A BY-LAW gun rasa by way of loan the sur = "1 The total Amaunt of debt to be Created is $25.0 4" The aubentures shall, bear inter. | ®t the rate of § per cent and shal payable on the lst ery of July, 1937 | or tha ment of this debt} ee 31 ba. Thlsed annually the | of $1,350 for interest, and $2. fund. these two | NOTICE 'Notice is hereby given that the fore-| : is & true synopsis of a pro posed | polaw of the "Corporation of the City of X on, which has been taken into! ihe electors being obtained therein af- ¢ one month from the first publica- thereof in Dally Whig News- the date of which first publica- % will be on the Sth day of Novem~ 1926. votes of the electors of the City ton shall be taken on the pro- oa By ia on the same date as the | Sonica election, at the same the same Deputy Return- 2 On the 3rd day of December, 1926, at hoursof eleven o'clock In the 3 ead of the Coun- ration shall at- n the sald Munt- for the purpose 3 it Appolmting requested so to ap- | by Jing hd ® him two % to attend at the final sum- up of the votes by the Clerk and! to attend at each polling | half of the persons inter- ot Bro roffioting the ® number on A tenant whose leass extends for for which the debt or Hahility oreated or in which the money mised by the ig By-law is and who has lefise coven- y all mundeipal, taxes in re. | of Be » propany other than ioeal if he makes and With he Clerk not later than the | day bafore the day appointed for the vote a declaration under the Evidence Act so stating shall tied to have his name entered on of voters prepared by the Clerk. the Tth day of December 1926. at of twelve o'clock no on, at the i ® Office in the sald } unicipal- the Clerk of the sald Mu leipality Il attend and sum up the ve 'es given and against the 37 Roe dy-law, SANDS. City Clerk. 1926. be the | E Kingston, Nov. Sth, ~ A BY-LAW Ry = Te grant a fixed assessment fo WMekel- voy & Birch, Lid. of the Oly of Kingstpn. 1. The assessment of the property of Kelvey & Birch, 1td., inciading the L buildings and business assessment Jl be fixed at One Thousand Dol- 3. This fixed assessment shall for a longer period than ten d| shall not apply to or affect ta 001 purposes or local Ete. i i i SU 8 The fixed assessment shall apply | the property of McKelvey & Birch §. a corporation carrying on and | sing to carry on within the Muni. 4 Hy of the City of Kingston centain | my nufacturin business and during ly such period or part thereof as the iperty, including the land and prem- hereinafter described are so used manufacturing hu purposes, said pro- y being described as that parce! or} t of land and rem ises situate, lying | re Being in the ty of Kingston, in the | ty of Frontenac and being compos- aur parts of farm lots 1 and 2 in the | meion west of the Great Cataraqui | , in the Township of Kingston ly, but ngw in the City of Sine and of the lots humbered 4, EOE 10; 11 13; 13. 14 1% 18 aod So PeRistered Man No C8 and 'of that | Birt of Fraser street on said plan Iv- east of a line drawn across sat! jot from the south-east corner of # 16t 10, to the North-west corner of | f fot 18, The whale of which land by Intended to be described may | more particularly described as fol- Bwa: Commencing at & poing--in the if limit of Rideau Street, thirty feet north of th centre line of | Street produced. thence north. f along the said west limit of Ri. i Street. eight hundred snd forty. it, more or lesa, to the 5) hl of Duff street, ag shown on | i | ® lald out on sald farm Tot ------ 2h TW Sth day of ber. 1585, as plan "C. 8" thene ay along the sald south lunit of! 'Santry thence southerly along { red and seven even feet to! as side of said street; Sing | & sald boundary one hun- thirty-two feat to the rear of i thence south easterly three and forty-six feet more or les and | Sa ire hand re] ree hu . wala line to the place of Begin. Bri WIth frat pols on Till ve onthe ta day ue No vies Sha #lectors of the City shall be taken on the pro- by-law on the same da He § ® lection. day of Depember, 1926, at eleven o'clock in he Mayors head of 1 he np of 1 tne To he ohe pearson to Attend at --. on of the persons us of 1 the law, and a ke num. of opposing the propos- E CROSS-WORD {dren who have spent some time with THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Friday, November 19, 1926. m-------- PUZZLE sy i a a ------ 3 : U-19 You'll find many fong words in this puzzle, but most of them are used in everydey conversaifon. Horizontal, . Line of bold cliffs, . Loose wraps. . Black and blue. 31. To free. 32, Inspires with rever- ential fear. Husband's brother To prevent. To restrain. Makes level. Opposite of whole- sealers. of a ship . Exhumes. . Pertaining side. 3. Nautical term. 5. Doctor who teeth, 7. Behind. 8. Wept. 34. 36. 37. 39. i 40. | v Portion of a circle. | . Juwe flower. . Seventh note scale. . On fire. . Within. . Amusement. . Sun god. . ANotted. . Tone in scale. . Tiny particle. Vertical. Agreement. + Imitates., Guided. Exists. Morindin dye. To excavate. . Always. Green fodder vat . Shaped like the keal in . To finish. . Above. Anything smal. To affirm. Indolent tumors. To soak flax. . Farewell ! Sun god. 39. Deity very diatonic a nen | Miss | guest of an operation on hér throat. Clara Curtis, Perth, is th her cousin, Mre. Os Ward is spending Kingston. e € Miss Cass this month i Took In Fowl Supper. Selby, Nov. 16.--A number here attended the rugby Kingston Saturday ple of this place are giving a pla on Friday night. A number here attended the fow] BTM LE INCI INIO[RIMENIOLT ERD! | 1A SETA) INIHIATSI TLE LEIFER] EEL Crossword Puzzle Answers. game { supper an night. D moving week THE ACTIVE HUNTERS, to Mrs their new homes H. Windover Hospital, Kingston H. Abbott having his house shingled. Are Closing Out Their Sport in the North. Plevna, Nov. 156.--~The surround- ing country is crowded with hunters A fgw have already left for their homes, having secured their deer. We were sorry to note the death of Dr. Simpson, Trenton, which occur- red last week at Buckshot Lake, six miles from our village. W. D. Black, M.P.P.,, held a meét- ing in the town hall last Thursday. | He has supporters in this vicinity. | Dr. §. C. Wilson, Perth, Spent a busy day here on Friday. Mrs D. Kel- {dar and son, William, i visited friends in Barriefield have returned | home. Mrs. R. W. Dawson and chil- and Mrs, and Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at 8S. Rickley's Hawley, Arden, visited at pateick's recently Mr. W. Doidge spent Bunday lin, and Mr Hunters Got Deer Apiece. Arden, Nov. 16. returning from the north getting their number Ackey and Mrs. Monday and Tuesday in Oshawa, als { attending Victory L.O.B.A., No. | Mr. and Mrs. William Seott, ! Jogeph Hughes, Mr. and Mrs [Ender and Rev. Mr. and Mrs."A. E. Randolph, Mr. "Saturday evening at J. E. and Mrs. Charles Randolph and son, Mr. and Mrs. | Stephen, Rome, N.Y., and Miss Beryl Evans Mrs | her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. Ostler, | have returned to her home in Otta- | wa. Hayes' William Monds an E {end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John{Long Lake, visiting Mrs Card. Miss Isobel Armstrong spent | Wood's Mrs. John Kellar Thanksgiving at her home in Mano- | Mohday at Mrs. George Nugent's baby girl has come to brighten th at Britto Mrs. H. Ottawa where EN the latter underwent day at Gordon Steele's to the! treats Upper human limb. from The young peo- | from | concert at Grace church on Monday Denison and J. Gollingher are! this | return- | ed Jome Saturday from the General | is Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and children Sees and daughter, Arden, Byrue, Lansdowne, | Mrs. D. Fitz- | at Rob- The hunters are! country, i all pleased with their luck, each one | Adam Gordon Steele spent ! bR3. | Mrs. | C. Ww. | Frank Hughes spent | spent Sunday at Enterprise. { Curtis, Mountain Grove, were week- | Mrs. Minnie Quinn and Fred Keljar, spent A Elkington and daughter,| home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nugent. inte of Montreal Street | Frances, returned on Thursday from | Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Steele spent Sun- Nr aan i i i i I : { ~ Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Great Values ot STOCK REDUCING SALE | A deposit will holdany garment uhti] wanted. Any Fur Women will be quick the ordinary at $89.75. AFTERNOON Dresses are styled. THE MATERIALS: Brown or Rust. Trimmed Coats offer a measure of VALUE that is out of They will appreciate the quality of the materials and the clever way in which the Coats No two alike. First Quality Needlepoint, Vel. Ray or English Broadcloth; in shades of Navy, Wine, Trimmed COAT In the Store. Regular values to $65.00 Saturday at '30:%5 7 S to recognize that these Fur WOMEN'S UNDER HOSE and SPATS In flesh color; first quality: fine, all wool; to be worn beneath Silk Hoslery. 75¢.-$1.00 *14.95 Values to $35.00 The important feature of this sale is the almost bewildering variety of styles and colors; and linked in importance-- THE LOW PRICE. Materials: Satin Faced Canton, Georg-* ettes, Poiret Twill and Charmeen. Sizes 16 to 44. NEW SLIP-ON GLOVES With Tight Wrist and Wide Cuff 95¢c Double tex fabric. Slip-om Jie with embroidered back; scalloped tops; mane nish tailored; in shades of Natural, Dove, Fawn and White, ie | n reasons why! Blue, Fawn and Brown al yi al FUR TRIMMED COATS WITH SHAWL COLLAR OR FUR TO THE HEM Women are talking about our coat values, and this is one of the In excellemt quality Duvetyne, Collar and Cuffs and Shawl Collar and Cuffs, with fur full length of Coat. sox 24.19 SPECIAL AT $24.75. Values to $35 Women's Combinations A New Addition to Woods' Lavender Line Shown for the first time--SILK, STRIPED WOOL AND COTTON combinations. Strap shoulder style, length. Specially priced for this sale at . 1.95 knoe and ankle 2103 8. cer, $40; R. Spoor, $280; Milling Co. wharf, rent, | Crawford, nut, coal, $25.50; Laundry, $6.33; W. B. Sons, account, $53.24; Press, tickets $7.61; Stevenson & Hunter, $8.53; S. V. Hogan, coal, $500; J. Friend & Son, account, $3.- 80; Allan Lumber Co., $6.85. Moved, Russeil-O'Shea, and re- solved that following counts be paid: Archibald McDonald, balance of cement work, $100; 1. Cohen & Co., timber, $30.08; Ira Payne, culverts, $6; Spankie, reeve and selecting jurors, $23; J. P. O'Shea, councillor, $20; 8. Taggart, $20; W. Dignem, coun- cillor, $20; R. Russell, $20; Craig Russell, selecting "jurors, $3; J. D Josgrove, selecting jurors, $3; J. D. Ringaion $100; tmperia Dalton - te Whe 0 Township Councils WOLFE ISLAND. A3 Municipal Couneil jat 1.30 pm, Members all present. | Minutes of last meeting approved { Moved, Russell-Taggart, and resolv- ed that following steamboat accounts be paid: Allen McDonald for Octo- ber, $90; John Gray, $90; E. R. La- { Rush, $60; Wiliam O'Brien, $60; {8. Ley, $40; G. Mercer $40; R i Spoor, $280; R. Spoor sundry ac- counts paid, $23.88; Allen McDon- { ald for November, $90; John Gray, | $90; E. R. LaRush, $60; William { O'Brien, $60; 8. Ley, $40; G. Mer- { Nov met d n e Rose (i i : role of Countess Sicka, in "Diplomacy," a thriller of 1878. township ac-| William | bilan us she is to-day. and {(insel} in her famous Songrove, salary and postage, J. 8. Briceland, salary, id Card, caretaker, $20; George Eves, work on roads, $40; Craig Russell, superintendent, $34; Arthur Cranshaw, work on roads, $10; | George Rattray, fair grant, $25: A | W. Sirett, grant for plowing match, $15. | $153,- $75; Outlet Personals, Nov, 17 improving nicely after an og his throat in Kingston last week. MJ Mr. and Mrs. "JoBn Donovan and son, Mallorytown, wers Sunday at L. O'Grady's. James Wilson has purchased a hand- some new having disposed of his to an American firm Mra, Ernest Pritchard, Gananoque June tion, spent a day recent here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Varnal Cross. Alexander Steacy left on Fri- day to resume his studies at Kempt- ville. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Burns and children spent the week-end in Gamanoque Miss Hunt, Ports. mouth, spent the wéek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fodey Mr. and Mrs. Michael-McDonald and family were Sunday Benedict Fodey's. James Milne, Kingston, is vigiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fodey --~-- Outlet, Alvan Steacy is | operation O'Grady visitors Moved, Taggart-O'Shea, and re- solved that by-law No. 548 be pass- {ed appointing the following town- { ship officers: Division No. 1, D. R O., Robert Grimshaw; poll clerk James T. McAllister; No. 2, D.R.O., | George W hitsmazah: poll clerk, 8 V. Hogan; No. D.R.O., T. J. Con- | ley: poll ecterk, hos Keyes; No. 4, {D.R.O., Timothy O'Shea; pol] clerk, Howard Murphy; No. 5, D.RO George Woodman; poll clerk, John Niles; No. 6, D.R.A., Richard Eves; poll clerk, Robert Eves. Council adjourned sine-die ~J. PD, COSGROVE, Township Clerk. team visitori at oo