THE D. DAILY BRITISH WHIG : 7 READY FOR THE CHRISTMAS RUSH Christmas Greeting Cards, Tags and Seals, ~*~ Tinsel Cord, Ribbonzene, at R. UGLOW & CO. Gas Ranges PublicUtilities Commission NEW OFFICES. QUEEN ST. NEW AND BETTER ! "EMETONE" Tooth Paste Scientifically correct, yet pleas- ant to use. Massage the gums Hi with a small on the point of finger. Also uséd on A watch for the boy To give a boy a good watch is to awaken his sense of respon- sibility. His roller skates, his bicycle--these are just boy's his Which he will be very pro a tubes B50c., only at PRINCESS PHARMACY | tant? A AO Chamberlin | Metal Weather | JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. Strips See the models in our win. Ji w, showing the proper way to i equip different kinds of doors | and windows, J. R.C. DOBBS & C0 171 Wellington St. "Phone 819. "TO THE ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC-LENNOX LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having been duly chosen as the Riteral.Catpervitive candidate for From- e-Lennox at the con in ly your votes influence to return me to the L amen ry the Ferguson policies. 1 appesl to you With confidence and upon my record of 15 years in the Legislature, as well as Bpon my record not only fg a temperance man per. sonally but as A strong advocate gud su, r of every measure and act de- signed to help the cause of real temperance for which the Liberal-Conserva- tive party has always stood, for I am convinced vhat the people of Ontario sve not ttem and Will not forget that it was a Liberai-Conservatitve Government that gave to this Pravinee (ts first real temperance legislation. e my efforta te secure for this sec- nd geod roads, in which I for Froutenac-Lennox fair just recognition in all Governmental mat. ers, while I will co.operate lly with the Government fn its desire to improve the social, moral, educa Padi: financial condition of the people, keep down expenses and reduce nat in t of the F Gove Re -- y record ia before you and the record of the Ferwuasn Government is Hele before you. Om my own and the Government's record 1 accordingly appeal ro you for your support. Owing to the ---- of thie campaign, It will he impossible personal canvass of the Riding and hénce I take thin means of mak- peal to you through the columns of the publie press. ANTHONY M. RANKIN "HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets - BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co, TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. SPECIALISTS Featuring HUDSON SEAL MUSKRAT a PERSIAN LAMB + ELECTRIC SEAL W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET bt | was House of the Lord."-- "Church Services on Sunday lad when they said unto me, Let us go into the Psalm exxii., 1. St. Paul's--Morning prayer, 11 | o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGer- {ald, M.A. Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 o'clock. Evening prayer, | 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGer- | ald, M.A. wt St. James' Church, comer Union | and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, | Rector, The Rectory. 156 Barrie ! street. 11 morning prayer and holy jcommunon. Sermon subject, Silence {in Heaven. 3 Sunday school, 7 even- ing prayer and sermon. Ichabod. -- St. George's Cathedial--Very Rev. William W. Craig, D.D., dean and rector. Reverend C. G. Eakins, M.A, curate. Bunday next before Advent. Holy communion, § am. Holy com- munion (choral), 11 a.m. Preacher, the Dean. Subject, "The Victory Over Fear." Evening prayer, 7 p.m. Preacher, Rev. C. G. Eakins. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin. cess and Nelson streets. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, 311 Alfred street. Phone 2973. Sun- day next before Advent. Last Sun- day in church year. 8 am. holy communion. 11 a.m. morning pray- er. 2.45 Sunday school. 4 p.m, holy baptism. 7 p.m., evening pray- er. Seats free. Strangers and visi- tors cordially invited to attend. St. Andrews Presbyterian--Rev. John W. Stephen, minister. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conduct- ed by the minister. Students, sol- diers and strangers cordially wel- comed at all the services. Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m. Church, Brock street-- Rev. H. W. Cliff, M.A, B.D., minis- ter. Public worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday echool and Bible class- es, 3 p.m. You are cordially wel- come, Cooke's -- ' Princess Street United Church Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A., minister. 11 a.m., Rev. L. M. Engldnd, B.A. 7 p.m., Rev. M. Johneon, of Saskat- chewan conference. 2.45 p.m., church school. Cordial invitation to all. The United Church of Canada, Sydenham street--Rev. W. T. G. Brown, Minister. Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach at both services. Evening subject, "Loyalty to Traditions." Sunday school at 2.45 pm. Mid-week ser- vices, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. The United Church of Canada, Calvary, the Friendly Church, cor- ner of Charles and Bagot streets-- Minister, Rev. Frank Sanders. Morn- ing service, 11 a.m, "The Great Ex- ample." Sunday school, 3 p.m.; even- ing service, 7 p.m., "The Eternal Struggle." We cordially invite you to all services. ---- Queen Street Church of the United Church of Canada--Minister, Rev. W. H. Raney, B.A, B.D, 30 Colborne street. Public worship: 11 a.m. sub- ject, "Should We Compel Old Man Ontario to Sell Booze?" Sunday school, 8 pm. 7 p.m. subject, "Is the Liquor Problem a Religious Question?" Slides will be used show- erages. Coms and join in singing well-known hymns. Church of Canada--Minister, Rev. worship conducted by the minister at 11 am., "The Only Safe Control." | 7 p.m., "The God Who Suffers." 2 p.m., Bible classes. 3 p.m., Sunday school. Strangers and students cor-| dially welcomed. Morning service, duet, "Thou Art, ven), Miss Catherine Wright Miss Kathleen Elliott. At the even- by request, spised," from the Messiah, First Baptist Church--Rev. M. C. Johnston, B.A., B. Th, pastor. 11| am. "The Trinity." 245 pm, Bible school. Evening subject, Psalm." "The A cordial welcome to all. --- The New Church--"Can a Christ- fan vote for Government Control and Sale of Liquor and not violate his Conscience?" Subject Sunday night at the New Church, Alfred street, 7.30 pm. All welcome. Bethel Congregational---Rev. H. Ebersole, minister. 11 a.m. sub- ject, "Sanctification." 3 p.m. the Bible echool. 7 p.m. subject, "The Purpose of God." Monday, 8 pm, The Y.P.S.C.E. Tuesday, 8 p.m, In- termediate C.E. Wednesday, 8 pm, "The Priesthood of Christ." The Gospel Tabernacle, corner Collingwood and Union streets--11 am. The Lord's Supper. 3 pm Sunday school and Bible class. p.m., song service. 7 p.m., Gospel service. Mr, George Raney, return- ed missionary from China will preach the Gospel. He will also conduct a series of meetings every night next week at 8 p.m. Saturday night ex- cepted. Thursday, 2.45 p.m Sewing Circle. Thursday, 6.45 pm. children's lantern service. Every- body welcome to all these services. Christian Science, First Church of Christ Scientist, 121 Johnson street] Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject, "Soul and Body." Susday | school, 9.45 a.m. Wednesday, 8 pm, testimonial meeting, monies of healing through Christian Science. read, borrowed or purchased. Open] every afternoon except Surdays-and | holidays, from 3 to 5 p.m. All are| cordially Invited to the services and | room. (Continued from Page 3.) "It is unfair to influence votes that way" sald Mr. Haycock. When speaking of the reduction in the amusement tax Mr. Haycock | stated that he had found that the show where the admission fee was under 25 cents was the cheap show, and in many cases not suitable for the younger people, and yet this low- er clase of show is being thrown op- en to the public. While the govern- ment finds itself impossible to keep the roads in decent repair on oec- count of lack of funds it has sug- gested a reduction of $5 in the lic- ence fees. Mr. Haycock thought that the tax should be as low as pos- sible and the gas tax raised so that the heavy trucks which tear up the roads would pay the cost of upkeep. Mr. Haycock said that he would sooner have the O.T.A. than govern- ment control. The Ferguson policy reminded him of that old saying "open your mouth and see was Fer- gle will give you." He thought that Premier Ferguson, before going to the country, should have told the people the details of his policy and then they would be in a better posi- tion to decide. He does not say how much liquor the people can have. "Premier Ferguson says that he If Bilious, Sick Or finial Take""Cascarets" Ho headache, bad cold, sour stomach or costive bowels . morning Get a 10-cent box now. You're bilious! You have a throb- bing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parch- ed. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and fil-tempered. Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need is a cleaning up in- side. Don't continue being a bilious love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that ieritate and injure. Re- member that most disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels are tured by morning with gentle, thorough Caus- carets----they work while you sisep. A MING'S ODESSA RALLY; will build jails and penitentiaries| to house the bootleggers," said Mr. Haycock, who reminded his hearers cils, and the penitentiaries Handled by the dominion ment. are govern- a few words, urging the temperance tion day and he saw sight. Rev. Mr. McQuaid, Odessa, on be- half of the Prohibition Union, spoke for a few minutes and urged the people allow to support Dr. Ming, who was a true temperance man. Robert Brethen presided at the meeting. AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. Children Being Vaccinated | Against Smallpox. Mountain Grove, Nov. 19a number of the hunters are returning with their usual number of deer. W. D. Black addressed a gathering in| the hall on Saturday evening and F. Anglin, prohibitionist, addressed School the parental roof. The Ladies' Aid| of the United Church met at the] home af Mrs. J. D. Clark on Thurs-| day and completed some sewing. Earl, Evelyn and Mrs, D. MacDon- | ald, also Miss Ball motored to To- ronto for the week-end. C. Wood is recovering from an at-| tack of smallpox. The school chil- dren are all being vaccinated in &e- | cordance with the order from the board of health. The Misses Luella ers and John Price visited friends at Oso on Sunday. R. Barr is mov- moved to the village. has arrived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Parker. Mrs. R. Barr is in the village to-day. The young people of St. John's church are arranging a play to be given in the near future. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. Thompson In the loss of her mother, Mrs. Kitson, of Godfrey. She also suffered a her sister in the Cataraqul crossing accident. 'M| R. Reid is inspecting schools In" "vietuity. Dr. Scott has aiso been visiting the schools in the interest of the health depart- ment, Two thatched cottages, £ anding in 'la secluded spot in Obristian Mal- .. have . » the curious name of The nearest shop in is two miles away. ---- ing ths evil effects of alcoholic bev-+ Chalmers Church of the United | George Brown, M.A, B.D. Public] O God, the Light and Life," (Beetho-| and | ing service Miss Wright will sing, | the Aria "He Was De-| 7 p.m. song service. | Shepherd's | Ww. . | McKenzie, 6.45 | , Ladies' | including me Free public reading room| where the Bible and all authorized | Christian Science literature may be | that Mr. Ferguson cannot build jails | as it is the duty of the county coun-| Rev. Mr. Meredith, Morvan, spoke | workers to get the vote out on elec-| victory in| al gathering on Thufsday evening. Kit-| son Thompson has returned to De-| troit after spending a few days under | and Ethel! Conboy and Messrs.. Rog-| ing back on his farm. L. Kellar has| A wee son! bereavement in July when she lost| 1S THERE A BABY _ + IN YOUR HONE? Is there a Sah of or young cilldsin in your home? If there is you should | not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be | at hand to promptly fight them. | Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal home remedy They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish constipation and indigestion; break iup colds and simple fevers---in fact | they relieve all the minor ills of | {little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Moise Cadotte, Makamik, Que. | writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little lones. My baby suffered terribly from indigestion and vomiting, but the { Tablets soon set her right and now {she is in perfect health." The Tab- {lets are sold by medicine dealers or iby mail at 25¢. a box from The Dr {| Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. { i GANANOQUE | Gananoque, Nov. 20. --Mrs. Jessie | Canfield, Hamilton, who has been | | with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hood for the past couple of weeks, re-| turned home on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Byers left this | { morning by motor to spend the week-end with friends In Toronto. | The play Kathleen drew three! packed houses. Last evening there | was a damce for the cast and their | | friends after which the I. O. D. E.| { entertained the cast at a supper at Sheppard's It understood that the I. O. D. E. will plan for an-| other play of similar order in the spring, and why not, whem those taking part enjoy studying for it, | and the public get so much emjoy-| ment at witnessing the result, add-| | ed to all of which is a tidy sum to| | devote to some worthy cause. | | Kenneth McKenzie, New York, is| spending a couple of weeks here] with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A i= Ford Petch, Jack Hargraff, Wally| Jones, and C. J. Wilson motored to| | Ottawa this morning for the Balmy | Beach-Senators game, and will also | remain to see the hockey match be- | tween New York Americans and Semators. *4 Miss Mary Spence, Brooklyn, N Y., attending school at Canton, N Y., came up to Gananoque Thursday | afternoon for "Kathleen" returning | early Friday mornfag | | Mrs. W. B. Mudie is the guest of Miss Pearl Latimer, Detroit. PLEAD GUILTY TO TAMWORTH ROBBERY I Young Men:Remanded--Death of Stewart Meeks of | Napanee. Napanee, Nov. 20.---Victor Amey | and Kennet! Kellér, who' were ary| | rested for forcibly entering and stealing from the premises of P 3. Hopkins, Tamworth, were before | | Magistrate Ruttan om Friday and pleaded guilty and were remand- | ed for sentence for one week. | George Frederick Rendell died on | Wednesday in his 76th year. The | funeral took place on Friday after- noon at 1 o'clock from his late resi-| | dence on Bridge street to Syden-| | ham. | The death occurred on Thursday | afternoon at his home on Mil street | of Steward Meeks. About a month| ago, while unloading coal at Glee-| | son's wharf, Mr. Meeks was injur- i led and taken to the Kingston Hos-| pital for treatment and later Rockweod Hospital, A where every- | thing was done to relieve his suffer | ing. He was brought to his home in | | Napanee a few days ago Deceased | | was 61 years of age and leaves al widow and one daughter, Mrs. Barl| Lake, of Toronto. The funeral wit | take place on Sunday afternoon | {== his late residence om Mill] jstrost to Riverview cemetery. JOHN REDMOND DEAD | AFTER LONG ILLNESS ---- |Deceased Was Very Popular, and Waell-Known | Farmer. i | to! i A very sad death occurred on the Bath Road on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, {when Mr. Jobn W. Redmond passed {away at his home, after a lingering | {{llmess of seven months. His pass- {ing will be learned with regret by a wide circle of friends. He was ea very popular and well-known farmer | and a man loved and esteemed by | everyone with whom he came in con- . i | Fifty-five years ago the late Mr. | was born im Holleford, where he resided until thirteen years | |ago, when he bought hisjeautiful farm-bome on the Bath { {| The late Mr. Redmond Ww | cere mem of Princess Undt- | ed Church, where me fes of his Christian character will always be an inspiration. \1 Besides his widow, he is survived by three daughters and ome son, Mil-| dred of Thorold high school .a sin- | staff and Norma and Gordon at home: | {also four drothars, James of Kings-' Alfred of Water- iton, George of Sydenham. Holleford and William of town, N.Y. The funeral, which was largely at- SN [sh SHILOH... COUGHS tended, took place from bis family residence to Harrowsmith cemetery om Friday morning. Rev, J. Ru Cur- tis, assisted Rev, J. A. Waddell, and Rev. J. Eng- land, officiated. The occasion marked by unusual ing to the promineence of the de- consed. The casket was banked with | SYmpathy is extended to the berenved Kingston's Biggest t Home Fi F Civichers THIS. IS SIMMONS BEDDING WEEK Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand Ar- ray on Our Spacious Floors. 'THREE PIECES FOR THE PRICE OF TWO--ONLY $35.00 | SIMMONS! BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2" CONTINUOUS POSTS BEDS--In Walnut or Oak wood finishes. | Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. 90 SPIRAL SPRING or AL 1-STEE L WOV. EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft and resent. SIMMONS' ALL-FELT MATTRESS in fancy, strong art tein, with ime perial edges. $8.50 JAMES REID TIE HOME OF PURE BEDDING ma The Amplion Cone is especially clear in speech reproduction HE new Amplion Cone excels ments. @ Ask your dealer to demon- in clarity, loudness and distinct strate the Amplion Cone for proof enunciation. It has set an entirely of its superiority in speech or mu- new ow sau in radio reception of sical reproduction--used with any speeches, games and sport announce. set on the market. Amplion Reproducers $11 to 350 THE AMPLION CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. Sales Distribution by Barndent of Canada Letd., Dept. NC2 110 Richmond St. West, Toronto Hear the Amplion at W. LINDSAY, LTD. 121 PRINCESS STREET Amplions sold in Kingston by CANADA RADIO STORES™ L OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 'PHONE 1207. b AAA a a Spectacles ..' 20s Trial! Send No Money--Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed Let me send you on 30 days' Trial my famous "Clesr Sight" Epectacies. WTI enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see Fp egimrey If you are not Chocolate A delicious Chocolate Beverage that instantly pleases. The demand for "Nut Chocolate" is growing by leaps and bounds. The public knows and is satisfied that "NUT CHOCOLATE" is 'not an ordinary Chocolate flavor. It is distinctively different. Here is a real Drink, "Nut Chocolate." Tastes tter Than the finest Chocolate Soda. Made rom specially prepared Chocolate. :-: :-: It is aerated--it will keep--it coptains no preservatives and nothing "artificial," and it sells for Five Cents a Bottle ™ YOUR GROCER WILL SUPPLY YOU OR 'PHONE 600, HAVE A CASE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME. MANUFACTURED 'AND DISTRIBUTED IN SMILE BOTTLES ONLY Elder Aerated Water Works "Phones 690, 2876. '- Kingston, Ont. ithe great esteom in which the dou a ooased was held by his many friends, Six members of "The King's pastor, [Bible Class" of Princess Street Unite ed Sunday School, of which the tard was! yr Redmond had been a devoted -- uo member, ated as pali-bearers. Macll by his former solemupity, & profusion of Sowers, which showed | family,