Scotts h Ro * With Music and Illustrations. All the old Bound in Tar- Price .... civvvinenn $1.50. R. UGLOW & CQ. , HANLEY'S (Established 1871) teamship passages booked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports arranged. Througn ticwets msued over all Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific Alaska, Bermuda, West Indies. Mediterran- ean, Round the World Steataship on. Songs dear to the Scotsman. tan. Gruen Precision The name Gruen on a watch is in iteelf a of time satisfaction. But when scion mark is added, you have the assurance that the watch is the finest oduction of the Gruen suild--marked Preciwon to denote highest quality, eat est accuracy and finest finish, Pay a litle more and get the best. Gruen watches available in Precision grades for ladies at S4y--for men at $60. Prepaid passages arrangea for Jou desire to bring ends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N. Riys. Office, Canadian National Riys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontgrio streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. 'Phones 99 or 2837 it relatives or PIANO TUNING JEWELLERS 188 PRINCESS ST. DENTIST Bvenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Thone 108 Fai But Can't Breathe, a PAPER HANGING, PAINT- INQ AND GRAINING Walast and Mahogany Graining a Specialty. Firee class worth Prices reasonable. OUNG, FRED Y 198 COLBORNE STREET "I had gas on the stomach and! after meals I was always bloated and short of breath. Since taking Adlerika I feel like a different wo-| man.""--Mrs. L. Worstall. Adlerika gives the system a REAL cleansing and brings out old poisons which may have trouble for a long time. Unlike most medicines, its acts upon BOTH tipper and lower bowel, spoonful , relieves GAS and away that full, Jobbing Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting Douglas & Mcllguham CUNTRACTORS 400 ALBERT STREET res LVOTF--O2BW bloated feeling so better. Adlerika brings out mueh addition- al poison which you never thought was in your system and caused sour, gassy stomach, REAL ESTATE For Sale or Rent--118 Barrie Se For ReuntwwAvoumore Apartments. For Sale=Dwellings, $3,000 and up. Lots, all fn best loentions. Oak Park rut. ms erm, ell equip , ¥ - - won. a ner- matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. ; At leading druggists. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter 1 See ua for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on new Soors Insurance in all its branches. KINGSTON AGENCIES, LTD. Tel. 708. 87 Clarence Street. J. 0, HUTTON, Mgr. pg Froude, an hi chime. HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets "Phone 94. BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA ~ Pea Ocal, $12.50 per ton ora All Sales for Cash, SOWARDS COAL Co. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. "Phone 811. SPECIALISTS > - Featuring HUDSON SEAL MUSKRAT PERSIAN LAMB ELECTRIC SEAL Too Much Gas caused | Just one takes | that you can eat better and sleep! Even if bowels move daily, | which | vousness, sleeplessness, headache. No! wid. Have your hardwood floors clean. re -- ee. (A FORMER GANANOQUE MERCHANT IS DEAD Late E. H. Ellis, Winnipeg-- Death of R. J. Stanley of Leeds. Gananoque, No?. 23-- Word 'was received here on Sunday of the death in Winnipeg of a former old and highly esteemed resident of our | town in the person of E. H. Ellis i Mr. Efiis has been In failing health for the past couple of years. during his visit here two Years ago his friends realized, this. Surviving are his wife, formerly Miss Emma Sophronia Fairman, and sister of Miss Allie Fairman and W. Fair- man of this town. There are also surviving three daughters: Mrs. W. H. Curle, Montreal, Mrs. E. Geo. Brown Ottawa and Mrs. C. W. Laid- law, Winnipeg, and Edwin H. Ellis, Fresno, Cal, Ellis, Eriksdale, Man. PF. Ellis, of the Customs Department J. M Brockville. The body will arrive here | on Wednesday on the fast train from! the West, and interment will be | made at Willow Bank cemetery upon arrival of the train. For a great | many years Mr. Ellis was our lead- { Ing hardware merchant here, and besides being a good merchant he { was also a good, kindly friend. It { 1s understood that Mr. and Mrs { Curle, Montreal, will meet the re | mains at Toronto on Wednesday and | accompany Mrs. Ellis here from that point. Wilson Fairman, Montreal will also be in town for the funeral Another highly esteemed resident of Leeds passed away on Sunday in the person of R. J. Stanley. in his seventy-eighth year. Mr. Stanley was born in Ottawa but since his fifth year has lived in Leeds county. His wife pre-deceased him about twenty | years ago. One son Isaac. survives {and It was with. him and his family | that the father has lived for the past { few years. The funeral takes place { today. Melvin Halpenny, Byroh Jackson, | { George Townsend, Jack { Gilbert and Arthur Key, motored to { Sydenham on Sunday to attend the | Tuxis Boys convention. | Friends here of Miss Bernice de { Pencier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | D. Brough de Pencler, Chestnut jed In an excellent picture of her which appeared in Saturday's Tor- onto Star. She was shown as one of | a group of charming young artists | Re- i appearing in the Junior League vue to be presented this week at the| Royal Alexandra G. G. Hood has returned from a trip to Western Ontario Ted King, Montreal in town over the week-end. James McMillan, Ottawa, is in town for a | few days. The fire department were Called | out yesterday to Stocking Hill where {some small damage was done to a house near that point Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Brock street, and Miss Ellen O'Con-| nor motored to Kingston on Satur- ! day last for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J O'Connor's golden wedding festivi- ties. | Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, Victoria | street, Kingston, were guests of Mr | and Mrs. Thomas Baker on Sunday { Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beaubien and | "Phone 987 | daughter, Miss Marie, Sore Foot Lumps, Corns, Callouses Just a few drops of Putnam's Pain- | less Corn Extractor spread over the stinging corn or callous, and follow- ed later by a het foot bath, brings off your corns without discomfort. You will find your foot or toes as smooth and sound as a baby's. cost much, and the time required is very short, because relief comes | promptly. Be sure you get Putnam's Painless Cora Extractor, that won- derful antiseptic remedy. Enjoy its) painless, effective, and thoroughly hy- glenio results. Sold by dealers every- where. HEAR W. E. N. Sinclair Ontario bors) Leader, Mrs. Gordon Wright President of the ine oT, for Haptic Ar Armouries THURSDAY Afternoon, Nov. 25 At 2 p.m. Sharp. In the interests of DR. EDWARD MING, Mayor of Napanee and Liberal- Prohibitionist Candidate. EVERYBODY WELCOME. J and | three sons. | and Danie! | and Bill | Park, Toronto, were much interest- | was a visitor! Howe Island, | Dissolved Away | It does not | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG it' [HAD NARROW ESCAPE | | FROM BEING DROWNED | Road--Father and Son Saved. | ! ! Philipsville, Nov. --What 'might have been a fatal scéident oc- itry road on Friday : i when a car driven by ] { { Emerson skidded on | | took a head-l i railing and 0 the creek which was {about eight feet deep. His thought was his little boy, of Mr last week Hiltson | covered from a fractured limb. | Emerson, having presence of mind { managed {his son, and by climbing onto the car he was able to give an alarm In short order Mr { scene, but was afraid in such a precarious posjtion, {moned Mr. Clifford Frgéman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joreph | happened to be ge road Jeroy, Brock street, on Sunday. ine to his ald witX a long ladder | Several of Rev. Father Heanley's: nd they soon hag ois safe. Kingston friends have sent along| Pr J. M. Kelly, Delta, was called | advance notice that they would be 3% once but fortunately the victims: here for the chicken supper on Wed- | 80t Off with a bad chilling. R. pesday. | Haskin and neighbors got the y {out the next day which was slightly damaged. A FIRE who e car NORTHBROOK AT NAPANEE. | Frame House on Water Street De- | | stroyed on Sunday. Napanee, Nov. 22.---On | morning at 6 o'clock, the fire alarm awakened the citizens and it was dis- covered that a small frame house on! Water street, owned by R. J. Solmes, {and occupied by H fire, 99 Northbrook, Nov. 22 suffering from severe colds, flu and jaundice, with the doctor rushed | The bazaar and drama being held in { Flinton hall on Nov. 26th, by the Dramatic. Society of Kaladar, will be weil patronized from here since their plays in the past have proven | their merit. "Mr. W. Lewis and Jack Cassada left on their 'wheels for Oshawa, thence to Port Colborne. Many mining enthusiasts and rectors visited the Ore Ch ) mines during the week elated with its continued progress and high -~-Many are The firemen were soon on the pletely destroyed and furniture saved. { tira is unknown. { The remains of Wi {son of the late Alexander Henry, a former well known resident of Na- | grade of ore. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred | papee, were brought to Napanee on Wood have moved in the Peter | Saturday for interment in the family Lloyd house for the winter. A few | plot in Riverside cemetery of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. | Miss Alma Huff, of Belleville, | Hugh Saal gathered Friday evening |spent the week-end the guest of Mr {at the home in honor of their {and Mrs. E. J. Boyle, John street. twentieth analversary Some fine | Three very exciting games of bas- { presents were received and the | ketball were played in the { night was spent in dancing, gymnasium on Friday night when Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vannéss have | Belleville High School visited Napa-| moved into the C. C. Thompson |pee Collegiate Institute bungalcw on Main street | J. Flake is fast completing the] | telephine line to Harlowe. The line north to Bon Echo and locally comn- { tinues to give perfect service Mr Fred Slater, of Woodstock, spent part of the week the guest of his sis ter. Mrs. Wye. Miss G. Brown and | Miss R, Stemler were Sunday guests | of Mrs. St. Sedore. Many have prepared radiators for the winter very little lliam Henry, favor of Napanee. The senior boys' gamé ended in a score of 31-26 for { Napanee. Belleville junior girls won out by a score of 20-15. After the , games the Napanee girls served light refreshments to the visitors and their friends, after which the puplis { enjoyed an hour's dancing. The death occurred on Monday INGw. 22nd of Many Martha Bran- filling | don, widow of the late James Bran- with coal oil. This has stood the |don, at the home of her daughter, | tests in in all kinds of cars in all Mrs. Thomas Beattie Wallace, Piety kinds of weather for two. winters Hil. Deceased was in her seventy- and is commonly used here. {sixth year and had been ill for about J. Vogan' is having Mr {two months Mra Brandon was Shier erect a fine large granary and [resident of Piety Hill for fifty<two bunk house. C. C. Thompson ship- years. Her husband predeceased her ped a good consignment of potatoes {about eleven years ago. She {to Kingston, Friday. Good | comes from Nickolson siding Hori ' = Neglected Coughs wee girl arrived this month to! brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Kirk (formerly Lunda Cas-| Often lead to serious trouble-- Are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. their by car Ervin a sada). Rev. Mr, Crawford, of Har-| lowe, holds Sunday. services in Glas-| inburg school at 2 p.m., when all are welcome. | Invitations are out for a birthday | party and dance for Miss * Myrtle | Rosenpiot, on Nov. 22nd. Mr. 4nd | { Mrs S. G. Both, of Winchester, are | Many people regard a cold as a simple Senawins acquaintances. Mrs. W.| incident, Bit Coughs 552 Colds wher Wood is home from Harrowsmith ption--the most dreaded d a her qaughter, Mrs. | pommon to this Northern temperature. | | ! i Dey asd sui SELUING FRESH FISH, effective treatment for coughs. coids oe BEC LR it has its ce in t \ A Treat for te People About wil; nn Ah Ad pig depend- | witon, Nov. 22 -William Améy Jie and Was never so popular as it is and Kenneth Babcock are busy draw-| Com of simwe and yet power ing pressed hay to Yarker station.| fully effective i ients it is suitable Gilbert Wood has purchased a new | for children aduits alike and is horse. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Bab-, found Sopstantly § in most homes for use cock have returned home after] 30s Sash of atheros RY apt Srestapent spending a week with their I Bedied ha ie When fighting 0 (a. Headley, at Hamilton. Neil For-| You and Your Friends are sythe sports a new wheel rbd Cordially Invited to a and Ross Peters have been through | here disposing of their load of fish 'Chicken Supper A. M. Rahkin has been making a ew) calls. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe at | Jos SOR Cr) Se Sm un . tended the funeral of Mrs. Ward, lin the Lyceum . . Moscow, on Thursday last, The W M.S. open meeting which was wid WED., Thursday night, was well attended | although the weather was very un. | From 340 w 7.80. A real banquet favorable. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond | Tor Fifty Cents. Walker and son, Jack, and Mrs. W, T. Smith, Kingston, spent Sunday | evening at Mr. J. W. Prink's. Har | vey Mills spent Friday at his daugh- ter's, Mrs. Torrance Babcoek's. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Perry spent a few | days with his mother, Mrs. Chase, | Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Craig spent Sunday at David Frink's. Purchased Ain Property. Philtpsville, Nov. 22.--Miss Mary Ann Earl returned home on Sunday | after having been for the past week | a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Myers, | Portland. = Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cheetham and! little daughter, Newboro, were Sun- day visitors at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirnen, C. J. Myers has purchased . the | David Aln property at Elgin and In-| tends moving there early in the com- | ing year. } The grasshopper makes love oy! scraping one o! his bones against! another, thus producing a sort of | sect serenade Many a conservative man loses his money of a sure thing because he is afraid to take olanoes. Car Jumped Bridge on Chantry | Cc. | only | : ! {curred on the Philipsville and Chan-| the bridge and! long plunge through the | firs? | who was | i with him, and hadn't altogether re-| Mr. | to extricate himself with which was heard by Mr. Harry Coon. | Coon was on the |! to leave him | sum- : Hei | | | | | ] { i Maracle, was on | scene but the blaze had gained such | headway that the building was com- | The origin of the} | ito { Helen May, jon Tuesday COULD NOT FINISH NCL{ The senior | | girls game final score was 28-18 in! 1 was taken to | sister : her present guest Chase's Syrup of Linseed and | i latives NOV. 24th = Queen's { ward Vrooman spent { ston ! Sunday guests of !A Prominent i i : i i 1 | | i early life, ! marriage to Miss Elizabeth Berney ! of this piace) who passed away some ; twelve years ago } i period of | Mackie, { eighty years. {of the late James Mackie, and was| i iam, James and John passing away Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand Ar _ ray on Our Spacious Floors. THREE PIECES FOR THE PRICE OF TWO--ONLY $25.00 Sunday | SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2" CONTINUOUS POSTS BEDS-dn Walnut or Oak wood finishes. | Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. 90 SPIRAL SPRING or ALL-STEEL WOV« EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft and resent. | SIMMONS' ALL-FELT MATTRESS in fancy, strong art ticking, br 1 me perial edges. JAMES RED THE HOME OF PURE BEDDING y Funeral conducted on Thurse aay afternoon, at his late residence, | interment being made at Eloida, Mr, | Mackie was long identified with the | municipal life of the community, bee | fox reeve of Kitley township and a { magistrate, mourn her loss one daughter | mour, who still survives. wife otf Thomas Beattie services were Napanee, and one grand- Miss Helen Brandon Wal- The funeral will take place morning. Wallace, daughter, lace THE CEMENT WALK) i | Cupid is always looking for a I iauce to swap a peck of trouble fo a pint of happinéss n------nnn Part of the Old V Walk Had to Be Replaced at Odessa for Winter. Odessa, Nov. 22 Mr. and Mrs Alexander Bell who have been visit ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs | H. 8. Davy have returned to their| home in Oshawa. Among the hunt ! ers who were seeking game William Dougherty companied by | his son, Harold gston: Wesley | Sharpe, Joseph Lawlor ID Emmons, The many Wallace TCE KIDNEY ¢ were | a K and \ of Mrs arry to hear ti he General Hos few days ago for treatment Owing | to the disagreeable weather and con- tinual rain it was found to finish the cement waik on Fergu-| son avenue. Part of the old board] tor monte. "HE KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Mrs. McLaren and daughter, Miss Says Backache Often Means You, Gladys McLaren, Toronto; are guests | of the former's daughter, Mrs. Elwell | Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water, uglas | friends { hare es | were impossible | the Emmons, Harry Hinch and Stanley | Elore Camden East, and Miss O'Mara, Bicknell's were Sunday guests at B Mr and Mrs. Harold Conway, New York, | spent a few days with his sister, | Mrs. Roy Graham Mrs McNe Syracuse, N.Y. recently visited her mother, Mrs. James McConnell, H Mrs. Dowling, Glenburnie, as {| When you wake up with backache | and dull misery in the kidney region | it may mean you have been esting | toods which create acids, says a well= known authority. An excess of such | acids overworks the kidneys in theln 4 1t-| effort to filter it from the blood and Gordon, Kingston, visited re-| they become sort of paralyzed and last Sunday Mrs. William | 108EY When your kidneys get slug= > OTR A "7 | gish and clog you must relieve them, Atkinson, Gananoque, spent a couple | like you relieve your bowels, remove of days guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.| 40 41] the body's urinous waste, else J. Smith Mrs. George Watts has| yoy have backache, sick headache, been spending the past week with dizky spells; your stomach sours, her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Ettinger, | tongue is coated and when the weaths Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Top-| er is bad you have rheumatic twinges, lift spent Thursday guests of Mr | The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, and Mrs. E. H. Robertson, Violet | channels often get sore, water scalds 18 G. Fraser. BA. 8 nt | 2nd you are obliged to seek relief Miss Laura G Fas t pe two or three times during the night. reunion week Lhe guest of Miss Lean] Either consult a good, reliable Aylesworth, Queen's University. Mr.| ;poufeian at once or get from your and Mrs. Albert Hartman and Mr.| pharmacist about four ounces of Jad and Mrz. Roy Hartman Sun-| Salts; take a tablespoonful in & glass day guests of Mr. and Mrs Waits of water before breakfast for a few Shibley, Wilton. Mrs James days and your kidneys may then act Saylor and little daughter, Elinore, one. JM famous nite - Meds trom + ra £4 8 3 r the ack oO rapes an em a Tarduya, were Suess of the mers combined with lithia, and has been A oF used for years to heip clean and sth union week. Mr. Saylor played on| the Olid Boys' rugby team for Mr. and Mrs tle som, Cecil Clark an spent | Bi | muiate sluggish kidneys, also to neus tralize acids in the system, so they no longer irritate, thus often relieve ing bladder weakness i Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not fae jure and makes a delightful, efforves. cent lithia-water drink. Drink lots of soft water. Mrs. T. C. Graham and Mrs. Ed- the week-end with friends and relatives in King-! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benjamin | and Mr. and Mrs. Darius Smith were | Mr. and Mrs. | Charley Rose, Westbrook. : i i f THE LATE ROBERT MACKIE. Relieves Promptly: Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Grippe, Whoeping-Cough, &c. Colds when neglected or wrongly treated give rise to conse- quences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior prepar- ations. 922 lnsist on "Nathies's" Syrup ERY ond: 101s -Y: CoolLivent SLL elo ! Resident of Eloida | Passes Away. Nov. 22. --After gradual decline a native of Eloida miles away) passed away on the 16th inst. at the advanced age of | Deceased was a son; Athens, a long} Robert {four one of a family of five soms and! three daughters, his brothers, Wii-! previously and Alezazder, on the old homestead stil! surviving. as also | do the sisters, Mrs. M Rigel, | Athens; Mrs. W. Doolan, Brockeill and Mrs. A. Hendersos Eloida. deceased was united in Tags r: {a sister of the late Thomas Berney About six years ] ago he married Mrs. Margaret Sey-