 8s H- H. Amquith "was Premier Tragedy Occurred at Glenora of Rev. Edward W. Hall and 'Bis| rity went to Cobourg on Wednesday | 0TiDE ihe unzly years of she war. | " | ~Stepped on Accelerator choir singer, Mrs. James Mills. fter » cousea| Making his #irst speech dn she | eee back to Kingston (Ne 4ccused! ong since. his ilness, Oxford sus-| and Auto Went Down Mill y *5 t G ital - Violates the Pact. gested that Great Britain set an ex and Over the Ferry. ---- - Brantford, Nov, 18. --Local Lib erals rejoiced exceedingly when they learned that Hon. Wi F. Nickie, At- dent had come to the Whig office, the reporter was told that Mr Maes | Row was expected back home at any time. Later Mrs. McAllister telephe © oned The Whig for Mrs MacRow tp. ask If there was any truth in the ree port which Mrs. MacRow had told her. The facts of the accident werp then given to her P The three men left thelr Wednesday morning with the two trucks to get apples from an Asiagd farm past Picton. Mr. MacRow was London, Nov. Cook, niiners' secretary, an- nounced today that the vote of ' the men was against the aécep- tance of the Government's strike settlément proposals by a large majority. All the large districts were against accept- ance by considerable margins, he said, except in Yorkshire, 184A. IL Rott Des deer in the Ferguson Cabi- ngt, has decided to run in' Kingston. Prohibition circles, in addition, are much heartened, holding that Mr. Nickle's knowledge of his depart- ment, and his subsequent' action, show that the O.T.A. is enforceable when "enforcement has the backing of the Government. -------- Duftalo, NY. Nov. 1S--Thel Complete D'osly Carte Opera Com. |*®Pe for SR nun XY Samedi. | pany will tour Casiada from Montreal; Sei? Tquciag Dor ai j Mr. Henry MacRow, aged sixty- to Viotoria and return, taking in in- | Lord Parmoor, speaking before Ox- | %8Ven of Jackson Mills, met deetii at termediate cities en route. The | yond had said: { Glenora about two o'clock Wednes- Yompany -- Dyruimas eve, "Dinless there are substantial ro. a3 Mtarnaon. When driving 2 Ford undertaken by the duction in armaments, we inevitably | ruck down a hill to the Glenora Pntario Government next year 10 hoor { ferry, he stepped on the accelerator make the Sault Ste. MarieSudbury| "o D¢ Shrown again into the horrors \ Great Lakes Harbors Association of Canada and the United States agrees that the Chicago diversion violates the pa¢t with Canada. The widow of the late T A Thompson, ex-M.P., for Bast Hast- ings, died oh Wednesday at Madec, where there was a very small majority ip favor of acceptance, Members of the miners exes cutive, meeting this afternoon to consider the situation, were gloomy and perplexed. The delegate conference, which last week recommended that the miners accept the terme, will meet tomorrow id an en- deavor to solve the difficulty. Strengthens London, Ont.. Nov. don' prohibits aged sixty-five years. frank road a through highway of a permanent character. Mr. Nicki's Entry Into the Fight Spells Defeat for Official Toryi jE Toronto, Nov. 17.--The £ ii i have been kept in check by the party moguls. Now the slogan is . €0es' and Mr. Nickle will be subjectdd 10 bomberdments from all Fergusonite quarters. "The view among - Conservatives in Toronto who have stood Sy the Premier though dousting the wis dom of his liguor policy is that Mr. Nickle's entry into the tight spells defeat for official Toryism. ¢ "The tews so galling 0 the hopes of the latter comes with the com. pletion of party nominations and this selection of a Pergusonite candidate in every riding in the provises but Waterloo South. Here the Ferguson- ites will not offer any opposition to Karl Homuth, Labor, who supports thelr liquor policy. : "The whdle complexion of (he Star news cul loose on the former attorney- wich the « trom Kingston; To hetors of » Ferguson victory _ de Pergusonite campaign has changed, py to accept that office. To Celebrate Victory. Toronto, Nov. 18.--Ontario mem. | bers of the federal cabinet, Ontario! Liberal candidates in the last fed. eral elections, and federal party | workers will attend a banque here | on November 22nd to celebrate the! Liberal victory in the elections on | Seplomber 14th last. Queen Leaves for Spain. London, Nov. 18.--Queen Victoria of Spain, who has been in London visiting her mother, Princess Bea- trice of Battenberg, left for Madrid this morning. . . Toronto, Nov. 18 Provincial Treesurer Monteith bas issued fn- structiogs releasing the picture slides seized at Kewliptville and per. mitting their showing. Assembly Meets ps 5 Quebec, Nov. 18. was of- ficlally announced this morning that the Quebec Legislature will be convened on January 11th president of the Conadian Red Croes Society and Lady Willingdon Is hap- { Cacao beaws, from which chocolate | is made, were used as currency hid | early people of Central America. and miperies of war™ [inaisnd of the foot brake, and the truck dashed down the slope and over the ferry scow into the bay, His body was recovered. Mr. MacRow was coming from near Picton with a load of apples and it was pecessdry to cross the ferry on his way home. His son and Mr. A. McAllister, Concession sireet, were in another loaded truck foliow- fog him, but they did not see the ac- cident. The truck turned over when it dashed into the water and Mr. Mac. Row was unable to save himself. 3t was fully ten minutes before it was possthle to get his body from the water, according to "witnesses. Fred Fournia, a fisherman who saw the accident, climbed onto the upturned car and breaking a hole through the bottom of the cab was able to get out the body of the man. Life was extinct when the body was taken from the water. Dr. ©. A. Whiteman, coroner of Picton, was called and be pronounced death accidental dnd an inquest unnecessary. The body was taken to undertaking pariors in Plo tom. His Wife Learns News. The sad news was not immediate ly sent to Mrs. MacRow and it was the unpleasant duty of a Whig re-. porter to break the news. When in telephons communication with Mrs! driving a truck owned by My» MeAls lister, and Kis son was driving & truok, In which Mr.' McAllister was riding. . They hail their loads and were returning home when the mise hap occurred. It appears that Mr. MacRow was not used to a foot as feed, and when he pressed his foot down as he thought on the brake hold-the car bask, as he was ; down the hill to. the ferry, his foot touched the accelerator and the truck shot ahead beyond his control, It dashed across the ferry, which is of a flat scow type. and futo the water on the other side. ---- x A Machine Agent. The deceased was known thre out the country side all his life, ha Ing been born and lived on the old homestead near Catsraqul. He was engaged for years in general inery business, renting out thresh ing machines, stone crushing mache fasry, and steam engines Burviving are Nis widow, formerly Emma Day, one son Wilbert, three br David of Glenburale, George of New. York, sud James of Catarsqui; ons aster in Alberta, The late Mr. MacRow was a member of the pendent Order of Oddfellows. The: funeral is to be beld from his late home. to Catareqe! cemetery day afternoon. The service will bs conducted by Rev. Cadoh Smith of MacRow aller the report of ile acel-| Christ Church, Cataraqul.

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