19, 1926. ' si Winter' Ubdarvwear All Wool Combination Style " Tiger Brand-- $3.50 and $4.00 ; Hatchway, No Buttons-- $2.50 and $5.00 Knit-to-Fit One Button-- $3.00 and $4.50 Turnbull Cee Tee-- $6.50 and $8.00 Horne "Phone 362-w. November Freer rE AE TARR Friday, : : i George | 213 Princess Street. "TO THE ELECTORS OF | FRONTENAC-LENNOX - : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having been duly chosen as the Liberal-Conservative candidate for From« convention An , 1 respectfully request your votes ] and Influence to return me fo the Legislature in support of the Ferguson Gove | ernment and the Ferguson pol - 1 appeal te you with confidence and upon my record of 15 years in the Legislature, as well as upon my record not only as & temperance mam per- | sonally bat as a strong advocate and supporter of every measure and act de. | signed to help the cause of real temperance for which the Liberal-Conserva. | tive party has siways stood, for | am convinced hat the people of Ontario have not forgotten and Will not forget that it was a Liberal-Comnservative Government that gave to this Province its first real temperance legislation. If elected 1 pledge myself also to continue my efforts to secure for this see- i tiem of the Province her grants for highways and good roads, in whieh I i have always been vitally interested, and to obtain for Frontemac-Lemmox tale | and just recognition in all Governmental matcers, while [| will cooperate | heartily with the Government In ita desire fo Improve the social, moral, educa. tianal and financial condition of the people, keep down expenses and reduce taxation. My vevord Is before you and the record of the Ferguson Government is Hkewise before you. On my own and the Government's record | accordingly appeal to you for your support, Owing to the shortness of the eampnign, it will he lmpossible for me to make & personal canvass of the Riding and hence | take this means of make ing this persons] appeal to you through the columns of the public press. ANTHONY M. RANKIN Heat Your Home Comfortably Youp furriice must be suited to the house you live in. "Our heating en- gineers will tell you, 'without obliga- tion, whether a Banner Pipe or a Banner Pipeless would be most suit able for your home. All Banner Fur- naces give more heat from less fuel, are. strongly constructed from the fin- est materials and are easy to operate. Ask our desler about the "Banner™ or writs we direct for Booklets describing Benner Furnaces. The Galt Stove & Furnace Co., Ltd. Gait, Ont. ANNER PIPE AND PIPELESS URNACES = LSID MERA, tenac-Lennox at t j afternoon from Guelph, where they! DAILY BRITISH YE WAGES Of (he latter's | | bwotBer, Lyons Davison, uncle of the PUT OF IN ATHENS = Jemes Hanna was at Lin, | last Week. a guest of his sister, Mrs { Mrs, A. Daniels are visiting friends GANANOQUE L 'Marsha'l Mrs. B. Judson and Gananoque, Nov. 13. -- Mayor Wil- WHIG A Good Audience and the. ai Syracuse, N.¥. Miss Reba Young, OO Was in Belleville on Wednesday i {BA and Miss Lydia Livingston, Mrs. Robert Sheppard will enter Comedy Weil Presented-- {BA were in Kingston for the fain at afternoon tea at "Blinkben- Other Athéns News, {Queen's alumtae meeting, guests at De" to-morrow. : x the YW.C.A. The Misses Helen and | Simon Vallentgoed, Seeley's Bay, Athens, Nov. 17T.-- Court of Re. Winona Morris and Miss Marian Earl bas spent the past couple of days vision. was held. here on Wednesday Were guests of friends in. the Capl-{here with His sister, Miss Catherine of last week, by MM. Brown, tal recently. Mrs. Jones, Brighton. Vallentgoed. Brockville, county crown attorney. 8 renewing acquaintances here, a Several Wednesday evening. W, gt tal-| BWest at the home of W. G. Parish. Company ent presented "their farce medy. | She was at one time 4 resident, dur- "The Arrival of Kitty," which elicit- ing the incumbency of her husband, ed rounds of jaughter and applause the lata Rev. Jones, a rectonmphere, ison from the good audience in attend- | thirty-five years or so ago. ance. The roles were cleverly taken | 3 | -- by "these amateur players. Local} Back After Long Years. {of the ratepayers tuterested talent complimented musical sum-| After an absence of twenty-elfBtl. Ww ; wine who has been on a bers. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. | Years, Frank Yates, Gouveneur, K.Y.. \pasiness trip to the coast and the Willian Touriss gave a recital at|/s visting relatives in town and!NorencWest territories for the past Albert Doolan and son. of row' weeks, in the interests of the e Untied Chicago, Ill, are visiting among re- pyrmenter & Bulloch Company, is Church. {iatives; and friends here and in the | oxpected homé to-day. On. Thursday. the 11th inst, at @iStrict." Rev. Glenm W. Sherman, | Brockville, Cecil Alguire, eldest son | Lanark, has been here on a brief of Mr. and Mrs. A. Burton Alguire {visit at the home of his father-in- | " ronto. Athens, was united in marriage w uy. 2 Haul ! : Miss Alma, daughter of Myr. and Mrs. 6G. G. Upham and family. . Wellington Earl, of this p The Philadelphia, N.Y., were here lagi RiBSSES. Sorter Eshicuts ot Sas young couple left for a eymoon ; Week edlling on former parishioners, ous, an pares of Dr Fergus J. trip to Toronto, following which guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bresee a i} xecuiye the Sgt. they will take up residence at Hard Mrs. L. Milter, Jasper, is here, guest pane Sat: is = o any Island. On Friday evening MissGrace| of her brother; 8. Ducolon, and om on Satghday next. when they Conlin was at Prescott, as a member | diece, Mrs, Alexander Palmer . A O0i80Fale heir golden wedding of the music class of Mrs. Macodrum, | musicale by the pupils of R. H. Mor-| Miss Eisie Vautrin, norse-in- when Brockville artists broadcasted | 8an Is'billed for the 19th inst, Mrs training at Rockwood Hosuital, visit- employees have left | within the past few ddys, having com- Spring will see many of them ¥ ¢ideds upon recently mt the request Olivet, under the auspices of the | vicinity. Ladies' Bible Class of |a programme of music from station | lewrence Taylor holds her first re- ed friends here on Wednesday eu CFLC. A. A. Knight, the new gp-|tebtion on Saturday, Nov. 20th. The Toute to her home at Seeley's Bay to presentative of Agriculture, wand,date of the Athens Poultry Fair has [Spedd a few days. Mrs. Knight, returned on Satugday| been fixe€d for December 10th. { Clifford Cheetham motored Late James J. Conley. Wolfe Island, Nov. 18.--James J. | Gontey, a highly respected resident of Wolfe Island, passed away at his residence at Reed's Bay on Satuday, ed for the dance after the play and November 13th. The deceased was returned t0 Kingston Thursday morn- seventysix years of age and had ing. had been attending the Royal Win- ter Fair. Severa] Athenians were at Kingston on Saturday attending the Queen's-Varsity match On Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Doherty, | Toronto, conducted services ow the Baptist circuit, speaking at the local church at 7 p.m. Since the resigna- tion of Rev. G. G. Upham, B.Th., who accepted a call to Philadelphia, | sides his widow there are surviving, N.Y., this pulpit has been. vacant | two sons, Frank and Raymond, of but if the initial sermon preached | the island, and Mrs. Macomb Bates, by Mr. Dougherty be an index of | Cape Vincent, N.Y.; another daugh- those to follow, then it is to be hop-| ter, Mrs. Edward House, Brownville, ed that a mutual agreement may be! N.Y. died about sevén years ago. De- made, as he would be an asset not! ceased had been one of the charter! only to the church, but to the com- | members " of the CM. B.A. Branch munity. He chose as theme, "The 182. Wolfe Island. ° i Good Samaratan," deducting many| The funeral, took place Monday | helpful lessons to carry home. and | morning from his late residence to work out in the life. On Monday | the church of the Sacred Heart! evening, under the guspices of the| where a solemn requiem mass was ! Young People's Society, a set of sung by Rev. Father McKiernan for stereoptican slides were exhibited, the repose of his soul. The spiritusi dealing with the Empife of China, {and flora] offerings were numerous { and demonstrating the effects of the | Interment was made at Wolfe Is revolution upon miesion work, in the | land. ] ows, PLONDERED A STORE secs es AND WERE ARRESTED Agriculture, owing to the illness of | Boys Entered a Hardware In' the stenographer, Miss Nora Dickey, | i Yonge Mills. Mrs. Fred Scovil was | Tamworth on Tuesday taken {ll recemtly at Westport,] , Niaht Last. whither she had gone to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ste-| vens; while Dr. Stevens was absent | deer-hunting. Dr. IL. Johnston, Malin street merchant, is suffering from the effects of stepping upon a nail, while at work on his Eloida farm. | {Hawke, Pearl Seal, Ada Ellis HRlda Pearce, students at Queen's, down for "Kathleen." been a patient sufferer for eleven months from a stroke Don't 'let it go until it develops intosomethi' g much more serious. There is no better remedy for the relief of Coughs, Colds and all Bronchial Afflictions than Robert's Syrup. It breaks up the cold, soothes the throat and quickly restores no conditions. Most pleas- ant to take, Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, LIM New Books In Library. A consignment of new books arrived for the public library. Miss| Tamworth, Nov. 17.--Three boys. who live near Tamworth, plundered! one of the hardware stores, off Tues-| day night of this week. They were' found near town and placed behind the bars at Napanee and will stand' {pleted thelr work bere for this sea | back again to pave those streets de-| Miss Jill and Miss Betty Sampson | left lust night to spend the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. O'Connor, | to! {Kingston Wednesday afternoon and | {brought Misses Mildred Gijbert, Doris | and | i i \ ~~ . = A BE | YOU NEVER TASTED SUCH DELICIOUS of the Standard Paving! FLAVORS. CHOCOLATE AT ITS BEST ~~ You'll relish every individual Chocolate--each centre a luscious se---every pound fresh from the factory of the famous Patter son Candy makers, Toronto, Ont. 'OUR SPECIAL WEEK-END'SALE PRICE 49c a lb. Distributéd in Paper Bags. No box containers, \ Let your family benefit from these healthful, wholesome Candies, Came to: ELDER'S Week-end Chocolate Sale. You'll find us on Princess Street. (One Door Below Strand Theatre) Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS" BEDDING WEEK They remain- | | Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand Ard i ~ . | ray on Our Spacious Floors. } THREE PIECES FOR THE PRICE OF TWO--ONLY $25.00 | SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2" CONTINUOUS POSTS BEDS Walnut or Oak wood finishes. Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. $0 SPIRAL SPRING or ALL-STEEL WOVe EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft and resent. SIMMONS' ALL-FELT MATTRESS in fancy, strong art ticking, with perial edges. Only Eenanasas Sita imannn an JAMES REI THE HOME OF PURE BEDDING A cll FUNERAL AT MARLBANK. Late Lawrence Healey, Whole Life in That { Marlbank, Nov. 19.--Th tof the late Lawrence Healey, Sr wat | on Friday and was jattended. Mr. Healey had itor some time, but jings with great He was : (Purvis Is victing friends at Trenton jand Bellevilie Mr. and Mrs. J Spent Lynch, Ernsville, also John Cassidy, attenoded the funeral of Healey Jute a wr attended the show in Stoos largely (parish hail! on Wednesday evening. been Hijlt was greatly emjovéd by all. 5 bore his suffer-|Larkin spent Monday at Martbank, Sr, ection, | Contrevil fune ral the laté Lawrences + I READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It Donald Thompson, wee son of David | Thompson, is convalescent, following | a critical illness. Robert Mackie, a! former aged resident, is very ill at} Glen Elbe, where hg moved a year! or so ago. i at Kemptville on the 10th inet. at-| tending the marriage of Miss Ben-| nett to Lloyd Shirley, Oshawa. Mr | and Mrs. Lamb remained for a Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. A. Lamb were! their trial. There was a large turnout from | Tamworth at the tea meeting at Reidville on Wednesday night this week. Thomas Harvey has gone to} Picton to live with his friends. He has left his farm with James Dono van to be cared for i The hay pressers are pressing hay for the farmers in this part Most of our hunters have returned home. ' patience jabout seventy yeurs of age; and had {spent his whole life in this section, j where was a-rosperous farmer {116 was and upright in all 'his dealings, and he will be greatly imissed. He is survived by his wid: ow and one daughter, Mrs. F. De- | rook] He also leaves three sisters {and Tour brothers to mourn his.loss {| Mr. and Mrs Fenlon spent {Sunday at W. Larkin's. Miss Rachel he honest Joe Miss Verona Cassidy attended the Durkin-Cassidy wedding in Stoco of Monday, Nov. 15th . The Crown Prince of Swelen cently contributéd to a fund cremts 'ing a professorship in Swedish H {Londoa University Take the pep from your dyspepsia With 1530 drops of Seigel"s Syrup in a glass of water 88 directed om the hottie. Any drug store, HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING. ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" | HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. Corner King and Princess Streets - - BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co. E 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. "Phone 811. SPECIALISTS Featuring © HUDSON SEAL MUSKRAT PERSIAN LAMB ELECTRIC SEAL W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET sist ht DH ob oy family are moving to Westport. Mr | Mr. Kickinnon, section foreman, and! Currah and family, Westport. will i Cod Liver Extract In' Sugar Coated Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days--quicker than! you ever dreamed of-these wondértul health building, flesh creating tabd-| lets called McCoy's Cod Liver-Extract | - . Ww 9 move to Tamworth fp act as foreman { Thin and eak? Mrs. Titus Wagar has returned |B : i Tablets will start to help aay thin, | R underweight litgje one. | , After gt ny and where rickets! suspected they are especially val-| uable. i people know that from the w of the lowly codfish vitamines of the first class are re | kind that help all © eo under. weight men, women and children. | Try thase wonderful tablets for 30 | days if your frail, puny child don't greatly bemefit -- get your age 9, gained | mouths i M , Mahood's | Drug Store, Branigan's Drug Store, or any druggists for MeCoy's Cod | Liver Extract Tablets--as easy to | take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. i very sickly 12 pounds in 7 Ask Jas. B. pain; reduced the swollen Joints; thrown away canes and crutches, from helpless beings able to work and. be of use to themselves and families. on this section of the C.N.R from the hospital much better, PREACHED AT NAPANEE. | Rev. Mr. Stainton, Sillsville, Was! Away From Home. 3 Stilsvilie, Nov. 15.--The services! on Sunday, were taken ia charge by | ev. Mr. Bunt. Enterprise, the pas. tor, Reve Mr. Stgigton being aways speaking at Trinity church, Napanee | in the morning and at the anmiver-! sary services, Centreville, in the! evening. Mrs. Floyd Vannest, En-| terprise, and Miss Eisie Magee spent | the week-end at the home of her) parents. Miss Ruth Loyst is visit- | ing her uncle; George Ostrom, Belle- | ville. Miss Doris Rikley has returned! home from visiting friends in Napa- | nee. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellow, | Enterprise, have been visiting with | Mrs. D. H. Hough. Miss Clara Pur-| vis is visiting at M. B. White's. The | Mission Band met at the home of! Mrs. Harold Hough on Saturday! afternoon. with a goodly number of | small members present. { Miss Beryl Wilson spent the week/| end at her home in Eenterprise. The | Union Young People's Society met at the home of Mrs. John Young on Fri. day evening and the Hayburn Young | People's Society met at the home of | Mrs. John Dickson on Saturday evea-| ing. ~ : Have Had Snow Storms. Buaker's Hill, Nov. 19.--There| hare been several snow storms here but the weather bas changed con-! siderably and is now quite warm and almost like summer. THe grass still | has a beautiful green color. Farm- | ers around this section of the coun-| try are engaged in plowing their fields although the ground s very wet. Hunters are returning from! make! ihe worth country where they have. been getting their full number of) deer 4 Mid Season Sale CLASSIC SHOPPE A Select Group of 50 Winter Coats clearing Saturday -at $25 reduced from $45 The smartest, straight-line Coat of the winter season may be selected from this group. Fash. foned in fine quality Duvetyn, Suedine, Needle-point. Every Cpat is generously trimmed with fur, American Opossum. A most complete selection of sizes includes Misses' 16-20 and Women's 38-46. Ladies' Fur Trim- $ med Cloth Coats Ladies' Cloth Coats with Fur Collars and Cuffs: all nicely made: a g reat variety to choose from. is the best value ever offered Come early as 'im the history & sales values, DRESSES ARE REMARKED FOR SATURDAY *9.95 In Pale Blue, Pink, Salmon, Rose. 7 his | A SELECTION OF TAFFETA Up to $29.00. = = DRESSES Clearance of Dresses--most individual styles-- miany of them are manufacturer's samples, in WATCH OUR WINDOWS ! 100 Famnel $3 955 Satin Chiffon, Georgette, Flat Crepes, Cut Vel- vets, in smart styles, *14.95 You cannot afford to miss this opportunity; just the Dress for cooler weather: in French Flannel, smartened by Silk Braid, Novelty Buttons; nine becoming shades: French Blae, Said, Almond, Green, Lemon. Hosiery Specials! SILK and WOOL CHECKS, reg. SILK sad WOOL HOSE FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS .. ... BLOOMERS MIGHT GOWNS, tong $1.49 .... Bc