IN VOTERS og 0 jeen's Students Composed! the Majority of Those Who Registered. Almost six hundred -eorrections were made to the voters' list, to be used at the coming election, during the four déys on which Judge H. A Lavell the. revising officer, held sit- tings. Of the 596 corrections all but a very few were additions of names and the bulk of the work had to be done on the last day. The names ad- ded to the sts op Thursday totalled | I 356 with four other corrections and "in addition many people applied to! find out if thelr names were already on the liste and a percentage of those | who applied to have fheir pames ad-| ded were refused Students composéd the hulk of the people registering, and the revising | officer made every effort to grant them a vots 'In cases where they fice in Momory, of The Late Dean, Stare A service was bold in Bt. George's | | Cathedral on Friday morning ny imemory of the late dean 'and rector, | Rev G Ee Starr, whose death | {occurred a year ago. on Nov. {The Holy C Jommunion was celebrated | iby Rev. W. W. Omaig, Dean of Oa-| tamio, aswisted by Rev. C. Grey Eakins. Mr. R. R, F. Harvey was at the organ wand two of the late rec- tor's favorite hymns, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and "Fmmer- ital Love," were sung. Red amd white flowbrs, the gift of the mem- bers of the cong fon, were above the altar, HE MAY HAVE DIED AS RESULT OF SHOCK Thought That Henry MacRow Was Not Drowned at Glenora. eonld comply with the Election Act. | Au innovation at this provine fal | slection ig that fn all municiy other than cities, a pers whose | name | is not on the voter t may | vote if he takes the oath that he is qualified and one other voter vouch-| ez for him under oath This appiles fn Portsmouth amd all the towns villages and towns. -- | Liberals Will Not Put i Candidate In the Field | | fore a i While no official announcement has heen made, The British Whig understands that the Liberals of Kingston will not put a candidate in | the field in the present provincial slection. A menting of the executive | was held om Tuesday evening, and the master discussod, and it is under- | stood that this decision was arrived | at | The Whig is informed that the Liberals will, for tise most pant, re-| main strictly neutral in the present © campaign. As an organized body Ahoy will take no action, sithough i is understood that some individual Liberals will take an active part in the campaign, Chigese Celery-Cabbage, Hot House Tomatoes, Texas Spin-| ach, California Caulower and 'Tee-| . berg Lettuce, Brimsels Sprouts, Sweet hi Potatoes, ete, at Caraovsky's. -------------- | Best values, in blue overcoats at! Tweddell's, 25, 38.60, 32.50 and 35 | Lieut. L. K. Stanley, killed in an auto scoident, was buried in Lon- don with full military honors. J. H. Thomas, Labor man, joins] the Empire Marketing Board. | a NR AN NAN AN ] | Fall Cougha] Dr. Hickey's Speedy Relief has for years proved its worth as. a Cough Syrup and Lung Tonic, 25¢. and Bc. a bottle. Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cold Capsules will knock out a head cold in 24 hours. 20¢. a box. Dr. Hickey's Analgic Rub, for congested chests and stiff joints gives rapid action. 28¢. and B0c. a jar L. T. BEST DRUGGIST 'Phone 59 for Hest Service -------------------- | Bladder oodles: :. Bother Many Past 40 Deven out of Ten AY ¥ Wrier Tells How TUratabe" Bring Sw Ama Relief With ire si « one Knows better than I, the hor-| of joyiess days and sleepless nights. | here have been times when I felt] hopeless and haipless -and when my; weakness caus me the most iotense numitiation. Only those who have ona through such tortures oan possib realize my great satisfaction when Dr. Bouthworth"s URATARS brought me quick rel #f. URATABS are truly we rful, and | give them full praise Suoh Amazing evidence serves as co vinelng proof of the power of URA Tous to relieve those distressing often a handicgp to those iu} Raat ite. ey raked. sluggish Kidneys, Biad- der Weakness and Prostate Gland | Trouble bring on so many distressing ailments which %o often lead to ser- Famencan.. that every, sufferer froin i ness. Pains in back and down Be grains, scanty but frequent on. "Getting-0p- Nights," Ner+ vous erit ty and Lack of For should sid Bowthwen CQ antee amazing val of Di URATABS at oe! Any supply you om a of satisfaction or money i} To Rent Apartments -- & and # srooms, all modern, how. floors, heated, hot and ir ! $10.00 Small Bouse. Felactric lights, garage. 3 00 7 rooms, B, 4 and T., electric light aud was, good condition. dioaser for sale $800 to | Bateman' s Real Estate Ae Broek Street, ton | plunged hips, { water attempted artificial ; eases "in bond" 'lor sald that in June of this year, { he had become { that Canadian distillers were ship- | ping liquor in 'cases with * had ordered practice stopped, | er on instructions of Hon 'the ragulation adl- | Some uncertainty has been arous- yalities, | ©d as to the cause of the death of Henry MacRow of Jackson's Mills, who met death when his track over the ferry Wow at Glenora Wednesday aftermoon. The men who brought his body from the respira tion but found that thers was no water in his lungs. They then as- sumed thet he died as 'he entered the water. It was fully thirwy doctor arrived at the of the accident to examine the body Dr. Walmsley of Pleton pronounced death due to drowning. Dr. C. A. man, the coroner of Picton, ex- amined the body whilg it was in the undertaking parlors in Picton, and he decided from the accounts of witnesses, that death was purely ac cidental. He did not definitely say, however, that death was caused by drowning or by other means. The { omly other possibility is that the de | consed was stricken with heart fail ure during the shock of having stepped, on the "gas" instead of the brake, and thet being dead before the car planged over the ferry, no water entered his 1angs, minutes be- soene PROTESTS WERE MADE BY THE DISTILLERS {Against Order That Liquor Must Not Be Shipped With Bags. Ottawa, Nov. 19-- Liquor and nar- eotie drug smuggling were subjects before the customs commission this morning. G. W. Taylor, acting de- puty minister of customs, after tell- {ing the commissioners that the plac- { ing of liquor in flour or sugar bags | facilitated its being smuggled, stat- {ed that some Canadian distilleries were now permitted to ship liquor in with bags. Mr. Tay- aware of the fact bags. He eith- H. H. Ste- vens, or Hon. J. D. Chaplin. This order "was the signal for pro- tests from the distillers, who said was injuring their business. Finally on instructions of Mr. Chaplin, the practice of pack- ing liguor in cases with bags was | permitted in the case of shipments in bond where a genuine certificate was obtained. landing TEA AND SALE C---- Order of Eastern Star. Frontenac Chapter No. 90, OES {held a successful tea and saje in the Y.M.C.A. building on rsday af- Held by the ut) ornoon. The tea thble was centred {with yellow 'mums and was presided lover by Miss Kennedy. The home cooking was under the direction of {Mps. Hembrey and the aprons were sold by Mrs. Peters. The handker- chief table was under the super- vision of Mrs. J. Angrove and Mrs. (worge Nobes looked after the pret- ity fancy work. A "touch-and-take" table was in charge of MrgxC. Taylor and Mrs. F. Harper sold pretty {boxes of sweets, The sum of $200 was taken in during the afternoon {by these ladies and their effinient as- slatats. i Kingston Boy Honored. The fact that Kenneth Kileins- teuber bas been elected by acclama- tion, as member for the Older Boys' Parliament, has been received among the local Tuxis Squares and other boys' organisations with great interest. Kenneth Klensteuber has been connected with this wark fot some time, and will very ably re- "§ present the Kingston boys. This is the flrwt time a representative has Pitty cents big basket, or two for seventy-five cents Saturday, at Care 'movsky's cash and carry. Best values, in Dive overcoats at Tweddell's, 25, 28.50, 33.50 and 35. Bart D'Angelo was found guilty at Midon of causing the death of William Maybee in the sale of woud | aleobol. ) Roger grapes at Carnovsky's. 19th. | This is Miss Audrey Emery, Grank Duke Dmitri, cousin of th with her parents. who are reported to be engaged. A GRAND DUCHESS-TO-BE New York society girl, and the re late Czar Nicholas, of Russia, Miss Emery is now in France Mischief in the Kitchen "Oh, dear!' said Nancy suppose we will ever catch Saitcher Snatch now. And what will the Fairy Queen think of us?" She picked up the white shawl where the goblin had thrown it when he dashed up the chimney, and Nick picked up the wig and speec- tacles he had dropped. "I kind of thought that was a queer old lady," he laughed. "1 didn't think anyone else could have such a long nose." "That long nose of his gets into enough "tischiel to keep a whole] police force busy," said Johnny Sweep merrily. "But don't worry, | we'll catch him all rightee Come on. We'll go up the chimney after him, and as it's been snowing, it won't be hard to follow his tracks to the next place." Sure enough, when they got to the roof, there were Snitcher Snatch's tiny footprints in the snow. They went to the edge of the roof and then along the ground to a wall, and over the wall and along the ground again to a fence, and over the fence till they came to the house where the Morris' lived. There was a big think vine that "1 don't | head. | he nearly RY BLISURCS foe CR LA Barto A ttle black Sootie stuck out his "Yes, he did," he said, "and took me with him. I'm still shaking." "Come on, Twins!" said Jolmny "He's here. We'll go down and get him." So down they all went. playroom fireplace and peeped in there was no sign of Snitcher Snatch anywhere Only Billy and Bobby Morris playing train as nice as ple "He can't be here!" whispered Nick. "No, he doesn't stay around where people can see him," said Johnny "We'll go on down to the kitchem.™ So they crep down the big dark chimney to the kitchen, and look carefully around. Cook had gone ont and left every- thing in fine shape. At first the adventurers thought nobody was there. And them they heard a lid drop. Suddenly they spied the little gon- lin on the shelf where the cans were kept. And he wae as busy as a bee in a buckwheat field. Into the can marked sugar, he was pouring salt, and putting the sugar into the salt can. He was went clear up to the roof so the| Twins and Johany Sweep climbed up| like monkeys. And just as they ex-| pected, there were footprints lead | ing across the roof to the chimney. | "Oh, bo!" sald Johnny Sweep as he peeped down. "I'll bet you any- | thing he's up to some of his tricks down there, Snitcher Snatch is. It naver takes more than about three seconds for him to get into trouble." So he ealled down, "Did a bad little goblin' go down here just now?" ns! OBITUARY John Tierney. Following an extended illness, the death occurred on Tuesday morning at Seeley's Bay, of Mr. John Tier- ney, a dife-long' resident of that place, aged seventy-six years. Born at Seeley's Bay, deceased had al- waye made his home there, and he was held in warm esteem by his wide circle of friends. He was engaged in tarming. He is survived by his wife, four daughters and three sons, Sister Tierney, of the Hotel Dieu, Misses May, Ellen and Catherine, at home," Michael and Jolm at home, and Paul on a farm near the homestead. The funeral took place on Thurs day morning, to St. Barnaby's church, Brewer's Mills, where a re- quiem mass was sung by Rev. Fath- er Crowley. The funeral was very largely attended. The pallbearers were Peter Milne, William Murphy, James Webb, John Scott, Peter Mal- len and Michael Kelly. . Interment was made in St. Barnaby's ceme- tery. STEAMER A TOTAL LOSS = Anxiety Over Safety of Crew of the Cottonwood. 'Sault Ste Marie, Nov. 19---Accord- ing to inl brought back to its Michigan Soo last night by the tug Alabama, of the Great Lakes Towing and Wrecking Company, the steamer Cottonwood, owned by J. Davidson. of Bay City, which went Point in gale Wednesday night, has béen abandoned and is total loss. anxiety Is now felt for the saf- of the crew which was missing from the vessel. There is a persist- efit report that the crew is safe al Batchewana some fifteen miles south of the point where the disas- ter occurred, but this could not be voFitled akt ewumne 38. Blan Owencodts at ashore mile north of Copper Mine}! mixing the tea and coffee and shak- ing mustard into all the spices. But the worst thing of all was the flour bin. The goblin dumped =» whole pound ean of baking powder i into it beforg anyone could stop him "Oh, catch him! Catch him!" Naney. "He's ruining everything." Of course Snitcher Snatch heard her. And the next thing they knew, the kitchen door slammed and he was gone! "Dear, dear!" said Johnny Sweep "We'll never get him at this rate." Vessel Movements. Port Dalhousie, Nov. 19--Down: Mapleton 12.30 p.m.; Lambton 1.30; Glenburnie 2.30; Noyan 3.30; Hunt- ley 7; Claremont 8,30; McColl 6.30 am. Friday; Kernan 7.30; Langell 10; Jan 11.30, In canal! down bound: Calgarian, Glendochart, Weed, Rammachér, Burlington Kindersley. To Be Intermed. Dublin, Nov. 19--The leaders of a smell body of men purporting to act as "The republican army," who are held responsible for the recent raids on army barracks In the Free State will be interned, it was an- nounced today. The number will not exceed 150. { Twenty more inches of rain fall than in the east. Best values, in .blue overcoats at Tweddell's, 25, 28.507 32.50 and 35 ab. Peerless Shortening, ; 2 3380, 32.50 and 35. "PROBS: loudy with light. Jotal, anow- falls; becoming colder. But when they got as far as the every year in the West of England A. MARTIN Lid. pound ......... 17c. SALE! SALE! SALEM! A Stupendous TRADE EXPANSION ALE! Starts Saturday! | With the greatest array of genuine money-saving oppor- tunities that has ever beer our privilege to offer. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS REPRESENTED With a gala array of special bargains, many of which are not advertised on ac- count of lack of space. SEE OUR WINDOWS AND SALE POSTERS FOR DETAILS ! We are out to create a new record for volume of sales and attendance, and if special value-giving counts we're going over the top with a bang! » OUR AIM Is to broaden the scope of our activities--to gain and main- tain new friends to this 45-year-old Kingston institution, which we hope to merit through selling quality merchandise at the low-> est possible prices, giving you a satisfactory apd pleasant ser- vice at all times, and satisfaction with every purchase or your money refunded, aig COME TO-MORROW, THE FIRST DAY OF THIS GREAT SALE AND YOU'LL BE CON. VINCED IT'S THE GREATEST SALE OF ALL TIME. TEACY'S "Kingston's Shopping Centre Since 1881. »