Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1926, p. 13

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.T uesday, November 23, 1926. it 4 W Wring All Kinds of tasurance A fb. TT "THE DAILY BRITISH Bye Teitishy Biip 254 and 256 PRIN STREET CLASSIFIED ADVERT SING Ph 147 for All ade are restricted to Ambulance proper ciassification, and to the x regular Dally Whig Arie ot type h REID Daily rate per line or consecutive | 'Phone 577. 230 Princess Strees Lone: . Minimum charge, 35 csaus Mm. P. KEVES Daily rales por Une Charge Cash ox . RE hit 490 COLBORNE STREET =e AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. 108. JOHN OCONNELIUS Cara of 'Shanks, Undertaker and Embalmer Memoriam ; onal, §1.00 'ordered for irreguisr 1 tions takes the one Lime inser- tou rate; no wd. taken for Jess L488 ch IBsCruva. "Advertsing basic of four Count sia sverage words to the ' Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 560 v a "Nl HY en PARLOWS---Sydenbam, ¥arker, | trons, 7 and Battersea. Am 5. line. Caarged sds. will be received by telepuous and If paid at Tos Brite ish Whig Dawns within § days tron the first daie inseriion, oush rate nt made at Lae fate ear te per line for white space 1s the sae ag & lime of ty ial rate for yearly n req blish the right to edit ors reasrve r or reject all classified advertisisg Toapbone 343; ask for & wast 8d taker P. H. Undertaker and Embaimer, AMBULANCE, Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1318-J. Classified Display W. KENT MACNEE Brock and Weitlngton Sts. L "Phone 2051 IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE aad STOVES } Turk's Store Aged Man Likely Wandered » 5 helten. Thore will be 2560 cabins iy " gsoveral other medical men, to whom | : has shown i, concur in his judg- Tp NO INQUEST INTO HAMILTON TRAGEDY Into Burning Home to Save Some Articles. No inquest will be held tnto the death of Thomas Hamilton who is beloved to have been bummed to death at his home at Joyceville on | Saturday night unless the family | make application for ome, Coroner R, J. Gardiner states. Provincial Officer Clubbe made on investigation nto the fire which destroyed the Hamilton home and the constable"s report has been sent $0 the tire marshal at Torouto. . The debris has all been clearel way from the scene of the fire by the searchers but no further re-| mains, other than the few pieces of bone submitted to Coromer R. J. Gardiner on Sunday, have been dis- covered. Dr. Gardiner is satisfied | that at least one of these bones is | from the arm of a human being and | ment. The searchers told the coron- er that a considerable quantity of a sheildiks material was found with these remains of bones but it broke | up into ashes as soon @s touched. Gibent Reed of Washburn told Dr. Gardiner that be wes positive he saw & human skull fn the flames just | before the floor caved fn. The cor- oner is satisfied that the agell man wandered back into the flames after having carved one bag of flour out of the house and that he was over- come by the smoke and perished. NEW CB8.L. VESSEL. Will Be Name of River Steamboat. 23.----8t. Laurent steamer which is being built for the | account of the Canada Steamship Lines at the Davie ' Shipbufidmg | plant and which will start its Tegu- lar service as & sister ship to the $88. Richelieu next spring om the Montreal - Quebec - Saguenay line. The new boat wil' be 330 feat In fength, which is ten feet over the accommodate five hundred peo- i PRODUCE MARKETS | No. 2 Northern, el GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 23 -- Manitoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.45 1-2; $1.39 1-3; Northern, $1.34 1-2. Manitoba oats-- No. 2 C.W,, nom- inal; No. 3, not quoted; No. 1 feed, 62 1-2¢; No. 2 feed, nominal; West- No. 3 { ern grain quotations in c.l.f. ports, American corn, track, Toronto-- No. 2 yellow, 86¢; No. 3 yellow, 84c. Millfeed Delivered, Montreal, freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $20.25; shorts, per ton, $32.25; middlings, $40.25; good feed flour, per bag, $2.20. Ontario oats, shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat--3$1.- 20, f.0.b. shipping points, according to freights. Barley--Malting, 60 to 64c. 48 to b60e, f.0.b. Buckwheat--85¢, nominal. Rye--No. 2, 91e Manitoba flour ---- First patent, 7.80, Toronto; do., second patent, $7.30, Ontario flour--Toronto, cent. patent, per barrel, in carlots, Toronto, $5.75; seaboard, in bulk, $5.76. -- Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 23---Oats, Canad- fan Western, No. 3, 72 1-2¢; Cana- dian Western, No. 8, 668 1-2¢; flour, Man., Spring wheat patents, firsts, $7.80; do, seconds, $7.30: do, strong bakers, $7.10; do., Winter patents, choice, $6.50 to $6.60; rol- led oats, bag, 90 1bs., $3.75; bran, $30.25; shorts, $32.25; middlings, $40.25: hay, No. 2, per ton, carlots, $14 to $15. . Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov. 33--Wheat -- 1 nor., $1.39 1-4; 2 nor, $1.33 3-4; 3 nor, $1.28 3-4; No. 4, $1.19 3-4; No. 5, $1.07; No. § 92¢; feed, T9c; | track, $1.34; screenings, $3. Oats--2 CW. 80 1-4¢; 2 CW, 57 1-4¢; ex, 1 feed, 657 1-4¢; 1 feed, 55 1-4c: 2 feed, 51 1-8¢; rejected, 48 B5-8¢; track, 5%c. Barley--3 C.W., 63 7-8¢; 4 CW, §8 7-8¢;: rejected, 58 5-8¢; feed, 55 §-8¢; track, 63 T-8c. Flax--1 N.W.C., $1.90 3.8; 2 - C. W., $1.88 3-8; 3 CW, $1.65 3-8; rejected, $1.60 3-8; track, $1.90 3-8ec. Rye--32 C.W., 81 1-2 Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 23--Wheat -- No. 5 red, $1.20; No. 2 dark, $1.39. Corn--No: 2 mixed, Tie; No. yellow, The. Oats----<No. 2 white, No. $ white, 41 1-2c. Rye--Not quoted. Barley-~5§2¢c to Tde. Timothy seed----$4.75 to $5.25. Clover seed, $27.75 to $34.50. lis. Minneapolis, Nov. 23---Bran, $23.50 to $24. Wheat, No. 1 North- 45¢c to "4¢; 99 per! = v BOYLE---At a ft General Hospl- | tai on Nov. sind, 1926, to the Rev.| and Mrs Stewart 8. Boyle (nee Gwynne Hazelle Aghley, of Brook- yn, N. Y. a daughter BAUNDERS--To Mr. and Mra W. D: Saunders, 333 Alfred Street, on Monday, November 22nd, 19236, & » daughuer. DEATHS. BAJUS---<Entered into rest, Nov. ith 1928, at Vancouver, B.C, Sara, sec- ond daughter of the late Lieut -Col ¢;. P. Phillips, of Kingston, and wife of Wm. J. Bajus, aged 66 years. SPENCE In Pittsburg. on Nov. 2in 1928, Margaret cKee, besloy wife of Thomas W. Epsnce, aged 71 years. Funeral: will take Jace from her late residence, Pitsburg. at 1 o'clock Wednesday €fternoon to Cataraqul Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respéctfully invited to attend TWIGG--In Kingston, on - November 22nd, 1926, William A. Twigg, aged B57 TH. Funeral from his late residence, 192 BarTte Street, on Wednesday after- noon at 2.30 o'clock to SL James Church. Interment at Cataraqul Cemetery. . CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and acquaintances for their beautiful floral offerings and thedr kindness and sympathies extended to us through the death of a loving husband and father. --Mrs, MacRow and son, Wilbert, Cataragui, Ont. CARD OF THANKS The family of-the late Peter Francis Taylor wish to thank their many kind friends and ne!ghbors for sympathy ex- tended to them in their recent sad be- rea vement, also for the many floral and spiritual offerings received. Lost and wound 1 BROWN WATER SPANIEL-Lost, from Murvale, Thurs, Nov. 18th. Kindly notify R. Wolsey, R. R. Harrow smith. o FOX SABLE PEKINGESE--Male Dog, lost. Finder kindly telephone 1486-w HALF OF GOLD CUFF LINK---Found on Clagents Street Wednesday morn. ing wner may have same at the Whig Oftice. RADIATOR CAP-Found, on Welling- ton street. Owner may have same 8 Whig Office. OUT QUR WAY. WHIG .. bo 4 age Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place 13 - 9 __ Business Services T GOOD HEAVINSY Pl 1 THOUGHT TRE ©1920 SY WTA SERVICE. WR. WHY MOTHERS GET GRAM. WELL 1 OONT CARE { I CAUGHT THIS SNIP COMINGr OUT OF MY Room ANDO HE WONT SHOW ME WHAT HES GOT IJ HIS PocweT I vinow HIM! T CANT HAVE A "THINGS AROUND HERE! BY WILLIAMS. = in eS men rs and Solicitors 31h {@AY AND REVELLE--Barrisiers sod {| Solicitors, #8 Ciareace Bret, Kings sion AE Day, adrian iL Revels . "rigages arranged 'rhooe MN. GOOD GOSH ' \ | - SHEA-Auibrose. B.A. Barrister aad rd : itor. w Oice, 00 FEWER CANT " : and Broek, svar Loyal ies Raw o loan. one 1998. WALK AR # w HH. HERRINGTON. PW, 2 NGTON--DBa ; TH HOUSE EVEN, £ {| tor and Netary Fublie 10 Weitings 1 GTN 3 {| ton Street. ne 2648-w, THOUT ' * | REYNOLDS, J. ComBarr AACHKTED AN i | tor 81 Brock Street pe ug 8 t hy "THROWED OowWN! ! 'Phone 2808. y ay Tare oh Th Ss ret CUT IT OUT | Ladles' Rau rarlor 4 NOW~FORE 1 GIT MAD! PERMANENT WAVING $15.00 ian NO EXTRAS ue u. MNGEBURY, {309 Princess sueel Yooue 3018-3 ALL PINST CLANS MAIN WORK MALEK TV URLAK ~Ladgies Transfors mations, bobbed curls, switches, shams puving, siugeing, curling, Ladies and Children's nalr cutiuug. Mis Cubs alngbam, 68 Bay Slreel, Kingston Telephone 2¥dy. me emo ge tee sin et FRENOH MARCEL WAVING ' i 'ater Wavia, Hound Bobbed | Curitng, Hair Pay ed Facial and Scalp 'iresatment | attention given lo lair Dyeing. Miss Switser, 381 Queen Sireet. ror ap i pointmen 'phone 016 Auctioneers 24a. AUCTIONEERS Experi pervice, modes rite charges We can sell anythi anywhere, &ny time. 'Phone 881.J. Murray's Auction Rooms, Market | Square is > I | ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of insurance lo old line companies of Digheat ue ncial stand- | ing. 381 King Streel ssl. 'Phones f 235(8-w. Res 1120 | | FIRE~Automublie and Casualty Insure JRWLliame, . 1-22 Help Wanted a Meoal Estate For Rent. LIGHT LEATHER GLOVES .. With black trimming, found at Outer Sta- tion. Owner may have same at 3238 Johnson Street. LADY'S EARRING -- With .rad stone, lost Saturday afternoon, Nov. 20th. Finder please réturn to 76 Lower Union Street or phone 586 LADY'S WRIST WATCUH-Lost at the Stadium Saturday, Nov. 13th. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. Male Help Wanted 3 BOY WANTED-A smart, energetic boy wanted for after four and on Satur- day. John Laidlaw & Bon, Ltd. BUTTON--One red and brown button found. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. Wantett To Rent 11 RESPECTABLE GENTLEMAN -- Re- quires furnished, heated room; cen- tral; with use of 'phone. Apply ww Box N-13, Whig Office. For Sale or To Let ila MAKE MONEY AT HOME---You @fn earn $1.00 to $3.00 an hour in your spare time writing Showoards. No can- SPLENDID SOLID BRICK HOUSE --On Johnson Street; convenient to school, coliege and cars. Immediate posses- ance. KE. M Crumley, 430 hari Sirest Poone 1i83-M Went and a . dis Aitnvios Fur oso Is AoaNIRHGS, im. Ei rn a ---------------------- -- Fuel ana feed 23 INSURANOE-=Only the most reliable companies represented. sSurange Strange, established in 1560 Clarence Sircet, vppuaile Fost Decorators ANTHRACITE COAL-=Stove, Chestnut ahd pea coal. The nut and stove at $15.25 trom car, aelivered. Car of pea oval arrived. OX the cars Jil.60 Le! ders waken. Apply C. W, Neville, 15 Collingwood Street. Lelephone 2362-1 | A, ANDLRSON---I sinter and Decorator pe B L ldeno - DRY HARDWOOD_3500 load. Diy Shop And residence phous 186. Of sOItwood miabe, §8.00 Hard coke, stove size $10.00 ton. tiard pea coke, $7.00 GET YOUR PAINTIAG-ADd paper reasonable, wall Athletic Board of Control at Queen's University. TWO SILK SCARFS~One lady's and one gentleman's scarf, left at Zion; church. Owner may have same at 106 Pine Street. WHITE AND TAN PUPPY----With col. lar. Owner may have same at 440 Princess s.reet, hy proving prypeérty and paying expenses. Phone 1015-w. -- FORECASTS BROADER Mississippi System, . Great Lakes and Ocean Canal Would Be Links. St. Louis, Mo.,, Nov. 23.--A broader national poligy toward the development of the country's inldnd waterways and its water resources generally 48 now in course of pro- muigation. Ths was disclosed in a prepared address yesterday by Secretary Hoover, here as the principal speak: er on the Mississipp! Valley Associa- dion programme. After sketching the possibilities offered by creation of a 12,000-mile Water transportation system through the heart of the country, by the utilization of the Misslssippi system, the Great Lakes, and the projected canal to the Atlantic, Mr. Hoover touched upon the controversies ia- volving the latter project with a plea for expenditure of meney on cement and steel rather ¢han upon counts and political agitation. Hot Dogs--all hot--at the Canl- ing Club Bazaar. ' It is said that Isabel of Austria, at the siege of Ostend, vowed that WATERWAYS POLICY | CAPABLE MAIDe. For general house- work. Apply 68 Barrie Street. COOK..GI BNERAL -- Middle-aged, 2 In family; quiet, comfortable home. Ref- arences required, Apply Mre. Marshall, Elgrtree House, corner Union Btreet and Alwington Avenue. HOUSE MAID---Wanted for institution; musk be gotustomed to children. Ap- BY with references to Bupérintendent, rphans' Home, Union BtFeet. Ee RR i he Positions Wanted 6 WOMAN DESIRES a ASHIRG - And roning te do at home. Apply Box Z-11, Whig Office. yy EE Real Estate For Rent a Apartments and Pla, J BRIGHT AND SUNNY APARTMENT -- nicely furnished; all conveniences. Ap- ply 383 Alfred Street. a Houses 9 HOUSE--Six foomed, brick; 187 Clergy Street East; electric, gas, 1 po. bath. P jon December 15t. Rent $22.00 advance; includes water rate. Also smail house, 47 James Bireet, electric, Dec. 18. Rent $14 -------------------- -- SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE-- Elec- tric light, celldr, garden, driveway. $16 per month. 438 vivision Street. Ap- .-ply #9 Charles Street. SEVEN ROOMED--Cement Block House ~=furnace, All improvements, on Sixth Btreet. ewly decorated. $25.00 per month. Apply H. F. Norman, §) Pat. riok Siteet 8 ROOMED HOUSE -- Corner Colborne and Sydenham. SIX roomed house, 55 Rideau Street, all improvements. Five roomed house, 45 Concession Btreet Apply at 185 Queen Street or 'phone PES-W, noosa 1» FURNISHED. Or unfurnished rooms, hedted, fof light Roussksep) , on bathroom fat; electricity an gas sor $1,400 Bungalow; 4 rooms; improves ments; terms. T00--Hrick, 7 rooms, modern, south. ¥ r city, would exchange insurance. Money to loan. Houses to let. T CONNOR, 851 Princess Streel hone 1189-J: ERTL mmm Articles For Sale. re Miscellaneous 13 ANDIRONS ---= Fenders, fire gorecns-- everything for fireplaces. Partridge Wire and Iron Works, plating in sil ver, nickel, ete, King 8 Phone 350. BEBATIY BARN EQUIPMENT-Now Is the time to instal A manure carrier for the winter, also water buckets and staychions, Churns, Washers, Pumps, De Laval Separators, Harness, Blank- ets and Robes, J. F. Cramer, 81 Brock Street. 'Phones 585-) or 1217-f, BRICK~--8t00 Jiemna, Rug Rustig, wire cut, building tile and drain tile A. Neal. $34 Johnson St. 'Phone 3041 ~ GERMAN POLICE DOG--§ months old. | Apply at Barber Shop, 525 Princesg St NEW QUEBEC HEATER---Used only two weeks. Apply 219 Earl Street. PIANOS TO RENT--We will rent you a Piany for six dollars per month for a period of six months. At the sxpira- tion of the six months we will allow all monies pald as rental to apply on the purchase price of the piano. CC. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess St. rm 18a FURNITURE- Antique and modern furniture sold and ught. M. Cram- or, 07 Princess Street, successors to Lesses Antique Shop. Auto Tops anil Cushions k G. PAVL~ fOr new or jalred, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- an uphoistering and decking, wind. shield and body glass put in whi'e you walt, linoleum and ing for rub ning boards, waterpfoof truck tarpaus ins and awnings made © order. mn Phone 1840-F. Princess Street. ' Montreal Hog Market. Montreal, Nov. 23.--The bog mar- 16a. + choi 4 o Aad predate p : ton Feat $1200. Mixed ocordwood,! done now. Mrices PAIR OF EYE GLASS -- vassing or »oMeiting; We instruct you] sion. pply to r. he: dl e, IV $3.60 a load. "Phorie 2440-w W. C| paper for sae Horton, (46 Collings rE re, ve on hy in ain and sy bly you wit} work Writs 38 Bagot Street or 353 Alfred St Bruton, 280 Wellington Street Woud Bueet. 'Phone 39s4-J. ne : - - | SESE RR, { Finder please te.urn t0 Queens Uni.| 98Y. .1he Men fe mpany, Lim : - Sn err -- ' » ed, 21 Dominion Building, Teronto. Real Estate LUMBER---Rough and dressed, also SIGN PAINTING. B Roblasen, read versity Post Office. rom - C : For Sale shingles ang lath, satin Anish hard-| 2:6 baget Steet - PART LEAD . . SALESMEN---Wanted by the Montred wood flooring, all Kinds, stovewoud, | == x RR Bank or EAD a so Life Insurance Company; experience Farms and Land 1 Resawing and planing. J. Peters &! Financial wa Owner may have same at Whig Oftice.| Mt essential; we triln you. Guod #al- r Son, Gorser Brock sud Toronto | 4 ax and commiadion to the man that M8 Aches 1. Gved and, \ Isile froin Streets. 'Phone 83. [FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. RIM AND TIRE---F : | will produce fais results. Correapon- . " - | MEN EY --- i Owner may Ae nd Sarina dence treated strictly confidential Ap-| Ings, well watered. Apply on prem-| GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD ary yierhy A es Ae der's, Inverary, Ont. Rx by letter to 485 Albert Btreet,| ises. James Soott, Sydenham. Cuncession street, for used lumber at| vice-president J. M. Farrell Monuy 10 ingston, Ont $26 per ihousand, new lumber and joan on eit) aud (arm properties; ins SEVERAL ARTICLES FOUND--In the ee Houses 14] Sningies, lowest price hossible; hatd| vestmeni. Bonds bougbt asd seid, Stadium and grandstands following and nixed Wood, soft 40d mixed SlaDE 1, posits received and ibterest paid on the game last Saturday. Apply to the Female Help Waated 8 Phone for prices. Phone 3763J, 1 imum © montaly balance. MM PARKES WOODYARD-- 660 Johnson | co hiiWrisut, macsger, 37 Clarence St Street, 'phone 1439-J. For good wood | try Parkers. Best dry hardwood $3.18 | Sturage Aon. per load; mixed hardwood, $3.50; $2.78. STORAGE-For furniture, clean, s Siry roves and spaces, your owa SWAIN'S WOOD YARD The onty| aud key. Frosis City Biorage- 308 wood-yard operating thelr own bush. | 308 Queen SL 'Fbone 636 ies IN9-W. 'Phone #616-w and save middiemans OF 1934-J. prout. Mixed ang soft slabs aiways on hand. | HOYYS STORAGE WAREHOUSE-or furniture ur say mercoandise. Fires W. HM. NORMAN- Wishes to announce Provf building "Phone 1990 or 1175 the opefilng of & Rew Coal and Wood | = -------- RRA Yard, 200 Moatree,. Street. leason- { Miscetiancoas = able prices Hardwood, per load, 3.50; hardwood siabs, percload, $3.25.| JyHEse-Cloaned out of celiars and Mixed Wood, per load, 33.00, Softwoud yards, ciean job done. A MacUregon Blabs, $2.75. Deilvered. 'Phone 1849-8] 14 Russell Sirest. 'Phone 3368. . -- ws - _ RE -- ] a-- -------------- ntm------ W. HH. TALBOT---oncessic the best of hardwood, §3 Also mixed wood an ih : | ASHES--Removed from yard and eels 50 qua r ead a lars, general carting; first class drys Le < bs POO. 0 \ at all kinds; «a good stock of lumber and yo a on, mT re the best of hard Pennsylvania coal | 'Phone 281 afd 2516-M Twenty humdréd for a ten. PRODE | sms. S------------------ 2753-3. : HADIO SERVIUE-Baltl recharging; Re Te i Ce eee = ren. ais: delivered Just cali 130% Wanted To Buy Open Right and day Canada Radie {| Stores Experi Plage Tuning, Player-Plane Adjusting, Phone 16d C W. LisvusaX, LIMITED POULTRY--We are now open to buy all classes of live or dressed poulitry.| Highest chsh prices paid and prompt! returpa. Write or phone for prices to via Frontenac Produce Co. itd, 231 Wellington street, Kingston, Out. Tele phone 3130. EERE -- . ------ UCIPHULST EMIN GcADd goueral repairs | ng. Leave viderg at or drop & card | wo F. W. narcle, 104 Clergy Suresh | 'Phone 1608 -J. OE GS ET iy Business Services a -- DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER W. A Marcelis, corner of Barrie and -Prin- | Frofesstonat - Automoniies EIT REI Auto Accessories cess _ Ath Chiropractic adjust-| KINASTON AUTO TUF AND BODY OO. ments, electric treatments and hand. RAN of Aute, Buggy. Boat Tops | massage. X-rhy service. Consultas| ana Cuibions. Commercial, § don free. Hours §-13 am, 1-6 pm! Coupe budies, California Tops and Uo Yenings by clutment, Office teles| nuistering. Awnings and Teuls ele phone 833-4. Residence 'phone $57-J. | 341 King street. Phone 2946 LUCY leo. F. and Jeunls A. Chiro. | rasta, Besiatered Nur 201 Bagot . treet. "Photis #S1-w. | es to 1-6, 6.7.20. Consulation tree. = = Auto Wrecking Co. het A One tom bord Truck, SKN BLEMISHES ~ Hair, Moles Also All kinds of Second Hand Warls, ribmarks, Skin Cancers | Automobile Farts for ail makes of Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanen:- | esrs. iy. Mslactory Glasses ited AT after others have rR second Hand Tires, sll plses «= soon, Ueltre cured without operation. a4 price $4.00 to cooking. Apply 415 Princess ket yesterday was somewhat | Yess lence. Dr. Eimer J. Lak ROSEN & POLLIT T dred and seventy, and the new boat ern, $1.35 3-4 to $1.37 3-4; May, | she would not change her linen until sled with k biddin Unact ie, Btre Nose, Throat, Skin. 254 Phone 3470-w, 140 RIDEAU #1, ; $1.36 3-4. bth STUDENT -- Wants warm, furnished packers ig $11 Der) 1Awdt Qirest. Fhone iw. louse 1134) be an oil-burner. It has not|$1.47 7-8; December, . - [the place was taken. The siege last- m, preferably near lege. Bux|100 lbs. for thick smooth stock and | "== OT AS SE decided yet by marine experts | Corn, No. 3 yellow, 74 1-2 to 7bc. ed three years. "i. Wig omide. $2 per bead bonus for selects, while Barristers an Suliclors' 21h| Have you read the number of Dosis whether it will be possible to utilize | Oats, No. 3 white, 40 5-8 to 41 5-8¢.| The atom used to be considered | TWo DRIGHT ROOMS -- Comfortably the butchers paid $11.25 to $11.50 tions Appearing in the Classified Seow | what remains of the Montreal, which | Flax, No. 1, $2.13 to $2.26. the smallest thing In existence, but| furdished; suitable for light house-|oer 100 ibs. for thick smooth bogs, | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --. Barristers tion that Gre open for those who are was destroyed by fire last week on rts, it bas now been found to consist of | senibie' Shs Neison Street. houe|and sows sold et $9 to $9.26. : Kingatoa: A Suna | WRAmMPIOTA. asier Top rebders tp Al the river. If agente. a new boat| Never judge a painting by the wmaller particles protons and elec-| 2508-m. \ -- Cyril M. Smith. *| swer your Slassited sds i it 'containg 4s expected to be built +o replace it |'size of the artists's signature. trons. . | both your tslephons number and youe TWO ROOMS---Newly decorated, light The picturesque gondola of Ven- kes it easier for read . address. without \¥ Curling Club Bazaar, Nov. 26th, at | Home-mede Cooking. Curling housekeeping: eYOry | Convehience:. ice is rapidly giving way to the more swer your classified ada. If It ontasss| | You are missing the vet oppogunis ---- 7 pam, at Cunliog Rink. Club Basear. ; couple preferfed. "Phone 2830. p and speedier motor boat Seth yuul telephone number asd your] Lies LA eading the "Whig = Two Women Badly Hurt |==------------------ " S01 Bekouguradt - rosale om . ree pe-- jassifo As Motor Oar Is Ditched BRINGING UP FATHER ff an 38 8 a 3 8 3 3. 2 7 8 Bn BY GEORGE I Bi Hi i i i I : f gh F i 2 x i : i fier | i a i f § i Fi fi ; £5 I £ : £ £ i g fd Be 3 2 ie il 1 WELL DONT Son's A KNOW Fine TL HAVE TO ASK ME WIFE WHO I'LL RUN FER DUGAN ~ LAD. BUT ALDRRMAN | MAGGIE WHAT DO YOu THINK OF ME RUNNWNG 1 ONLY ASKED CASEY YOU'SE! AN? le « me = ---- va : is M23 TT s ¥ i bd It |:

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