Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1926, p. 1

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b THTR wD Constasice Talmadge i "THE DUCHESS OF. BUFFALO™ _KINGSTY( N, ONT. ARIO, TC ESDAY, Nov EMBER THE IMPERIAL CONFERENCE HAS i. 23, 1028. -- 1a st EDITION. | ONCLUDED ITS BUSINESS ULSTER RAISING OBJECTION PROPOSED CHANGE IN E TITLE OF HIS MAJESTY A 'e T0 THE i Claimed - That Ireland Consists Conference Closed---Tribute Paid to Good Feeling Prevailing Throughoat---Will Go Down in History as Author of So-Called 'Magna Charta--of the Dominions." . 3900800999900 0v4s +! 3 Belfast Nov. 23. --Premier % Sir James Craig and his Min- # listers of Finance and Labor are 4 proceeding to London to make representations concerning Uls- ter"s position under the porte. % od change In the title of the + King. Belfast, Nov. 25. --Opposition in the British Parliament to the change in King George's title, as proposed by the Imperial Conference, was fore- cast to-day by David Reid, Conser vative M.P. for County Down. De- erying the proposed change, making the title read King of "Great Brit. , Ireland and British Domindéons yond the Seas," instead of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" as at present, Mr. Reid said: "The pew form conveys the impres- sion that Ireland is an entity, where- as it is two states, as distinot as Can- ada and Newfoundland." The Conferemce Closes. London, No¥. 23.--The Imperial Conference closed to-day as it began, with messages of loyalty to the Crown. It opened just five weeks ago amid certain feeling of appre heasion as to the outcome. Premier . Hertzog's stand for a declaration to foreign countries of the Internation- : of the Dominfons, statement in South "with strong them expressed by Premier Bruce of Australla, had raised doubts as to ether the Conference proceedings uid' result in anything approach- ing unenimity. But the cuntain is pow rung down with both express. ing their satisfaction. On all sides tribute 18 being paid to the good feeling prevailing throughout, although at times there were unquestionably some sharp dif- Ce of opinfon among the dele- es. The Conference covered a ide field, but almost solely perhaps SEEKS ANNULMENT OF HER MARRIAGE Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt Il. Alleges That She Was Coerced. e---- New York, Nov. 23.--Society, which is still discussing the annud- ent of the marriage of Consuelo 'anderblit to the Duke of Mani borgeeh, was startled to-day by in-| on that Mrs. William K. Van- 33 II. is having her marriage null fied by the Sacred Rota, the supreme cour! of the Catholic Church in Rome. This information was con- tained in a despatch to The World from Beatrice Baskerville, staff cor- respondent in the Eternal City. The degpatch said thet Mrs. Vanderbilt bas made a plea for annulment, al- ng coercion was used at time of marriage ia 1899 to Mr. Vander MK, eldest son of the late Wilkam Vanderbilt, who also was the father of the Duchess of Marlborough. The plea, the correspondent asserts, hes been thoroughly examined by the Rota and a decision réached to grant the annulment, but the decree is be fog withheld for the time because of the great publicity which has sur- unded the Mariboroagh case. Goal fields fodicated that many .thogsands of mivers are not wall. + + {defence that the several governments | Magistrate of Edmonton, * + PPP 000200000209 of Two Distinct States---Imperial {it will go down in history as the author of the socalled "Magua Chanta of the Dominions." Chain of Air Bases. ' The Imperial Conference conclud- a recommendation and resolution on of the Bmpire should consided the necessity' "for creating and main- {taining an adequate chain of air bases | for refuelling stations." The conference regrets that it has | pot been possible to make greater progress with international reduction jand limitation of armaments referred {to in resolutions adopted on defence | {at the last conference, and recog-| wizes that even after a large measure of reduction and Hmitation of arma- ments have been achieved, consider-! able effort will be involved in order | to maintain a minimum stdndard of | naval strength contemplated in the | Washington treaty on the limitation of armaments, namely, the equality with naval strength of any foreign power, Impressed with the vital impont- ance of ensuring dhe security of of world-wide trade routes upon which the safety and wel'are of all] pants of the Empire depend, repre-| {sentatives of Australia, India and] {New Zealand noted with interest the | steps already taken by Great Britain 0 develop a naval base at Singapore with the object of Sadttiating the free movement of the fleets. "Note warsken of Wie gress nade in the direction of organ- ising military fofmation in general oh similar Mines, the adoption of sim- {lar patterns of weapons, interchange of officers between various parts of | { Murphy Trainmen's Vote Favors a Strike Montreal, Nov. 23---The vote of the railway trainmen and conductors, the counting of ~ Which has been concluded in "Montreal, on the question of acceptance or rejection of the report of the board of concilia- tion which refused to accede to the men's demands for increase in wage rates, is overwhelming- ly in favor of a strike. This was given out this morning by 8. N. Berry, president of the Brotherhood of 'Railway Con- ductors. Premier Says Mrs. Murphy Is Not His Cousin Napanee, Nov. 23-- Unless adver- tisements published throughout the stating that Mrs. Murphy, Police is a cou- sin of Premler Ferguson, are with- drawn, legal action will be taken to secure redress, the Premier stated | here yesterday. "The statement is absolutely false," he declared, "and | has been made simply because Mrs has been testifying to the success of Government control in| Alberta. A PISTOL DU IN BRANTFORD : High Constable Wounded | When Car Cornered-- Desperado Arrested. | | Brantford, Nov. 23--A thrilling chas® through the business section of the city, a cornering of a hold-up auto, an exchange of revolver shots, the wounding of a police officer, and the arrest of one of a trio of = the Nigh! followed a double hold-up in Hamilton last night. Around eight o'clock local police were notified from Hamilton that following two hold-ups in Hamilton, { says the jdladr, K.C., | eral-Prohdbit! { umbia HE PREM IS SCORED'BY MR. SINCLAR A. Cannot Be Enforced POLICY IS DENOUNCED kr} le i ox fet son Is Diverting s At- teation With Customs Con- | mission Talk Port Perry, Nov. 23 --™Jusm ging the Premier of On srio, ima who Ontario Temperance Aot jcannot be enforced im Ontario, tell- ing that to an audience in his rid- ing!" exclaimed William E. N. Sin. Liberal Leader, when Mature an enthusiastic Lib- gathering fase night the ave made by Ferguson at Prescott that the C toms Enquiry Commission had been shifted from Ontario to British Col by the Ottawa because there was a Provincial elec- tion here and revelations might be made which would prove the truth the statements he was making on platforms of Ontario. "Mr. Ferguson ad said Prescott audience: I épeak, because happen to know some of the evidémce which Is to be presented to the Commission." Just imagine that!" said Mr. Sinclair who ironically remarked that Mr Ferguson, with his knowledge of the evidence to be presented to the Commission, had not made prosecu- tions under the O.T.A. of those vio- lations of whigh he ead he knew. --- To Divert People's Attention. "Now Mr. Ferguson makes be- lieve to the pedple of Ontario that! he has a fund of information which will show grave irregularities. If hel quotmg us to his .lon air communications, been adopted by the conference, ap-| Mr. | Government | 'I know whereof | a sedan, license number 297-584, has any such information it ig an | +0200 00000 0200090 - - rg Eesti eatnes ASK AIR CONFERENCE TO MEET IN CANADA London, Nov. 23.-xThe Cana- dian Gov ent nb invited the Imperial air conference to mest in Canada. The date of the conference has not been de- termined yet, but it is not pro- 3 huis that #t will be before ue 4 year 1928. * * + * + PROBLEN OF A WOMAN WITHOUT A CODVTRY {Is Still Unsolved by the wg ing Kingston-Portsmouth as an|J. F. Sowards, presiden perial Conference--Diffi- culty in Way. London, Nov. 23---The report ot} the Imperial Conference committee which has proves of the proposed new air routes to the Far East -and recom- mends that the development of oth- er air service should receive the at- tention of the governments concern- ed, and that the Dominions and In- dia should examine possibility of erecting nucleus mooring mast bases for airships Earlier in the conference Premier Mackenzie King announced the In- the tention of the Canadian Government, to erect a mooring-mast in Canada | & country remains unsolved report of the nationality commitiée ©f the Imperial Conference, which| | has been adopted, it is frankly ad- mitted, as forecasted, that the com- mittee was unable to sgree on proposal that a British should pot be deemed nationality by the mere act riage. The difficulty was that if the pro- posed change were accepted such a| woman instead of having no country might have two countries. In that! event, the report observes, if she woman of mar- resided in her husband's country she | would be without the benefits of British protection. GRIM FIGHT IN GALE + The problem of a woman without | In the! the ! to lose her} 3 i ' pd | | and Work No Amomt Accomplish Hon. W. P. Nickle, who is con- | fade pendent i Conservative candidate opposing Government C : | policy. held his first organization | | rally in his commi rooms om Monday night and seating accommo-| dation could not be provided for all those who crowded into the rooms Mr. Nickle was the only speaker a | most of the evening w devoted 1 organizafion work Mr C. LL ett acted as chairman ee nd 18 I k Acted Constitutionally. Answers | been leve of i rovernment prov- f atter in Nickle's address The speaker i sald that he was being criticized as not having acted coastitutionally, by men who in the past had given him valued and appr support | These men said | consulted his constit { resigned The ex-attorpey-general { declared that while he had repre-| { sented Kingston-Portsmouth in legislature, the electors of ing had not appointed 1 general. The appointmer | made by the lieutenant { upon the advice ter, and when he position he had tende red his resig { nation to the prime minister. If he { had attempted to consult hi metis fuents, at a time when the | province! was seething with curiosity as to nis | probable action, the matter would Rave leaked out and a political and constitutional have re-: sulted eciated should have nts he t tha before the | had heed 1 -gOVvernor of ihe prime 1 had res i crisis would Sim A SPLENDID GAT W. F.NICKLE'S SUPPORTERS AT ORGANIZATION MEETING For Telling te People the 0.1. ee ensssssssssvodliiory Candidate Answers Criticisms Levelled ot Hin--His Party Had Left Him--Predicts That if the Pesple Get Out | Ferg the Empire and progress in building up air forces. The reports con- cludes that discussions at the Con- ference have made it abundantly clear that the Empire remains firm- ly attached to the policy of peace and | to the suppirt of the League of Na- | tions as the great peace, instrument of | ~ mn mist the Miners' Federation but are sign- ing for work without further delay. | In Northumberland the miners have! been balloting to determine which of them should get the first jobs, while in Lothian district the return to the pits is described as a stam- pede. In Wales and Nottinghamshire many of the miners "have broken away from the Federation and have signed five-year contracts without consulting the union officials. Dr. David Riesman of the Phila. delphia general hospital claims a | discovery to. treat diabetes as im- { | eri as that of insulin. He Is a Son of Dr. Dr. O. D. Skel- ton, Formerly Professor of Economics at the Uni- versity Here. D. A. ("Snag") Skelton of Queen's | University has been awarded one of | the Rhodes Scholarships for Oatario and the other went to Escoit M. Reid of Trinity College, University of To- | ronto. This announcement was | made by Rhodes Scholarship Oom- mission of Ontario on Monday after- ooon. : D. A. Skelton is a son of Dr. 0. D. Skelton, now on the federal economic advisory board, but formerly dean of the Arts faculty at Queen's. He iney and High Traffic Officer Jack- | ples attention from the main oes otf D. A. Skelton, Queen's Student, Wins also boxed | contests. For which was alleged to have been used in the hold-up, was observed going not been enforcing the laws of On- west on King Street, Hamilton. | tario, but in order to make politica' High County Constable John Hi ake- | capital himself and divert the peo-| | admission on his part that he has] son located the car in the east ward | {he makes referemce to the shi here, trailed it, Darling Streets forced it into a cor-| umbia. Surely i ner. | knows where it is to sit and what | The occupants opened fire, High | Work it has to do, and if Mr. Fer County Constable lakeney being |8uson has this knowledge he has] the principal target. A bullet grazed | 20 right to say to the people of On. his body but did not enter the flesh. | tario now that the O.T.A. cannot be | The officers fired back. Two of the | edforced. (Lour applause.) men in the car broke away, the | Dencuncing the Premier's Gov third, Chas. Gage, of Chatham, al- foramen -control policy Mr, SHow.r | leged to be wanted in several On.|285Ked: "If he has not been able to] tarfo cities as a stick-up artist, and | 0p With the bootlegging situation | with a bad reputation as a danger under the 0.T.A » how he going to} ous character, was arrested, and the | C0P¢ Wih it uader a G vets ment] i car seized. ain policy when the boot} eggers| 1 be able to improve an os supplies by purchasin son's whiskey from ( ? "It Mr. Ferguson has been unabl,| ® to enforce the OT. A., how will he] enforce a more dangerous law? If] he has failed in regard to the lesser act, so much greater will be his | failure in regard t0 the proposed] legislation." | PURNELL DECLARES ACCUSERS GREEDY 14 ng | and at Bridge and |of this Commission to British Col-| the Commission | st, Zinovoft Resigns. Moscow, Nov. 23.---Gregory Zinov- off to-day mesigned the presidency the Communist International which post he had occupied since its establishment in 1919, : i Moral Character of Com- plainant Girls. Benton Harbor, Mich., Nov. 23. -- King Benjamin Purdeil's girl ac- ousers are "trying to loot the House of David treasury," the §5-year-oid cult leader hes charged in the first interview granted by him #nee his! arrest dast week on charges of criminal assault. People will do aemything for money," sald Purnell. "All my Hts I have had to fight against attempts to blackmail me made by those whom I have sheltered. "lI am innocent of the charges against me. I hope for an early triai! that I may prove ®. They (his ac-! cusers) all lie: they have tasted the! flesh-pots of Egypt. They will do| anything for gold." Purnell attacked the character of the young women who charged the "King" bad taken advantage of them under the cloak of "blood! purifying rites" while they were! girls fn the colony. He declares hel is Immortal, and that in & short time there will be witnessed the com. sternation of bis snpmies. or Miltary. Commission Berlin, Nov. 23 23--Germany uneq- | uivocally demands the withdrawal! the Alma Mater Society, an official of the interajlied military control! of the A.M.8. court end secretary and commission, foreign minister Strese- | vice-president of the Arts Society. He mann declared in the refchstex o-| next spring. day. » | i SKELTON . Surth Year Arts student. of vers LC whe has awarded a Rhodes Scholarship. - : A i 4 { dio Gov | i | signals, | tetused, to leave the Aldworth { wort h got under way toward Queen- i stown, States steamer West Eldara | stown November 4 House of David Head Attacks, { ton. {departure of Hon. N. W. Rowell Not Wanted by Party. Mr. Nickle explaioged that not left the Conservative party that the party had left him day after his resignation was nounced, Mr F. Sowards, pre- sident of the Kingston and FPorts- mouth Liberal-Conservative Assocla- ta th or if London, Nov. 23 Sputtering ra.j Hon, Bnd Sted hy th .s that §f signals from the storm-tossed|: Ho Iexle R60 ROE MDW Lhe nes ne Atlantic today told the tale of a accept the Reteyeon yu { grim fight by the crew of the Bri. DRO! wanted by the ( tish freighter Aldworth to save their Sanization in his . riding hip in face of seeming death speaker stated farther that For thirty hours Captain Caldi net been a delegate to cott and his men battled the waves, | Tc convention at with the vessel in momentary dan- and us that SB on ¥ a ger of foundering -- superstructare, Bledged to support Be. Tere uson | boats['and bridge smashed. and two had been no J ACE FOF yn it he Fells holds and the engine room flooded. | Pected his word. If the ( onservative The Cunarder Andania reached | PATtY in Kingston had brough | the Aldworth in answer to distress | candidate in support of the Ontario but the captain and Tempe Fanta 2 po at oh wo een a candidate at { tion, but when they | man pledged to a wet! felt it had been thrown upon } a burden to take up the fight 10 SAVE FREIGHTER Rescue in North Sea--Ship Finally Got Under Way Towards Queenstown. s had but The an- J the was or- The ha P uservative 0 he the Conserva- held at Garden Hal Crew Fin- and Ald- after hours of anxiety the sea abated and peril the al convoyed by the United | "Wets" Subterfuge being employed by Mr. Nickle declared day," he said, ers called me up and told story was being ci Conservative candidate was candidate and 1 was &uj 'wets. Perhaps a or "Drys" and camouflage was his opponents; "Only the other one of my support- i me the at the | the 'dry' porting the t irdoy The Aldworth, a steam vessel of 3.369 tons, left Norfolk for Queen- Advices from Bucharest state that the condition of King Ferdinand of Rumania is grave and that a French surgeon was called into counsulta- culated t} smile of Premier Ferguson Speaks at Napanee On Behalf of Mr. Anthony M. Rankin Mr. Ferguson sald be aimed to | bring into being what was best for] | the people, what would bring pros | perity and happiness. "Strange as {it may seem." he sald, "I'm not here Tightened. lto ask any ome of you to vote S------ the Ferguson Government. | am Napanee, Nov. 22.--About three! merely here to tell you the conelu- 'thousand people gathered im the glon we have reached © He expl ain | Armonries on Monday night to gree {ed that a working majority was de {the Premier of Ontario, the Hon. G. sited whichever way the election ~ Went uson, and to bear h | Howard Ferg a is} The war bad brought its turmot!! views on the coming election. He! vorywhere. Dut eight years Tad spoke on behalf of the Conservative passed apd the time was rife for a candidate in Frontenac-Lenmnox rid-| return 0 pormal conditions. The ing, Mr. Anthony M. Rankin. { Ontario Temperance Act bad dees Mr. Ferguson explained thai the! sympatheticaly supported by the to Government. In Mr. Raney's time | | British Columbia on the Royal Com- offences begat to jump, add they mission was designeddy fo prevent had not ceased with How W. F {Ontario people from learning of the | Nickle at the helm. even though the | s1tient smuggling of liguor on an im- laws bad been tightened for breaches | mense scale. Appalling conditions | of the OTA would have come to light if thei Anthony ! min | quan purposes and He Says Mr. Nich Nickie Saw the' Doom of the 0. T. A.-- Laws for Breaches for fo { Rankin contended thet | mented om Mr. Nickles breaking | more for true temperance than any | {away from the Government, for hejother Party im existance. He sald! saw fhe doom of the Ontario Temper- that Mr. Ferguson bad done mors' jance Act, because the people bad [iz three and' a ball years than anv' been driven to become whiskey of the other heads of Governsre~ in| drinkers and drinkers of illicit drinks. (the last fifteen years. £0 { faith had RING OF of "Wet™ Money oul His Defeat. crossed my face as I thought of Mr. f the Lake advancing the ine f the It it is true I supporting the "wets," why is It being whispered around Toronto that a big campaign fund is being raised by the brewers and distillers to come lown here and fiood the riding with 1st to defeat Onta Brewery 0 8 drys money on December i at if the pedple ised 10 the seriousness and got out and worked amount of money ish his defeat the and voted, could accompl no Judge Murphy's Letter. tter had been published which signed with the name of Judge rphy and which purported Government Centrol had worked very satisfactorily in Ale berta This tter lost some of iis tivenass, d Mr. Nickle, when hat Mrs. Murphy was of Hon. Howard Ferguson. rked that he could not prove relat ip but her maid- had been Ferguson and she e premier called another Mrs. Murph also, he jeved, a sister of one of the direc tors « yderham & Worts' distils a th it the re- lders of O'Keafe's rehed that the name Mrs. Murpt family und there yas! on one usin ¥ was a e was t y gh at areh we some would be 'Y WAS se of { ays Asking for. lankeCheock. Nickle dealt at some length Premier Ferguson's several hanges of policy i said that Mr. 1800 asking the electors hand him a the liguor he iiked ot other was either quantity that bought at Government stores or else the limit was so high af to joke. "Government Con- trol control of Government," aker sarcastically. ad several! letters from peo= og in the west each deploring tions which prevailed under | and comparing vorably with the er prohibition A let. Columbia gave the f committments to 2 2.000 while they Mr with was of Onta k. as regards do just what farce d tragedy t Con the s was thag there 11 to the rio' to The an trol be a yes sh {bition a Control Government Sacrilegious Propaganda. aker was one matt h was of such a sscri- legious nature that he hesitated to speak of it A care had been ecire eniated which was headed "Are Yom hristian or Are You a Prohibl- This card stated that The Last Supper, at which many things of vital importance to the Christian transpired, would have been liable to a rald under the pre- sent law because wine had Deen drunk thers. "Nothing can be more thar declared Mr. "The act distinctly provides 41 sub-section 3, that of the gospel shall have wine for sacramental i= made to purchase wine for such purposes.™ His enemies had circulated the ory that if ke had his way he would prohibit the use of wine for sacra- sald the former attorney-gef= Such was not the case. While 2g the off ! attorney-gel~ had endeavored to meet the of religious organizations fer reed because he was harm would come frem It was not the sale of wine for sacrament that 'he apposed, but the sa's of ardent spirits for bever- age purposes. Mr. Nickle concluded with an appeal for assistance in exvrying the campaign to a succes fui ciose & sD sala there + w tionist." false that" Nickle in section ars ties of . provision ment, eral ® needs sacramental parp satisfied that no SENTENCED FOR THEFT. Ex-Customs Clerk in Ontario Pleaded | Geiley. Sarnia, Nov... 23 <A sentence of two years less one day In the On~ tario reformatory at Guelph was im« posed on Thomas Weston, former Costoms clerk who pleaded guilty be- fore Judze A. E Taylor : afternoon 10 the theft of over §8 | probe bad gone on here: He com- the Conservative party had done {from the Government of Canada fog & four-year period ended last | February. Fire in the C.P.R. round house at Perth destroyed the riding -og s locomotive, y :

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